Uncyclopedia:DYK submissions

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This page is about submitting "Did You Know" entries. For suggesting DYK photo captions, see Uncyclopedia:DYK images. For a complete list of Didjaknoses, see Did You Know.

This is where you can submit {{DidYouKnow}} entries. List your submission(s) below, and if the admins decide it's worthwhile, it will be added to the main page template. You can sign your submissions if you want. Failed DYKs will be added to the newest archive after an admin is done choosing the ones that will go the front page.

Thank you for recent ideas, they have been added. Keep 'em coming! We love them! ”

Did You Know[edit source]

  • ...MEN struate
  • ...That reading books about gay penguins is going to give your future children Adhd?
  • ...everytime a girl wants to give me a blowjob I get anxiety, but only in my genitals?
  • ..That I forgot to put in a third dot?
  • ...that the plural form of "dingus" is "dingii"? Of course you didn't know this, you dingii.
  • ...that Neptunium was once regarded as a delicacy in the Roman Empire from 70 AD to 77 AD?
  • ... that Catherine of Alexandria was killed by a wheelie, sick donut.
  • ... that there are about Fifty Shades of Grey on a color wheel?
  • ...that Homer Simpson died at age 50 because of his addiction?
  • ...that it took three betrayals for me to finally understand… the world is just an elaborate tapestry of lies. The first to betray me was a god, my creator… my mother. The second was a human, my family... my friend. Consumed by hatred, he saw me as an abomination. The last, was one exactly like me, a hope for the future, a fledgling barely out of the nest. Powerless before his mortality, he broke his promise to me! My chest will never again be defined by worldly filth, I denounce the world and laugh in its face. Your era… is coming to an end. (Insert evil laugh here)
  • ...that you are reading this?
  • ...that Halloween is actually a secret plot orchestrated by the government for world domination?
  • ...that Halloween is actually a secret plot orchestrated by Dr. Doofenshmirtz for tri-state area domination?
  • ...that Wikipedia is a parody of Uncyclopedia?
  • ...that I have a weighted dreidel, I made it in a lab, it always lands on gimel, I always get the stash- hey! Dreidel dreidel dreidel, it comes with a remote, when it's your turn to spin it, you'll never be the GOAT!!!
  • ...that both Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are stupid?
  • “...that this is not a traditional Did You Know?”

    ~ Oscar Wilde
  • ...that I know that you know that I know?
  • ...that Nobody is perfect?
  • ...that Santa Claus is running for president?
  • ...ThAt tHiS Is nOt a TrAdItIoNaL DiD YoU KnOw?
  • ...that you are being investigated by the FBI for being on Uncyclopedia?
  • ...that this sentence is self-referential?
  • ...that (CONTENT REDACTED)?
  • ...that I will brutally murder some guy named Waylon?
  • ...that if you support Trump, you're stupid?
  • ...that you have been eaten by a Grue? Restart?
  • ...that your alternate self was eaten by a Grue?
  • ...that Santa Claus is secretly a serial killer?
  • ... That other people can prevent forest fires too?
  • ... That you have something else to do?
  • ... That 9/10 doctors are doctors? And the other 1/10 are Scientologists.

-Captian Obvious

  • ...wait, what was I doing again

-Captain Oblivious

that this is formatted incorrectly?

  • ...that [insert did you know here]?
  • ...that the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog?
  • ...that infinity is a really biig number?
  • ...that you should seriously try committing Lawrence.gif.gif?
  • ...that black is white, up is down, and short is long?
  • ...even if you have saggy boobs things can still go tits up?
  • ...your an asshole ahhhh twerk?
  • ...when they say put your best foot forward they don't mean on some guys face?
  • ...that cannibals can also get foot stools? shit.
  • ...that uncyclopedia has the word clop in it and is popular with hoofians.
  • ...that I have space in my back pocket for something small and I've got time?
  • ...it's bigger on the inside?
  • ...I'm an elderly male looking for a young companion on journeys which may span months or even years at a time?
  • ...my box wasn't always blue?
  • ...take your clothes off, hold this, now put that hand on here, put your other hand on my shoulder, this is a very delicate precise thing, see this, I need you to pump that for me, don't stop pumping it until I say stop, that'll camouflage us from the Sontarans for the time being.
  • ...i told you not to blink?
  • the weather girl said there's going to be a unnatural high in the area near me but what she doesn't realise is I always have a high in this area, but sometimes it's nightly?
  • ...that Lawrence of Arabia is god incarnate?
  • ...your mom is so fat, she died of a heart attack last week.
  • ...that the statement above is actually true somewhere in the multiverse?
  • ...that Dr. Robotnik is runnning as prime minister of Poland?
  • ...a slut is on top of him while smutty in toponyms?
  • ...that blanking pages with "MY PENIS" is encouraged?
  • ...that pangrams on uncyclopedia cause quick and horrific overbejewled contextualization?
  • ...that you can make a shirt with muscle string, and you can also make a condom with the leftovers?
  • ...that mocking birds are actually moccasins?
  • ...that the DYK submission page is created one Did You Know at a time?
  • ...that the universe is built one step at a time?
  • ...that some of those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses?
  • ...that every single horrible thing that has ever happened in time can be blamed on DEI?
  • ...that everything will become nostalgic due to everything being worse? And the cycle goes on and on..
  • ...that a good way to tell if something is a white lie is if they aren't seasoning their tricking?
  • ...that that that that that that that
  • ...you can easily go to North Korea with advanced pogo stick skills?
  • ...that the sentence "Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo", although grammatically correct, is still stupid as hell?
  • ...that Christmas got progressively worse the moment we couldn't decorate black people on our trees? Thanks a lot, Rosa Parks!
  • ...that Tom Brady gave 6 trophies to the people who needed it most, Sen. Bernie Sanders and the Pixies?
  • ...that thou shalt not kill, unless you just REALLY wanna?
  • ...Logics song YSIV sounds like the Gerudo Desert theme but only halfway through?
  • ... that Radio Disney is a popular form of sound torture at Guantanamo Bay?
  • ... that rawppers are now 50% off in participating locations?
  • ...i fuqqing yo bicch?
  • ...that you need to make it to Ketchikan?
  • ...that now's your chance to be a [[Big Shot]]?
  • ...I fought the law, and I won?
  • ...that Uncyclopedia is not free, but rather $2.99?
  • ...that Developers! Developers! Dev*gun shot*
  • ...that there is a Mickey Mouse League that uses a currency with Donald Duck's face on it?
  • ...that Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal were faking their ages the entire time?
  • ...that there is no war in Ba Sing Se?
  • ...that I'm a sailor peg and I lost my leg?
  • ...that Iodine makes people really salty?
  • ...that you would be better off not reading these dyks?
  • ...that not all dyks need to start with "...that" and end with a question mark?
  • ...that suddenly, raccoons?
  • ...that some-BOD-y once told me the world was gonna roll me, I ain't the sharpest tool in the she-ed?
  • ...that I like to move it, move it?/
  • ...that Tally Hall is the best rock band of all time (excluding [The Beatles]?
  • ...that the Holocaust actually didn't not happen?
  • ...there are a lot of great moments from the Jacksonville Jaguars' tenure as an NFL team? (pictured)
  • ...that
  • ...that he could be in this very room, He could be you, He could be me, He could even be me?
  • ...that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that that