Uncyclopedia:DYK submissions
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- This page is about submitting "Did You Know" entries. For suggesting DYK photo captions, see Uncyclopedia:DYK images. For a complete list of Didjaknoses, see Did You Know.
This is where you can submit {{DidYouKnow}} entries.
List your submission(s) below, and if the admins decide it's worthwhile, it will be added to the main page template.
You can sign your submissions if you want.
Failed DYKs will be added to the newest archive after an admin is done choosing the ones that will go the front page.
“Thank you for recent ideas, they have been added. Keep 'em coming! We love them! ”
Did You Know[edit source]
- ...MEN struate
- ...That reading books about gay penguins is going to give your future children Adhd?
- ...everytime a girl wants to give me a blowjob I get anxiety, but only in my genitals?
- ..That I forgot to put in a third dot?
- ...that the plural form of "dingus" is "dingii"? Of course you didn't know this, you dingii.
- ...that Neptunium was once regarded as a delicacy in the Roman Empire from 70 AD to 77 AD?
- ... that Catherine of Alexandria was killed by a wheelie, sick donut.
- ... that there are about Fifty Shades of Grey on a color wheel?
- ...that Homer Simpson died at age 50 because of his addiction?
- ...that it took three betrayals for me to finally understand… the world is just an elaborate tapestry of lies. The first to betray me was a god, my creator… my mother. The second was a human, my family... my friend. Consumed by hatred, he saw me as an abomination. The last, was one exactly like me, a hope for the future, a fledgling barely out of the nest. Powerless before his mortality, he broke his promise to me! My chest will never again be defined by worldly filth, I denounce the world and laugh in its face. Your era… is coming to an end. (Insert evil laugh here)
- ...that you are reading this?
- ...that Halloween is actually a secret plot orchestrated by the government for world domination?
- ...that Halloween is actually a secret plot orchestrated by Dr. Doofenshmirtz for tri-state area domination?
- ...that Wikipedia is a parody of Uncyclopedia?
- ...that I have a weighted dreidel, I made it in a lab, it always lands on gimel, I always get the stash- hey! Dreidel dreidel dreidel, it comes with a remote, when it's your turn to spin it, you'll never be the GOAT!!!
- ...that both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are stupid?
“...that this is not a traditional Did You Know?”
- ...that I know that you know that I know?
- ...that Nobody is perfect?
- ...that Santa Claus is running for president?
- ...ThAt tHiS Is nOt a TrAdItIoNaL DiD YoU KnOw?
- ...that you are being investigated by the FBI for being on Uncyclopedia?
- ...that this sentence is self-referential?
- ...that I will brutally murder some guy named Waylon?
- ...that if you support Trump, you're stupid?
- ...that you have been eaten by a Grue? Restart?
- ...that your alternate self was eaten by a Grue?
- ...that Santa Claus is secretly a serial killer?
- ... That other people can prevent forest fires too?
- ... That you have something else to do?
- ... That 9/10 doctors are doctors? And the other 1/10 are Scientologists.
- ...Chris Tarrant is to trains what Ash Ketchum is to Pokemon?
- ... That there are more planes in the water than submarines in the sky?
- ...incest is the difference between stepping on an ant and stepping on an aunt?
- ...Fire type Pokémon have been arrested for arson but not the fire related arson?
- ... that You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the Twilight Zone.
- ... that there are 117 genders? what the fuck is going on.
- ... that you have 10 seconds before the bomb in your house explodes?
- ... The consumption of the grimace shake can be lethal?
- ...Lopadotemachoselachogaleokranioleipsanodrimhypotrimmatosilphiokarabomelitokatakechymenokichlepikossyphophattoperisteralektryonoptekephalliokigklopeleiolagoiosiraiobaphetraganopterygon contains fish?
- ... that brown and blue are actually the same colour?
- ... that Witch House has dark horror themes, murder, rape, skeletons, abortions and terrorism behind a four to the floor beat?
- ... that every sixty seconds in Africa a minute passes?
- ... we were having fun and now my phone is stuck up my husbands ass, someone is calling me, I can tell because he’s moaning loudly.
- ... What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo
- ...I dang we dang they dang no dang, album?
- …that I’m on my period?
- …that I scored a 27 on the Sexual Compulsivity Scale?
- …That Shrekism (religion of Shrek) is now the official religion of the USA.
- ... That you should be doing your job?
- …I yiffed your Asian dad last night?
- ...Bed69E is between Sprout and cricket field on the Colour Wheel?
- …That the doctors removed my butter gland?
- ...that George and Peppa are looking for daddy pig’s glasses in Mummy and Daddy Pig’s room? PEPPA! GEORGE! DON’T LOOK IN ANY DRAWERS!
- ...that Uncyclopedia is run by people, especially one Jew? Kanun, a moderator. Technically, the site is run by Jews.
- ...that it's statistically unlikely that you will open this link?
- ...An Alabaman’s favourite dating website is Ancestry.com?
- ...that quiet people exist because they save their voice for orgasms?
- ...clitoris is girlpenis?
- ...that both Uncyclopedia and Illogicopedia are blocked in the Smithsonian museums of D.C.? No shit.
- ...that Tootie is currently in jail with no probation for violating her restraining order?
- ...I was going to tell a joke about smegma but then I realised it’s probably too cheesy badumtsh.
- ...that when Barrack Obama was the president of the United States, the White House was called the Black House?
- ...that Helga r*ped Arnold in the lost episode of Hey Arnold!?
- ...that if you are male and born in Pennsylvania you most likely had more than your umbilical cord cut as a child?
- ...that the police are at your door?
- ...that pizza is from cow pee and tomato blood.
- ...that these those thuse?
- ...that Mitch McConnell is not from Kentucky, but rather from The Ocean?
- ...my stage name is Phoebe Perlman?
- ...that cow smegma can be used as a cream cheese substitute?
- ...that you should not drink water? Drink beer instead!
- ...that it’s the year 1722 and people are lying to you?
- ... that Water™ is a Pepsi product?
- ... that if you scramble the letters in ‘spine’ you get ‘penis’?
- ... that Ivory is White, but is also not White?
- ... that Donald Trump is the first president to use MySpace to start a riot?
- ... that Delaware does not exist?
- ... that a police officer can’t lie to you, and if he does, it’s rude?
- ... that TikTok is actually an underground cult called MolestTok and has been sued many times by the U.S. government?
- ... where your milk comes from?
- ... That Obama's last name is [REDACTED]?
- ...Eevee evolves into Dragonite?
- ... that Susie is a masturbator
- ... that Tokugawa Ieyasu had a bromance with William Adams in the 1600's?
- ... that I like to mass debate
- ... that I like Colombian nose candy
- ... that Donald Trump was the first president to have rabies while serving?
- ... that I cut off your hands?
- ... that ur moms gey?
- ... that ur dads trans?
- ... that ur gran's a man?
- ... that ur sister a mister?
- ... that ur brother a mother?
- ... that TikTok is forcing their users to "scroll down"
- ... that just like the earth has been proven to be flat for several years, so has your sperm count? Ha!
- ... the spider did go up the water spout but by doing so damaged my friends penis and now he can't pee anymore?
- ... A girl with breasts and a penis is a boy with testicles and no vaginus?
- ...I love Brazil nuts?
- ... people tend to have more sex on Labor Day?
- ...I don't just use incognito mode to look at porn?
- ...Hannah Montana could sink to the bottom of the ocean and nobody would care?
- ...Ur mum gey?
- ... Farting in a church is considered as an act of terrorism?
- ... that everybody died in 2020 and now we're all ghosts?
- ... that popular ex wrestler The Rock is actually made of Marzipan?
- ...I love Anime girls with big tiddies being toe sucked in flip flops?
- ...That if you stacked all the ants in the world lengthwise, nothing actually happens?
- ... Disneyland is a plot by the American Government to get children to sell illegal substances?
- ... that Linus Van Pelt from Peanuts suffered from depression, anxiety, and alcohol addiction?
- ... That Alphabet Soup has taught more students the alphabet than public schools?
- ... That candy has always been yummy?
- ... That in a few years or so, Postal 2 will become a historical subject?
- ... The wae?
- ... That this sentence does not end with a period not question mark
- ... That aerogels are just a dumb piece of holographic square?
- ... That it would be 2023 already if humanity knew what they were doing?
- ... That everything is just a simulation and we all died in 2012?
- ... That I don't know how to [[Format]?
- ... that, since TV Tropes was inspired by Wikipedia, which is a parody of Uncyclopedia, TV Tropes is, by proxy, a parody of Uncyclopedia?
- ... that NEO is known for its [[Short Length]]?
- ... that the fog is coming? The fog is coming. The fog is coming. The fog is coming. The fog is coming. The fog is coming.
- ...Mind control is constantly everywhere at all times and any thoughts you have ever thought in the past or will ever have thought in the future are being shown to you by someone else even those in which you think you think?
- ...That shaving your armpits can make you more aerodynamic when you fight?
- ...Testicles are balls?
- ...Your water supply has been tainted?
- ... the earth is flat. Your mom, dad, siblings, pets, teachers, your therapist and the government lied to you?
- ...that my money don't jiggle jiggle, it folds?
- ...that if you shaved all the lizards in the world, it would be a waste of time; they are already bald.
- ...that it's your fault your parents got divorced?
- ...that I'm living in your walls?
- ...that Congress is the opposite of Progress?
- ...that he started it?
- ...that you shouldn't commit suicide. That shit kills ya.
- ...that cheese is made out of cow cum?
- ...that half the people you know are below average? The other half know you.
- ...that if the world ended, Elon Musk wouldn't give a shit because he can easily survive?
- ...that Obama's last name is... Obama? His first name is Barac- HOLY SHIT! HELP! HELP! THE GOVERNMENT IS TRYING TO KILL ME! REMEMBER WHAT I SAID! REMEMBER WHAT I SAID-
- ...that I'm alive?
- ...that the government is going to kill me?
- ...that Obama had to change his last name because of me?
- ...that I'm gonna die, and can someone help me? Please. I need someone to communicate with me to live.
- ...that you should invest in chicken stock?
- ...George Orwell wrote 1984 after his parents told him Santa Claus wasn't real?
- ...that I'm back and I'm desperate?
- ...that Dr. Doom is actually only the fifth-evilest person from South Africa, barely losing to Mahatma Gandhi?
- … that WPIX attempted trying to sue WLVI over the fact that unlike LVI, WPIX’s view count was the lowest out of any market in Baltimore?
- ...that last night I served, whoops... severed, your ears in your sleep? I did beat 'em. I did eat 'em. I suck'd 'em. I fuck'd 'em. I dumped them. I humped them. I blew 'em. I threw 'em. And finally when I shat em out, duct tape hath held back your shout.
- ...that you shouldn't eat ceramic plates because some contain Uranium which can be dangerous?
- ...that the seemingly contrasting phrases "what's up" and "what's down" actually mean the same thing?
- ...that some dude named Jordan rubbed heads with another dude named Jude? jesus christ...
- ...what it feels like, to be the last one to know the lock on the door has changed?
- ...that Josh Allen looks good in shorts?
- ...that Jay Cutler doesn't care?
- ...that Jenna Ortega is a fusion of Zendaya and Olivia Rodrigo?
- ...that Shawn Mendes is the most popular artist amongst closeted gay men?
- ...that Ed Sheeran is the most nationalist singer in his country? Well, you probably know that if you live in the same country as him.
- ...that Charli D'Amelio is the TikTok version of Kim Kardashian?
- ...that Ariana Grande is Nickelodeon's only popstar?
- ...that even though Justin Bieber's looks have changed, his voice has not?
- ...that all cats deserve depth?
- ...that Selena Gomez is actually not what you think she is?
- ...that Ice Spice is secretly the sixth Spice Girl?
- ...that there are lofi beats to listen to whilst committing war crimes?
- ...that uncyclopedia mods are so lazy, they ask their users to think of DYK submissions?
- ... that you're reading this?
- ...wait, what was I doing again
- ...that you're a procrastinator?
- ...that I have been banned from several countries, and am proud to say so?
- ...that it's not possible to reach pink level?
- … That some people believe in a certain Sober Irishman?
- ...that whenever Dave Mustaine sells peace, he never knows who's buying?
- ...that Keyboard Cat wasn't actually a dog? I thought so too.
- ...that it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's coming up, it's DARE?
- ...that Salmon is a fish?
- ...that I'm on my sixth can of beer and I just felt my car keys in my pocket?
- …that I just put horse semen on my Taco Bell for the creamy texture?
- ...that I'm currently launching a nuke that's aimed to a daycare?
- ...did you know?
- ...that Ronald McDonald's version of masturbating is to honk his clown nose?
- ...that you're fired?!
- ...that your ears might contain spiders if you don´t regularly brush them?
- ...that Joe Biden was arrested for public nudity in the same year Christopher Columbus discovered the Caribbean Sea?
- … that I have hidden many of my victims in your refrigerator?
- … that Uncyclopedia currently has around 0.56% the amount of articles as Wikipedia?
- … that I am actually dead?
- … that 5 times 9 is 45? Neither did I.
- … that this dumb website is a waste of time?
- … that if you were to take out all your intestines and laid them end to end in a straight line, you’d be dead?
- ... if Cleopatra in Space was real she would need an astronaut suit otherwise she'd be a corpse floating in the endless universe.
- ... this metric hour has 10 minutes?
- ... that You are not logged in!
- ... that Joe Biden at least is a normal boring human being?
- ... that blowjob in reality means i love you?
- ... that I only add facts when I feel like so?
- ... that I don't know what the fuck I'm doing so I made this DYK submission for no apparent reason?
- ... that the game Minecraft is secretly hiding families inside their spawners and is not allowed to leave and is forced to give birth to zombies and skeletons?
- ... that today is Christmas you dumb bastards? Stop wasting your time here and spend it with your family.
- ... that a lot of the DYK submissions are really fucking stupid.
- ... that in 2012 the planet Nibiru will collide with Earth and destroy everything?
- ... that one ant can eat an entire boulder, although it takes an extraordinarily long time?
- ... that the diameter of the observable universe 92.116 billion light years? That's longer than two football fields!
- ... that if everyone on Earth was gathered as a dense crowd on the moon, they would all die?
- ... that nobody asked?
- ... that Garfield is so fat that he can't see his ballsack, despite not being neutered?
- ... that studies have shown that eating insects is a great source of TV shock value and helps to induce regurgitation?
- ... that you're scheduled to move to Ohio tomorrow?
- ... that suicide is rage-quitting life?
- ... that if you're reading this, $1 billion has just been charged to your credit card?
- ... that I breathed air yesterday?
- ... that if you're reading this, your computer will self destruc[explosion]?
- ... that if you stacked all the Coventry City fans on top of each other, they couldn't even reach the Premier League?
- ... that statistically, you have a better chance of winning the lottery than finding someone who actually loves you?
- ... that we know a thing or two because we’ve seen a thing or two?
- ...your toes may not be properly fed? That’s right- toes require a steady diet of whole grain sand.
- ... that I'm only submitting this DYK to get my edit total up?
- ...that I'm the reason you can't afford a house?
- ...Rebecca Black is a Dadaist?
- ...according to Pat Robertson, Christian music is the holiest type of music, and any other types are the spawn of the devil?
- ...Boyz II Men are alongside Blackstreet, the only gay boy bands consisting of black people?
- ...Maroon 5 is a cult for gay orgies?
- ...Nick Crompton is not from Compton?
- ...Puerto Rican rapper Big Pun was really, really fat?
- ...everyone knows that One Direction and Scatman John loved to stu-u-u-tter?
- ...that while reading this sentence, you have been eaten by a Grue?
- ...that I just full comboed The EmpError (expert lvl 31) on project sekai?
- ... no you didn't!
- ...that if you just stopped buying avocado toast you'd be able to get an entry on here?
- ... that I need husband, am farmer girl, am from usa?
- ...that Russia is the best and I’m being held captive by Vladimir Pudding?
- ...that you're in Hell?
- ...that you're dead?
- ...that you're omnipotent?
- ...that nobody cares?
- ...that Fortnite is named after John Fortnite who famously killed 99 kids on an island?
- ...that the ratio of dumb people in New York to dumb people in New Jersey is like, uh, 1:8:25?
- ...that your grandma will never know the song that goes doo doo doo dum dum, doo doo doo, dum dum?
- ...that I know where you live?
- ...that I know and you don't?
- ...that you are reading a Did You Know? on Uncyclopedia right now?
- ...that Wikipedia is not actually run by Jimbo Wales, it's run by a sentient jelly bean?
- ...that you won't survive the zombie apocalypse, but I will?
- ...that you killed my father, prepare to die!
- ...that I know your name is <insert name here>?
- ...that I'm coming to burn <insert name here>'s home down? Hopefully they don't see this...
- ...that I'm so addicted to air I would die within three minutes of withdrawal?
- ...See, I told you, it's in the chemtrails!
- ...I'm so smart, I breathe carbon monoxide. It sticks to your lungs, so you can hold your breath longer.
- ...that electric chairs can kill you? What a shocker! (no pun intended)
- ... Chihiro Fujisaki's gender?
- ... that red links are the worst kind of torture?
- ...that by making this visit to this website alone, you're going to hell?
- ... this article does not exist?
- ... that i im ilerate, and whiting is hard?
- ... that gender is scam invented by bathroom companies in 1825 to sell more bathrooms?
- ...In 1979, Guatemala- oh let's be completely honest you don't know shit.
- ...that anyone who disagrees with you politically is either a Nazi, a fascist, or both?
- ...that I have a huge dick and anyone who disagrees with me is gonna swallow it all?
- ...that sentence above me is weird as fuck right?
- ...that the admins of Uncyclopedia created you and they will also be the ones to end your existence?
- ...that the admins never add these dyks, because they are lazy bums?
- ...that the ugly state Colorado was once called Idaho, before those self-proclaimed experts of America renamed it to "Colorado"?
- ...that nothing bad happened on July, 2014?
- ...that if your girl thinks a 2-inch spider is big, you're set for life?
- ...that war is peace, freedom is slavery, and that ignorance is strength?
- ...that someone will be born today?
- ...that someone will DIE today. Die. D-I-E. They can't whine anymore because they're DEAD.
- ...that most Humans die?
- ...Originality is the art of concealing your sources.
- ...that your mom killed your dad and your current "dad" is actually the mind controlled dead body of your dad?
- ...that 1+1=1+1?
- ...that in a past life, you sunk the country of Australia?
- ...that hay is for horses and you're a horse?
- ...that when life gives you lemons you should make lemonade, but when life gives you Uncyclopedia you should make Uncyclade?
- ...that Lady Fortune is not on your side?
- ...that I am Father Time?
- ...that if life doesn't give you lemons, don't make lemonade?
- ...that you should kill anyone near you and proceed to the nearest police station?
- ...that you're in a horror movie and you're the monster?
- ...that if life gives you lemons, you should wing ‘em right back and add some lemons of your own?
- ...that when life gives you lemons, you should call them “yellow oranges” and sell them for twice the price?
- ...that the number one, two and three ways of promoting American freedom are shouting f****, n***** and r*****, respectively?
- ...that something BAD will happen in six seconds?
- ...that it's Istanbul, and not Constantinople?
- ...that you should probably go to bed now?
- ...that if life gives you lemons, reject the offering. You don't know who this "life" guy is.
- ...that repetition is one of the worst things ever? ...that repetition is one of the worst things ever?
- ...that unfinished articles are the worst?
- ...that you will be banned if you QVFD the Main Page?
- ...that the above DYK is complete and utter bullshit?
- ...that I forgot my funny joke that I was going to use here, so you have to imagine I said something funny?
- ...that this page is probably more interesting than the main page?
- ...that we didn't start the fire? It was always burning, since the world's been turning?
- ...that you cheated not only the game, but yourself?
- ...that the Cabal doesn't exist?
- ...that we are planning to invade another country?
- ...that this page is better than the main page?
- ...that one is the first number?
- ...that Darth Vader is Luke's father?
- ...that a Grue is going to eat you in 30 seconds?
- ...that somebody once told me the world was macaroni?
- ...that the world is macaroni?
- ...that you are reading this right now?
- ... Mukuro Ikusaba, the 16th student, lying somewhere in this wiki, the one they call the Ultimate Despair? Watch out for her.
- ... i forgor 💀
- ...me? No, you didn't.
- ...that there are 99 nuns interning in an Indiana nunnery?
- ...that there is at least one ugly civilization that lives in a planet under the sea of stars?
- ... that removing the rubber bands from the claws of a Facehugger can result in oh god get it off get it OFF OH GOD MY FACE!
- ...that Generation Beta is here? All new brainrot coming soon; get ready for Skibidi Urinal!!
- ...that you don't know?
- ...that ICU'd articles are the best?
- ...that you can't delete this article?
- ...that you need to be funny to succeed at Uncyclopedian life?
- ...that the original Periodic Table of Elements Song contained only four elements, and was made by Aristotle?
- ...everytime you read this, someone pops a pill?
- ...that two plus two equals five?
- ...that this is not formatted correctly?
- ...that this is a bold OPINION?
- ...that this is the ultimate showdown, (of ultimate destiny)?
- ...you can start a DYK without the word "that"? Seriously, guys, use other words!
- ...I work for a poronography website that takes photos and videos of pornstars and my name is Cameron Penis.
- ...that I think you know what's happening today.
- ...that you are one article away from creating the funniest joke?
- ...everyone who ever didn't smoke still died in the end?
- ...He who takes the bull by the horns is usually in a china shop?
- ...that whenever you don't laugh at an inside-joke on Uncyclopedia, the site gets a little bit better?
- ...America, once a place where people would punch Nazis without hesitation, has now elected one?
- ...I've come to make an announcement: Shadow the Hedgehog's a b***h a*s mother f**ker. He pissed on my f**king wife. That's right, he took his hedgehog f**kin' quilly d**k out and he pissed on my f**king wife, and he said his d**k was THIS BIG. And I said "that's disgusting!" So I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com: "Shadow the Hedgehog, you got a small d**k, it's the size of this walnut except WAY smaller." And guess what, here's what my dong looks like: PFFFFFFFFGJT. That's right baby. All point, no quills, no pillows, look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. He f**ked my wife so guess what, I'm gonna F**K THE EARTH. THATS RIGHT THIS IS WHAT YOU GET, MY SUPER LAZER PISS. Except I'm not gonna piss on the earth, I'm gonna go higher. I'm pissing on the MOOOOOON! How do you like that, OBAMA? I PISSED ON THE MOON, YOU IDIOT! You have twenty-three hours before the piss droplets hit the f**king earth, now get out of my f**king sight before I piss on you too!
- ...getting drunk and swearing like a sailor at your girlfriend is totalyl normal, contrary to what cat lady feminists say?
- ... that I drank a drink that had ио згде еггестз шчатзоецег и я сейчас посмотрю "Мир принадлежит мне" Майкла Бэя?
- ...that the life-cycle of a Uncyclopedian always ends by being run over by a semitruck?
- ...the uh... er, well uh... eh... er... like, uh, uh.
- ...that my cat isxbncrncxjmR^WFWYegfuFJEAI;GR/[5PFG.IT,.VVVVVVVV
- ...that the world will end in thirty seconds.
- ...that the Earth has been made "mostly harmless" around 26 times as of writing?
- ...that if you try to pronounce DYKS--okay you get it now.
- ...that I'm always funnier AND better than you? I wrote 6 featured articles, 1 quasi-featured, and one Top 10 of 2017!
- ...that Donald Trump has been transformed to the prime minister of the EU, Donald Tusk?
- ...that sleep was created by the gods and admins of Wikipedia to torture the Uncyclopedians?
that this is formatted incorrectly?
- ...that [insert did you know here]?
- ...that the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog?
- ...that infinity is a really biig number?
- ...that you should seriously try committing Lawrence.gif.gif?
- ...that black is white, up is down, and short is long?
- ...even if you have saggy boobs things can still go tits up?
- ...your an asshole ahhhh twerk?
- ...when they say put your best foot forward they don't mean on some guys face?
- ...that cannibals can also get foot stools? shit.
- ...that uncyclopedia has the word clop in it and is popular with hoofians.
- ...that I have space in my back pocket for something small and I've got time?
- ...it's bigger on the inside?
- ...I'm an elderly male looking for a young companion on journeys which may span months or even years at a time?
- ...my box wasn't always blue?
- ...take your clothes off, hold this, now put that hand on here, put your other hand on my shoulder, this is a very delicate precise thing, see this, I need you to pump that for me, don't stop pumping it until I say stop, that'll camouflage us from the Sontarans for the time being.
- ...i told you not to blink?
- the weather girl said there's going to be a unnatural high in the area near me but what she doesn't realise is I always have a high in this area, but sometimes it's nightly?
- ...that Lawrence of Arabia is god incarnate?
- ...your mom is so fat, she died of a heart attack last week.
- ...that the statement above is actually true somewhere in the multiverse?
- ...that Dr. Robotnik is runnning as prime minister of Poland?
- ...a slut is on top of him while smutty in toponyms?
- ...that blanking pages with "MY PENIS" is encouraged?
- ...that pangrams on uncyclopedia cause quick and horrific overbejewled contextualization?
- ...that you can make a shirt with muscle string, and you can also make a condom with the leftovers?
- ...that mocking birds are actually moccasins?
- ...that the DYK submission page is created one Did You Know at a time?
- ...that the universe is built one step at a time?
- ...that some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses?
- ...that every single horrible thing that has ever happened in time can be blamed on DEI?
- ...that everything will become nostalgic due to everything being worse? And the cycle goes on and on..
- ...that a good way to tell if something is a white lie is if they aren't seasoning their tricking?
- ...that that that that that that that
- ...you can easily go to North Korea with advanced pogo stick skills?
- ...that the sentence "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo", although grammatically correct, is still stupid as hell?
- ...that Christmas got progressively worse the moment we couldn't decorate black people on our trees? Thanks a lot, Rosa Parks!
- ...that Tom Brady gave 6 trophies to the people who needed it most, Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Pixies?
- ...that thou shalt not kill, unless you just REALLY wanna?
- ...Logics song YSIV sounds like the Gerudo Desert theme but only halfway through?
- ... that Radio Disney is a popular form of sound torture at Guantanamo Bay?
- ... that rawppers are now 50% off in participating locations?
- ...i fuqqing yo bicch?
- ...that you need to make it to Ketchikan?
- ...that now's your chance to be a [[Big Shot]]?
- ...I fought the law, and I won?
- ...that Uncyclopedia is not free, but rather $2.99?
- ...that Developers! Developers! Dev*gun shot*
- ...that there is a Mickey Mouse League that uses a currency with Donald Duck's face on it?
- ...that Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal were faking their ages the entire time?
- ...that there is no war in Ba Sing Se?
- ...that I'm a sailor peg and I lost my leg?
- ...that Iodine makes people really salty?
- ...that you would be better off not reading these dyks?
- ...that not all dyks need to start with "...that" and end with a question mark?
- ...that suddenly, raccoons?
- ...that some-BOD-y once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the she-ed?
- ...that I like to move it, move it?/
- ...that Tally Hall is the best rock band of all time (excluding [The Beatles]?
- ...that the Holocaust actually didn't not happen?
- ... and that the Holocaust actually didn't not not not happen?
- ...there are a lot of great moments from the Jacksonville Jaguars' tenure as an NFL team? (pictured)
- ...that
- ...that he could be in this very room, He could be you, He could be me, He could even be me?
- ...that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that