User:Iwillkillyou333/Archive 4

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Iwillkillyou333 Error.png

Bad ass smile face.png Welcome. This my talk page (no shit). Discuss whatever you like but please follow the rules.


  • 1. No saying crap that doesnt make sense.
  • 2. Do not be an ass
  • 3. Be smart, not stupid.
  • 4. If I placed your article on either VFD or QVFD and you get mad and want to say something horrible to me, don't even try. Cause I will likely bitch punch you.

More Serious Rules

  • 5. No vandlism.
  • 6. No flame wars.
  • 7. If your filing a complaint, pleease keep calm tone, and refrain from harsh critisim of me.

Violation of these three rules will result in me reporting you to an admin.

Even Serious Rules

  • 8. Hot girls must be topless at all times

Now that we tooken care of that, please enjoy!

Those who dare break the rules.........

RAPE![edit | edit source]

I'm raping you because I reuploaded your 666 pic here, because 666.jpg was already being used on other pages. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 21:10, 26 June 2010

Um, Viking!  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~  29 Jun 2010 ~ 04:19 (UTC)
Yay vikings. And thanks for that socky--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 04:23, June 29, 2010 (UTC)

You're back[edit | edit source]

Fuckin' Froggy. I listed your ban in the Worst 100 reflections on 2010. A whore thing, but just for a read and vote if you love it half as much as I do. UnPoetia:Well-Oiled Birds, a page by Guildy and I, is on VFH and oiled up. Good luck in the contest thing tonight. Aleister 00:59 28 6 MMX

Thank yo. I'll be sure to vote FOR for it. :]--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:02, June 28, 2010 (UTC)
Thanks very much, and I'm glad you liked it. I would only whore things I feel real good about, like my sister, and this was one of them. Talkin' about my sister, if you've got $20 or a few cans of Coors, then we've got a deal. Al 6:66 6 VIVIVI

You like Slipknot?[edit | edit source]

:D \m/ I LOVE YOU JENNY!!Jenny? 01:09,30June,2010
Yes I do--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:10, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Damn, people suck.--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Wednesday, 01:11, June 30 2010 UTC
Slipknot fucking rules. Bitch. I LOVE YOU JENNY!!Jenny? 01:13,30June,2010
Aint that the truth--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:14, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Nah. Not only does their music suck, but even worse, they're really pompous.--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Wednesday, 01:23, June 30 2010 UTC
Oh go eat shit and die. You just don't know talent--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:25, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Aint that the truth I LOVE YOU JENNY!!Jenny? 01:26,30June,2010
All I heard was "no talent".--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Wednesday, 01:32, June 30 2010 UTC
Stop talking about yourself--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:34, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
Hey, I know I don't have musical talent. That would make me the same as Slipknot if I was a pompous ass.--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Wednesday, 01:41, June 30 2010 UTC
Well, at least they got fans. You just got your mother (p.s. I did her last night ;])--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:44, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
At least I "got" proper grammar.--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Wednesday, 02:05, June 30 2010 UTC

You may have good grammar, but you still got no taste for good music.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 02:08, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Seriously, I hate it when people use "got" instead of "have"- that's a pet peeve of mine.--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Wednesday, 02:12, June 30 2010 UTC
I think its because I was born in the south.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 02:32, June 30, 2010 (UTC)
So you hate people using the word "got," but Slipknot is pompous? I LOVE YOU JENNY!!Jenny? 02:56,30June,2010

Well-Oiled Thanks[edit | edit source]

I'd like to thank you, on behalf of myself and Aleister, for voting for our article. Thanks. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 02:36, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

You're very welcome. Good to hav it on the front page--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 02:40, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

thanks for the pee on "Gee the mannequins..."[edit | edit source]

I did have one comment for you: "Dollface runs up to see if I'm okay. I slap her ass, then tell her it's her face next if she doesn't stop interrupting my cursing."

I sincerely hope that's not his mother/sister. Squick.

Oh yeah, and then there's this line:

"The way I see it, I can imagine she's the mannequin when I'm fucking her." User:Mrthejazz/sig 17:20, June 30, 2010 (UTC)

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnkkkkkkkkkkkkkksssss![edit | edit source]



I, HELPME, thank you for voting me to be ROTM for June 2010. Your support is appreciated. Now that I have ROTM, I have an excuse to do nothing, so I'm even happier!

My master procrastination plan is working! YES!!!

:D--Sir HELPME Talk (more? --> CUN ROTM NOTM Pleb USS Pees SK ) On Thursday, 01:22, July 01 2010 UTC

Your welcome. Keep up the good work--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:23, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

All the news that's unfit to print![edit | edit source]

--ChiefjusticeDS 12:22, July 1, 2010 (UTC)

Worst Day on my Computer[edit | edit source]

Reviewed it here.

Why?:You Should Never Mess with the Space Time Continuum[edit | edit source]

I've moved it to User:Iwillkillyou333/Why?:You Should Never Mess with the Space Time Continuum because the construction tag had expired but a; it shows promise so is too good to be deleted and b; it's a pain in the arse to find suitable stuff to feature on the Why? page each week, so I hope you'll finish it. :-) Rabbi Techno Icons-flag-gb.png kvetch Icon rabbi.gif Contribs Foxicon.png FOXES 08:53, July 9, 2010 (UTC)

Signpost: normal service resumed[edit | edit source]

Oh dear god, am I really doing this again? --UU - natter UU Manhole.gif 11:01, Jul 9

To whore or not to whore, that is the question. . .[edit | edit source]

Whether it is better to ask you to read my page on VFH, Rolex, or to pay you with a check or money order to vote for it? These are the questions of principle we must fight throughout the years. Anywho, if yoy have a minutes, please read it, and if you love it more than your dear old ma, then vote. Vote again and again. Thanks. Aleister 1:31 13 7

You're back!! Good. We have to get your page in shape, lots of people want to vote for it, so the best bet is to get it off of VFH and then work on it. HELPME has helped with it. And Hyperbole is having a bandwagon on VFH for his 40th feature, Suddenly, Raccoons, if you haven't seen it as yet. OK, you came out of exile in one piece. Slaughter the prized calf for the prodigal son! Aleister 19:06 21 7

Another UnSignpost! Rejoice![edit | edit source]

Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 10:25, 16 July 2010

Read all about it! The UnSignpost rides again![edit | edit source]

--ChiefjusticeDS 14:06, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

VFD[edit | edit source]

Hey dude. Just wanted to remind you that you need to update the number (For example, when you vote keep, change 0 to 1) whenever you vote. Cheers! Saberwolf116 20:55, July 22, 2010 (UTC)

That ole' dog. . .[edit | edit source]

. . .made it to the front page. Congrats! I hope the singer gets to see it, or hears about it somewhere. Aleister 15:11 29 7

Thanks. I saw it today, and I was amazed. That ole dog can really knock em dead. And I agree, I hope the singer sees/hears about it too, give him a good laugh too--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 15:31, July 29, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah. And you only need one more to get into the Hall of Shame! Aleister 15:34 29 7
I am definitly looking forward into that!--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 15:35, July 29, 2010 (UTC)

St. Columbo on VFD[edit | edit source]

After you voted on VFD, I realized this article was trying to combine the saint and the TV show, and rewrote parts of the article to actually do so. Please reread and consider flipping your vote. Spıke ¬ 12:04 31-Jul-10

PLEASE CHECK EMAIL[edit | edit source]

There Is A Vrey Important Message on Your EMail, Please Check It. --*-User:S1312-* 21:29, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

PLEASE CHECK EMAIL[edit | edit source]

There Is A Very Important Message on Your EMail, Please Check It. --*-User:S1312-* 21:29, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

HEY, CHECK YOUR EMAIL[edit | edit source]

S1312 apparently left a message for you. --Andorin Kato 21:31, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

Contest today, August 2nd (U.S. time) or 3rd (civilized world time)[edit | edit source]

Happymonkey called for a writing contest which will start at 2:00 UTC (10 p.m. eastern time in the United States and other weird countries). Contestents will give each other an exact name of an article at app. 9:59 eastern time, and then we will write until 11:15 (3:15 UTC). We need at least one judge who will look at all the articles, say nay, or yay, or something, and tell us whatever they want to. Please sign up on Happymonkeys talk page, as participant or judge(s), and then we can pair people up around 9:30 eastern and let them know who they will give their page title to. (Inspired by DrSkullthumper's contest of a month or so ago). Aleister 16:05 2 8

Draft[edit | edit source]

You're up. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 18:27, August 4, 2010 (UTC)

Oops, I guess I was supposed to do that. I LOVE YOU JENNY!!Jenny? 02:27,5August,2010

It's new and it's news! It's the latest UnSignpost![edit | edit source]

Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 16:09, 5 August 2010

Thanks![edit | edit source]

I am eternally grateful! Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM 11:27, 10 August 2010

What's up[edit | edit source]

Hey dude, how did you create them ausome graphics on your profile? Do you think you can show me how? Reply --666satan6669 22:08, August 10, 2010 (UTC)666satan6669

Which ones, because some were just put on there and the rest were microsoft paint or something else.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 00:47, August 11, 2010 (UTC

So I See You're Back[edit | edit source]

Are you going to be participating in this, or should we go on picking for you? —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:50, August 11, 2010 (UTC)

Sure. When is it?--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 16:43, August 14, 2010 (UTC)
It's been going on since August 2nd. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 13:24, August 17, 2010 (UTC)
Oh my Gosh, I had no idea. Dammit!--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 21:29, August 17, 2010 (UTC),
Well, if you feel up to it, jump right in and pick your remaining picks yourself. (Also, it was mentioned several times on the original forum that that would be the date. We had a big ol' Uncyclopedia vote on it and everything.) —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 21:38, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

I made the league[edit | edit source]

It's on Yahoo!. Here are some important things to know:

Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 21:38, August 19, 2010 (UTC)

Ruddy hell! It's the UnSignpost[edit | edit source]

--ChiefjusticeDS 12:09, August 20, 2010 (UTC)

Vote4This[edit | edit source]

Vote for HowTo:Kill Yourself In Just 5 Minutes! Here's the link:


DO IT NOW! Reply.

--AchmedTheDeadTerrorist 13:17, August 20, 2010 (UTC)User:AchmedTheDeadTerrorist

I noticed you have yet to make your team on Yahoo![edit | edit source]

Please do so as soon as you are able. Here are some important things to know:

Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 15:28, August 24, 2010 (UTC)

For the record, we're all waiting on you to make a team. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 20:14, August 26, 2010 (UTC)

I moved that battle of the killers thing you're apparantly writing without my approval[edit | edit source]

That's fine because I don't really care. Though some royalties would be nice.

Anyway, it seemed just a bit too really vain to allow in the mainspace to I put a loophole on it with that "Uncyclopedia:" whatchamacallit. Enjoy. --Littleboyonly.jpg TKFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFUJewriken.GIFCK Oldmanonly.jpg 05:02, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

As long as you're not offended by it its ok with me--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 05:39, August 30, 2010 (UTC)

Avast me hearties![edit | edit source]

Colony Potato.jpg
By the powers! this e'er be fer a reminder o' tha great, grand Imperial Colonization be startin' up again!

Whether you be a sprog or a privateer we be expectin' ya ta come 'round an participate in this sweet trade lessen' you be a lily-livered squiffy, scallywag, or scurvy dog thar.

Aye! ~ Buccaneer Happytimes. Happytimes pi.gif

The current project: Dinosaur

Now in the writing phase
(Oh UN:IC, how your rules are now broken....)

UFFL 2010 Kickoff[edit | edit source]

The draft is over, the NFL regular season begins Thursday September 9th, and everyone is geared up and ready to play some fantasy football(!).

This season promises to thrill and intrigue, and as the Uncyclopedia Fantasy Football League has grown from just eight all the way to 14 teams, each one vying for a shot at the championship, except maybe Neox's team. With all this excitement, however, comes questions. Will Rush and Kick FTW, the UFFL's first team based in Britain, be able to compete with the league's American teams? Will Cheddar's rebuilt Doritorians be able to play at the same high level as last year now that their roster is down from 50% Eagles players to just 30%? Will evil Nazi overlord and reigning league Champion Guildensternenstein be able to defend his league championship now that Top-3 players at the quarterback, running back, wide receiver and tight end positions didn't fall into his lap this year? Only brutal, primal, visceral, cerebral combat on the fields of Yahoo!'s fantasy football league servers can determine these questions.

That all being said, everyone should take note of two things:

  • this is a link to the league--go here to do stuff, like select a starting roster (which, believe it or not, is important).
  • this is the forum where we'll talk about the league and post banal sports banter (which, believe it or not, is even more important).

Good luck, gentleman. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 16:05, September 4, 2010 (UTC)

Starting Lineup[edit | edit source]

You've got to go to Yahoo! and adjust your starting lineup, dammit. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 14:29, September 8, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost - This is definitely not late; you're just drunk[edit | edit source]

MegaPleb Dexter111344 Complain here 12:57, September 9, 2010 (UTC)

User ass template[edit | edit source]

Please don't use it. Thanks. ~Jewriken.GIF 16:57, September 10, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, but whats the problem with it? Especially if the user is an ass.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 13:32, September 11, 2010 (UTC)

Laird Hamilton won’t dare you to paddle out at Jaws[edit | edit source]

Whew, thank you. Laird was gonna stomp my arse if he didn’t get featured. Is it safe? Thanks to you!

--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 07:35, Sep 13

Trade[edit | edit source]

I proposed a trade to you in fantasy football. Also, you've got to start two running backs, dude, not just one. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 00:23, September 20, 2010 (UTC)

Ok, thanks for telling me--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:44, September 20, 2010 (UTC)
Well, are you going to accept my trade, counter offer, reject it, what? Also, you can still put either Pierre Thomas or Reggie Bush into your starting lineup--as fortune has it, they don't play until Monday night, so you lucked out. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:46, September 20, 2010 (UTC)
Shit, was going to accept but I had to do an assignment for school and forgot all about it. On a lighter note, I got Pierre Thomas as my RB. A wise decision I say so myself--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 21:02, September 20, 2010 (UTC)
Indeed. Also, I re-proposed the trade, so take a look and see what you think when you get the chance. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 03:30, September 21, 2010 (UTC)
Michael Vick was just named Philly's starting quarterback. Check out and accept/decline the trade, dammit, before I deal Vick to someone else. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 01:33, September 22, 2010 (UTC)
Done--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 20:30, September 22, 2010 (UTC)

Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/User:Iwillkillyou333/Unbooks:Kidnapping the Presidents Daughter[edit | edit source]

It has been reviewed, keep on writing!--Sirrah CatshirE Chess the Striker2117 04:31, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

Thank you very much, I really appreciate it.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 20:31, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

Dating[edit | edit source]

I want to date an emo girl. How would I go about doing that? Aleister 00:03 29 9

Maybe reading this would help you out.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 14:29, September 29, 2010 (UTC)
Reading is for communists!--Sirrah CatshirE Chess the Striker2117 14:41, September 29, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, it will help tremendously, invaluable information. Now I can date an Emo girl with confidence. When she cuts herself I will even watch, and give her bevereges to help her build up her blood again. Thank you! Aleister 14:49
I'm glad to help. Helping people know how to date is one of my favorite hobbies--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 16:20, September 29, 2010 (UTC)

My Emo girl and I thank you[edit | edit source]

For both getting us together and for your vote on uncy of the month which gave Monkey and I a tie. My Emo girl wants to say something---j, ah, hiw -how do thfdse keys work;/ hi an thanks 4 voting 4 Al and 4 showing him howel 2 date me an all the rest. he made me feeel agains, dude, and now heis sooooo happi a bout his potato award that he bought me a dozennn emoappropriate roses by any odder name dude Ok, ok, that's enough. Anyway, yeah, thanks for your vote, and for your dating advice. Worked out well in both cases. Appreciated. Al and LuLu 18:10 1 10

Your quite welcome--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 23:34, October 1, 2010 (UTC)

We are still together, and listening to depressing music and cutting ourselves once in awhile. It's very nice. Would you mind popping over to VFH and reading "My Daddy Has Two Yachts"? That's one of my favorite pages, and it's tied together like a wrapped package. As for you, I still wish to see you get that third Hall of Shame entry feature, and you came close. Let me know if I can help edit or check one of your pages. My Emo Girl will help edit, but I don't know but that you'd have to revert all her stuff. And she gets the mouse and keyboard pretty bloody right after a cutting session. I like it. Aleister 23:32 11 10

Nastiest Meanest Thing to Say Contest[edit | edit source]

make number 2 please--Poiz, look in my info? 01:31, October 27, 2010 (UTC)

I'll see that it will be done soon.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:28, November 3, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost - The UnSignpost Rides Again![edit | edit source]

Read All About It![edit | edit source]

--ChiefjusticeDS 14:26, November 18, 2010 (UTC)

Run for your lives! It's another UnSignpost.[edit | edit source]

~ Pointy.png *shifty eyes* (talk) (stalk) -- 20101125 - 01:01 (UTC)

YOU![edit | edit source]

Hey, with your sig is that a reference to "Heretic Anthem" by Slipknot? Gen. Fudgem0bile When the bus driver gets off, who closes the doors? 02:23, November 26, 2010 (UTC)

Yes--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 22:28, December 11, 2010 (UTC)

Don't you love the smell of the UnSignpost in the morning?[edit | edit source]

--Wanna see a magic trick? 05:16, December 2, 2010 (UTC)

The UnSignpost, now with 25% less saturated fat[edit | edit source]

--ChiefjusticeDS 16:10, December 9, 2010 (UTC)

Welcoming...[edit | edit source]

You probably knew this before, but when you use the {{welcome}} template, you need to subst it in, or it doesn't work properly. I fixed them on the ones I saw, but as a welcomer, you really should at least seem to know what you're doing. In the future, could you be a dear and remember to use {{subst:welcome}}, and perhaps use edit summaries, at that? Thanks. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 03:40, 13 December, 2010

Sure thing. Thank you for pointing that mistake out to me.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 03:44, December 13, 2010 (UTC)
Shiny. Cheers. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 04:03, 13 December, 2010

why you reverted the thing on Driving? write the fucking reason when you revert something you ass wipe

First, sign your posts. Second make a new section if it has nothing to do with the current one. Third, what you originally wrote was removed yet you put it back in. When something is removed it means it is not funny/good. Read HTBFANJS.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:36, December 15, 2010 (UTC)

Wow[edit | edit source]

I'd forgotten how much I like your Emo girl page. I must read it again. Thanks. How are things, and who are things, going or coming with you? Aleister 2:56 15 12

Your welcome. Things going and coming greatly. I'm glad to be back from my vacation. Things going great with you?--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 03:01, December 15, 2010 (UTC)
Whoa! Thanks for your vote on the Festivus page. It's good to see your comments around the place again. Everything is fine with me, both within and outside of the computer screen. My emo girl and I broke up after she took up with four guitarists and a drummer from up North (I'd have taken her back but there wasn't much left of her). Have you noticed that some of the people here have taken off for parts unknown or known, and new ones have taken their place. Probably the same guys with different names, is my guess. Aleister 14:02 15 12
I'm glad that you're happy with me voting and commenting. It's sad about your relationship, but not all relationships have happy endings thanks to the unfairness of life, but you'll recover soon. And I think some of those people are busy with real life stuff (school, job, holidays) and cannot get on as much as they can. It's usually around the winter season where many people disappear, yet come back around spring or summer (that happened to Saberwolf, he left around winter then came back this summer), but its nice to see new people here too.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 22:58, December 15, 2010 (UTC)
Yes, but using your article I've already got another emo girl. The page works wonders! True, about the people leaving off and on, but lots of them left at once a couple of months ago and only one popped back for a visit. On the Uncyclopedia is almost full page, can you point out what you didn't like about it, the overall theme, etc. Maybe we can talk it out, or maybe I can take hostages and then you will have to talk to me, over the phone at least, until I demand a van and a jet fueled at the airport. More soon, I must now take the "winter" off! Yay! Aleister 1:00 16 12

Hi.[edit | edit source]

I think you're the one who has been the annoying offender of late, at least...


If it actually wasn't you who has been consistently not, though, just disregard that. Because I honestly cannot remember. Good day. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 00:03, 16 December 2010

This happening in VFH or VFD, cause I can't remeber either.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 00:12, December 16, 2010 (UTC)
Apparently it was you, on VFH, VFD, WotM, FFS, and VFS. You did, however, remember on UotM. I got annoyed and actually looked. *grumbles* Seriously, though, please try to remember. Makes those of us who a mite slow less apt to confusion, you know? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 00:18, 16 December 2010
My apologies, I keep thinking that the scores change automatically when you vote, but I keep forgetting it only works on VFH, or at least I think it does. Anyway, thanks for pointing that out.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 00:21, December 16, 2010 (UTC)
It only works if you use the script thing on VFH... otherwise it's all just text. Anyhow, thanks, and sorry about exploding at you. I need to explode sometimes, or bad things happen. Or something. *shifty eyes* 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 00:28, 16 December 2010
No problem. I'm use to people expressing their emotions at me when I do something wrong here. But it's all good. Glad we were able to sort this mess out like gentle people.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 00:38, December 16, 2010 (UTC)
  • Hi there Iwillkillyou333. This is just a reminder from your friendly neighborhood Zombiebaron to please remember to update those scores. It is very annoying to everybody in the community when somebody forgets. Thanks, -- The Zombiebaron 22:40, December 16, 2010 (UTC)

Brostamatism on VFD[edit | edit source]

Peace! I was trying to be gentle with that, but I guess it failed. I was commenting on the last sentence of your nomination--an indictment of "people these days" (which in fact are not too different from people in other days). Am happy to discuss further, here or on my page, but people on VFD don't want to hear it--maybe they didn't even want to hear my opening Comment. Spıke ¬ 00:42 16-Dec-10

Whoa now, I wasnt trying be mean either, just stating my reason in a proprer way, but it seems that I wrote it in a way that it sounds mean. Thats the one thing about computers; you can't always tell of the other person emotions. I apologize for the misunderstanding Anyway, I have no idea that making a comment like that would cause trouble with some Uncyclopedians. I tried to be unrude when I talk about people, but if its a problem then I'll avoid doing that in the future, as I don't want to hurt anybody's feelings. Again I apologize--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 00:53, December 16, 2010 (UTC)

No indeed, and thank you. In fact I had someone else in mind, who has been on the site long enough to want to reform other people. It wasn't anything you said, it was a gentle nudge not to go in the same direction. Am not offended and am sure everyone else is even less so! --You are right about misunderstandings via computers, though. IMAGINE HOW IT WAS THIRTY YEARS AGO WHEN WE ALL HAD TO SHOUT! Spıke ¬ 01:00 16-Dec-10

*shouts randomly about the birds in the warehouse* 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 01:21, 16 December 2010
I imagine that, glad we have technology. And I'm glad nobody was offended. I'm glad we sorted this out without retorting to your mom jokes, even though they'te fun to do. --If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:26, December 16, 2010 (UTC)
The last time I saw your mom, she ran in the other direction screaming like she had an eagle entangled in her hair pecking around just trying to get its beak on that rat. And it seems your page is 'the place to be' right now. /passes around the pipe Aleister 1:29 16 12

We'hell! I guess we're all here! Al, did you bring the lager? Spıke ¬ 01:30 16-Dec-10

Pop out the champane and let's party!--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:32, December 16, 2010 (UTC)
Eh, I've already been through your fridge. Bloody disappointing, that. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 01:38, 16 December 2010
Hey SPIKE, don't Bogart that joint my friend, pass it over to Che. Aleister 1:50 16 12
Save me some too!--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 01:56, December 16, 2010 (UTC)

Oh shit! It's another unsignpost![edit | edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 05:23, 16 December 2010

Consider[edit | edit source]

I suppose you mean well, but why are you being so confrontational towards various users? Direct threats are just as likely to drive people away from the site entirely, as anything. And after being blocked, a message like you gave here could well lead to there simply not being a next time, because why would a user want to return to so welcoming an environment? I wouldn't...

Please, consider what you are doing. Simply being mean achieves little in the long run; there are often better ways to approach matters. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 03:48, 19 December 2010

The comment I made to Multiliteralist was a joke, and I was asking the others users to refrain from repeating their actions that got them banned. But if my method is bad, could you be so kind to tell me the proper way of handling it?--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 16:45, December 19, 2010 (UTC)
Er... less threaty and mean? Even if that was not your intent, you were telling, not asking. On the plus, if you do mention your own experiences, that can help, indeed... thank you for coming around. 'sa better. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 17:30, 19 December 2010
Ok, so from here on out, I shall not be such a meany-pants. I will ask, not tell. Swear on the Bible (unlike Barak Obama).--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 17:54, December 19, 2010 (UTC)
If you really mean that, thank you! Thank you with a giant robotic cherry on top. Or... wait... what? 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 18:00, 19 December 2010

Reviews...[edit | edit source]

So, I've been going through your old reviews, trying to see some patterns and whatnot... for, er... reasons.

Problem is, you seem to be falling back on some old patterns. The booking reviews before being done with your current one, Chief told you before to stop that... and your grammar... "I done my best"? How are people supposed to take you seriously after reading something like that? I mean, it's funny, but also a little disconcerting. And Hiatus Hernia did have a point about quoting from HTBFANJS - references are plenty, especially as you're telling the folks to also read it. Say your own words, perhaps...

And now I go on and quote Chief... now there's irony. Checking one of your previous ones, he said: "No, you really need to work on constructive criticism, I don't want to see comments like 'I just knew this article would be a downer. And unfortunately I was right' in your reviews again." Problem is, you kind of did that again. Comments like that just don't achieve much, really. I suppose what it really amounts to is fluff - makes it longer, says little. Could you not say more that would help, establish why, in this case, it came across as just random fiction, even from the very first? You do this some later, but why not go right to that from the start? Say what and why, but no need to beat around the bush so much. I know, I do that too, but it doesn't really help anything.

This, though... eh? "I won’t directly pinpoint what you need to change; I prefer you use your own judgment as well as HTBFANJS to decide what should stay and what should go." I was under the impression that the entire point of putting an article up for review was to get somebody else's opnion as to just what works and what doesn't. What they think should stay and go, how it should or could be improved; the submitter can of course ignore it completely, follow the advices, or use it to do something else entirely, but is that not why folks do that? At least, some of them...

In other news, I think I should point out at this point that I'm pretty bad at reviewing, myself. But... er. Pie? Seriously, don't take this the wrong way. You were just doing so much better before before you disappeared; hopefully you can get back up to that standard a little more quickly and a little less annoyingly this time. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 20:41, 19 December 2010

Sorry, I been gone too long and kinda forgot some of these things. But luckily I'm going over my old ones as well as other reviews other people have done. But maybe you can link to some very good ones just to get me back on track.
Also, for the booking two articles, Chief told me various times already no to do that, so I don't anymore. I just say that I might get to that review if I'm done with the review I'm currently doing or if nobody else have done it.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 21:01, December 19, 2010 (UTC)
Eh, you'll get the hang. You're not doing all that badly, just... you made me worry, eh?
Hmm... good reviews, good reviews... this is a good one. I love getting reviews like that, thorough, detailed, encompassing, and working with the piece, even if it is a giant load of stupid like that one actually was. Horrible article, but lovely review. Mind, that's another thing - often, you could do more to actually work with what the person is doing. Even if it's not working, perhaps they could still make the concept work, you know? Might be something to consider in the future.
Okay, I'm fuzzy on that - why say that at all? Why not just wait until you have finished the review you are on, and then actually book it? Because I really can't tell the difference, and it confuses my brain... 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 23:02, 19 December 2010

A visiting whore wandering by on the shore of Uncy[edit | edit source]

Hey, big boy, do you work out? Anywho, can I get another read of Uncyclopedia is almost full on VFH. You shot it in the gut and it's hanging on, but needs medics. You may have read it during that horrid period when the pics were left leaning and the captions were loose and on the run, and some changes were made, so it's a slightly different page when it's sober. But seriously, what do you think is missing or could be beefed up a bit. I'm here to serve /winks, looks for your wallet, slips you a roofie Thanks! Aleister 00:18 Solstice MMX

p.s. And on the above section, Chief Justice has great reviews, and Lyrithya is no slouch either.
Hello, and thank you for the vlote!!! Rupert Murdoch thanks you, and the blonde, and the hippie (did you scan over the links at the start of the hippie section? or on the "Favorite articles" question? Hippies) all thank you. I really hope you liked it and found things in there funny. A Festivus miracle! Aleister 1:32 Festivus MMX
Your welcome. Cheers!--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 02:32, December 23, 2010 (UTC)

This is it... the 100th UnSignpost.[edit | edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 06:51, 23 December 2010

Godfather 3 review[edit | edit source]

Thanks for that, it's just what I was looking for. I'll see what I can do with the article when I get some time. Also, it's nice to see you reviewing again, we really need everyone we can get right now at PEEING. --Black Flamingo 07:55, December 24, 2010 (UTC)

No problem.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 04:37, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

Merry Christmas! Joy and apples to you![edit | edit source]

And the best of the holidays flowing around your home. Cooking reindeer meat, plucking the eyebrows off of Old Saint Nick, and wrapping the Christmas tinsel around your North Pole, may the ho ho ho's visit you often. Aleister 4:08 25 12

Merry Christmas to you too, buddy. Hope you enjoy it.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 04:10, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

Have a magical christmas![edit | edit source]

Magic man got you a present!
Don't open it till Christmas!

Bye! --Magic Snow man 04:31, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

You too!--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 04:36, December 25, 2010 (UTC)
You too too! --Magic Snow man 04:37, December 25, 2010 (UTC)

Happy Daze After Christmas[edit | edit source]

Did you get everything you wanted for Christmas? I hopeth so. I've come to you with a request as MMX ends, to read and (crossing fingers) hopefully like this thing on VFH. I'm hoping to whore the whores for it before the New Year. Appreciated. I've seen that you are playing with several pages at once, an explosion of the creative! Are you reworking Fucked Her Mother? That has good potential, aye. And so does her mother, aye aye! Aleister 2:24 27 12

Yes, I got everything I wanted except for world domination. And yes I'm thinking on ways to imporove Fucked her mother, thanks for asking.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 02:30, December 27, 2010 (UTC)
World domination. There, you've got it all now. And did you really fuck her mother, is that a true story? Did you vid it? Post the vid? Just wondering. Aleister 2:33 27 12
YES!!!!! FINALLY!!!!! Thank you very much. And yes I did fucked here mother; it was fun too. By the way, new contest! It would be nice if you participated, and if you do I'll give you a cookie.--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 02:51, December 27, 2010 (UTC)
Domination and horny mothers, a winning combination. I went to the contest thing before, and this one seems like it would pick someone over lots of other worthy people to be the funniest person on an entire comedy site, which I would feel uneasy voting on. Lots and lots and lots of funniest people here, I laugh every day at something going on here. Like I suggest on the page, how about the most daft, but Socky would win that easy, or Maniac1075 (have you read lots of Maniac's stuff? I may have asked you before. He's amazing.) Aleister 3:07 27 12

Welcome to the Grue Army!!![edit | edit source]


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You may gain awards for particularly impressive acts of valor. These will include promotions, free material, and credit bonuses. Now MOVE OUT, SOLDIER!!! --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 03:58, December 27, 2010 (UTC)

And on a lighter note, what say you and the Grue Apocalypse make an alliance with us over here at the Grue Army? --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 03:58, December 27, 2010 (UTC)
Alliance accepted!--If you're 555 then I'm Number of the Beast.jpg Talk What's it like to be a heretic? 04:12, December 27, 2010 (UTC)

You know what I just noticed?[edit | edit source]

In the Grue Army, we have one of everything. We've got atheists(you), commies(ComradeSlice), Christians(me, though not as explicitly as trolls like Apostle of Christ), and Democrats(Magic man). Maybe we should use that. What do you think? Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 21:56, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

Participation Template[edit | edit source]

Thanks for participating in this past season of UFFL fantasy football. Here is a template for said participation:

All of the other awards/results are posted here. Thanks for playing. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 18:26, December 30, 2010 (UTC)

UnSignpost, UnSignpost, eat it right here...[edit | edit source]

1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 21:37, 30 December 2010