Forum:Start Imperial Colonization again!
OK people, we have a problem. After the recent Forest Fire, over 500 articles have been deleted. Now, there is nothing wrong with deleting articles, especially if they're shitty ones but the problem is, those 500 articles need to be replaced. Futhermore, the last "proper" article that was written was on 17th August, when Gerrycheevers wrote Umbrella, and for a comedy website that used to knock out 300 per day, that stat sucks. I know we don't have as many active users, or admins, but we can still write articles.
To cut to the chase, I made this forum because I think we really need to start IC again. It helps users come together and pour thier creativity into one article and the end result is always something good. It can help us replace the articles and even create new ones. I'm not forcing anyone who doesn't want to do it but this website seems to becoming more and more about drama between users, which is just pointless.
Anyway, whoever wants to join me, sign up below. IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 12:50, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
Sign up!
- yEAH. IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 12:50, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
- Uhm, yeah. I'm not really good at writing articles and if I recall corectly the last time I wrote one was, like, a year before but, yeah, I'd like to help in any possible way! --Mimo&maxus 13:53, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
- If I'm not kicked out by democracy, then I'll... write... stuff.... I guess. -- 14:05, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
- Sounds rad. I'm in, if I'm not busy.
17:59, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
- I am a potential helper, but cannot promise anything. Anton (talk) 18:08, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
- I was in on the last IC, however am not much of a writer, but I hope to see IC back soon! -- Simsilikesims(♀UN) Talk here. 22:31, 23 September 2013 (UTC)
- Get a topic together, and I'll throw in a hand, or at least a finger. Nominally Humane! 10:52 23 Sep
- Love writing articles! But none of mine were featured yet. :(
- Generally I suck at collaboration, as well as being funny about the big-ticket items, but at the very least I'm in full support of IC and hope I can get the creative juices flowing this time around. -RAHB 08:03, 24 September 2013 (UTC)
- Sure. --Leverage (talk) 07:28, 25 September 2013 (UTC)
- I'm down to make images for whatever. -- The Zombiebaron 08:52, 25 September 2013 (UTC)
- I'm up to join as well - I'm not here often, but think IC is a great idea and am happy to be part of it where/when I can.... Strainj 1 . . . . TALK 20:48, 5 October 2013 (UTC)
Great to have so many of you onboard! I've put up a few article choices on the IC page for you guys to vote on. You can also nominate others as well. IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 08:03, 28 September 2013 (UTC)
I'm retiring (well, semi-retiring)
I would like to announce that IFYMB will be taking over Imperial Colonisation as head, while I'll be taking over as third-in-command. Qzekrom will remain second-in-command. Because I have my college commitments in the first year, which is the most demanding, I will surrender my duties to him.
Let's hope that IFYMB can continue destroying the bourgeoisie for world revolution of comedy.
Someday, I'll be back.
07:39, 24 September 2013 (UTC)
Oops, forgot the flag
There, much better. IFYMB, you're ready to go. 08:11, 4 October 2013 (UTC)