User talk:Happymonkey39

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Smiting the nail of news with the plastic hammer of truth

1st Archive - Falling from the heavens, I arrived here some time in February. However the impact from the fall gave a giant lump on my head, which grew bigger overtime. I found that eating cookies helped prevent the swelling. But one day i just collapsed, and woke up half a year later. I was told i was in a coma, from some weird hobo that went by the name "happytimes". So he decided to take me in, and took care of my wounds. One day, i woke up to find all of my healing cookies were stolen. Some man names "Al" stole them, so i declared war. Unfortunately i never got to the war, since i was too busy with my "love life". Ever since then, things never have been the same...

So anyways...[edit source]

I'm sidetracked. Thus, you must give me cookies before I defile your talk page... oh, wait. ~ Pointy.png Arajlas *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100816 - 02:54 (UTC)

Muwhahah! You have fallen for my trap!... wait...dammit! Archived the trap too...STUPID STUPID STUPID! --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:02, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Admiral Ackbar would be proud.
Also this: viking!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  16 Aug 2010 ~ 05:09 (UTC)
Oh happytimes you always make me laugh. Ackbar would be proud wouldn't he.
Oh and you would think my father would know what day it is no (aug 16 where i live)... A day where the greatest thing in your life was givin' life?... no not no, not boobs either... football, ya sorta but no. Cmon you know what today is. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:12, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
WAIT WHOA! That article is 5 years old! Holy cow...--Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:16, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Is today slippy fist day? I always get that confused with groundhog day.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  16 Aug 2010 ~ 05:28 (UTC)
So, what was this trap, eh? I'd look, but I'm too lazy. then I might fall into it for real... ~ Pointy.png Arajlas *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100816 - 05:37 (UTC)
Go look for yourself. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 14:42, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
No. ~ Pointy.png Arajlas *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20100816 - 21:53 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

Answer your last item on the archived page... or move it here... geesh!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  16 Aug 2010 ~ 05:35 (UTC)

I already have, on his talk page... And cmon you don't know. It's Happy... and has nothing to do with either of our user names.... --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 14:42, August 16, 2010 (UTC)
Happy is cool. Or kewl. (I can never remember.)  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  18 Aug 2010 ~ 06:36 (UTC) couldn't even have wished your "son" a happy birthday. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 15:35, August 18, 2010 (UTC)
It's because you've disappointed me your whole life; not once have I ever gotten a Fathers day card. *sniff*  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  19 Aug 2010 ~ 04:25 (UTC)
(Seriously though, how is it your birthday? I looked before and couldn't figure it out.)

Review[edit source]

At last. Thanks a million. I have no anger towards Uncyclopedia, or I wouldn't bother writing anything. Its mostly parody. Thanks for the ideas, I'll incorporate what I will into a rewrite. As for competition, seriously, let me know what you think, as Fall is comming, might not be a bad idea to hold the competition throughout the whole season in a few stages. Help is here for you. Shabidoo 15:57, August 17, 2010 (UTC)

Police box review[edit source]


You see, the problem is that the whole thing rather relies on Doctor Who (the real show, not the one in the article). In DW, you have the mundane everyday police box as the time-travelling TARDIS (the article obviously having it the other way around)—this would have been just the classic sci-fi element of the extraordinary hiding amongst the ordinary, except police boxes have been obsolete for 50 years now, but I digress. The point is, it's a role reversal. Now you ask: is Doctor Who a real show? Why yes, although with the twist that the TARDIS actually is a time-travelling device used by Time Lords; in fact, it happens to be one of the most enduring and popular shows on British television, even if a little bit kiddie for many (Stephen Fry might say "infantile"). So I assume that a good bit of the readership would at least be familiar with the TARDIS and how the role reversal takes place, all of which really actually makes Doctor Who (the real show) relevant—nay, central—to the article, and its general formulaic plot lines and clichés not really awfully inside jokes. This, of course, means that even the first paragraph wasn't a joke, and in fact somewhat a statement of fact, making this entire article factual, not a good idea, and unfunny.

So unfortunately, with special blame going to CBC for no longer co-funding or broadcasting the show over there where you live in Canada, the article seems like a surprisingly dead end. Concluding postmortem and fannish whining. Thanks for the review. MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[22:32 18 Aug 2010] lost me again. You see I may be bright... but I'm one of the youngest users here... so let me get this straight, the joke is actually from the show? I have never seen it and again, i had a late night yesterday and am extremely tired. Can you speak teenager for me? That may help --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:02, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
Long story short—it's a British thing. Sorry you had to go through it. MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN[02:20 19 Aug 2010]
Lol understood, it's good to know I'm not just retarded :P --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:30, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
Not just retarded..., special retarded![1] I know we get Dr. Who on PBS over here in Lower Canada and as a sci-fi series it has lasting power. But I think you're right, as a younger user you may not have as much exposure; probably do to minority laws or something: protect our youth, blah, blah, blah.... Anyway, um whatever.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  19 Aug 2010 ~ 04:35 (UTC)
Well there you go, i don't get PBS where i live. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:45, August 19, 2010 (UTC)
  1. Just kidding, you're very bright for a noob; and dear to my heart.

You're one of the youngest users here?[edit source]

I thought so... *high five* ! —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [23:32 20 August 2010]

I would but im afraid the impact would knock you over old man. Anyways i was wondering where i can sign up for this Uncyclopedia Mafia thing. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 00:51, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Ah indeed! Here. I'm meant to be dealing with that and transforming it into a modern, noob-helping machine. —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [09:48 21 August 2010]
Out of interest, how do you feel about collabing? —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [09:54 21 August 2010]
Not sure what that means... yet. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 13:52, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Collaborating. Like say, some French people with the Nazis in WW2. But in a Well not at all like that. As in, writing an article together. By the way, when did you join Uncyc? —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [18:29 21 August 2010]
Well i did have good article idea that i will need some help with so, sure i would love to work with you. I officially joined in February, but i didn't use it much until June. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 23:02, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Ahh, I see. And what's your idea? —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [23:03 21 August 2010]
HOLY...u just replied in under a minute...creepy. Ah well i think you may have seen me right this...I think i mentioned it on UU's page when i was in a temper fit. The page is "The unwritten Rules of Life"... and on top of that, a page that would help this site would be "The unwritten finally written rules of uncyclopedia". --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 23:06, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, so the first is just an article, but the second is an idea for a page with Uncyc rules on it? Well the second is quite controversial, as I'm sure you're aware. :p —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [23:09 21 August 2010]
I think you missunderstood. I mean the rules that aren't written but are known. It doesn't say to "REPLACE A PAGE WITH THE WORDS I AM GAY" is something that could get you banned, anywhere. But less obvious ones like, "You must do a pee review 24 within a promise, or else we will ban the sh*t out of you". Anyways my first idea would be a funny article, my second would actually be a serious one. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 23:17, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
I am willing to help, if you want the help! —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [23:42 21 August 2010]
Ask an admin before writing that second idea, because that actually effects the inner workings of the site. Generally, we like not writing rules down; we're not Wikipedia. Although, that Pee thing is written on the Pee Review main page.--HM (T) 23:45, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
I don't see why he needs to tell an admin. It doesn't have to be an official "set of rules", but instead a collection of general things he's picked up (or maybe others have) that seemed to be accepted practices. That could actually be a very helpful article for noobs. For example, don't whore votes. All the sort of unsaid things. —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [23:53 21 August 2010]
That would usually be in the userspace, not the mainspace. I just think that people will think it's official policy if you put it in the mainspace. You could put some "Not official" template at the top... Hm.--HM (T) 23:56, August 21, 2010 (UTC)
Or it could be called "Observations on Some Probable Guidelines for Uncyclopedians" or some such thing like. —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [23:58 21 August 2010]
Also, I'm sorry if I came off as bossy.--HM (T) 00:03, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
Don't be, your comments are perfectly reasonable. You have a write to say what you like. :) —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [00:04 22 August 2010]
Well he tends to come off as "boss" quite easily, that's why I'm shocked he isn't admin. And i don't know about writes, but he has no god damn rights to tell me what to do!

Anyways YTTE, i also need help on Justin Bieber, i just... i can't do it myself. So pick one to aid me with. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 00:12, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

I should be sleeping now. But link me (I'm lazy) and I'll see what I can do, as soon as possible. —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [00:13 22 August


ummmmm this is like oober gay

Listen carefully...[edit source]

Here's my deal: you give me that vote of yours on Reviewer of the Month. If you get nominated, then you can withdraw it. If I win this month, then I'll nominate you NEXT month. You've got nothing to lose. Deal? --Some Idiot Image002.png 01:38, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

Corruption of the system has spread far and wide in Uncyclopedia. Do not fall for his devilish tricks young monkey!--M'su Carencro - Talk - Contributions - Blag 01:42, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
...he is my rival...I don't know who you are. But i must go against your advise. For i will not be nominated this month... but next month...maybe...--Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 03:08, August 22, 2010 (UTC)
For shame; Monkeyshines knows he can have me nominate him at any time. (If he's not worthy the nom will suck, but it will be a nom all the same.) 'sides I owe him-- I haven't even given scores to my judgery yet. For double shame.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  22 Aug 2010 ~ 07:30 (UTC)
Seriously? Don't do this kind of stuff. On voting pages, nominate and vote for those who you think deserve it. Don't withhold your vote because you want to be nominated. That's selfish. Don't vote for somebody because they voted for you. Don't bargain for votes. Not winning an award will not ruin your life. Also, try to be humble and realistic; compare your contributions with those of "the greats" and consider whether you deserve it. That is today's voting rant.--HM (T) 19:28, August 24, 2010 (UTC) (Symbol for vote.svg For. Happytimes.gif)[1]
HELPME, i think you don't understand our humor. Go play Somewhere else. And besides, i was going to vote for him at the end of the month, i actually just wanted to see who else would be nominated. And im not going to vote for Cheif, since he has won already, and this month, PF deserves it more. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 20:23, August 24, 2010 (UTC)
Don't tell me what to do. I was just giving you an Uncyclopedian life lesson.--HM (T) 20:26, August 24, 2010 (UTC)
That's like the fifth time you have said that to me...and yet, i never really tell you to do something... Telling you to do something would be "Go flame Happytimes" not "Go flame Happytimes, not me".... and dude whats with the 5 second replies...your really creeping me out like another person i know. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 20:33, August 24, 2010 (UTC)
You know, HELPME has a point... votes and nominations really should be earned. Part of why I so often don't bother to vote on things... can't be arsed to figure out if I think they deserve it, you know? But this... this is a cheap lazy way out, and as a well-bred proper lazy person, I'll say... I disapprove! *shakes a dead halibut* (Symbol for vote.svg For. Happytimes.gif)
And really, stop telling people what to do. Yeesh. ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100825 - 02:36 (UTC)
wait wait what? When have i told you to do anything? And again, i was going to give a serious vote at the end of the month.... your just upset that i called you a stalker... --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:59, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
Since I called myself a stalker before you ever did (at least, I think I did, not that I can be bothered to check), why would I care? And I'm sure you've told me to do plenty. You've definitely told other people to do an inordinate amount of stuff, of which I was just returning the favour... and deary, when I'm serious I get really huffy and tall and strange and people come out with giant warts and stuff... don't ask. But have you found any new warts lately? ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100825 - 03:32 (UTC)
Yah i found a few on my... nevermind. Anyways, the only time i tell people to do thing (non-joke wise) is in Pee-Reviews, and I'm supposed to there. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 04:01, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
Are you, though? Are you really? ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100825 - 04:08 (UTC)
(It's optional.)  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  25 Aug 2010 ~ 04:57 (UTC)
Is it, though? Is it really? ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100825 - 13:51 (UTC)
Actually, Pee Reviews are for suggestions, not telling people what to do.--HM (T) 19:00, August 25, 2010 (UTC)
Are they, though? Are they really? ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100826 - 00:16 (UTC)
  1. I've never won any awards and look at me: happy!
...Do you always have to correct people HM? I mean cmon, suggestions, telling them what to do. Bottom line is that you help them out. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 01:21, August 26, 2010 (UTC)
Does he, though? Does he really? ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100826 - 02:14 (UTC)

he is soooo ripped and his eyeball pops out of his head. awesome

[edit source]

Hey, I can give it a go. Not sure what you mean by rough at the edges. Meaning that it could look nicer? Im also traveling for a week so it will be a bit

Shabidoo 09:06, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

Ya just fix up the edges, it's all scruffy and stuff. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 20:34, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

Mafia![edit source]

You're in. See your welcome message, here. You can see your position and rank within the mafia, here. Feel free to pop in any time and say hello at the members only club. —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [10:21 22 August 2010]

If you intend to be a active (iish) member of the Mafia, then I am willing to offer you control of the Italian branch. It doesn't really mean much. But we have to have a head of both branches of the family. —VAGINA WHORE MafiaHatBlack.gif Mr. Antonio Yettie (talk) [10:27 22 August 2010]

Oi![edit source]

Listen up you. (And you.) I've been real busy in my real life this past month and it really doesn't look like it's slowing up any real time soon and I've still go to re-start UN:IC in September and <insert other excuse(s)> and I'm coming down with a cold.
Thusly I, Happytimes will judgeify the contest most soonish-- not to extend past the end of the week! My word is my bondage. Trust me. (I can't believe I've procrastinated so long I now feel obligated to give a score when I wasn't going to.)  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  25 Aug 2010 ~ 05:05 (UTC) weren't going to? ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100825 - 13:51 (UTC)
No. I score enough in real life that I normally don't have to assign random numbers to strange collections of syllables.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  26 Aug 2010 ~ 01:16 (UTC)
I didn't need to know that. My own father not judging my own competition. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 01:23, August 26, 2010 (UTC)
I'm confused... ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100826 - 02:14 (UTC)
Don't worry, it gets easier with multiple head wounds.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  27 Aug 2010 ~ 04:27 (UTC)
But my head doesn't work as it is. How would that help? ~ Pm.png *sqlorsh* (harass) (stalk) -- 20100827 - 04:45 (UTC)

I am such an ass! Sorry I didn't do my homework... I've been sick but mostly arguing about the bolding of UnNews & it took a lot out of me. I have real homework tonight but I'll get this done in the next two days.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  31 Aug 2010 ~ 01:05 (UTC)

I am looseing my pactience!...but ive been busy sorry for not doing...ugh... stuff --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:07, August 31, 2010 (UTC)
I've already forgotten what this is all about. Monkey, what was times supposed to be doing? ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100831 - 15:29 (UTC)
Contest judgery = Thursday.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  01 Sep 2010 ~ 00:37 (UTC)
If that actually happens, I say we take it as a sign of the apocalypse. Who's with me? ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100901 - 00:54 (UTC)
It will somehow link to 2012. Deffinatly. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:14, September 1, 2010 (UTC)
Totally. Thursday is the second... that has a two in it. Like twelve. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100901 - 02:45 (UTC)

SPAM!!![edit source]


Congrats, Happmonkey! You have been awarded some Spam for no particular reason! Put it on your userpage to show it off - you happen to be the second person in history to be awarded with such a prize! How lucky of you... Spamsig.jpg

WTH THIS IS BS! WHY WASN'T I FIRST!...i can never win anything --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 02:40, September 3, 2010 (UTC)
WTH? You win at being second ALL THE TIME!!!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  03 Sep 2010 ~ 07:41 (UTC)
Don't be Sadmonkey, Happymonkey! Have some more Spam... you are the first to be awarded it twice! Spamsig.jpg
 *sniff*....i guess, that's, sort of true *sniff*.... Is this stuff poisoness? (HELPME i swear if you start all of that Poison/toxic junk, or laugh at my spelling I will murder you...or not) --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 03:17, September 4, 2010 (UTC)
Is a poisoness a woman who poisons stuff with poisonous poisons?  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  04 Sep 2010 ~ 04:00 (UTC)
Lets just say i will kill you. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 04:07, September 4, 2010 (UTC)
Me? or HELPME? Your diction confuses me. Will you use poison? Will the delivery method of your homicidal angst involve poisonous animals, poisoness hit women or nuclear strike? Should I buy murder insurance against this impending tragedy so my loved ones will be taken care of (or if it's HELPME you're after a nice tidy sum to be used on memorial drugs and hookers)? Can I count on you to make sure those videos never make it to YouTube? Why are we here; the very existence of, well, everything? Mommy?  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  04 Sep 2010 ~ 04:55 (UTC)

06:24, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Hm. I think I have caused a commotion. Maybe it was the cyanide I dropped in the spam - I dunno. Spamsig.jpg
Naw, I think it was just the fact that the spam was there. Some people just need to come together to explode; evidently thus is the case with Happytimes and HELPME. Damn, they're cute together. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk) -- 20100905 - 02:24 (UTC)
We're cute apart too. Damit! We're cute everywhere. And sexy (Me more so than him).  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  18 Sep 2010 ~ 01:08 (UTC)

From the unrestitered user[edit source]

Okay, I've edited my article. Will you look at the new masterpiece and review it again?

-- 20:32, September 24, 2010 (UTC)

He means this.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  24 Sep 2010 ~ 23:31 (UTC)

This[edit source]

User:Luvvy/Sandbox/The Uncyclopedia Family Tree Project.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  21 Oct 2010 ~ 02:17 (UTC)

Upsilon Sigma Sigma October Newsletter[edit source]


Ok guys, my bad. I was gone for a long time there. I found some free time recently so I'm hoping to get Upsilon Sigma Sigma started up again along with my other project, UnReviews.

At any rate, We're going to keep Weird, the August collaboration open. We're also going to go ahead and open up a November collaboration. The article on the queue that has the most votes is "Blockbuster" so that's the one we're going to do. You can find the collaboration page here. I'm probably going to disappear again because of school in a few weeks, so hopefully we can build up enough momentum here to keep our collaborations going. If you haven't noticed our previous collaborations have been huge hits, all have been featured on the front page. Hopefully "Weird" and "Blockbuster" will too in their own due time.

Looking forward to seeing you guys around the frat!

P.S. we have a FBotM nomination this month, make sure you go vote!

Founder -- SirSf13 (Talk) Upsilon Sigma Sigma's last completed collaboration CUN RotM FBotM VFH SK Maj. ΥΣΣ 2104 EST 22 Oct, 2010

[edit source]

Young man, Ive been away for a few months (you know ... living my real life) and was not around to help you. Sorry. Do what you must. Did you have a competition in the end? Shabidoo

Your talkpage is now infested with a giant squid.[edit source]

It'd have been muskoxen like usual, but I ran out. Anyhow, I completely forgot what I came here for, so I guess I'll just say hi to your talkpage; that's usually a safe bet. Or convenient, anyway... hi, Happymonkey's talkpage! 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:17, 14 January 2011

Thank yous and where are yous and when yous coming back, yous[edit source]


Where are you, we need another Happy Monkey all-day sucker, ah, contest soon (although the Poo surprise is starting in a few days, that's a two week contest. Are you going to play in that?). Thank you very much for the vote on that Writer thing, very appreciated. I hope at least three of us tie, that would be the most fun. I saw on your user page that your laying your cousin or something, nice, keep it in the family. And I saw some person answered your note on my talk page about who's gone and who's around, it's like lots of people left. Funnybony is the most recent to leave (after 310 articles I guess he's Funniedbonyied out for awhile). Lyrithya left in a huff and a big controversy when shshe took control of the administration building for a few hours and blanked about a third of the site before outside forces had to be brought in. It was a mess, and most other wiki's have banned heirm and all their sockpuppets now, even the conspiracy ones. Well, come back often, and thanks again! Aleister 18:28 14 1 '11

p.s. NOW we're talking some real good cookies!!!

Your painting[edit source]

Just as promised.


It's you in the tropics. --Wanna see a magic trick? 14:11, January 17, 2011 (UTC)

Where are you?[edit source]

Come back! Thank you for your vote at writer of the your or something. It rowed me to winning it, and I've set up a thank you page on my user page. Lots of cookies there for you. If you don't come back soon (where are you?) take a look in the page's history and you can see it right around this time. Thanks again, Aleister 23:44 1-2-'11


Happymonkeywinter2011.jpg ¡¡¡ OLÉ !!!  :)

--Shabidoo 10:05, February 24, 2011 (UTC)

Actually...[edit source]

It's four tildes. Squiggly things. You know those things. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 01:37, 16 September 2011

You're back...and banned[edit source]

What a way to return. Do you still have those nunchucks I asked you for before you left? --RARR! PLEB SIR Lollipop (TALK) - updated on 17 September 2011, at 01:50

I miss the good ole days[edit source]

I've been reading your talk page and I have tears in my eyes from the laughter! I used to be so funny! What the hell happened?  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  06 Dec 2011 ~ 06:37 (UTC)

Talk pages are srz bznz. No joking here. —fj0j3ddjoaw;rfjaew (r30qjd) 07:33, 6 December 2011 (UTC)
No Joking?!?... Are you joking?!?  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  06 Dec 2011 ~ 08:36 (UTC)

User:Lyrithya[edit source]

Hey. Just so you're aware, she was getting into disagreement with a few editors and admins, including myself, and was generally feeling unwanted (from what I could see from a few edit summaries and more caustic comments). She was banned for a short period (about an hour) and de-opped during that period as well, even though the admin status was given back before the hour was out. There have been a few edits that have been made by Haydrahlienne over the last month or so, but they've petered out. I'm hoping that she's just decided to take a break rather than leave altogether, but she's not been the most communicative of people in the meantime. (She also has her own perspective on what happened that will likely differ from mine. I was not her favourite person in the world at the time she left.) Nominally Humane! 03:02 14 Apr

She made a sock-puppet? Even I didn't do that when I had my hissy-fit at the site... For the record, that will not happen again from me, I was just in that stage of every teens life where you hate the whole world and they hate you in return... Pretty pathetic once I look back on it now. None the less. Other than the knowledge of her making a sock-puppet, I know nothing about what these comments or edits were, so in my eyes, its still loving and playful Lyrithya, and if she doesn't come back for my event... THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES. Or... I will just do nothing about it and move on with my life... Meh. She will be missed, unlike some people *cough cough*. ENOUGH GIBBER GABBER. THERE IS WORK TO BE DONE! I must continue my work on my contest. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master

You're back[edit source]

Long time, never see. --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 15:56, April 14, 2012 (UTC)

My lord! How much I have missed not knowing you! In the words of a wise mastermind that I spent much of my childhood (and current days for that matter) admiring and catching monsters in little baseballs for... "are you a boy or a girl? --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master
Sometimes, I ask that question myself. --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 17:26, April 14, 2012 (UTC)
Ah, so you fit under that category huh? Well I like to refer to myself as a male, and in case you do happen to be female, my tail is 2 inches bigger than the average monkey if you know what i mean -Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master
Wait, I just checked. I am a male. --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 17:34, April 14, 2012 (UTC)
Do you have a tail? --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master
Possibly. --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 17:43, April 14, 2012 (UTC)
Mines bigger. And after I stalked your archives for no reason in particular, I have come to the conclusion. Monkeys may give good head, but only the female ones. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master

I forgot to answer before[edit source]

You can post a forum by going to the community navigation bar on the left of the page, hit on "Village Dump" (apparantly the secret name for Forums) and on the right of the page not very far down is a box to make new forums. You just type the forum's name in there and its like starting any new page from then on. And I agree with your image of Lythyiaiania as always a playful and fun user to talk with on talk pages. I think the rigors of being a hugely active admin, probably our busiest and at time most productive and other time most destructive admin on the site, brought too much together for too long a time of high energy work on the site, L just needs a vacation. Hopefully in...Vegas! Aleister 18:10 14-4-'12

I see that. Poor Lyrithya, I hope to see the user return that is all I can say. And I will get on that forum sometime in the next... I dunno when, I just will do it. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gifWeegeeheadbobin.gifDomo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master

Did you mean this video?[edit source]

Nominally Humane! 12:06 16 Apr

You really should...[edit source] yes on this: Forum:Forest Fire Week 3.14: Reloaded. Thanks! --The Defender of Light >Grand Warlock Danzathel Aetherwing Inventory 19:50, 14 August 2013 (UTC)

Monkey!!!![edit source]


Days of the week friendly competition that shabidoo will win and everyone else will fail[edit source]


Your topic is WEDNESDAY

Let us know if you can't participate and we'll find a substitute

Rules are posted here

I would wish you good luck but I shave my crotch hair every day in September and I'm rather busy.

--ShabiDOO 16:49, 9 September 2013 (UTC)

IC[edit source]

Please take a look at this - Forum:Start Imperial Colonization again! IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 12:54, 24 September 2013 (UTC)

Turkey dall ball[edit source]

Hey. I was the only entrant for the bad taste there's nothing to judge really. But if you didn't mind giving a comment or two about the article...I'd really appreciate it. --ShabiDOO 11:30, 14 December 2013 (UTC)

UnSignpost: yet another new format but still less news[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper That Won't Tell Everyone That You Wet the Bed! Oops...

– Llwy-ar-lawr (talkcontribslogs) 04:20, 5 May 2014Uncyclopedia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! UncyclopediaUncyclopediaIllogicopediai:fr:LogimalpediePaudurapedyjaFrithchiclipeidUncapaediaAbsurdopediaScotypedia

It's back! - The UnSignpost[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper With Love In Every Paragraph!

~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 09:01, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Two weeks in a row? A new record! It's the UnSignpost[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Proudly supporting editorial independence whenever the board say it's okay

~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 23:14, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

Does this look infected to you? It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

The UnSignpost
Better sign it.

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 8 '14 12:19 (UTC)

More {{Boner}}s than a ragged Playgirl: It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

The UnSignpost
Telling You Stuff You Already Knew, But With Different Words!

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 15 '14 20:08 (UTC)

We gave The UnSignpost an enema, so now it's regular![edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper With Love In Every Paragraph!

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 22 '14 2:11 (UTC)


The UnSignpost
The Newspaper That Wonders What Happened To You. You Used To Be Cool.

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 02:53, 7 September 2014 (UTC)

Unsignpost delivery attempt numbr hideous implosion[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Just like Grandma used to make!

Brace Yourselves, The UnSignpost is Coming![edit source]

The UnSignpost
Now with 20% more ninjas!

The USP is coming for you! (and your little dog too)[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper That Contains Neither News Nor Paper.

Shabidoo's Celestial Objects informal competition...[edit source]

Dance the mash bro! on this year. I hope you participate again Last Year's Day's of the week competiton. First come first serve. --ShabiDOO 02:52, 29 September 2014 (UTC)

Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the USP?[edit source]

The UnSignpost
May contain traces of humor!

dicks lol: It's UnSignpost time![edit source]

The UnSignpost
In Pure Russian Fashion, The Newspaper That Reads YOU!!

The UnSignpost is back, baby! (And also a little bit of front)[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Now With 0 Trans Fat!

Vote, Vote, Vote[edit source]

It's that time of the year again! We're going to be showing off our Top Ten Articles of 2014 soon but so far, very few people have voted. It's all up to you to decide what's the best of the best! Go to Forum:Top 10 Articles of 2014 and vote now! --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 02:24, 30 January 2015 (UTC)

Remember when people used to be active at least once a year?[edit source]

Kevin Spacey and Brad Pit in the same movie lol

Super awesome happy "Seven deadly sins" competition where Shabidoo will win and everyone else colapses into suicidal depression fun week!!! SIGN UP!!! ShabiDOO 14:20, 15 May 2016 (UTC)

Happy Monkey Competition 2021[edit source]


Hey its HAPPY MONKEY TIME 2021 (Feb 21-28). Your favourite writing competition where we write articles on one another's suggested topics. Go ahead and sign up because the more users we have competiting the more ridonculously fun it is. If you don't wanna write you can sign up to judge! Sing up here. Remember it's not about writing a sure fire VFH article, but pushing the limits of your originality and creativity and spitting out an article on a topic you had never thought about writing before. Also...Shabidoo will love you forever and owe you like a zillion favours for it. He will literally do anything to please you if it means you participate. Happy Monkey Farts!!! ShabiDOO 15:40, 10 February 2021 (UTC)

UnSignpost Home Delivery for May 1st, 2021[edit source]

The UnSignpost
I love it when the news comes together

It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source]

Seasons Greetings!

It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny Sign Up Today! (pretty please) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 13:24, 13 December 2021