User talk:PeregrineFalcon999

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Home——Talk——Who is He?——Crap I've Put On Uncyclopedia

Hello everyone. This is my talk page. No one actually knows me, so It might as well lie blank. But if you DO have something to say, then post at the bottom of the (nonexistant) list. Or you could just click down here, you lazy bastard. If you want the earth to explode, that is.

This is you if you mess my page. You have been warned...

Pee Review[edit source]

I'm glad you found the review helpful. If you need any clarification or any other help, just drop me a line on my talk page. --John Lydon 11:31, June 18, 2010 (UTC)

Messages to the user[edit source]

“Thank you,my friend”

~ The Smasher Team on PeregrineFalcon999

“That is all right, my friend”

~ PeregrineFalcon999 on your last quote/comment

Posts on Chief's talkpage[edit source]

There are a number of ways to replace the logo with a custom image. {{imageaslogo}} is probably the easiest.

Admins are the only ones who can lock pages, but there are tricks you can use to limit the ability to edit them. Nominally Humane! some time Thursday, 10:34, Jul 1 2010 UTC

Reviews N' Stuff[edit source]

Good to see you're taking an interest in being helpful. That was a good start. However, it's considered a bit rude to review stuff others have already booked. Don't worry, nobody's mad, I'm just letting you know. I hope to see you reviewing some more. :)--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Monday, 05:47, July 05 2010 UTC

Sorry about that. I just left a message on your talk page about that. --Some Idiot 07:50, July 5, 2010 (UTC)

thank you for the review.   The* Lordarcadiansig.png (say shit) (My train wrecks) Π   ~  02:10, July 6, 2010 (UTC)
That's ok, I enjoyed it. --Some Idiot 02:12, July 6, 2010 (UTC)
i adjusted it but was really risky on the new pics.   The* Lordarcadiansig.png (say shit) (My train wrecks) Π   ~  02:24, July 6, 2010 (UTC)

Quick Tip[edit source]

Add some links to your HowTo article before anyone does the Pee Review - you'll be in with a chance of a better score if you do. :-) Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 08:49, July 7, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for image[edit source]

Celtic Ninja Star
This person has done good deeds in the eyes of Sycamore
I always award my special Ninjastar for those who make images for my articles. Thanks again:-)--Sycamore (Talk) 12:03, July 7, 2010 (UTC)
And I didn't get one, why? -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

Hey[edit source]

Better late than sorry ;D. I actually forgot why I needed this picture but I'll find a use for it. It's perfect. Exactly what I wanted. Thank you ;). Polisz.jpgSir Ptok-BentonicznyPisz tutaj KUN 22:47, July 8, 2010 (UTC)

That's ok. It gave me a bit of fun in a mostly dull day. --Some Idiot Image002.png 06:03, July 9, 2010 (UTC)

I recently did the washing[edit source]

let me know if you have any questions.   The* Lordarcadiansig.png (say shit) (My train wrecks) Π   ~  03:56, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for the review. I just started to improve it but i'll do the rest soon. Thanks again. --Some Idiot Image002.png 09:33, July 13, 2010 (UTC)

An UnBook?[edit source]


Please, explain further. I was under the impression that part of what made it so funny was the fact that it wasn't an actual article...

Note, however, that I don't understand this whole humour thing and just plain don't see how it's funny at all. ~ Lyrithya sig daji.png Lyrithya *shifty eyes* (words) (actions) -- 20100719 - 17:51 (UTC)

Ok, ok, sorry. It's just, when I started reading this article I instantly thought that this didn't really fit in in as an article about crossbows - sure, it talks a bit about how crossbows were invented - but seems too much of a story to be put out as an article about crossbows. It tells us about the manholes and plants coming, and then you're fighting them off.
Maybe you're right, however. This definitely could stay as an article about crossbows, it was just an impression I got. And about the humour - what you looked up 'crossbow' and came up with the same thing; a boring old article making fun crossbows with stupid pictures. That's the thing about this article. It's DIFFERENT. It's a got a different approach on a subject and talks to us about them in a story kind of way - full of short sentences that's sum up the characters thoughts and show information. THAT's what's funny about this article. And do not in any ay take it as 'it's funny because it's not really an article', because that's not true. Please don't change anything in the content of this article to make it 'funny' because it will ruin it. I assure you, it's a good article.
And, truly, on second thoughts, now that i've thought about, DON'T change it into an UnBook. Especially if you don't want to. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:45, July 20, 2010 (UTC)
Just thought of another thing: the repetition in this article is also what makes it funny. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:46, July 20, 2010 (UTC)
This 'funny' thing is so confusing...
Well.. I guess I won't, then. Not that I would even know how... anyhoo, thanks for the input, really. ~ Do not question the madness. Apheori *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100720 - 14:55 (UTC)

A HANDBAG!!!?[edit source]

... -- Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)

Err... -- 21:33, July 20, 2010 (UTC)

Zombies[edit source]

Thanks for the review. It was definitely rushed for I have been writing it while at work (and trying to look busy at the same time) so I didn't take my time on it. I'll look into what you've suggested and perhaps fix it as best as I can at some point.

  • Pancakemaster (July 22)

You're welcome. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:27, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

We want you![edit source]

Hello PeregrineFalcon999, it has come to my attention that your reviews of late have been of a high standard and as such would like to invite you to join The Pee Committee. Membership will grant you several benefits, a groovy template to put... wherever you like and it will also make you eligible for the Reviewer of the Month award, which is a real award with votes and everything.

If this seems like your idea of a good time then simply add your signature to the Fresh Stains section of the committee page.

Also, before I forget, your reviews so far have all been good enough to be classed in-depth so you deserve this shiny award. I hope to see you around PEE review more in future.

--ChiefjusticeXBox 05:09, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

Take This[edit source]

Thanks for your helpful review on Monster Party. You gave a lot of fantastic suggestions. Also thanks for getting to it so quickly.-- John Lydon 11:40, July 23, 2010 (UTC)

Mileena Reviewed[edit source]

Thanks for the review. There are some things I don't get though, such as random humor in the first paragraph. To me, this paragraph is funny. So what is it about this paragraph that you think can be improved? My idea here was to start off in the manner of a fairy tale and then make it go horribly wrong. Also, it would help if you could point out which of the abilities are not funny. Also, you haven't commented on the Rise to Prominence para - I would like to know how people feel about it. Thanks again. P.S: Can you tell me how I can type strike-out text?

Sorry - I missed that paragraph. It's actually a pretty good paragraph - although there are quite a few grammar issues to you may want to think about here.
About the random humor thing - the first paragraph just doesn't make me laugh, and with the the dirty stuff in it it kind of sets a bad kind of tone for the rest of the article (which is much better). I don't really care what you do instead - but the first paragraph doesn't fit in with the rest of the article.
Only a few of the abilities are unfunny, but they still are wacky, and so they give a little break between each funny one. Because of this I don't think you should delete any.
With the strike out text... let's say if you have the word MILEENA. Change it to this: <s> MILEENA </s> and it will become MILEENA .
Another final thing - make yourself an account. You're a good writer and you definitely need an account. And always sign your messages with the little button that looks like this: Button sig.png. That way we know who's speaking. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:52, July 25, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks a lot, I'll take up your advice.

one titanic piss[edit source]

Thank you very much. This will aid in my getting the true titanic story out to the masses. I already have a team of Irish engineers working around the clock to make the improvements. This article will be unsinkable. Lordarcadian 07:20, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

I'm happy to hear that. Watch out for Icebergs on the way... -- 09:27, July 26, 2010 (UTC)

You are dead[edit source]

I took your advise and ended the world. I did it by taking a giant piss ad flooding it. Go ahead and check. If you want to tell me something please comment on my talk if possible, thanks. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 21:43, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

I checked out the article. Great job, you fixed up the small patches and made it even better. I love what you did with the kitten picture! Ending is very good with the superheros and all. I personally say put it up for VFH, but it's your call. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 16:08, July 30, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks alot[edit source]

I pissed on one of your lolcats and it freaked out at me and cut my finger. Nice going --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 22:12, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Oh and hey, you seem to have a very good kidney there, why don't you piss on my truth or weegee article for me? PWWWEEEAASEEE! --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 22:12, July 31, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, I'll have a go. --Some Idiot Image002.png 07:06, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Contest today[edit source]

Happymonkey called for a writing contest which will start at 2:00 UTC (10 p.m. eastern time in the United States and other weird countries). Contestents will give each other an exact name of an article at app. 9:59 eastern time, and then we will write until 11:15 (3:15 UTC). We need at least one judge who will look at all the articles, say nay, or yay, or something, and tell us whatever they want to. Please sign up on Happymonkeys talk page, as participant or judge(s), and then we can pair people up around 9:30 eastern and let them know who they will give their page title to. (Inspired by Dr.Skullthumper's contest of a month or so ago). Aleister 16:05 2 8

pissing[edit source]

You pissed on truth and mentioned "rushing"...I did say it wasn't finished. Just wanted to let you know :P. Thanks anyways --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:41, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

I know it isn't, I was just saying that the style of writing was a bit rushed and you had to slow down and make it more clearer. P.S. It's my birthday today! --Some Idiot Image002.png 02:55, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

So...ah im kidding happy birthday. LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master

Cookie[edit source]

Newcookie.gif NeuroticNinjaPirate666 has awarded you a cookie!
For your constructive criticism.

NeuroticNinjaPirate666 14:08, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

List of Things to Do Before I Die[edit source]

Hi PF, I'm trying to follow your advice, I really am, but the funny is just not coming to me. My original idea was to make a short and sweet little list that would make people laugh, something like a funny commercial or movie trailer that showcases a movie's funnier elements. Audience enjoy re-watching such commercial or trailers (after a break or so of course) even though they know what's coming next. I'm trying to expand the article as you've suggested but its proving very hard and the new bits appear forced, therefore, unfunny - lacking soul if you will. Are you sure the original list wouldn't be a good enough idea? What if I just expand the original list by adding more funny one-liners? Thanks for the help. --Lakepoint 00:40, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

You definitely could, but it could just get out of hand. A big line of sentences looks rather boring. Maybe you could add just a few notes for each one - say, like on the Bin Laden one, have a few nots where you think about the different places where he might be. --Some Idiot Image002.png 03:04, August 8, 2010 (UTC)

Hi PF, I've redone the page. I've left the original list intact but added some new elements to it as well. I've also added new paragraphs and new sub-lists. Mind taking a look? Thanks. --Lakepoint 04:14, August 13, 2010 (UTC)


Thanks for voting for Dalek! MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[20:13 11 Aug 2010]

Award from UN:REQ[edit source]

Thumbs up2.jpg
This user created Kamino, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
Thumbs up2.jpg
Thumbs up2.jpg
This user created I before E except after C, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome!
Thumbs up2.jpg

You might want to check this out.

It all makes sence now[edit source]

So, you wanna go huh! FINE! Were rivals...i can piss harder better faster strong and even longer than you...and yet you get a nomination...your mine --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 04:13, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

Lolwut? --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:01, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
You know what im talking about YOU FIEND! --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:25, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
No I don't. Calm down, dude. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:29, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Happymonkey, you haven't been reviewing long enough to get ROTM. In fact, I don't even think PF has, but I may actually not be right about that one, considering that I don't know his reviewing statistics.--HM (T) 05:31, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
Actually your wrong HELPME...for once. I'm going to correct the The rules clearly say that i must have one article reviewed this month, however there is no "age" so to speak, needed. Both of us are currently legible. But that isn't the point i was just joking around...Me no thinks he has gots itz...
PF999 I simply wanted to announce a rivalry with someone with you are a worthy opponent. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 15:29, August 15, 2010 (UTC)
I wasn't saying it was against the rules. I was saying that it wouldn't make much sense. Silly little monkey thing.--HM (T) 21:34, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

HEY![edit source]

So now your sabotaging my reviews huh? The UnNews: Times magazine was already guess

Ooooh, you got some nerve punk! Going behind my back and stealing my review...wait...all your advise is ok maybe you didn't steal it but it still isn't right! In some remote way...not sure what though...--Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master

Well actually I made a new review because I had seen some improvements that you hadn't pointed out and Lordarcadian (the guy who wrote the article) hadn't fixed himself. Because it's impossible to edit the article, I did a new Pee. Sorry if it looks like I stole it. And about the nomination, you are probably newer to reviewing then me, and also, I have only two votes. --Some Idiot Image002.png 21:40, August 15, 2010 (UTC)

I'm just joking about the whole nomination thing. But seriously, were rivals. And i know why you did it... actually, not quite sure if you did anything wrong, again, it just doesn't seem right in some remote way. Eh, whatev's. If i don't get nominated (which I probably wont) I'll vote for you. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 00:49, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Ok, then we're rivals. But I must say I have done considerably more pees then you so that will definitely be an advantage. However... game on! May he with the best kidney win! --Some Idiot Image002.png 04:56, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Well my kidney just turned 15 today *hint hint* so IMA SHOOP DAH WHOOP YOU BUTT!... wait... i should rephrase that...--Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:03, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Well, you've got an age advantage then. Happy Birthday. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:04, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Thank you. Our birthdays seem to be close...maybe off by a year (or more) but still close... it's destiny. Oh i just wrote two reviews in two days, I plan to write at least 1 per day from now on... so YOUR GOIN DOWN... but i really shouldn't have told you my evil plan. ugh.....--Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:07, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Well, more then a year difference. I'm thirteen. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:09, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Ah thirteen. When you life goes form toys to boobs, comics to playboys, youtube to redtube... it goes on. Bottom line is all you want is sex. Or will. Even if you are female...but not as much...wait, you may be female for all i know :P --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:18, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
YOU could be female for all I know. --Some Idiot Image002.png 05:22, August 16, 2010 (UTC)

Middle-Earth news[edit source]

One more Tolkien-themed article in the next 24 hours...and I'll feature all three on the UnNews Front Page as a gimmick. Spıke ¬ 15:59 17-Aug-10

Done! --Some Idiot Image002.png 07:28, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Here you go, your Fifteen Minutes of Fame. (More like 15 hours.) Spıke ¬ 10:56 18-Aug-10

Aah, I bask in my glory! --Some Idiot Image002.png 11:04, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Favour please?[edit source]

Hi PF, can I ask a small favour? This has been on the pee queue, waiting, since June. I'd pick it up myself, but I kind of helped Ptok with it a bit. Would you mind taking a look at it please? Don't worry if you don't understand the sport, it's probably best if you don't, to give an idea of how accessible the article is to regular readers. And don't worry about my involvement - I made it coherent as a favour to Ptok, but I don't think it's that good. It's still his article. So pull it to pieces if needs be, but please, can you take a look for him? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 10:37, Aug 18

Ok, I'll give it a shot, but I must say I'm rather picky with what I review. --Some Idiot Image002.png 10:39, August 18, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, a lot of people seem to be at the moment, which is leaving some stuff on the queue for aaaaages. Some times you have to roll your sleeves up and review something that you really, really don't fancy just to help out. You should have seen the Melty Blood article that Orian reviewed one time - approximately 3 miles long, and not a good line in it! That said, I appreciate anyone who takes the time to help others and do reviews, so thanks! --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 10:43, Aug 18
Yeah, but it's not that I don't want to help out that particular article, more that it's a bit hard for me to find an actual article that I can say heaps about. But I'm starting the review at this moment. --Some Idiot Image002.png 10:50, August 18, 2010 (UTC)
I know that feeling! Several times I've booked in, stared at the article, and then realised all I can really say is "this sucks - nuke it and start again!" Appreciate you having a go - just say what you can, and don't worry if that's not a whole bunch. --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 11:00, Aug 18
Cake.gif Under User has blessed you with cake for being friendly and/or useful.
Eat it quickly before he changes his mind.

Warning: cake prepared in an environment which also processes nuts,
and contains lactose, gluten, ground glass and arsenic, which gives it a lovely tang.
And thanks for the review! I'd say you were slightly generous with the score myself, but very happy with it. Hopefully, Ptok can finish it off into something decent now (I just picked it up to help him out, because I saw a decent article struggling to get out, and wanted to give him a hand with that). Much obliged. --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 08:18, Aug 19
Well, the score isn't the most important thing, it's the comments that count! --Some Idiot Image002.png 10:11, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

hey[edit source]

Thanks a lot for the review. I had been waiting about a month for that but at least I received a comprehensive review. It was definetely worth of waiting. Cheers from Poland. Polisz.jpgSir Ptok-BentonicznyPisz tutaj KUN 14:06, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

PS: I've read in short article in newspaper that Australians want to get rid of the English Monarchy. Do you think it's possible or it's just a lip-service?

Are you asking about the English Monarchy because I'm Australian? Because I don't really care about all that stuff. But I suppose some people would definitely want to leave the English First Fleet heritage behind, because Australia is in no way an English colony any more. As I have heard that they've removed 'God save the Queen' from Anzac services I suppose it is possible, but I'm probably not the best person to ask. --Some Idiot Image002.png 22:37, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Gracias senor[edit source]

I appreciate the review on Arceus! I know that it wasn't my strongest article, mostly due to the fact that I became too abstract with the Dante's Inferno reference. I will write out some different approaches to the article and definitely get to work on it. Thanks again!

S3ahawk 06:29, August 21, 2010 (UTC)

You're welcome. --Some Idiot Image002.png 01:31, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

That page[edit source]

If you do create a page by accident in future and want it deleting list it on QVFD rather than just leaving a message on the page. QVFD is checked regularly and if you list it there and say "I created this by accident" It will be deleted expediently. --ChiefjusticeXBox 08:12, August 23, 2010 (UTC)

Ok then, thanks for telling me. --Some Idiot Image002.png 08:16, August 23, 2010 (UTC)

This is quite overdue[edit source]

Newcookie.gif Thatdamnedfollowspot has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.

Congrats! You've won a delicious cookie of your choice because I am both too tired and too lazy to make a proper template. Anyway, thank you lots for voting for me to be Noob of the Month, and I do hope you enjoy the cookie. It took me 17 days to make, from scratch, with my own bare hands. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 04:36 Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Thanks[edit source]

Okay, I have edited the article Yngwie Clones and I think its better than before. May not be exactly how you want it to be, but its better than before. --Metalguitar666 13:29, August 26, 2010 (UTC)User:metalguitar666

Well done[edit source]

Good show, eh what? --ChiefjusticeXBox 20:46, August 27, 2010 (UTC)

gredahredfhabzc (stuff)[edit source]

Hello, this person's name is called Jake, lol! just kidding ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaahahahahhahahhahahahaha! --Camel Cahill 10:15, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Very funny. And I thank you for your review on me. That was very clever. VERY clever. Yeah. *Sigh* --Some_idiot.png 10:33, August 28, 2010 (UTC)

Some people... not only do they fail at communication, but they apparently even lack anything meaningful to communicate. Such a waste.
You know, with a little hacking, I bet someone could take over their computers and put them to some productive use. Say, calculating out and analysing pi indefinitely... Or do only mathematicians consider that useful?
Anyways, if I had a point, it was probably that said review is actually a rather interesting demonstration of the review template. It is capable and willing to accept strangely large numbers, yet the colour generator is still exceeded, so clearly there are no reasonable defined upper bounds. And the summing thing will still add them all up, even using scientific notation. You, my friend, are evidently worth a very large number indeed. Or are you my friend? Eh, if you aren't, don't tell me. I don't want to know. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100828 - 13:45 (UTC)
Well, that was very, er, interesting, Lyrithya. --Some_idiot.png 23:51, August 28, 2010 (UTC)
Whaaat? Are you deprecating me or something? ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100829 - 02:04 (UTC)
No, of course not. I just didn't realise you had such interesting things to say about a completely crazy user and his even more crazy review. --Some_idiot.png 02:06, August 29, 2010 (UTC)
Wait, what? The interesting was in earnest? But... waaaaait... *suspicious look*
Okay... you lost me. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100829 - 02:31 (UTC)
Hm, you lost me too. I don't even know what we're talking about any more. --Some_idiot.png 02:51, August 29, 2010 (UTC)
Well, if you knew in the first place that's still an improvement... ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100829 - 03:33 (UTC)
Hurm... you're right. --Some_idiot.png 03:56, August 29, 2010 (UTC)

Padme[edit source]

Hey, thanks for the nice review. I'm handing it over to Aleister, and we'll certainly be noting your advice. Cheers!--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 18:21, Aug 28

You know[edit source]

By getting angry at the troll, you're just encouraging him. He wants you to get annoyed. Just revert him and wait for him to be blocked.--HM (T) 22:10, August 31, 2010 (UTC)

I know. I wasn't really annoyed. --Some_idiot.png 22:29, August 31, 2010 (UTC)

Well done![edit source]

Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month August 2010

Keep up the good work! We really need it right now! --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 01:47, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

Mousehunt[edit source]

Hey man, Thanks for doing such an in-depth review on my article. Just a few clarifications. All the locations I have reviewed are the main locations in the game. Its just that as a Novice you can't see them yet. I haven't made up random facts, just described the quirks, irritants and generally annoying parts of each of the areas. If I was to write a stuff about mice, it would be really difficult to choose which ones because there are over 250 of them. In your concept section you said to pick on the weak points of the game, I have tried to do that with the article. I got rid of the coloured paragraphs and all of the 'Larry Sez' sections because they just weren't funny enough and required quite a bit of background into the game. I would love to do some different types of humour that you suggest, but I am not sure how to do this, also I would like to try to make it so that the article would be funny for someone who doesn't play the game. Could you give me some examples? I am looking to make this article sparkle and get featured.
Evil Jim123 13:25, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

Well, it wasn't that the sections on the places were bad or anything, but there are just so many it would be a bit off-putting to the reader. I'll take a look at your article now...
Wow! That's much better! There's still a bit of work to do on it, just a few things here and there, but I find this much more readable, because it's got a lot of variety in it.
I'll try and explain the humor stuff for you. What you've done with you're humor here is say facts, but twist them a bit so they are funny. A lot of people tell me that's not good, and you should always add jokes in too. I don't always agree with them, but as you need some more different types of humor, we may like to add some more stuff than just facts.
The best way to get humor is to play on the game's weaknesses. One way to do this to make a comment here or there, like "While you are a noob, you may only hunt in the Meadow and the Town, and may never go anywhere. I mean, what the hell is up with that?" That one isn't really funny, but you can use small comments like these to add some humor if you have a good idea to play on.
Another way to use weaknesses to your advantage is to explain these in very strange ways. "While you are a noob, you may only hunt in the Meadow and the Town. Which means that you have to play for a long time before you manage to go somewhere else. Which is probably why this game is so unpopular." Or you could make it up like this: "While you are a noob, you may only hunt in the Meadow and the Town, because of a new racist policy recently issued by the king of Gwania."
There are other ways of getting some different types of humor in, but I'm not going to make this way too long. But to reply on how you are wanting to change the article so someone who has never played the game can find it funny - you've just got to write the paragraphs as if the person has never heard of the game. I also find that adding the types of things above would help it out.
I still think you need a bit of work on the article if you want it featured - but if you try your best, anything can happen. I still say you should submit it for another Pee Review, as you have completely changed the context of your article, which means there is definitely more space to improve. I will only review it myself if it doesn't get reviewed in a long time. I hope to see you writing some more great stuff soon! Cya! --Some_idiot.png 22:09, September 1, 2010 (UTC)

Pee Review[edit source]

Hey, im a noob to Uncylopedia and could you review my first page its called Nicholas II

Well, first you have to submit it to the Pee Review page, but I'll that it for you. I'll take a shot at reviewing it. Oh, and when you write a message to someone, always sign your name with four tildes (~~~~) or just press the Button sig.png button. Otherwise no one knows who is talking.--Some_idiot.png 04:49, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Bobby[edit source]

Can you re-review Bob? Gomphog 14:08, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

I think that most of my comments in my last review still stand, so you may want to re-read it. However, I'll try my best. --Some_idiot.png 22:09, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Review requests[edit source]

They come at you now, nonstop. Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Aleister 15:00 2 9

Hail the steel kidney who now has to live up to what it says! *laughs evilly* ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100902 - 15:04 (UTC)

Hm. The thing is, Lyrithya, you seem to be the only person who has been doing lots of reviews lately, besides myself. If no one puts together their act and starts reviewing a bit more, you very well could be next in line for Reviewer of the Month, and a Steel Kidney.--Some_idiot.png 22:19, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Concerning the noPhone[edit source]

Could you not put the text on the images so it can actually be edited? (and more easily read; it looks pretty blurry here). It actually seems to be a scaling issue, though, so preventing that would also help, either way...

It is a rather interesting idea, though. I'd say more, but I can't be bothered. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100902 - 15:21 (UTC)

I would love to be able to make the article so it could be edited, but I'm not quite sure how, and I know it will very hard to do so. --Some_idiot.png 22:16, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Pictures[edit source]

How do i upload pictures?

Well, when you edit an article, there will be a 'Upload photo' link on the left side of your screen down the bottom. Click it, and choose your image by clicking the button that says 'Choose file'. You can then choose your image. Once you are done, just click upload and your image will be uploaded! You paste your image onto a page like this:

This is where you write your caption!

[[File:Name of your image.jpg|right|thumb|This is where you write your caption!]], and it will become the image on the right. You can change the 'right' to 'left' or 'center', to move your image.

Wiki formatting is pretty confusing, isn't it?--Some_idiot.png 22:14, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Review[edit source]

Since i dont know how to request, Could you re review my aricle now?--Private public 17:14, September 3, 2010 (UTC)Public

I think you may want to work on your article a little bit more before you submit it for another Pee. Check out some of the Featured Content, read H.T.B.F.A.N.J.S., and really try to use my comments to your advantage. Fix up your spelling and try and write in a slower, easier to read way. Once you are sure you have done the best you can with your article, go to the Pee Review page, which you can find on the left bar on the page. Go down to the bottom, write the name of your article in and press the button. But first, really try to improve your article as best you can.--Some_idiot.png 00:38, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Cookie![edit source]

Newcookie.gif Gomphog has awarded you a cookie!
For reviewing Bob.

Thank you!--Some_idiot.png 09:30, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Vaguely related comment: While I'm sure it was a good review otherwise, for some reason not related to stalking you, I was looking at it and noticed a most dire issue that you really must address: you are still mixing up your its and it's! *flails and runs away* ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100904 - 15:36 (UTC)

Yes, a very dire issue. I have always hated 's.--Some_idiot.png 22:50, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Cajek's list[edit source]

While it's nice that you're helping with the checking, but could you please ask Chief first? I'm sure he'd say yes, but still.--HM (T) 23:27, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Sorry, I thought it was open to everyone who had a steel kidney. I'll ask him now, shall I?--Some_idiot.png 23:31, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

SPAM... spam... spam... spam...spam...spam...[edit source]


Hey PeregrineFalcon999! You have won some Spam! Why? Maybe because you won reviewer of the month? Maybe. Probably because you're a bird. And I like birds! Congrats, anyway, and enjoy! Spamsig.jpg

Rejoice, for the inquisitor has come![edit source]

Actually, I'm just here to ask some stuff about what to do about manhole. Except now I can't be bothered. So nevermind. *wanders off* ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100905 - 02:36 (UTC)

Okay, so is the into here any better? I decided to split the voices for the sake of my own sanity, but that's just for the meantime. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100909 - 16:08 (UTC)

Tower of Terror Pee Review[edit source]

OK, I've added some more information about the Tower. I'll still add some more stuff just in case, but is that enough? Blakegriplingph 08:55, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Many people would say it's still not enough, but personally I disagree with them. That's fine. The first version of your article was just too short to review.--Some_idiot.png 21:24, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Your sig[edit source]

Is faulty. Your code needs to be within a sig template per UN:SIG. Please fix that. If you don't manage drop me a line. ~Jewriken.GIF 21:38, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

Yes, I noticed that. I'll try to fix it.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 21:41, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

There, fixed!--Some idiot.png (CUN) 21:41, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

That was quick :) Thanks. ~Jewriken.GIF 21:48, September 7, 2010 (UTC)

That couch[edit source]

It does *not* look horrible! Why are you people all so mean towards proper couchery?! ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100909 - 02:35 (UTC)

Er... *Awkward silence* I don't have the time to think up a good comeback for that one.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 02:46, September 9, 2010 (UTC)
*more awkward silence*


Foo. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100909 - 02:55 (UTC)
Our conversations always seem to end like this.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 03:06, September 9, 2010 (UTC)
It's a coincidence, I swear. *shifty eyes* ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100909 - 03:22 (UTC)
If this is about what I think it's about (is it?), then that couch is damned ugly and you both know it. I had to shoot it. It was killing people. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 00:18 Friday, September 10, 2010
It apparently is, and you are wrong! It is a beautiful couch, prim and proper like they made in the good old days. At least the chainsaw bit was warranted... ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100910 - 00:38 (UTC)
I suppose. And you are entitled to your own opinion, Lyrithya. I, on the other hand, do not think it looks anywhere near beautiful. The manufacturing is spot-on, but the fabric draws from the overall appeal of the couch. Now if you'll excuse me, I have stem cells to research. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 01:01 Friday, September 10, 2010
The upholstery is a fine example of high quality brocade and pattern. True, the colours may leave something to desire, but it remains far from ugly. And stem cells? Whatever might those be for? ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100910 - 01:41 (UTC)
I'm not a huge fan of those types of couches period. I enjoy more modern styles of furniture, like the bed that hovers and lets you update Twitter and Facebook using voice synchronization while you're asleep.
Oh, the stem cells? Not much, just cloning human-kitten hybrids. Actually, it's for a paper that I have neglected to write until the night before it's due. I'm about 3/4 of the way finished though. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 01:51 Friday, September 10, 2010
Oh, deary, you have a paper? I wish I had a paper... but no, I had to put off two labs and a pile of calculations off until the day before they're due... a paper would be a lot easier. Papers can be fudged. Papers don't use assembly code. Usually. Stem cells aren't assembly code, though...
But you have to admit that appeal and whatnot aside, such things make wondrous torture devices for unwanted company. Seriously, why do you think folks put them in their sitting rooms? Get family that stops by for a visit to leave sooner, of course. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100910 - 02:08 (UTC)
That does sound like a mess to do. I've also got two more assignments to complete. These were all assignments that were due Tuesday, but since I've been sick all week with a cold and am now getting better, I'm going to try and see if I can turn these in next Monday.
That makes sense, using couches as torture devices, what with the spikes and traps and whatnot. And most of them aren't comfortable to sit on, even my own. It's a wonder we don't just all lie in bed and do things there. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 02:17 Friday, September 10, 2010
I find it amusing how we're still talking about this instead of doing our coursework... although on the bright side, it turns out the astronomy lab isn't due until monday. But that was the one I knew how to do. I still have to do the other one. Which apparently the online sign-up for grading is broken... or more likely doesn't work with my browser, which would be horribly ironic as it's the only one currently working on my operating system, which I booted specifically so I could do the assignment. Well, okay, no I didn't. I booted it because I hate windows and because ssh works so much better than Samba and I broke Samba anyway so I kind of have to use ssh because windows doesn't seem to have anything but Samba and I seem to be rambling so I'll just shut up now.
You put spikes in your sofas? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100910 - 02:25 (UTC)
That is rather amusing. I suppose that I could just put everything off and wait for the weekend to do it, but I've already started sort of.... As for everything else... I am royally confused. The only thing I understood was that you don't like Windows and that Samba won't work :P
And who doesn't put spikes in their sofas? Of course they only activate when pressure is put on them- makes it more fun that way, and it keeps the couch looking new and fresh. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 02:52 Friday, September 10, 2010
Why not? That's what I'ma do with the stuff for monday... should make for a dandy sunday eve. And I have computer issues. It's like... my personality. I just generate them. Let's leave it at that.
I don't put spikes in my sofas... then again, I don't have any sofas. Maybe I should get one...
Still, how do you keep them looking new and fresh when they get blood on them? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100910 - 03:57 (UTC)
It should be quite the interesting Sunday. I always tell myself that this will be the year that I stop procrastinating, but it never is. And you generate personalities? Is this some evolutionary trait or a technological breakthrough?
Don't bother getting a sofa. Sofas are good for two things: couch sex (not that I would know) and tormenting family members along with other visitors. As for how I keep the spikes clean, why, I use THE AMAZING POWERS OF OXI-CLEAN!!! Nah, actually I keep the Oxi-clean for when my hybrid kittens don't lick them clean. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 04:09 Friday, September 10, 2010
Odd... I never even bother to tell myself that. I just procrastinate. It's fun. Like a barrel of squids. And yes, I do generate personalities, but that's really not the point. (Although it's been suggested that it might be an early sign of schizophrenia, I think the guy was just being nice.) I meant to say I generate issues. Computer ones. By using them. The computers, that is...
What makes you so certain all couches are bad? Have you investigated all forms of the buggers? And does oxi-clean work on blood, then? I may have to try that stuff. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100910 - 13:45 (UTC)
I try to be an optimist, but that rarely works out. I do enjoy a good procrastination, but I'm always nagging myself to do my work while I'm procrastinating. It's quite a bother. And schizophrenia is a myth (I hope) created by the drug companies for some reason or another, probably something about pills and money, I'm sure.
Well, not all couches are bad, but most are foul-tempered. With some love, care, and Oxi-Clean, they will become good couches. As for whether Oxi-Clean works with blood, I can assure you that it does. It also eliminates other bodily stains, like urine and such, as well as ketchup and mustard! Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 00:35 Saturday, September 11, 2010
I procrastinate so much sometimes that I wind up procrastinating from procrastination. Like today. I put off putting off my coursework by getting sidetracked and doing coursework. Subsequently I spent an entire lecture paying no attention whatsoever and poking a hideously large number with a large stick whilst becoming progressively more confused. Except apparently what the stick kept insisting was right. And now I just need to prove it. But I can't prove it the way we're supposed to prove it, because that would be giving in and doing what we're supposed to be doing, and oh, no, I can't have that. Of course not. On that note, I don't suppose you're familiar with modular maths or proofs by induction? Or perhaps, modular proofs by induction? I haven't done a proof in ages...
Actually, schizophrenia and bipolar disorder seem to be the only two actually biological psychological issues... rest tend to be fair imagined or induced by surroundings. Not that that doesn't change the issues of how folks'll treat them, but that's another matter.
Foul-tempered couches might also cheer up if fed to a large, red demonic kitty who likes to unhinge his jaw and swallow things whole... tried it? And is this oxi-clean fabric-friendly? Or will it eat through some plastics? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100911 - 00:56 (UTC)
Wouldn't procrastinating from procrastination be akin to dividing by zero or some other anomaly? And it doesn't sound like you've procrastinated correctly if you ended up doing coursework. As for the bit about poking the number with the stick, have you tried poking the stick with the number, and that way things wouldn't be so confusing? But, unfortunately, I am not familiar with modular maths or whatever it is you were going on about, yet alone a proof haha. It does sound like you have your work cut out for you, however.
I have yet to try feeding my foul-tempered couches to any of my demonic kittens. You see, their diets don't include couches, and since I have other fine couches in my repertoire, I would hate for them to be devoured as well. I'm still trying to train them to not eat the floorboards.
The Oxi-Clean is fabric-friendly, and since I bathe my cellular device in it every night and it still works fine, I don't think that it would eat through plastics. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 01:25 Saturday, September 11, 2010
Moduloing by 0 also gets an error. I tried. But I never said I'd actually do the coursework, just go around it. I'm probably going to fail the class anyway, so I might as well be as sarcastic and annoying as I can until then, eh?
Your lucky cats... they must actually be relatively in shape. But seriously, if you ever need to keep one still for a few hours, feeding it something big is definitely the way to go. Unless it's a 'eat big crap all the time' kind, anyhow.
You bathe your... er, why? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100911 - 04:16 (UTC)
Is it a course that you need to pass? And why stop being sarcastic then?
As far as I know, they don't eat large objects. Then again I've never tried to feed them anything larger than a few arms or legs of my adversaries. But they are relatively fit, they chase spectral beings around the house all day, and they've kept their Satanic worship services to a bi-weekly service instead of nightly, on my stomach, at 3 AM.
I'm a huge hypochondriac. I can't even open my eyes without needing to rub hand sanitizer all over them. It's a nightmare when I need to touch things (I'm not being serious here, I actually don't bathe my phone in bleach- that would void the warranty!). Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 04:31 Saturday, September 11, 2010
Well, technically nobody needs to pass anything. I mean, really... but on that note, maybe I can just copy the long not-a-proof thing I wrote on Illogicopedia and turn that in as homework... that'd be different.
Never any heads, then? What about knees or ghostly beards torn from the faces of slain undead enemies? And these spectral beings... I suppose the kitties were the ones that brought them in in the first place, eh? The satanic stuff seems better, though. Or is it still at 3am on your stomach?
Ah, that explains it. Eyeballs would be painful... ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100911 - 21:22 (UTC)
Why not copy your Illogicopedia article and turn that in? Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are a heck of a lot easier than spending actual time and working on homework when you could be doing something better.
They aren't too fond of the heads- the sight of brains freaks them out, the poor things. They usually leave the knees because they seem to think that the knee, elbow, and shoulder joints are magical regenerators that can regenerate legs and arms. I keep telling them that's not true, but they always listen to Wikipedia. And all my slain enemies are clean-shaven. So far. The spectral beings are quite nice, except for Alfred. He knocks over my pots and pans as well as making the microwave cook food too long. He's a huge asshole. But their satanic worshipings aren't on my stomach anymore, seeing as they hold them around 7:30 on Sunday evenings, but they still hold them on my bed. I plan to investigate this matter. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 16:29 Sunday, September 12, 2010
That's what I seem to have resorted to. Although the professor's note "If you did this without any programming, please come see me in my office," has me a little concerned... since I don'T even know how one would program that. Or why, since it's so obvious if one's actually competent (which I'm not). I do like doing better things, though. Like experimenting on Groarnge... I'm thinking that may be my best article ever. It has a kitty and everything!
They don't like brains?! Oh, no, no, this won't do. This won't do at all! Why, Sammy... er, Terumvra, why do I keep calling him Sammy of late? Eh, Sammy and... I mean, Terumvra will have to take them out sometime for some big swallows. With brains and toasters and everything. Who knows, he may even try to swallow a lorry again (last time he tried that it didn't work, but who knows what might happen this time). Eh, sounds like things are liveable, at least. Better than the time mine tried summoning shadow dragons out of some nether realm. They did pull it off, but the dragons killed all my plants. Including the catnip, so the cats were as displeased as I was with the whole affair. It was kind of depressing.
But how bad could this be? ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100912 - 20:17 (UTC)
Um. Could you guys continue this conversation, say, in your OWN talkpages, please?--Some idiot.png (CUN) 21:07, September 12, 2010 (UTC)
*falls over laughing* But that was part of what made it such a fun conversation. *grins* ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100912 - 21:14 (UTC)
Grrr. Sometimes you can be so annoying.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 21:15, September 12, 2010 (UTC)
Sorry, love. We'll take it outside. Happy? *blows a kiss* ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100912 - 21:35 (UTC)
*Sigh*--Some idiot.png (CUN) 22:00, September 12, 2010 (UTC)
I take that from your exasperation this doesn't happen to you much, Peregrine. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 02:38 Monday, September 13, 2010
What? I've had worse problems. One IP/user blanked my user page and talk page and replaced them with pictures of smurfs. He did it about fifty times - it was an endless battle trying to revert his changes. Now THAT was annoying.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 05:15, September 13, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost - This is definitely not late; you're just drunk[edit source]

MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 13:01, September 9, 2010 (UTC)

You pissed on my couch[edit source]

And it was a quality piss. But I have a question- where were there spelling mistakes? I am known for my correct spelling, and now that you've said that I misspelled something, I've broken out in hives. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 00:25 Friday, September 10, 2010

Actually, I had spotted some GRAMMAR mistakes. The spelling was fine (I think). I went over your article to see where they were, but now I can't find them. Maybe they were just a figment of my imagination - I WAS pretty damned tired when I did that review.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 05:28, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
Ah. I wasn't sure what I had done wrong haha. Thanks for clearing that up- my hives have gone down substantially. Thank you for the review, and I may give you a reward for the previous two reviews of mine- review three and you get a free pretzel with purchase of one or more items! Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 00:43 Saturday, September 11, 2010

Your new signature turns me on[edit source]

O.k, well sorta, it made me get exited for the most part...

....?.... that's all.... --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:12, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

Hm, why?--Some idiot.png (CUN) 05:23, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
It is just that sexy O_o --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 23:23, September 14, 2010 (UTC)
Well I must admit it's an improvement from my last sig.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 05:39, September 15, 2010 (UTC)

Keep This somewhere Dry...[edit source]

...It will hold it's value better that way.

MonsterParty3.png He may be dead but
Monster Party will live on thanks to your vote.

Hooray for crappy video games!

--John Lydon 12:49, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

Its! ITS! AGH! ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100910 - 23:19 (UTC)
Lyrithya, do you constantly watch my talkpage?--Some idiot.png (CUN) 23:50, September 10, 2010 (UTC)
..maybe? *shifty eyes* You have to admit it's more interesting than mine... ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100911 - 00:38 (UTC)

Just like Gary in Pokemon[edit source]

I really aint a good rival am I? I think you have done 30 more than me... O well, feel proud. Maybe i will end up beating you in this Pee Week if i really put my mind to it!......... Or not......--Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 23:25, September 14, 2010 (UTC)

Well, it's just that I probably concentrate on reviewing because it's the only thing I'm good at (ha!).

*Chuckles* Or maybe I'm just better than you! :-P (But if you want to beat me at the Pee Week... game on!)--Some idiot.png (CUN) 05:39, September 15, 2010 (UTC)

I'm buying you a new couch, my treat![edit source]

Spotlight2.jpg Hear ye, hear ye! Thatdamnedfollowspot has

deemed you worthy enough of the

Silver Spotlight!!!

First off, congratulations! You're probably wondering why you have won such a prestigious award. Well, wait no longer! You have most likely done something that has pleased Thatdamnedfollowspot, such as voting for an article of his on VFH or nominated him for something, and as a result, he has decided that you deserve a big, nice template award for your efforts.

If you feel this template has been awarded in error, please contact Customer Service. Otherwise, enjoy your award!

Thanks for your support!

Yes, it's a shit template. But you've won an award! Wear it with pride! And thanks for both nominating and voting for Why?:You should get a new couch on VFH! Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot 03:29 Friday, September 17, 2010

Argh! That template hurts my eyes! So big and glaring! It's actually a pretty good template, really.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 05:37, September 17, 2010 (UTC)

Excuse me...[edit source]

But you, you of all people... I really would have expected better of you. Because you know better. You've shown it. So I have to ask... what in the blazes is this?

I know the article is bad; that's why I put it to be reviewed. I had vainly hoped someone would actually suggest what to do about it... too much, I suppose.

All you really said is that the article is not funny and is encyclopaedic and just facts, making vague comments about jokes in general. Save for one sentence, you mention nothing specific, provide no examples of what is particularly bad or anything specifically that has potential or could be expanded upon or taken in any particular direction, or even what might as well be removed or what could be added... in fact, from the review, it looks like you could well have read nothing but the first paragraph. Which, granted, says something about the article, but still...

'A few chucklesome moments' does nothing if you don't say what they are. Saying only that they need 'some good captions' doesn't actually help with what would be good. Saying to space jokes is useless when there are no jokes to space. While you do make good points about general stuff, it's not actually helpful for the article itself.

It's just fluff.

Subsequently, I am here to inform you... that I am annoyed.

Because I expect more from you.

Good day. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100917 - 17:26 (UTC)

PS - I'm not even trying to not come across as ungrateful. Because I am ungrateful. I'm a jerk. And stuff. You know?

Congrats![edit source]


This user has helped to unclog all the stale Pee hanging around Uncyclopedia by completing more in-depth reviews than any other user in Pee Week 2010.

This template can be redeemed for... nothing, but can be displayed with pride, where it is displayed with pride is your business. Want one just like it?


Well deserved, you blew the rest of us away. Top notch work. --ChiefjusticeXBox 22:43, September 20, 2010 (UTC)

Seeming as I started this comp, I was hoping for a second place finish, but it seems not.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 23:49, September 20, 2010 (UTC)

Another crappy dust-gatherer to shove into the cupboard and forget about[edit source]

So, er...[edit source]

Lyrithya has deemed you worthy of a hug for some reason. Thus, you may now consider yourself hugged.

At this point, you may also want to consider checking your pockets so as to ascertain that everything is still there.

Thanks, I guess. For the nom. I promise not to beat you over the head with a frying pan. You do realise I've now been nominated for both UotM and IotM now, right? I mean, I've no chance of actually winning the first one, at least, but it's a little weird.

And I'm only saying this here because my hug template is here... maybe I should actually copy it over. Anyhow, now I need to go back to the nominations page and laugh at it. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101004 - 00:46 (UTC)

And where did Illogicopedia go? 'Not a valid Wikia'?! I was just trying to... and it... it... it's the end of days, isn't it? The end of days. We're all doomed. All doomed... all doomed... ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101009 - 22:14 (UTC)

Nevermind; guess I panicked. Still, it was redirecting to wikia... I think that's cause for panic. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101009 - 22:24 (UTC)
Ok. So what happened?--Some idiot.png (CUN) 02:25, October 17, 2010 (UTC)
Roberto passed out. O_o; ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101017 - 02:26 (UTC)
Uh-huh. When exactly?--Some idiot.png (CUN) 02:27, October 17, 2010 (UTC)
Presumably around when I left that comment. *blank look*
Also, I was poking your talkpage and somehow found this:
Plunging-toilet.gif We need your PEE!

Good day loyal PEEING member.The management was wondering if you had
noticed the state of the toilet recently. We appear to have developed something of
a blockage
, and wondered if you might have a plunger handy.

Possibly you are one of the rare PEEING members who does actually do regular reviews,
in which case please flush this message immediately, otherwise...

It's time you reviewed something you lazy bum!

It kind of suits the current situation. Odd... perhaps now would be the time to use it... *wanders off* ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101017 - 02:34 (UTC)

Yes Illogicopedia doesn't see to be working for me either. Anyway, I WILL eventually get back to editing here, so there WILL be more pees.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 02:36, October 17, 2010 (UTC)
I was going to cite an illogicopedia policy at you just now, and then realised this was uncyclopedia and doesn't have that policy... ah, well. *sigh*
At any rate, just one person up and dissappearing shouldn't be a problem, anyhow. The problem is nearly all of them up and disappeared. I swear, it's just that wondrous flamingo and me left now... so I've been wondering if maybe I should try doing the point of the template. Later, I found the template. Oh, the quandries... ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101017 - 02:50 (UTC)

Thanks for your vote on Disguise[edit source]

Very very appreciated. That wss a fun page to write, and play on. Lyrthya helped mucho, shee actually had to change all the misspellings--which turned out to be every word--and then when I reverted them all back to the misspellings she had to come back and do it again! Thanks again. Aleister 00:28 22 10

UnSignpost - The UnSignpost Rides Again![edit source]

Read All About It![edit source]

--ChiefjusticeXBox 14:22, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

Run for your lives! It's another UnSignpost.[edit source]

~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101125 - 00:59 (UTC)

Don't you love the smell of the UnSignpost in the morning?[edit source]

--Wanna see a magic trick? 05:36, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

The UnSignpost, now with 25% less saturated fat[edit source]

--ChiefjusticeXBox 16:07, December 9, 2010 (UTC)

Oh shit! It's another unsignpost![edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 05:24, 16 December 2010

This is it... the 100th UnSignpost.[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 06:50, 23 December 2010

UnSignpost, UnSignpost, eat it right here...[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 21:39, 30 December 2010

UnSignpost Delivery![edit source]

Nominally Humane! some time Thursday, 09:57, Jan 6 2011 UTC

UnSignpost Delivery![edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 03:46, 13 January 2011

Do not attempt to adjust your set. This is the UnSignpost.[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 08:15, 20 January 2011

Games[edit source]

Instead of moving the lot, you can compress it into one dealy. PotR explained it here. It made little sense to me. What about you? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 01:48, 24 January 2011

It seems complicated, but I read over it pretty fast. I'm too lazy to do anything like that at the moment - read slowly OR compress a hundred page thingy into a one-page thingy. Or whatever you do.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 01:53, January 24, 2011 (UTC)
Well, by making more pages instead of doing that, you're both spamming up recent changes and going to make more work for whoever winds up having to delete all of them. Just saying. *shifty eyes* 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 02:33, 24 January 2011
Whatever. I'll have a go at this compressing thing, then move it into my userspace.--Some idiot.png (CUN) 02:35, January 24, 2011 (UTC)

UnSignpost! Wheeee![edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:43, 27 January 2011

The UnSignpost is now served with complimentary tacos.[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 02:35, 3 February 2011

This edition of the UnSignpost brought to you in two's complement...[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 02:28, 10 February 2011

Lurg luuurg unsignpost luuuuurg[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 06:16, 17 February 2011

UnSignnull pointer exception[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 07:45, 24 February 2011

All the UnSignpost you ever wanted[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 16:10, 3 March 2011

UnSignpost: March 10th, 2011[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 03:08, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

AdminBots presents: The UnSignpost[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 05:10, 17 March 2011

UnSignpostOnTheDelivery[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 10:14, 24 March 2011

This is your UnSignpost speaking[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 02:12, 31 March 2011

Terribly creative UnSignpost header[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 04:26, 7 April 2011

The UnSignpost: On-time and on top of things... as always.[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 03:59, 14 April 2011

That UnSignposty thing[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 07:19, 21 April 2011

UnSignpost: April 28th, 2011[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 06:22, April 28, 2011 (UTC)

Signpost Un[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:20, 5 May 2011

The Signpost is delivered to all God-fearing citizens[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 05:44, 12 May 2011

UnSignpost[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:07, 19 May 2011

Phnerb unsignpost[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:15, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Best before Friday![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:12, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

Hurrah, it's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:14, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

UnSignpost Activate![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:13, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

Catch it. Kill it. Bin it. It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:13, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

The Un-Sigh-npost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:14, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

It's free and it always will be; it's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:13, July 7, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:12, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Avoid all contact with eyes.[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:14, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

More class than 9000 schools: It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:14, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

ChiefjusticeDS is a lazy sod and has paid the ultimate price... an UnSignpost Coup[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:12, August 6, 2011 (UTC)

More rubbish Australian Prose because ChiefjusticeDS got stabbed in the buttocks by a rioter with a felt-tip pen[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:12, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

Now it only wants you gone; it's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:13, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

Wonko tiddlybum-post[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:12, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

Mailman's here! Lock up your daughters and horny middle-aged Wives![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:12, September 1, 2011 (UTC)

This UnSignpost brought to you by... uh... fairy dust? Hmm, we seem to have run out of sponsors.[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 01:13, September 8, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Now with free bacon![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:13, September 15, 2011 (UTC)

Brought to you by Lion Bars! It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

--ChiefjusticeXBox 07:27, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Hold onto your wage packets! It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

--Wanna see a magic trick? 01:26, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

A day late, because ChiefjusticeDS got lazy: The UnSignPost![edit source]

~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 01:44, October 7, 2011 (UTC)

Generic UnSignpost header[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 03:18, 27 October 2011

Generic UnSignpost header[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 01:54, 3 November 2011

Greetings[edit source]

I have gone through my records and it appears as though you may have voted for me for some award, supported one or more of my articles on VFH, or supported one or more of my images on VFP, in the past year or so. If this is not the case, then please ignore this message. Otherwise, thank you for your support. May you have a long and fruitful life, and have many parasites. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 18:57, 6 January 2012

UnBooks:ChiefjusticeDS and Me - The Diary of an Uncyclopedia Noob[edit source]

I just read UnBooks:ChiefjusticeDS and Me - The Diary of an Uncyclopedia Noob and liked it! :) Admin DAP Dame Pleb Com. Miley Spears (talk) 04:22, 26 June 2016 (UTC)