Forum:Best Article of All Time
Throughout all the top 10 voting, I've been wondering "Are these really the best articles we've got?" I can only begin to imagine what hidden gems lay beneath the waste of regular articles. That's why I'd like to start a vote to decide "The Best Article of All Time". This is not an award, however. "Of All Time" is supposed to imply that the vote will go on until Uncyclopedia kicks the bucket. You're free to nominate any article you like. They don't need to be features or anything. Hell, nominate an article in userspace if you feel like it. The only requirement is that they are "articles", not userpages or image galleries. If there's demand for it, we could split up in-jokes and other stuff, but it's a little early to decide anything like that right now. Oh, and before I forget, self-noms are totally allowed.
08:07, 6 February 2011- So then, this is just a continuous award, and any article can hold it for as long as they want, until the next one has a higher score? If so, I would think it would require a page in the Uncyclopedia: namespace. —
- Wel, sure, you could call it a continuous award. At some point it might warrant a page in Uncyclopedia namespace, but it's a bit too soon for anything official-ish like that right now. Talking about official-ish stuff, I think creating Template:BAAT so suddenly might've been a bit rash. And the symbol at the top right is bound to interfere with the top 10 symbols. 01:19, 7 February 2011
- Why are you against speedy progress? I suppose, since you created it, it would be inappropriate for me to really take charge. And this being a wiki, you can always undo me anyway. As for the topicon, I moved it over 25 so it wouldn't interfere with the featured symbol. I can move it over another 25 if needs be. —
- Features, move it over. Top ten, move it over again. Collaborations... move it over again? How many little symboly things do we really want to shove up there, though? And for that matter, how long will this last? Would the templates even be feasible for every one nominated, which could well become an exponential amount? And would they not pander to the whims of anyone who feels like nominating anything, then? Perhaps holding templates in reserve for only ones that actually manage to stay on the page would be more sensible... things to consider before jumping into official namespace, mon. ~
09:48, 7 February 2011
- When is the deadline for this? DJ Mixerr 03:55, March 8, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
- The death of Uncyclopedia. —
- Seriously? When is the deadline? DJ Mixerr 07:20, March 12, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
- I'm serious, the "competition" goes to the end of Uncyclopedia's existence, whenby whichever article has the most votes will be the user-decided winner. — 04:47, March 13, 2011 (UTC)
14:08, March 10, 2011 (UTC)
- Seriously? When is the deadline? DJ Mixerr 07:20, March 12, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
- On Wikipedia, it lets you put in how many icons are on the page and it moves it over accordingly. See wikipedia:Template:Topicon. — 22:46, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
06:11, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
- Features, move it over. Top ten, move it over again. Collaborations... move it over again? How many little symboly things do we really want to shove up there, though? And for that matter, how long will this last? Would the templates even be feasible for every one nominated, which could well become an exponential amount? And would they not pander to the whims of anyone who feels like nominating anything, then? Perhaps holding templates in reserve for only ones that actually manage to stay on the page would be more sensible... things to consider before jumping into official namespace, mon. ~
- Why are you against speedy progress? I suppose, since you created it, it would be inappropriate for me to really take charge. And this being a wiki, you can always undo me anyway. As for the topicon, I moved it over 25 so it wouldn't interfere with the featured symbol. I can move it over another 25 if needs be. —
23:46, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- Wel, sure, you could call it a continuous award. At some point it might warrant a page in Uncyclopedia namespace, but it's a bit too soon for anything official-ish like that right now. Talking about official-ish stuff, I think creating Template:BAAT so suddenly might've been a bit rash. And the symbol at the top right is bound to interfere with the top 10 symbols. 01:19, 7 February 2011
Eh, I modified the template a... bit. Thoughts? Better, worse, completely idiotic, I should stop editing this wiki and go overdose on meth like the rest of my demographic? ~ 10:17, 18 February 2011
Miracle Science
- I wrote this and I think it's good. 08:07, 6 February 2011
- Yup. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
- Lyrithya pointed me to this article by MacMania and I laughed my arse off reading it. 08:07, 6 February 2011
- I didn't laugh my anything off, I'm too tired. I guess I'll re-read it tomorrow and re-review it. —
- Nope, still just 1/2 from me. — 23:37, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
10:27, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- Hodge, yes. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
UnBooks:The Whimsical World of Freedom of Expression
- I worked on this with Colin. I think it turned out great. 08:07, 6 February 2011
- Craziness. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
UnScripts:Good Cop Inanimate Cop
- An ingenious UnScript by MacMania. 08:07, 6 February 2011
- Oh god yes! Gen. Fudgem0bile When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in that fucker's eyes. 01:18, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
- Quite good. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
Fire Hydrant
- Reminds me of that 5.5 years thing I never did. Anyway, Fire Hydrant is the article to end all articles. The only other article that even comes close is... -- 08:14, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- Yup. 14:19, 8 February 2011
- Aw yee. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 06:16, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
- Aye. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
- :) --ShabiDOO 22:53, March 22, 2011 (UTC)
I'm sorry
Ima let you finish but Beyonce had one of the best articles of all time. All time!!!
Printer Ink
- This one. -- 08:14, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- Maybe that one. — 10:14, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- Yup. 14:19, 8 February 2011
- I hate that you made me love you. --
04:24, February 9, 2011 (UTC)
- Yes. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
- Like. Simsilikesims 02:32, February 18, 2011 (UTC)
Being and Nothingness
- Or this one. -- 08:16, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- "Also, this book was originally written in French but now you can get it in English so you can read that shit." —rc (t) 17:26, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- Both! ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
- ;) --ShabiDOO 16:42, March 1, 2011 (UTC)
- Admit it, this one is awesome. ~
08:29, 6 February 2011
- It's alright. I don't know if it's the best ever, especially due to the British spelling (which I detest), but I think it's funny. —
- That's weird, why would you hate correct spelling? --Black Flamingo
- Because it's unamerican. It's communism. —
- So accuracy is communist? That's... ironic. ~
01:33, 7 February 2011
- That's right, especially on Uncyclopedia, a shrine to incorrectness. — 06:08, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
23:48, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- So accuracy is communist? That's... ironic. ~
10:07, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- I too believe this one is awesome. As this is more a "favorites" page, this is also one of my favorites. Aleister 11:01 7-2-'11
- Yup. 14:19, 8 February 2011
- I eat apples with Mike Tyson and Oscar Wilde in Belgium. --Mn-z 17:17, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
AgainstThere's no text on this page. — 00:27, February 7, 2011 (UTC)- Please, no against votes. If you're saying the nom's invalid because it's not an article, you could be right.
- I'm saying both. — 06:12, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
- I believe "I eat apples with Mike Tyson & Oscar Wilde in Belgium." counts as text. Also, the templatedness is part of the joke. --Mn-z 22:02, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
01:19, 7 February 2011
- Please, no against votes. If you're saying the nom's invalid because it's not an article, you could be right.
AgainstFor. There's something appealing about the idea of eating apples with Mike Tyson. 03:45, February 12, 2011 (UTC)ForAgainstFor. It's pretty bad, but, like, whatever. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 06:14, February 12, 2011 (UTC)- How did this even get nominated?
Against. Aimsplode Talk 15:36, March 24, 2011 (UTC)
- Its an inside joke with a long and controversial history. --Mn-z 23:38, April 18, 2011 (UTC)
Against. If there's a Butt poop, what about wiener piss? --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 23:10, April 7, 2011 (UTC)
- Support I like this one! — 23:43, February 6, 2011 (UTC)
- I can really get behind this one (in a not gay way(well, let's see where the night takes us)). --
04:28, February 9, 2011 (UTC)
- Sure. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
Don't some work
- For Why yes, this is an excellent place to whore my new article, thank you. User:Mrthejazz/sig 06:23, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
- I like it, but a few notes:
- The idea is good... it's a journal of you creating a page. But it diverges from the main point... to don't work.
- For future reference, Google Language tools translates from English to just about everything, including Yiddish.
- Brilliant parody! 14:19, 8 February 2011
For. --~
20:07, February 8, 2011 (UTC)
- A surprising amount of not work went into this. Well not done. -- 22:06, February 8, 2011 (UTC)
- For DJ Mixerr 03:13, February 10, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
- Meh, work... ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
For. I loved it! Deefinitely the best so far.--— Yipyapper
Against. Not especially funny, being that the author put no work into it, canceling out the meaning of the whole article. Aimsplode Talk 15:34, March 24, 2011 (UTC)
Yes, but You used pictures. The original didn't. madmadmad 06:20 March 26
UnNews:My testicle might have partially detached
Vote for my balls! - Especially since today is, in fact, the 10th anniversary of my real testicle injury. – 07:55, Feb. 7, 2011
UnBooks:The Adventures of Baron Ringpiece
- Might I interest you in my Ringpiece? -- Sir Mhaille
(talk to me)
- Certainly. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
The Camera Obscura Collection of Hans Helmuth Saltzman (1602-1668)
- I guess this is like a "favorite page" vote, which could get to be thousands of pages long. That one is my favorite. Some of my others, in no order, although I haven't sat down and read the entire body of work of some of the great ones, which I should: Fluffy Bunny World, Microsoft Knowledge Base, Gay Jesus, History of Great Britain, BabyTV, UnBooks:The Night I Slept with Björk, Elfen Lied, and others. Of my own stuff, my faves include Warm piss water, UnBooks:The Old Man and LV, People Who Like to Fuck Naked, Mortal Sin and others. Aleister 10:48 7-2-'11
- Aye. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
Comment. DID YOU SAY OBSCURA?!?!?!?!?!?!? --Wilytank can be a pain in the ass. 17:28, April 8, 2011 (UTC)
Dan Kwon
- 0,5 Lol
Sir Ptok-BentonicznyPisz tutaj • KUN 15:45, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
- I don't know who Dan Kwon is but I've arbitrarily decided to vote For. 03:46, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
- I like Hyperbole's reason. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
Fisher Price: A Retrospective
- Go eat etc.
Sir Ptok-BentonicznyPisz tutaj • KUN 15:46, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
For. It was the ultimate Uncyclopedia article of 2005. DJ Mixerr 03:11, February 10, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
- Jas --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 06:18, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
For. :) laughed the whole way ;) Lock'd And Loaded ~CUN ~ (Shoot!) 11:09, April 7, 2011 (UTC)
Gay People
- Short, simple, stupid. I love it. --Roman Dog Bird 04:19, February 8, 2011 (UTC)
- Actually... o__o ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
HowTo:Cut Your Own Head Off With a Chainsaw
- An oldie that I like. User:Mrthejazz/sig 04:26, February 8, 2011 (UTC)
For. One of the best. --
01:14, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
- But of course. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
Sidney Poitier
- My best work in my opinion and it was never read by anyone. :( --
04:19, February 9, 2011 (UTC)
- I read it. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
Against. DJ Mixerr 21:03, February 20, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
User:Roman Dog Bird/Giga Bowser
- Penned by the late, great, Dominic dudley. --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
- poooooooooopoooooop. Meaning For. 03:47, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
User:Roman Dog Bird/Fungo Chu Chu Christ
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
User:Roman Dog Bird/Lars' Magical Fantabulous Bingo Shorts
- Why in God's name did you idiots delete this? --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
- I find this quite funny. DJ Mixerr 22:37, March 22, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
User:Roman Dog Bird/Palfince
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
User:Roman Dog Bird/Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Taking A Shit In A Loved Ones Mouth
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
User:Roman Dog Bird/biggest wood
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
But needs some work DJ Mixerr 22:46, March 22, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
User:Roman Dog Bird/genocide
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
I eat my own shit
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 23:50, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
- For. User:Mrthejazz/sig 15:07, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
- Yes. --EMC [TALK] 11:42 Feb 13 2011
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 23:55, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
For Yes yes yes yes. DJ Mixerr 03:46, February 12, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
- are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? are you talking to me? -- 05:53, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
- For. Better than
crackyour mom.--(lol.) 06:04, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
- Obviously. 23:58, February 11, 2011 (UTC)
- For /me giggles, claps, rolls over on to side. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 19:23, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
BOOP! Never said you only get one vote! --
20:49, February 12, 2011 (UTC)
HowTo:Date an Emo Girl
Every single one of Kingkitty's articles
- For. --Roman Dog Bird 20:41, February 13, 2011 (UTC)
- Fuck yeah -- 02:46, February 16, 2011 (UTC)
- Okay. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
- Yeah, the hobo urine one. 05:29, February 18, 2011 (UTC)
- yeh sure -
Kitten Huffing
For. Obviously. -
LOL vandalz 09:43, February 14, 2011 (UTC)
For. Why not? DJ Mixerr 23:21, March 31, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
What's the Best Article? Nobody Cares
(I'd vote for if I cared.) User:Mrthejazz/sig 02:43, February 16, 2011 (UTC)
- ...pretty much. I'm just voting for what's here. ~
21:54, 17 February 2011
Go Crazy 21:13, February 17, 2011 (UTC)
- B --Mn-z 01:59, February 19, 2011 (UTC)
What that angry guy said to me over the phone yesterday. Simsilikesims 02:15, February 18, 2011 (UTC)
Yes, for the vote. DJ Mixerr 17:19, March 19, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
Obviously the best page on Uncyclopedia today, tomorrow, and forever until the site is discovered by the Chinese people, who I think banned us from their country, so For., and
For. again.
Aimsplode Talk 01:38, March 18, 2011 (UTC)
- N+F. It's got cabbage. It's got template. Anything more would be extraneous. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 06:02, February 18, 2011 (UTC)
- One of the best templates on the site. ~
09:59, 19 February 2011
Against. Rather useless though, isn't it? - Another n00b 14:36, February 19, 2011 (UTC)
For. Best template ever!! DJ Mixerr 07:22, March 12, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
For. Very impressive. — 00:58, March 18, 2011 (UTC)
United States presidential election, 1840
For. --Mn-z 21:34, March 7, 2011 (UTC)
- RIP Kwakerjak -- 23:48, March 31, 2011 (UTC)
User:Airhogs777/Uncyclopedia:Don't abbreviate Uncyclopedia as Un
- For+Nom
- '
For.' About time. DJ Mixerr 00:50, April 7, 2011 (UTC) User:DJ Mixerr/sig
Really Big Tree
The Most Quotable Smackdown of All Time
- Pretty funny, I guess.
For. Aimsplode Talk 15:43, March 24, 2011 (UTC)
Wheres Waldo?
For. Took me long enough but I found him.... Lock'd And Loaded ~CUN ~ (Shoot!) 11:07, April 7, 2011 (UTC)