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Hi. I'm Kglee. I have created a few games, as well as the occasional article. Erm... Nothing else really. I could turn this into a huge, fancy userpage full of images and menus and whatnot, but instead, I chose to keep this brief.

Anyways, I'm some dude from Boston. I'm a huge fan of the Red Sox and the Patriots. I also love Call of Duty 4.

This user is part of the Family… You've been warned…
This user, Kglee, is possibly a bit of a loser. Also they make UnGames and you should too!
This user has saved the Beautiful Princess Rosemary and beaten Zork 3: The Dungeon Master.

List of Articles made by Me[edit | edit source]

Games[edit | edit source]

Anyways, nothing more to say. Goodbye.