User talk:John Lydon

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Back again?[edit source]

If only you had told me yesterday, I would have come up with some kind of celebratory dance... probably with trumpets. --ChiefjusticePSX 15:03, December 1, 2010 (UTC)

Damnit! Aleister said that sneaking back in was the way to go! He always does this to me!!! --John Lydon 15:06, December 1, 2010 (UTC)
Aleister's here too? Man, I'm starting to think nobody wants me to organise a midget parade for them... --ChiefjusticePSX 15:26, December 1, 2010 (UTC)
John Lydon, listen to Aleister. You have had a difficult upbringing here due to your unfortunate choice in a father, however that should not mean you cannot and have not learned to manage, regardless. You have done well to heed Aleister already; he knows his way about things. ~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) • (stalk) -- 20101201 - 22:06 (UTC)

Don't you love the smell of the UnSignpost in the morning?[edit source]

--Wanna see a magic trick? 05:33, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

Frat Rat!![edit source]

Great, it would be nice to have you on board. Skinfan is running the place, and he seems to be out of town, so if you leave your name on our frat page and that starts the process. I think the next step is to test your bravery by voting for "Never on Sunday" on VFH (one user prayed as he voted, literally prayed!). Naw, you're in, I'll find the page and sign you up, and then you can feel free to work on our newest collab, Blockbuster. In honesty, the active members are now Black Flamingo, Lyrithya, and myself, and each of us has an entire floor of the frat house to ourselves. Move in and bring pets! Welcome! Aleister 00:44 8 12

Chris Perkins[edit source]

As you may have figured out, Bevanz did not delete this VFD vote; Chief archived it normally. Bevanz did delete a vote and I showed how to use strikethrough instead. On the deletion policy, see my response on the Chief's talk page. QVFD was more appropriate, but in any case, it's gone. Thanks for nominating it. Spıke ¬ 13:27 8-Dec-10

The UnSignpost, now with 25% less saturated fat[edit source]

--ChiefjusticePSX 16:08, December 9, 2010 (UTC)

Oh shit! It's another unsignpost![edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 05:24, 16 December 2010

Hey John[edit source]

Where have you been? Long time. If you're inclined to look at a whore of an article then please consider This on VFH. Help!! Cheers!--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 17:23, Dec 22

A work of genius, genius I tells ya[edit source]

Great and fast job on Riker. Before I start, first run and read and maybe vote for my "Uncyclopedia is almost full" on VFH, it needs one more for a feature tonight!!! There, you've done that? OK!!!!! Whoo hoo. As for Riker, maybe toss those Christmas lights on the page bottom and top, bold all the lines, maybe a border right and left, maybe an audio (although tweek some of the words, I did some for spelling and cadence, a couple of spots where the rhythm count is a beat off). Then copy and paste the 13 edits onto the bottom, separated from the text. Maybe it can be a quick feature, although it's veryyyyyy inside-baseball (unlike Encyclopedia is almost full, which, of course, isn't). Thanks for coming up with such a good idea so quickly and so well written!!! Keep me posted if you would. Aleister 22:52 22 12 (oh, and "Jesus is Christian, NOT Jewish" Ho ho ho)

This is it... the 100th UnSignpost.[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 06:50, 23 December 2010

Question[edit source]

I was wondering if your username is your real name, or something you just made up.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 18:58, December 23, 2010 (UTC)

It's not my real name and it's not made up either. Google it and you'll understand. --John Lydon 18:59, December 23, 2010 (UTC)
Ah, I see now--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 19:07, December 23, 2010 (UTC)
Hey Iwillkillyou333, is that your real name, or something you just made up? --Magic Snow man 05:17, December 24, 2010 (UTC)

Riker[edit source]

Some good Riker forums going on, he's back on two of them. The quote from My Space is actually by Oscar Wilde, with Mr.T tacked onto the end because he did it as an Oscar Wilde quote by accident and thought it was from T. Your "Riker" page has the quote being from Mr.T. So, for historical accuracy, maybe a fix to that masterpiece?!!?!!. . . Aleister 23:50 Christmas MMX

Oops, my fault. I'll fix that. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 01:15, 26 December 2010
Fixed to perfection. Cookies all around! Aleister 2:17 26 12

Whenever you wander back...[edit source]

You should know, that MapQuest article you started has been reviewed. It only took me a week, so I really hope there's at least something useful in there, though there honestly may not be, but anyhow... cheers? O_o 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:03, 28 December 2010

UnSignpost, UnSignpost, eat it right here...[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 21:39, 30 December 2010

Thanks![edit source]

Thank you for your vote at WotY. Very appreciated. It's really nice to get all these good comments, and I guess that's one of the good things about awards, we get to say nice stuff about others where other people will read it. You are a Prince of a fellow and one of the very good writers here, and thank you for all the fish. Aleister 22:26 3 1 '11

The fish were to remain private!! --John Lydon 12:35, January 4, 2011 (UTC)

UnSignpost Delivery![edit source]

Nominally Humane! some time Thursday, 09:57, Jan 6 2011 UTC

Them infernal tables[edit source]

I dunno why Chief's gotten so lazy all of a sudden, but I'm thrilled than you've had heart to come by and help out... especially since I really can't check my own. Really. I can't. I just can't tell. But that's not the point.

I came here to nag. You need to get all the little numbers. You missed one. Or two. I don't remember. I just fixed them as I went because you edit conflicted me, because I'm really slow and stuff (I plead being at work. I always plead being at work... but you know how it is), but normally, it's possible nobody would even notice a messed average. Need to get all of them, and stuff.

Crap, I forgot to account for that messed average. Bloody tables... Welcome to the fun side of pee review. O_o 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png Major Pleb Dame Lyrithya AthyriaIsarraHaydrahlienne - 'Destroyer of the Wiki' - MUN OUN CUN KUN DUN GUN *shifty eyes* (zombiebaron) • (dr. skullthumper) • (roman dog bird) • (nachlader) • (frosty) • (more zombiebaron) • (talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (log) • (list) • WotMUotMRotMPotMUGotM x4 • SotMFFSNOMMotMBFF x2 • GSA x2 • PSFiyCMDTop3 x3 • Top10VFH x15 • VFP x3.5 • HoSTAWHMCPEEINGPRSPCURCΥΣΣICZB -- 18:36, 6 January, 2011 (UTC)

Oh, and while it didn't apply this time since I was doing them all at once, normally you will need to also update the to 5 for the month. And top ten, if one of them been done one. You probably knew that, but just wanted to be sure. Isn't this just so fun? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png Major Pleb Sir Lyrithya AthyriaIsarraHaydrahlienne - 'Destroyer of the Wiki' - MUN OUN CUN KUN DUN GUN *shifty eyes* (zombiebaron) • (dr. skullthumper) • (roman dog bird) • (nachlader) • (frosty) • (more zombiebaron) • (talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (log) • (list) • WotMUotMRotMPotMUGotM x4 • SotMFFSNOMMotMBFF x2 • GSA x2 • PSFiyCMDTop3 x3 • Top10VFH x15 • VFP x3.5 • HoSTAWHMCPEEINGPRSPCURCΥΣΣICZB -- 18:39, 6 January, 2011 (UTC)

I had a gut feeling I missed a number or two. I figured since I'm not currently writing much, I may as well help out in other ways. I'll try being more vigilant in the future, or not. Thanks for the assist though. --John Lydon 18:52, January 6, 2011 (UTC)

Eh, you'll get the hang of it. Or you won't, but either way... but there are so many ways to help out. So many... I haven't written anything in over a month, myself, and been plenty busy here... granted, some of it has been less than helpful. (Like Chief's userpage...) Anyhow, I'll keep an eye out. Cheers. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png Major Pleb Dame Lyrithya AthyriaIsarraHaydrahlienne - 'Destroyer of the Wiki' - MUN OUN CUN KUN DUN GUN *shifty eyes* (zombiebaron) • (dr. skullthumper) • (roman dog bird) • (nachlader) • (frosty) • (more zombiebaron) • (talk) • (stalk) • (block) • (log) • (list) • WotMUotMRotMPotMUGotM x4 • SotMFFSNOMMotMBFF x2 •

GSA x2 • PSFiyCMDTop3 x3 • Top10VFH x15 • VFP x3.5 • HoSTAWHMCPEEINGPRSPCURCΥΣΣICZB -- 19:19, 6 January, 2011 (UTC)

Thanks for the info[edit source]

HowTo:Nail a glass to a wall

Edited to your liking, good sir.

UnSignpost Delivery![edit source]

Nominally Humane! some time Thursday, 03:16, Jan 13 2011 UTC

Do not attempt to adjust your set. This is the UnSignpost.[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 08:15, 20 January 2011

PeeReview[edit source]

Please can I be re-reviewed? HowTo:Nail a glass to a wall has been almost completely rewritten.


Eric Vale[edit source]

Hello, thank you for reviewing my article. I wanted to explain that the stuff about the slut, pedophile and the clown was just making fun of the characters apperance. There androids. I guess I should explain that some how. I beliee that with your help, the article could be hella bad ass. Thanks.

UnSignpost! Wheeee![edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:43, 27 January 2011

Hi there...[edit source]

John, just popping to let you know that it's your time to shine as the articles are all locked up and ready for judging. You are Best Rewrite category and you just put your results here. Good luck:)--Sycamore (Talk) 10:10, February 1, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost is now served with complimentary tacos.[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 02:36, 3 February 2011

This edition of the UnSignpost brought to you in two's complement...[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 02:26, 10 February 2011

Shine?[edit source]

Where'd you go, I reviewed your UnNews, and spiffles? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 05:08, 11 February 2011

Wait[edit source]

Are you Johnny Rotten? --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet 05:38, February 13, 2011 (UTC)

Looking for another peon n00b?[edit source]

Found you on Adopt a N00b by scrolling a random distance down the list and looking in the dead center of my screen. I'm an ex-comedy writer (unpaid, of course) who's unemployed and therefore with tons of time on my hooves. The funnies, I gots. Technical know how, I gots not.

Will you adopt me? *insert puppy dog eyes (doing the image thing just wasn't working out because of the, you know, lack of tech savviness)* TheHumbucker 05:30, February 15, 2011 (UTC)

I'm just going to make a section where I ask dumb questions because if they're all in one place it might be easier in the long run[edit source]

A couple of questions about uploading photos: Q1) How can you tell the copyright when you pull the image from a random site? Example, I combined 2 images, from 2 different sites, to make my signature. I didn't know the copyrights of the sites I got them from, but I edited the images, so I just did this with the copyright. Q2) I've already got some uploaded images that can be deleted, but I can't figure out how to QVFD them, because the QVFD page says I don't have permission to edit it. How do I clean up my mess? ~ Humbuck.png Talk 02:30, February 17, 2011 (UTC)

Lurg luuurg unsignpost luuuuurg[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 06:16, 17 February 2011

UnSignnull pointer exception[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 07:42, 24 February 2011


Happymonkeywinter2011.jpg ¡¡¡ OLÉ !!!  :)

--Shabidoo 10:41, February 24, 2011 (UTC)

Hey Saint John: Don't forget to email me your topic for happy monkey. If you dont like email tell me and Ill catch you on IRC. Its :) :) :) :) :) :) :) --ShabiDOO 21:25, February 27, 2011 (UTC)

LV[edit source]

Hi, just popped in for a minute and saw your pee review note. The Old Man and LV page is on VFH and, God willing and the geek don't rise, it may edge over the top. So instead of doing a full pee review on this longish page, which would take days or at least minutes, if you have any criticisms of weaknesses, things you think I should change, etc., I would love any feedback. Thanks. And I must whore my Madison Movement page also on VFH, an issue and people I feel strongly about (viva le unions). Thanks again, Al 14:44 28-2-'11

Give me a second here while I get my inflated head through the door. There. Now for my other inflated head, wait a sec . . . okay. Thank you so damn much for your pee review and your liking of the page. This means a lot to me. You gave me most of the best compliments I've had here one after the other, and of course pointed out some areas which need improvement too. The thing about the pics, so nice to say and so interesting. A few of the things you talked about, calling the older guy "Papa" is a direct reference to Hemingway, whose nickname was Papa among hanger-ons and others. The thing about Sammy Sosa is a mirror of the Old Man and the Sea, in which the boy brings the old man food and talks to him about Joe DiMaggio. Stuff like that (several other references to Hemingway float in and out of the page). Some backstory to the page. I thought up the name many months ago, and knew it would be a major article. Although I grabbed some pics for it I wrote nothing and didn't think about it at all concerning plot or writing, as I know when I "turn on" those things they flow and I wasn't ready yet. But when the Poo Lit came up I decided that it would force a deadline on me to at least get some kind of story written, so signed it up there, wrote it there, and have been polishing it ever since the contest ended. Puppy did the great job of sepia-ing all the pics, including the gifs. Most of the pics and their captions move the story forward, and add some twists into plot. And thanks too for the mistakes you found and corrected, nice of you to do that. All in all, thanks, humbled and inflated (give me a sec, ahhhhh, not inflated anymore, thanks LuLu!). I lose words, and let Papa speak for me: "To write a thing that is read well involves two people, both alight and aware, riding on the outskirts of their muse." Al 23:52 28-2-'11

You don't like feral meats?![edit source]

But seriously, thanks for the review. And yeah, I know there isn't much to it for Uncyclopedia's standards, but it might be workable. What you suggested may even help, so... wheee. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 18:30, 2 March 2011

Super happy monkey competition[edit source]

Hey your topic will be ready here at about five minutes before the start of the competition (5pm EST or 2200 UTC). HAVE FUN AND GOOD LUCK :) PISSING ALL OVER YOUR FACE --ShabiDOO 21:47, March 2, 2011 (UTC)

All the UnSignpost you ever wanted[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 16:06, 3 March 2011

UnSignpost: March 10th, 2011[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 03:06, March 10, 2011 (UTC)

Olay happy monkey[edit source]


Thank you for your participation in the Happy Monkey Competition. Because of your writing there are now 15 more amazing articles on Uncyclopedia. PS if you want your pee review to be expanded into a formal 50point review, please let me know on my talk page and Ill get to work on it right away! OLÉ!!! --ShabiDOO 01:24, March 15, 2011 (UTC)

AdminBots presents: The UnSignpost[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 05:11, 17 March 2011

UnSignpostOnTheDelivery[edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 10:14, 24 March 2011

UnTunes[edit source]

Long time, no annoying questions...

I want to volunteer my music skills ambitions for UnTunes, but don't have a project in mind. Is there a way to let it be known that I'd be interested in a collaboration? ~ Humbuck.png Talk 19:21, March 30, 2011 (UTC)

This is your UnSignpost speaking[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 02:12, 31 March 2011

Terribly creative UnSignpost header[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 04:23, 7 April 2011

The UnSignpost: On-time and on top of things... as always.[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 04:02, 14 April 2011

That UnSignposty thing[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 07:22, 21 April 2011

UnSignpost: April 28th, 2011[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 06:19, April 28, 2011 (UTC)

Signpost Un[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:21, 5 May 2011

The Signpost is delivered to all God-fearing citizens[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 05:44, 12 May 2011

UnSignpost[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:09, 19 May 2011

Phnerb UnSignpost[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:11, May 26, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Best before Friday![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:09, June 2, 2011 (UTC)

Hurrah, it's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:12, June 9, 2011 (UTC)

UnSignpost Activate![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, June 16, 2011 (UTC)

Catch it. Kill it. Bin it. It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, June 23, 2011 (UTC)

The Un-Sigh-npost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:11, June 30, 2011 (UTC)

It's free and it always will be; it's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, July 7, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, July 14, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Avoid all contact with eyes.[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:11, July 21, 2011 (UTC)

More class than 9000 schools: It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:11, July 28, 2011 (UTC)

ChiefjusticeDS is a lazy sod and has paid the ultimate price... an UnSignpost Coup[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, August 6, 2011 (UTC)

More rubbish Australian Prose because ChiefjusticeDS got stabbed in the buttocks by a rioter with a felt-tip pen[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:09, August 11, 2011 (UTC)

Now it only wants you gone; it's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, August 18, 2011 (UTC)

Wonko tiddlybum-post[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, August 25, 2011 (UTC)

Mailman's here! Lock up your daughters and horny middle-aged Wives![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, September 1, 2011 (UTC)

This UnSignpost brought to you by... uh... fairy dust? Hmm, we seem to have run out of sponsors.[edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 01:10, September 8, 2011 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: Now with free bacon![edit source]

~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator) 00:10, September 15, 2011 (UTC)

Brought to you by Lion Bars! It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 07:40, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Hold onto your wage packets! It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

--Wanna see a magic trick? 01:11, September 29, 2011 (UTC)

A day late, because ChiefjusticeDS got lazy: The UnSignPost![edit source]

~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 01:33, October 7, 2011 (UTC)

Generic UnSignpost header[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 03:16, 27 October 2011

Generic UnSignpost header[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 01:54, 3 November 2011

So...[edit source]

What distro do you use? Also, get back here. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 02:36, 1 February 2012


Hey, you're Johnny Rotten! You were great in the Sex Pistols and I loved your work in Public Image Ltd. Man, I can't believe I'm talking to one of my political heroes! User:Matthlock/sig2 18:34, July 17, 2012 (UTC)

You should make more tunes![edit source]

You should really make more songs! -- MagicBus Talk to me! 00:23, 4 January 2014 (UTC)

It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source]

See you next year! The first annual *Kiss My Ass* Holiday Competition has officially ended for 2021


Up for grabs is the coveted Clark Griswold Award for Holiday Cheer. Who will be crowned Holiday Victor?
Judgement day is upon ye!

Seasons Greetings!

It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny Sign Up Today! (pretty please)  – Zana Dark  talk to me  AJTA (ooh!) (aah!) ...·º•ø®@» LEG CUN GUN DUN 14:45, 13 December 2021