Forum:Is Unsignpost Sleeping With The Fishes ?
Since there has been no new issue of Unsignpost since 29th October 2009, am I correct in thinking this worthy newsletter is now dead? It would be a shame but I can seen since Gerry Cheevers left, no one seems to have been able to digitally staple it together again. I trust I am wrong and that a bumper issue is in the works somewhere. --RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 08:33, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- I could contribute enough filler for an article if someone begged me thoroughly. Are the people who have worked on the project before still interested? --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!) 08:38, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- I'm saving it! Now it will become the official newspaper of the Goa Tse Clan! And you sir, go fuck yourself. I'm saving UnSignpost and rename it: Uncyclopedia Weekly!
10:44, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- I don't call that "saving it", Joe. I'd like to see it make a comeback - Dudeman did try to put together an issue before christmas, but kind of gave up. The problem is finding someone enthusiastic with the time to do it - I'd give it a go, but I'll be back at work next week and will be all kinds of busy again. I may squeeze out some kind of end-of-year special this week, if I get the time and inclination. Anyone else interested in keeping it going properly? --UU - natter
10:51, Dec 29
- So I take it that our newspaper is kind of dead forever. --Reverse Genocide Cockatrices 10:55, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- I hope it isn't as it was a very useful record of a number of issues that many users here may have missed (for example - the saga of the banned picture on Opty's page for example). If I had the time, I would have offered but I can see it is a job that does require quite a bit of work and someone who is willing to collate stories , encourage others to contribute and to get involved in a number of issues. It is probably not a job for an admin in my view (to keep it independent). --
RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 11:07, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- Absolutely. Not a job for an admin. It wasn't, for instance, started by Skull - who's an admin. And for some time wasn't kept alive by some other admin. Therefore your point about admins and independence is totally valid. It does require a bit of work though, and regularly so - which is the real sticking point. --UU - natter
11:17, Dec 29
- Absolutely. Not a job for an admin. It wasn't, for instance, started by Skull - who's an admin. And for some time wasn't kept alive by some other admin. Therefore your point about admins and independence is totally valid. It does require a bit of work though, and regularly so - which is the real sticking point. --UU - natter
- I hope it isn't as it was a very useful record of a number of issues that many users here may have missed (for example - the saga of the banned picture on Opty's page for example). If I had the time, I would have offered but I can see it is a job that does require quite a bit of work and someone who is willing to collate stories , encourage others to contribute and to get involved in a number of issues. It is probably not a job for an admin in my view (to keep it independent). --
- So I take it that our newspaper is kind of dead forever. --Reverse Genocide Cockatrices 10:55, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- I don't call that "saving it", Joe. I'd like to see it make a comeback - Dudeman did try to put together an issue before christmas, but kind of gave up. The problem is finding someone enthusiastic with the time to do it - I'd give it a go, but I'll be back at work next week and will be all kinds of busy again. I may squeeze out some kind of end-of-year special this week, if I get the time and inclination. Anyone else interested in keeping it going properly? --UU - natter
- I'm saving it! Now it will become the official newspaper of the Goa Tse Clan! And you sir, go fuck yourself. I'm saving UnSignpost and rename it: Uncyclopedia Weekly!
- I'm still highly interested in continuing the Unsignpost in the new year. --EMC [TALK] 11:20 Dec 29 2009
- I'll finish the paper that TDM stopped working on. Past that, I can't make any promises. Woody On Fire!
Talking Woody Stalking Woody 19:17, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- And I'm always available to make a delivery. Just hit me up on my talkpage, YouTube page (like comedian/singer Riki Lindhome did), or my Last FM page. MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 19:22, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
- I'll finish the paper that TDM stopped working on. Past that, I can't make any promises. Woody On Fire!
I have made UnSignpost a makeover
Guys, all UnSignpost needs is some Gay Fuel and a good style, and here's my result:
There. Cajek is GAY! I hate him soooooooooooooo much!
And some more gay. 11:41, December 29, 2009 (UTC)
I'm making my own newspaper
It's going to be about cats and lobsters. -
I'm censoring it!
My own version is going to be censored. 11:33, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
I have quite a few ideas for an improved Unsignpost but I don't want to be the editor or have to template it etc. It should in my own view also include the following:-
- Notification of New Users Who Have Joined. (only those who have signed in.)
- Notification of Old Users Who Have Left.
- Notification of Users Who Have Gone Missing In Action Somewhere/deleted/banned.
- Best Drama page.
- Any communications received from outside (The Foreign Page). Perhaps I am thinking about the regular raids by Illogicopedia trying to recruit new members but I know there are others out there like Encyclopedia Dramatica.
Besides those extras, I think the format as established by Gerry Cheevers works fine. --RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 11:57, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
- Good ideas, mostly. The "best drama" thing is actually a very bad idea, just imagine attention whores (myself included) starting dramas just to get the newspaper mention they crave for. SIRE FREDDMOOSHA
AMUSE ME • 12:54 • Wednesday, 30-12-2009
- Ditto the communication from outside bit. I'm not one of the real ED haters, but let's not be encouraging them to come over here. And with new users, it may be an idea to mention the ones who don't seem to be breaking things - might be tough keeping track of 'em! Actually, such things (take it from someone who wrote the USP for months) tend to work best on an occasional basis - whenever you see something worth mentioning, drop it in, that way you're not putting pressure on yourself to find stuff for certain sections. Basically, the USP is what it is - ie made up whenever anyone feels like it, so if you want to take it on, keep it going, and keep it funny, go for it. Just don't plan it too meticulously, and don't complain if I butt in and add the occasional bit of drivel - that's still my prerogative (and pretty much all I ever do)! ;-) --UU - natter
13:35, Dec 30
- God, I know that's right. Drivel drivel drivel, it's all I ever see out of you. What did you just write about? Pies?! Pure Drivel. Woody On Fire!
Talking Woody Stalking Woody 14:55, December 30, 2009 (UTC)
- God, I know that's right. Drivel drivel drivel, it's all I ever see out of you. What did you just write about? Pies?! Pure Drivel. Woody On Fire!
- Ditto the communication from outside bit. I'm not one of the real ED haters, but let's not be encouraging them to come over here. And with new users, it may be an idea to mention the ones who don't seem to be breaking things - might be tough keeping track of 'em! Actually, such things (take it from someone who wrote the USP for months) tend to work best on an occasional basis - whenever you see something worth mentioning, drop it in, that way you're not putting pressure on yourself to find stuff for certain sections. Basically, the USP is what it is - ie made up whenever anyone feels like it, so if you want to take it on, keep it going, and keep it funny, go for it. Just don't plan it too meticulously, and don't complain if I butt in and add the occasional bit of drivel - that's still my prerogative (and pretty much all I ever do)! ;-) --UU - natter
OK, I fucking finished.
February 22, 2010 (1986) • Issue 71 • DESTROY ENCYCLOPEDIA DRAMATICA!
Just go fucking write more articles! The world needs humour, not facts! As our slogan says:
Understanding of the universe is shattered; Creation as we know it is defunct
One of the most controversial elements of religious understanding has been the answer to the question "How did we get here?" This has often been seen in the debate that has been long held between Creationists and Evolutionists. Now that Imperial Colonisation is back on its feet, under the able guidance of IC Buccaneer Admiral Why?, they are educating the masses on this as we speak. "The article had been befouled by some evil doers, probably French or Spanish or Americans or worse. We are diligently researching and writing to bring the article in line with the Truth." stated Buccaneer Admiral Why?. A dramatic re-write is in process, as Why? has all his seamen working towards the noble goal of indoctrinating the masses in Creationist theory. After some false starts involving a banana and a jar of peanut butter, the recreation of creationism is being created. "The colonized article will show how the Empire has the right and duty to colonize everywhere by any methods available, and that anything we do is God's will. We will finish it by Saturday, 20 of February, or by Saturday, 27 of February, depending upon how long it takes us to colonize the natives. Anyone who wishes to apply to join our noble effort may do so at Uncyclopedia:Imperial Colonization." Why? stated in closing. Darwin awards - Uncyclopedia Stylie
Fortunately he showed the resilience that 10 year olds have when they are in the middle of doing something completely idiotic, and continued to trawl through people's talk pages, undo their edits, and generally be a dick. MrN9000, understanding the right balance of politeness and harshness, gave I LIKE PIE!!! a friendly message on his talk page, with a 1 week ban to support the severity of his words. Undeterred, I LIKE PIE!!! later returned. 1 week and 35 minutes after his previous ban, MrN repeated his previous words to the young man, along with a further 1 week ban. Thankfully, it appears that I LIKE PIE!!! took MrN's words to heart, as he managed to last a further 30 minutes after this second ban before he ran afoul of Roman Dog Bird, who in true RDB style demonstrated what an infinite ban actually means. When hard-hitting journalists pressed for details relating to the banning of this pre-pubescent pestilence, MrN replied "What kinda a journalist are you man!?!" Congratulations, I LIKE PIE!!!, for becoming the inaugural Uncyclopedia Darwin award winner, and removing yourself from the meme pool that we all enjoy. |
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Past editions - The Press Room - Goa Tse Clan page |
Here you go guys. The unbiased, democratic, uncensored, UnSignpost! [1] Goa Tse or GTFO! 08:38, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
- ↑ Note: Our versio of UnSignpost is censored, heavily biased and undemocratic. So if you say something bad about it.
- Aww, it's almost like he's trying to communicate. I know it! --UU - natter
09:43, Dec 31
- I see you are still in October 2009 Joe. Otherwise, I will have to put this through Babelfish to make head'n'tail of this issue. --
RomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:30, December 31, 2009 (UTC)
- I see you are still in October 2009 Joe. Otherwise, I will have to put this through Babelfish to make head'n'tail of this issue. --
TDM stumbles by...
Let me start off this idea by saying this. Dongs. In other news, I'd be willing to try and revive the UnSignpost on a biweekly thing if I can, through writing it and delivering it with TDB. I can write most of the articles and shit I guess, though in order to get it past a biweekly thing, I'd probably need more helpwith all the shit. Is anyone willing to help, or should I just plan on a biweekly - monthly issue type deal? Lieutenant THEDUDEMAN Dude ... Totally UOTM KUN GotA F@H 06:23, January 5, 2010 (UTC)
Here is a post I posted on GerryCheever's talk page before I knew he was MUP, if anyone cares
== You will soon gain the confidence of a peer, but he will not waste a funny horoscope idea on a header on your talk page.==
Are you the current UnSignpost guy? Did you know that they used to put a weekly horoscope on it? Did you know I've been maintaining the horoscopes rather consistently for a couple of months? For what it's worth? Did you put one and one together, and already figure out that I came to your talk page because I'm wondering if you think it's something we should consider doing again? Not that I think you might need help filling out the UnSignpost, it's just that I think you might need help filling out the UnSignpost. --
22:14, November 25, 2009 (UTC)What I'm saying is, whoever is doing the UnSignpost has a free right-side section all chunked out for her for as long as I have mediocre horoscope jokes in my soul. I'm just saying... have your people contact my people. --
18:29, January 5, 2010 (UTC)