Forum:The 2010 Top 10 Extravaganza is nearly here!
Ladies, gentlemen, IPs, trolls.
As it is traditional in the so called "world" out there, we shall soon be shutting down 2010. Permanently.
As it is customary by human nature, the creme de la creme of the past year must be announced, so the rest of us can bow our heads in shame and recognize that we are not as good as we thought.
Not in the slightest.
And so, Uncyclopedia will be proud to recognize, once again, the TOP 10 Articles of 2010 Which Did Not Suck As Bad As The Rest
And this is how it will happen:
- On January 1st Mister Operandi will open the votage page for the Top 3 articles of December.
- On January 15th(ish), Mister Operandi will open the TOP 10 votage page. This page will be available until Feb 1st. The list of the nominations for the top 10 of 2011 will be based on the top 3 of each month in 2010.
- On Feb 1st, we give VFH a well deserved rest and we feature the top 10 of 2010 from number 10 onwards, until we reach number 1.
- On Feb 11th we resume our normal scheduled program and we REJOICE, for we have been the worse, for yet another year.
And a little competition this year. Last year, POTR was kind enough to prepare the Top 10 template for 2009 ({{2009Top10}}). This year, I'm looking for a few suggestions for the new template to either take the style that was used in previous years, or use a brand new and exciting design that will muck up our entire database. Please look at the code for the previous year, there are some elements there that need to be present in this year in order to be displayed properly on the main page.
Thank you, and god bless America. ~ 14:46, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
2010? So Jews go by the Christian calendar? MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 18:04, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
Suck as rest? Is that english? ~ 20:22, 21 December 2010
- Grammar Nazi! Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:08, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
- What's your point? ~
23:15, 21 December 2010
- You've got to remember that we are just simple Uncyclopedians. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:19, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
- I do? Why? I like living in this imaginary world where people can spik proprt... ~
23:48, 21 December 2010
- I do? Why? I like living in this imaginary world where people can spik proprt... ~
- You've got to remember that we are just simple Uncyclopedians. These are people of the land. The common clay of the new West. You know... morons. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:19, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
- What's your point? ~
Oh, and I have a couple of serious inquires:
- Each year the color of the ninjastar changes (2005 was an ugly yellow, 2006 was the normal silver, 2007 was the normal silver with two hands opening the hole, 2008 was this awesome red circle, and 2009 was a boring gold), so what will this years be? Or, if we want to keep this years top 10 as the gold ninjastar, should we go back to the 2005-2008 templates and change them to the gold star, too?
- The 2009 template has the red "Top 10 of '09" featured under the logo, but the top 10 templates of 2005-2008 don't have anything of the sort. Would anyone want to go back and add it to the other templates as well?
- If donuts are bad for you, then why are they fucking delicious?
MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 18:59, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
Template Designs
- Stick with the current one. It's simple. It's classy. In short, it's nothing like Uncyclopedia. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:07, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
- It could be simpler, though. And classier. And even less like Uncyclopedia. ~
23:15, 21 December 2010
- What, with a classy label, like Gucci or Kmart? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:20, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
- I was thinking cheesecake packaging, actually, but those'll work too... ~
23:49, 21 December 2010
- I was thinking cheesecake packaging, actually, but those'll work too... ~
- What, with a classy label, like Gucci or Kmart? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 23:20, December 21, 2010 (UTC)
- It could be simpler, though. And classier. And even less like Uncyclopedia. ~
User:Lyrithya/Nothing/top pink
Okay, how's this? ~ 04:34, 29 December 2010
- It' ~
08:00, December 29, 2010 (UTC)
- Oh, hold on, I just saw the top banner, nice! (still very pink though...) ~
08:01, December 29, 2010 (UTC)
- You don't like pink?! ~
16:45, 29 December 2010
- You don't like pink?! ~
- Oh, hold on, I just saw the top banner, nice! (still very pink though...) ~
Hash Brown Recipes
- Salt. Lots and lots of salt. ~
23:16, 21 December 2010
- PCP. Lots and lots of PCP. MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 18:42, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
What's the point?
We already know the top ten articles of the year; A wizard did it, A wizard did it, A wizard did it, A wizard did it, A wizard did it, A wizard did it, A wizard did it, A wizard did it, A wizard did it and... what was the other one? Oh yeah, A wizard did it --Black Flamingo 19:03, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
- Well, Filial Piety and Suddenly, Raccoons still have to duke it out for 2nd place. MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 19:05, December 22, 2010 (UTC)
- I wish we could vote against on these things... ~
19:45, 22 December 2010
- And waste a vote on something that doesn't deserve it?
- Why not? Could track motions of decent... and conspiracies... *eyes Socky suspiciously* Okay, so I'm kidding. Not everything can be part of a conspiracy... can it? ~ -- 05:14, 3 January, 2011 (UTC)
- Of course it can. Reality is conspiring against us!
- Yes I agree there is no conspiracy. -- The Zombiebaron 05:21, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
- AGH! You're not even agreeing! It is a conspiracy! ~ -- 05:32, 3 January, 2011 (UTC)
05:15, 3 January 2011
- Yes I agree there is no conspiracy. -- The Zombiebaron 05:21, January 3, 2011 (UTC)
- Of course it can. Reality is conspiring against us!
05:11, 3 January 2011
- Why not? Could track motions of decent... and conspiracies... *eyes Socky suspiciously* Okay, so I'm kidding. Not everything can be part of a conspiracy... can it? ~ -- 05:14, 3 January, 2011 (UTC)
- And waste a vote on something that doesn't deserve it?
- I wish we could vote against on these things... ~
Last-Minute wild card round robin write-in articles vote section
- UnNews:Obama doodles random shit. -- 12:20, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
- The reason I watch CNN. MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 12:55, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
- Warm piss water on which I've searched to achieve perfection by minor editing the article at least once a week. And will do so again now after writing this. Aleister 13:02 4 1 '11
- Whore time! --Black Flamingo 13:11, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
- Salamander wasn't in the top three of the month?!? A travesty of injustice. Where do I write it in (seriously, I don't know if a write-in is allowed or not, but if it is, Salamander) Aleister 13:15 4 1 '11
- Oh wait, I thought this was articles that are in the running. Shame about all the above then; good articles all. --Black Flamingo 13:40, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
- Hmmmm. Well you've got your whoring in through the backdoor. You mock us Sir. But I shall vote for your wretched page anyway, in anticipation of its grand misfortune. Aleister 13:46 4 1 '11
- Oh wait, I thought this was articles that are in the running. Shame about all the above then; good articles all. --Black Flamingo 13:40, January 4, 2011 (UTC)
- Salamander wasn't in the top three of the month?!? A travesty of injustice. Where do I write it in (seriously, I don't know if a write-in is allowed or not, but if it is, Salamander) Aleister 13:15 4 1 '11
- UnBooks:The Whimsical World of Freedom of Expression. 14:06, 4 January 2011
- Weird. ~ -- 14:16, 4 January, 2011 (UTC)
- Mhaille is a Dick. Search your feelings; you know it to be true. – 10:22, Jan. 5, 2011
- User:Zombiebaron: Definitely one of my favorite pages, it was completely rewritten during September 2010. -- The Zombiebaron 05:18, January 6, 2011 (UTC)