User talk:Meganew

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Hey everyone! I have a few basic rules on my talk page.

No flamewars. No insulting. No vote whoring.

Archive 1/Archive 2/Archive 3

--Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 21:51, February 3, 2011 (UTC)

UnSignpost - January 5th, 2012[edit source]

Greetings[edit source]

I have gone through my records and it appears as though you may have voted for me for some award, supported one or more of my articles on VFH, or supported one or more of my images on VFP, in the past year or so. If this is not the case, then please ignore this message. Otherwise, thank you for your support. May you have a long and fruitful life, and have many parasites. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 18:57, 6 January 2012

UnSignpost - 12 January 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 01:04, 12 January 2012

UnSignpost - 19 January 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 15:07, 19 January 2012

 :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)[edit source]


CLICK HERE--ShabiDOO 10:18, January 24, 2012 (UTC)

UnSignpost - 26 January 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 08:28, 26 January 2012

UnSignpost - 3 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 03:10, 3 February 2012

UnSignpost - 10 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 10:23, 10 February 2012

UnSignpost - 18 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 07:56, 18 February 2012

UnSignpost - 23 February 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 01:46, 23 February 2012

UnSignpost - 1 March 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:24, 1 March 2012

UnSignpost - 8 March 2012[edit source]

~ Pointy.png I am Haydrahlienne, I am a bot, and I have no feelings. 00:19, 8 March 2012

UnSignpost 5 April 2012[edit source]

9001(bot) Icons-flag-gb.png HalIcon.png MrNCyber.JPG 20:39, Apr 5

I changed names?[edit source]

Excuse me, but I don't know what you're talking about. Care to enlighten me as to what you mean when you say I "changed names"? ~[ths] UotM My Farticles. Qaplá'! Gobshite of the Month March 2012 Magician of the Month March 2012 Uncyclopedian of the Month November 2012 02:25, 11/19/2012

I thought you were Magic Man. Guess I was wrong. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 20:51, November 19, 2012 (UTC)

Shark Bite[edit source]

I noticed you asked an inactive admin as regards this. It is now at User:Meganew/Shark_Bite, just don't main space it for now. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 12:20, November 20, 2012 (UTC)

I was also wondering about the original copy of Powershot, but if that's irretrievable, thanks anyways. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 16:56, November 20, 2012 (UTC)
The version dates from 2009. Was there another one? --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ® (Orate) 18:30, November 21, 2012 (UTC)
So far as I know, there was a version of the Powershot page made the same time as the Shark bite page I got a copy of. Not sure which account the Powershot guy used to make it, but I'm guessing it was his "Azazer" one. If you can't find one made around the same time as the Shark Bite one, I'll take the oldest copy of the Powershot page I can. Thanks! --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 01:57, November 22, 2012 (UTC)

Back again, I see...[edit source]

Aggressor Leo Cow you will not see here anymore, there will be a Lyon Cyborg! --Lyon Cyborg (talk) 21:41, December 6, 2012 (UTC)

You were banned. You made another account to get around the permaban. Must I remind you that this is illegal? --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 22:33, December 6, 2012 (UTC)

Meganew, it's time[edit source]

Time to uncancel The Young And The Uncyclopedians! I believe that it had been cancelled for too long enough. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kyurem CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 04:42, December 12, 2012 (UTC)

I wholeheartedly agree with you, JNNN TV Anda owner, but we need to bring it back with a new name. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 22:27, December 12, 2012 (UTC)
What was it all about again? Oh...and Gouncy! has been unbanned so I am sure he will want to pitch in again...--Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 22:32, December 16, 2012 (UTC)
Various characters based off of Uncyclopedians doing all sorts of random stuff. As for Goun: I'm fine with him helping so long as he can spell. Properly. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 22:37, December 16, 2012 (UTC)
We changed the name by the way. It's now UNBC. Because.
Also, I uncovered the lost pilot episode of TYATU. And we are making a new fourth season. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kyurem CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 12:06, December 29, 2012 (UTC)
Please link me, then! We have work to do. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 15:24, December 30, 2012 (UTC)

Hi, Mega![edit source]

If you're still around and you want to write an UnSignpost piece (just one article, not the whole thing--unless you want to!), now's the time. Arise, Comrade, your Country is calling! ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngTue, Dec 25 '12 23:36 (UTC)

If you can link me to the latest WIP UnSignpost, I'll get to work on that right away. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 21:20, December 27, 2012 (UTC)
It isn't up yet. Feel free to write anywhere you like (userspace?) and once it's done, just let me know! ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngFri, Dec 28 '12 5:47 (UTC)
Kk. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 18:20, December 28, 2012 (UTC)

How do I write a TYATU article?[edit source]

I need to write one as part of reboot. GiratinaOriginForme.png |Si Plebius Dato' Joe ang Kyurem CUN|IC Kill Don't be fooled. I'm an Aussie too. | 10:04, 2 February 2013 (UTC)

Just take a look over the originals and make a new one based off of that. If Gouncyclopedia! could do it(albeit with severe grammar errors), you can too. --Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 16:29, 2 February 2013 (UTC)

Uncyclopedia:AAN/Adopters[edit source]

Hi, just letting you know that since you don't seem to be active these days I've moved you from the list of active adopters to the list of inactive ones. If you should become active again, you may want to move your name back to the active list. Hope to see you around. – Llwy-ar-lawr (talkcontribslogs) 19:23, 16 Mar 2014Uncyclopedia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! UncyclopediaUncyclopediaIllogicopediai:fr:LogimalpediePaudurapedyjaFrithchiclipeidUncapaediaAbsurdopediaScotypedia

In case you're still alive...[edit source]

Please come back to Uncyclopedia soon or we are coming after you for child support. --EMC [TALK] 16:51 Jun 7 2014

Sucketh upon mein ballsack, EMC. Revolutionary, Anti-Bensonist, and TYATU Boss Uncyclopedian Meganew (Chat) (Care for a peek at my work?) (SUCK IT, FROGGY!) 06:26, 6 September 2014 (UTC)

Getting ahold of you is hard.[edit source]

As a member of the grue army for almost ten years now, and the subject of some of your authorship, I tried to contact you via email but alas - you have none. Should you decide to return to the grand ole Uncyclopedia, please drop me a line on my talk page. And more importantly: if you see this message, join us on Discord. We'd love to have you back. AimsplodeL A B O R A T O R I E S 05:18 17 February 2019