Prijatno poznakomitsa, ya big dumpshit, do me a favour and enroll, that way I won't have to waste my bullets.
- Hello, Mr. Hex, nice to meet you. So you want to join our little crime syndicate, huh? Well, you're in - but we're going to have to think of a nickname for you, Mr. Hex. You will now be known as Mr. Lavrenti "Digits" Hex within the Family. Welcome aboard, you've been assigned the rank Rukovoditel/Chief (Руководитель). Your boss is Mr. John "Fifty-Seven" Orian.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
User: Colin "All your base" Heaney
- Hello, Mr. Heaney, nice to meet you. So you want to join the Family, huh? Well, you're in - and it seems your name is already perfect for use within Family circles. Welcome aboard, you've been assigned the rank Rukovoditel/Chief (Руководитель). Your boss is Mr. Iosef "Fifty-Seven" Orian.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Miss. Nacky, very nice to meet you. So you're interested in joining the Family of crime? Well you're in - and you're our's-it-called...female Mafioso. We're going to need to sort that name of yours. From now on you shall be called Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky. You've been assigned the rank of Rukovoditel/Chief (Руководитель). Your boss is Mr. Iosef "Fifty-Seven" Orian.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr Sean. I must-a apologise for letting you wait out here so long! I will personally give you nice-a flowers on your talkpage. So, you want to join our little crime syndicate? Well, you're in. We'll need to give you a proper Mafia-like name, see? I think we shall call you Mr. Isaak "Wiry" Sean. You've been assigned the rank of Naemnyj Uijca/Hitman (Наемный уийца ). Your boss is Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
The Dark Prince
- Hello, Mr. Prince. Do you mind me calling you Mr. Prince? Do you prefer Mr. Dark? Anywho, you're in, and it seems an official Mafia-like name is in order. We'll call you Mr. Nikolai "Dark" Prince. You've been assigned the status of Prixvosten/Henchman (Прихвостень). Your boss is Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky.
Sincerely, Mr. C.R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum.
Geoff Prickett
- Hello and good day, Mr. Prickett. Or should I say Mr. Prickett the Mafioso! (or something) You know why? Because you're in, and your new Mafia-type name shall be Mr. Sergei "Geo" Prickett! I hope you like it! Also, you've been assigned the rank of Prixvosten/Henchman (Прихвостень). Your boss is Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky. Sincerely, --
C.B.D. C.R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum
Naughtyned (My ancestry is half-Italian, the other half being Irish, just like GoodFella Henry Hill but the "drugs, violence and sex" comment convinced me I belong in the Russian branch.)
- I hope can forgive the late reply, Mr. Ned. I've had a lot of business to take care of. Now then, you're in, and your Mafia-like name will be Mr. Vladmir "Mischievous" Ned. You'll start off as a Prixvosten/Henchman (Прихвостень), and your boss is Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky. Sincerely, --
C.B.D. C.R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum
DJ Gentoo (Golf course? Sweet!)
- Enthusiastic, I see! I like that. Well, you're in Mr. Gentoo, or should I say Mr. Yuri "Deejay" Gentoo You'll start off as a Prixvosten/Henchman (Прихвостень), and your boss is Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky. Awesomely, --
C.B.D. C.R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum
- Hello, Mr. Bomb! Very nice to finally be aquatinted with you. Now, you're in, and your Mafia-like pseudonym shall be Mr. Joey "Asplode" Bomb; you'll start out as a Prestupnik/Criminal (Преступник), and your boss will be Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky. Awesomely, --
C.B.D. C.R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum
- Hello, Mr. M. N. M. So you want in on the Mafia? Well you've got in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name. I think you shall be called Mr. Vladamir "Eminem" M. N. M.. Welcome-a to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Prestupnik/Criminal (Преступник). Your boss will be Miss. Aleksandra "Flairs" Nacky.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
Nathan X42
- Hello, Mr. Nathan. You want to join the mafia? Поздравляю, you're in - and in organized crime you need an organized name, so you shall be known as Maxim "Forty-two" Nathan. You start off at the rank of Prestupnik/Criminal (Преступник). Your boss will be me.
Искренне, Mr. Lazar "Meth" Jasper
- Hello, Mr. Followspot. I see you want to be part of the Family. Well, большой, you're in - but let's fix up that name of yours. You start off at the rank of Prestupnik/Criminal (Преступник). You will now be known as Ioann "Damned" Followspot, and I, Lazar "Meth" Jasper will be your boss.
- Hello, Mr. Times! You are looking for an opening in the business? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name-a. I think you shall be a Mr. Fedor "Happy" Times. Welcome-a to the Family. You shall be granted the rank of Naemnyj Uijca/Hitman (Наемный уийца ).
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
Please-a, enrol, I insist! Altrimenti l'ucciderò. If you don't, you might upset-a me. You do not-a want-a that.
BurekSP (Yes, it does not match my sig, but the Italian mafia is cooler.)
- Hello, Mr. Burek, nice to meet you. So interested in this little crime organisation, just a small family business, you understand? Well, luck you, cause you're in - but we're going to have to think of a nickname for you, Mr. Burek. I think we will call you Mr. Rodrigo S. P. "Spuddy" Burek within the Family. Welcome aboard, you've been assigned the rank Chairman. Please note that for the time being you may not use the title Don (not yet, be patient, Mr. Burek). Your boss is me.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
Regret Tenenbaum
- Hello, Mr. Tenenbaum, very nice to meet you. So you're interested in our little Family, here? Well, welcome in - but we're going to have to sort out your name. I think we will call you Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum within Family circles. Welcome, you've been assigned the rank of Capodecina (Capo). Your boss is Mr. Rodrigo S. P. "Spuddy" Burek.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr. Rwg, nice to meet you in person. So you want to join our crime syndicate, eh? Well, you're in - but we need to fix you a suitable Mafia name. I think we shall call you Mr. Alberto "Letters" Rwg. Welcome, you've been assigned the rank of Capodecina (Capo). Your boss is Mr. Rodrigo S. P. "Spuddy" Burek.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr. Jasper, nice to see you. So you want in on our little business? Well, you're in - but we're gonna need to fix you up a Family name, eh? I think we'll call you Mr. Lazzaro "Dotnot" Jasper. Welcome, you've been given the rank of Wiseguy. Your boss is Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr. Gert. So you want to be part of the Family, eh? Well, you're in. However, we're going to have to sort out a Family name for you. I think you'll be called Mr. Dante "Five" Gert. Welcome to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Wiseguy. Your boss will be Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr. Velosi. Of course I've just made the presumption that you're a "mr", if you're not then please let-a me know! So you want to join the crimiest Family in town? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more Mafia name. I think you shall be called Mr. Bruno "Tee" Velosi. Welcome to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Wiseguy. Your boss will be Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr. Readmesoon. So you want to join my noble Family? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a Mafioso name. I think you shall be called Mr. Cristiano "Booky" Readmesoon. Welcome to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Wiseguy. Your boss will be Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr. Kglee. Of course I've just made the presumption that you're a "mr", if you're not then please let-a me know! So you want tin on the Mafia? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name. I think you shall be called Mr. Dario "Eelg" Kglee. Welcome to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Wiseguy. Your boss will be Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
Judge Zarbi
- Hello, Mr. Zarbi. So you want to join the Mafia, eh? Well you're in - but we'll need to give you a more Mafioso style name. I think we shall call you Mr. Adriano "Legal" Zarbi or Judge Adriano "Legal" Zarbi, if you wish. Welcome to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Wiseguy. Your boss will be Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Mr. 333! A son of Orian's, I see. Well, you've made the good decision in joining the mafia, and you're in, and as such, you need your official Mafia-like name. How does Giorgio "Trenta" Trrri sound? To start off, you've been assigned the rank of Sgarrista, and your boss will be Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum. Sincerely, --
C.B.D. C.R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum
- Have a seat, Mr. Literalist. You've made a good decision, joining the mafia and such, you're in. Your new, mafia-like name will be Mr. Franco "Multi" Literalist. Hope you like it! For now, you'll be a Piciotto, and your boss will be Mr. Carlos R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum. Sincerely, --
C.B.D. C.R. "Grieve" Tenenbaum
Mnbvcxz so I find out what in the name Oscar Wilde this thing is about.
- Hello, Mr. Mnbvcxz. Nice to see new recruits! So you want in on the Mafia? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name. I think you shall be called Mr. Georgio "Vowels" Mnbvcxz. It's-a ironic, your nickname? You getta it? Welcome-a to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Piciotto. Your boss will be Capo Bastone Delegato Mr. Lazzaro "Dotnot" Jasper.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
Da man360
- Hello, Mr. Man. Fresh-a meat! So you want in the Family? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name. I think you shall be called Mr. Cornelio "Degrees" Man. Welcome-a to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Piciotto.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Lord Arcadian. Very nice-a to have-a some nobility in the Family, you know? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name, I thinks. I think you shall be called Lord Dino "Nobility" Arcadian. Welcome-a to the Family. You've been assigned the rank of Sgarrista.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
- Hello, Mr. Cheddar! Very nice to have some real Italian blood! You want a part in our humble little Family business? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name. I think you shall be called Mr. Paolo "Barbecue" Cheddar. Welcome-a to the Family. Owing to your Italian heritage, special allowances have been made and you-a have been assigned the rank of Consigliere.
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.
Happymonkey39 {either you let me in, or I let you say 'ello to mah litta friend!}
- Hello, Mr. Monkey! You want a part in our humble little Family business? Well you're in - but we'll be needing to give you a more appropriate name. I think you shall be a Mr. Dante "Thirty Nine" Monkey. Welcome-a to the Family. You shall be granted the rank of Capodecina (Capo).
Yours sincerely, Mr. Antonio "Snowmobile" Yettie.