User:Meganew/The Un-Wiki War/Forces and Timeline
This page is a more expanded version of info about The Uncyclo-Wikipedian War, which is still going on today. Below are lists of war assets used by Uncyclopedia and Wikipedia during the war. Consider it your briefing, soldier! Now move out!
Uncyclopedian Assets[edit | edit source]
These are our forces, which you may be called upon to command. Remember, we usually have inferior technology, so you'll have to be able to properly use what you get. The majority of Uncyclopedian aircraft are designed to operate in both space and an atmosphere. Exceptions will be noted.
Name | Usage | Description | Amount Remaining | Weapons | Picture |
Airbus A380 | Atmospheric Heavy Bomber/Gunship | A380s formerly used by the Uncyclopedia Transit Authority were reconverted to their original configuration as a bomber, as were Surplus Grue Army, UNSOC, and Goa Tse Clan A380s also. These can only fly in an atmosphere. | 100,000 | 1 minigun on each side of the aircraft, and a bomb bay full of 24 1 ton bombs, plus a huge laser in the nose. | |
IF-1 If | Interception Fighter | Formerly the Invisible Fighter, the IF-1 If has been the dogfighter of choice for the Uncyclopedian military, having served since The Great Aspie War of Ought Six. However, it blows up like a TIE Fighter, though its speed and other valuable assets prevent it from dying easily. | 500,000 | 200 Lightning-charged uber cannons, plus infinite bombs and missiles, including 6 nukes. | |
B-3 Skylancer | Heavy Bomber | The B-3 Skylancer has never existed, doesn't exist, and will never exist. However, since it doesn't exist, it can't be easily destroyed, making it the perfect bomber. | 1000 | A lot of bombs, say... 50 nukes? | |
RC-135 | Atmospheric Heavy Bomber | It carries bombs and can do a barrel roll, despite being insanely huge compared to fighters... Oh well, at least it can carry nukes... Though it's being replaced since it can only fly in an atmosphere... | 10,000 | 20 nukes | |
Super-Clipper | Gunship | It has near-infinite hitpoints and can magically be summoned by someone yelling, "Arrr! Walk the plank!" It can go anywhere, from the sea, to the air, and even in space. | 1,000,000 | 6 cannon, plus 100 or so angry guys with swords and eyepatches. | ![]() A Super-Clipper floating in space. This particular example belonged to Rene Corsaire, star of the old show TYATU. |
TIE Fighter | Swarm Fighter | The TIE Fighter was, at one point, the "swarm fighter" among Uncyclopedian forces, capable of overwhelming enemies by the sheer numbers of them. These are gradually being replaced by the new TIE Interceptors. Many are being gutted and converted into TIE Heavy Fighters. | 1,000,000 | 2 laser cannons | |
F-Bærum | Prototype Fighter | A major advancement in Uncyclopedian fighter design, the F-Bærum was superior to almost all previous fighters. It sucked simply because there weren't enough to make a big difference to Uncyclopedian forces. | 15,000 | 2 laser cannons and 100 ICBMs. | |
Hyperbole F-Long Number | Gunship Bomber | Destroys most things while flying. Stay out from under foot or be stepped on. | 50,000 | 900,000 machine guns. | |
Mobile Assault Sheep | Ground Defense Vehicle | An upgrade to the stationary Llama cavalry, these units are able to withstand colder temperatures. | 50,000 | 150mph ramming speed, rockets, and grenades. | |
X-Bærum | Uber Fighter | Uses a Death Star laser so watch out. Very limited production, though it can fly in the air, in space, underwater, and even inside a planet. | 1,000 | 1 Death Star laser, and 1,000 ICBMs. | ![]() The X-Bærum. Though supposed to be a 1337 plane, the X-Bærum never made it to mass production, due to major problems. |
F-84H Thunderscreech | Atmospheric Assault Fighter | Has a propeller so loud, it causes hearing losses and deaths whenever it flies over Wikipedian forces. These are being phased out due to only flying in atmospheres, though the type still sees deployment. | 5,000 | 6 .50 cal machine guns and 1 nuke. | |
MiG-31 Firefox | Light Fighter | Cannot be seen by radar, and was brought in by Russian Uncyclopedians, hence the reason why only someone who speaks Russian can fly it. | 500,000 | 2 23mm cannon and 6 thought-controlled missiles. | |
Black Triangle | Stealth Strike Fighter | Hard to see, most Wikipedians have no idea of the armament on this craft. Very helpful, but easy to see during the day. | 1,000,000 | 3 insta-kill lasers | |
Space Shuttle | Weapon Launcher | Goes into space, launches a laser satellite, comes back into the atmosphere, and does it again. These were bought surplus from the US. | 5,000 | It can carry 1 laser satellite, which can blow almost anything up with one hit. However, it can only fire twice before running out of power. | |
User/Autoconfirmed User | Soldier/Heavy Soldier | These are the bulk of the military. They do pretty much everything, and are all heavily armed. The Autoconfirmed User can use a machine gun, though. | 5,000,000,000 | Users carry a QVFD Gun, an M82 sniper rifle, a flare gun, and a rocket launcher. Autoconfirmed Users have that plus 10 frag grenades and a .50 cal machine gun. | |
Sophia-Class Battlecruiser | Capital Ship | The bulk of the current Uncyclopedia navy, brought to us by an unnamed IP along with other war material. It has big guns not even the toughest Wikipedian ship can destroy, but is pretty fragile. | 1,000,000 | It has 9 12in guns in 3 3-gun turrets, plus over 20 30mm cannon, and 25 .50 cal machine guns. | ![]() The USS Chuck Norris, flagship of the Uncyclopedian navy. |
Tiger Woods-Class Aircraft Carrier | Capital Ship | These are sparsely found, but wreak havoc with their massive amounts of fighters and bombers. They have no guns and are quite flammable, though. | 100,000 | No guns, but it can carry over 100 fighters and bombers. | ![]() USS Mordillo, a Tiger Woods-class carrier that's had the grass flight deck replaced with non-flammable Astroturf. |
Soviet Star Cruiser | Juggernaut | A few have been given to Uncyclopedia by the Soviet Galactic Battle Fleet, and they can pwn any spacecraft that gets near them, due to their uberness. | 1,000 | 1 BFG 9000 cannon firing Epic Win, 9000 laser turrets | ![]() The USS Pirat, one of the Soviet Star Cruisers gained by Uncyclopedia. |
T-65 X-Wing | Space Superiority Fighter | The most common fighter of the Rebel Alliance was brought to the Uncyclopedian forces by an anonymous IP. It outclasses most of its type, but is slowly being replaced by the more maneuverable X-83 Twin-Tail. | 5,000 | 4 laser cannons and an infinite number of proton torpedoes. | |
Battlemech | Soldier Killer | The description above will suffice. Mows down soldiers like a hot knife through butter. | 50,000 | 2 20mm cannon in arms. | |
Clone Trooper | Soldier | Pretty much disposable infantry. Can do a lot better then a regular soldier, though, but lighter armed. | 1,000,000 | A blaster rifle and 6 plasma grenades. | |
F-35 Lightning II | Air Superiority Fighter | Pretty good, and they carry a lot of missiles too. However, it's slow and hard to turn. These were captured from Wikipedia, and are a match for most of our fighters in an atmosphere. | 100,000 | 1 minigun and 12 Sidewinder missiles. | |
Y-Wing | Medium Bomber | An outdated Rebel bomber, given to Uncyclopedia by an anonymous IP. Its only advantage is the fact that it can carry the proton bomb. | 100,000 | 2 laser cannons and an infinite number of Proton Bombs. | |
Blood Raven | Fighter-Bomber | A highly advanced fighter-bomber, capable of doing either or both, donated by the Cafalump Royal Dictatorship. Better then its Wikipedian counterparts, it also has a shield. | 50,000 | 4 light lasers, plus 4 anti-matter warheads or 50 heat-seeking missiles. | |
Oakland Raiders and Pittsburgh Steelers | Football Team | These guys just wanted to get in on it. | 100 | None. They just run into other people. | |
EA-336 | Space Superiority Fighter | Donated by the Intergalactic Guild and better then most of the stuff in use. An excellent fighter capable of doing everything a fighter can do. | 100,000 | 3 plasma cannons and 30 heat-seeking missiles. | |
EA-512 | Fighter-Bomber | A bit lighter craft, given to us by the Intergalactic Guild. Capable of being a heavy fighter and light bomber, it's a powerful ship in its own right. | 100,000 | 4 Plasma cannons and 10 nukes. | |
Jeep | Vehicle | The standard light Uncyclopedian vehicle, more heavily armed then either of its Wikipedian brethren. | 500,000 | 1 minigun, and 1 .50 cal machine gun. | |
T-80 | Tank | The T-80 is the Uncyclopedian counterpart of the M1 Abrams. Though less heavily armored and less heavily gunned, the fact that it can hover over the ground compensates for this. | 100,000 | 1 75mm cannon, 2 .50 cal machine guns. | |
Chronarion-Class Destroyer | Capital Ship | Chronarion-Class ships are made by modifying captured Testicus-Class ships or constructing them from scratch. In comparison to the Testicus, the ICBM launchers are removed, depth charge launchers are added, and the main gun is reduced to a rapid-fire 50mm cannon. This allows it to carry more torpedoes. | 500,000 | 1 50mm cannon, 2 depth charge launchers, 2 20mm vulcan cannon, and 2 torpedo launchers. | |
Hirox | Light Fighter | The Hirox is a relatively new design, a merger of a space fighter, A-7, and F/A-18. It is an excellent craft that performs well as an atmospheric fighter and a space fighter. | 100,000 | 4 20mm cannon and 1 1000lb bomb. | |
TIE Interceptor | Interception Fighter | The TIE Interceptor supplied by Darthipedia is a much-needed replacement for the TIE Fighter. Much faster and more heavily armed then the TIE Fighter, the TIE Interceptor is as weak as its predecessor, but has a light deflector shield, allowing it to survive longer then the original TIE. | 1,000,000 | 4 laser cannons at the tips of the wings, 2 underneath the cockpit. | |
GTF Hercules | Heavy Fighter | The GTF Hercules has seen a large amount of service. Originally used by the GTVA, ruling party of the Freespace Wiki, to combat the Shivans, it was still in service during the 2nd Great War and still flies today for Uncyclopedian forces. Its 6 gun mounts and large missile banks make it superior to the X-Wing as a heavy fighter. | 500,000 | 6 heavy laser cannons, 30 heat-seeking missiles, and 15 EMP missiles. | |
Constitution Class | Capital Ship | The Memory Beta Constitution Class has proven useful to Uncyclopedian forces in combating the Wikipedian space forces. Inferior to the Wikipedian Excelsior Class, the outdated craft can still give the newcomer a run for its money. | 100,000 | 1 heavy phaser array at front, 1 twin phaser array at back, 2 photon torpedo launchers, 1 at front and 1 at back. | ![]() The Constitution Class is the "Cruiser" of the Uncyclopedian space forces. The USS Sysop is a premier example, having destroyed several dozen enemy ships. |
X-83 Twin-Tail | Space Superiority Fighter | An advanced version of the T-65 X-Wing, designed with the wings and cockpit of an X-Wing being attached to a twin-tail design, allowing it to keep its performance in an atmosphere as well as space. | 50,000 | 4 laser cannons and an infinite number of proton torpedoes. | |
Viper Mk I | Interception Fighter | Surplus from Battlestar Wiki, these original Vipers carry lighter armament and are weaker then the later models. They are normally used for Anti-Bomber attacks. | 5,000 | 2 laser cannons. | |
Firespray Class | Assault Fighter | If you like a fast, maneuverable, and heavily armed craft, then the Firespray is for you. Based off of a scrapped design commonly known as the Slave I, the Firespray is the best fighter in existence, though there aren't enough of them to prove it. | 1,000 | 4 laser cannons and 100 heat-seeking missiles. | |
GTF Loki | Stealth Fighter | Originally the Freespace Wiki's "conspiracy fighter", as it was manufactured by a rogue branch of their government, the Loki's main structural flaw, which got rid of its cloaking device, has been repaired, and the craft is now a relatively heavily armed stealth fighter. | 10,000 | 4 heavy lasers and 10 heat-seeking missiles. | |
GTD Hades | Capital Ship | This superdestroyer was based upon a ship manufactured by the same rogue government branch as the GTF Loki. More powerful then a battlecruiser, but less powerful then a juggernaut, the Hades fills the gap between the Constitution Class and the Soviet Star Cruiser. | 1,000 | 16 laser turrets, 2 heat-seeking missile launchers, 2 cluster bomb launchers, and 2 heavy beam cannons. | |
TIE Heavy Fighter | Heavy Fighter | Older TIE Fighters were stripped down to their bare frames, given new heavy turbolasers, more armor, and a light shield. However, the TIE heavy Fighter is a stopgap until newer designs become available, as it's very slow compared to the regular TIE. | 5,000,000 | 2 heavy turbolasers. | |
Viper Mk II | Assault Fighter | Heavier then the Mk I, the Viper Mk II was designed to easily take out other fighters before opening up on capital ships with its nuclear missiles. It is slower and less maneuverable then the Mk I, however. | 10,000 | 2 30mm cannon, and 6 nuclear missiles. | |
N-1 Starfighter | Space Superiority Fighter | Though outdated when compared to the T-65 X-Wing, the N-1 Starfighter still matches up relatively well. With a light deflector shield, smooth lines, and 2 very accurate lasers, it matches up quite well against some modern designs. | 5,000 | 2 laser cannons, and an infinite number of proton torpedoes. | |
GTB Zeus | Stealth Strike Bomber | A high speed and well-positioned gun mounts allow the Zeus to not only bomb capital ships with its light anti-matter warheads, but to also combat fighters. it has the same stealth ability as the GTF Loki, seeing as both were originally made by the same rogue government branch. | 5,000 | 4 heavy lasers, and 5 anti-matter warheads. | |
GTD Orion (Stripped Down) | Capital Ship | Unwilling to give the Uncyclopedian forces a full-power GTD Orion, the Freespace Wiki instead gave us a stripped-down version of their premier capital ship. Removing one of its plasma turrets, one of its anti-fighter beams, one of its slashing beam cannons, one of its heavy beam cannons, and replacing its other plasma turrets with flak cannons, in exchange for tougher hull plating, this variant is the ship of choice for escorting. | 1,000 | 2 flak cannons, 4 heavy plasma turrets, 2 anti-fighter beams, 2 slashing beam cannons, and 2 heavy beam cannons. | |
Squirrel | Soldier | These are Uncyclopedia's spies. They do the hard job while the others are drinking beer. They won't get paid but please don't tell this to the Squirrels, cause we promised to pay them. | 10,000,000 | 500 Nut bombs, 2 2cm teeth, 1 60mm Nut gun | |
Mercury-Class Battlestar | Capital Ship | Essentially the space counterpart of the Sophia Class battlecruiser, the Mercury Class pays attention to both anti-capital ship and anti-fighter capabilities, hence it having a combinatiion of cannon and missile launchers. | 1,000 | 34 37mm cannon in 17 2-gun turrets, 40 20mm cannon in 20 twin mounts(10 on each side), and 6 nuclear missile launchers. | |
GTF Ulysses | Interception Fighter | The Ulysses is a rather impressive fighter, with a thin design and 4 lasers. It is very fast and maneuverable, but is rather lacking in the strength department, though it's no TIE. It is an excellent interception fighter, capable of easily taking out Wikipedian bomber wings. | 5,000 | 4 heavy lasers and 20 heat-seeking missiles. | |
GTB Medusa | Heavy Bomber | Medusas are reasonably powerful bombers, carrying plasma cannons instead of the more common heavy laser, and they are very effective against enemy capital ships with their medium-yield antimatter torpedoes. They also have a gun turret. | 5,000 | 2 plasma cannons, 1 plasma turret on top, and 12 antimatter torpedoes. | |
GTC Fenris | Capital Ship | The smallest capital ship currently in use by Uncyclopedia, the Fenris packs a lot of power into a small frame. Designed for quick strikes into enemy territory, the Fenris is easily capable of dispatching warships a class above it. | 1,000 | 3 flak turrets, 1 antimatter torpedo launcher, 4 anti-fighter beams, 1 light beam cannon | ![]() The Fenris is a reasonably powerful capital ship. This example, the USS Nihilus, was destroyed by a self-destruct system malfunction. |
Raptor | Heavy Bomber | Capable of doing multiple duties, the Raptor can fulfill multiple roles, including bomber, which it currently does. Loaded either with a hundred-missile rack or a few nukes, a single Raptor can devastate enemies. | 1,000 | 1 100-missile rack, or 5 nukes. | |
Viper Mk VII | Space Superiority Fighter | The Viper Mk VII is not noted for its excellent combination of good maneuverability, high speed, and tough armor. Rather, it's noted for its 3 cannon, one of which is mounted in front of the tail, making it extremely accurate. | 1,000 | 3 30mm cannon | |
GTB Ursa | Heavy Bomber | If you thought the Medusa was powerful, then you ain't seen nothing yet. The Ursa has a super-tough hull, a powerful shield, and a plasma turret. However, it's slow and maneuvers like a brick. | 5,000 | 5 plasma cannons, 1 plasma turret, and 9 antimatter bombs. | |
TIE Export | Export Fighter | The TIE Export is essentially a TIE Fighter minus 1 laser cannon, a weaker engine, a slightly thicker hull, and a light shield. Solely designed as an export fighter, several of these are in use with recon squadrons, where their performance is excellent. | 1,000,000 | 1 laser cannon | |
TIE Deluxe | Export Fighter | The advanced counterpart to the TIE Export, the TIE Deluxe is similar with only 1 gun, but has improved sensors, a more powerful engine, and a tougher frame. While most of these are for sale, a few remain as second-line fighters. | 1,000,000 | 1 laser cannon | |
GTD Orion Phase II | Capital Ship | After a while, the Freespace Wiki gave us the parts taken from the first batch of Orions, and we used them in the design of a new ship. A spare batch of sentry guns was included as well, and the design is far weaker, yet superior to the original stripped down Orion, mainly due to the sentry guns' beam cannons owning everything. | 500 | 3 heavy beam cannons, 9 flak cannons, 8 anti-fighter beams, and 20 heavy rapid-fire beam cannons. | |
Pyro-BX | Stealth Fighter | A modified version of the Pyro-GX prototpye, the Pyro-BX is also capable of being invisible to sensors, though it is boxier, slower, and heavier then its Wikipedia counterpart. However, its homing missiles can give it a punch counteracting its slow speed. | 1,000 | 4 laser cannons and 15 homing missiles. | |
Pyro-GX | Heavy Fighter | Though the pre-production models of the Pyro-GX were captured by Wikipedia, the prototype stayed in Uncyclopedian hands, and was produced as the Pyro-GX. It carries decent guns and excellent ordinance, though the production version features plasma cannons, while the prototype carried laser cannons. | 1,000 | 4 plasma cannons and 15 homing missiles. | |
Pyro-SL | Light Fighter | With a weaker shield and better engines then the Pyro-GX, the SL variant is more of a light fighter, capable of dodging other crafts' weapons more easily then the GX. It carries the same armament gun-wise as the BX, but uses the same swarm missiles as the Wikipedian Black Pyro. It is similar to the Wikipedian GL variant. | 5,000 | 4 laser cannons and 20 swarm missiles fired in 4 groups of 5. | |
Starhawk | Interception Fighter | The prototype of the Phoenix, the Starhawk carries the same guns, but has a higher top speed and weaker shields. It also carries a very small amount of the swarm missiles used in the Pyro-SL. It does quite well against its production version. | 500 | 4 laser cannons, and 10 swarm missiles fired in 2 groups of 5. | |
Un-Reasonable Exploration and Disccusion | Team Fortress Two team | Group of people who are composed of a Spy, Sniper, Engineer, Soldier, Spy, Demoman, Heavy, Medic, and Scout. Spy is French man who doesn't surrender, Engineer, Soldier, and Scout are thin Americans (that came as a suprise), Sniper is Australian, Demoman is one-eyed, drunk, black Scotsman, Pyro is a man OR a woman who likes fire, Heavy is Woman and Communist, and Medic is German. | 1 | Scattergun, Force-A-Nature, Shortstop, Rocket Launcher, Direct Hit, Black Box, Rocket Jumper, Flamethrower, Backburner, Degreaser, Grenade Launcher, Minigun, Natascha, Iron Curtain, Shotgun, Frontier Justice, Syringe Gun, Blutsauger, Sniper Rifle, Huntsman, Sydney Sleeper, Revolver, Ambassador, Big Kill, L'Étranger, Pistol, Lugermorph, Bonk! Atomic Punch, Crit-a-Cola, Mad Milk, Shotgun, Buff Banner, Gunboats, Battalion's Backup, Flare Gun, Stickybomb Launcher, Chargin' Targe, Scottish Resistance, Sticky Jumper, Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar, Wrangler, Medi Gun, Kritzkrieg, Submachine Gun, Jarate, Razorback, Darwin's Danger Shield, Electro Sapper, alotmore guns. | |
Sentry | Automated defence gun | Made by the TF2 Engineer, these guns can shoot enemies which are detected the sentry's IFF (Identify Friend or Foe). These guns are upgradable so they have, at level 2, two Heavy Machine Guns, and at level three, they have the two HMGs that level 2 has, but also a rocket launcher. The Engineer said, "F'r instance, how am I gonna stop some big, mean Mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind? The answer: Use a gun. And if that don't work? Use more gun. Like this heavy caliber tripod mounted little old number designed by me, built by me, and you best hope... [deadly serious] not pointed at you. ". Good thing we managed to kill the Wikipedian TF2 Engineer. | As many as the Engineer can build. | LVL 1 - heavy calibre machine gun, LVL 2 - two heavy machine guns, LVL 3 - two heavy machine guns and a missile launcher (fires four rockets at once). | |
Pyro-SX | Assault Fighter | This is the heaviest Pyro currently in use. Unlike the other models, it carries projectile weapons, such as the Mass Driver and Vulcan cannon, allowing it to be an effective assault fighter. | 1,000 | 2 20mm vulcan cannon, 2 mass drivers, and 25 swarm missiles fired in 5 groups of 5. | |
U-Boat | Submarine | Built by the Goa Tse Clan, these submarines are the only weapons Uncyclopedia has what Wikipedia doesn't. | 5,000 | 15 torpedoes and two laser guns equipped on both sides. Can carry 70 crew. | |
Commando Elite | Soldier | The combination of a Terminator and a toy soldier, these man-sized robots are designed to be super-accurate, killing enemies at long range with a basic 9mm pistol. | 10,000 | A 9mm pistol. | |
Su-30MKI 'Flanker-H' | Atmospheric Fighter-Bomber | Designed by Indians working with the Russians, the MKI carries a full load of Curry- and Borscht-tipped bombs, backed up with twin railguns and AMRAAM anti-air missiles under its wings. Showing a comparatively high level of intelligence, several Rednecks from the Confederacy purchased squadrons of the fighter and modified them to drop potato cluster bombs and fire submunition shotgun shells from the railguns. Yee-haw!!! | 100,000 | 24 Borscht or Curry bombs, 2 75mm full-auto railguns in nose, 12 AMRAAM anti-air radar-guided missiles under wings. | |
Tiger II | Tank | During World War II, Tigers were the toughest tank available to any country. With the Un-Wiki War beginning, Uncyclopedia acquired several hundred of these rock-hard tanks. They have been excellent in surviving hits from the M1 Abrams, but their engines are rather unreliable, and they are very slow. | 500 | 1 88mm cannon in the turret, and 1 7.92mm machine gun. | |
游击队 | Chinese Soldier | When China was fighting against Japan in WW2, those troops scored many victories for Chinese armies. With those troops been recruited in Uncyclopedian-Chinese bases, they surprisingly attacked and destroyed more than 200 Wikipedia M1 Abrams. They are sneaky and very powerful, so watch out, Wikipedians! | 6000 | One M1911 pistol, one machine gun, 3 traditional Chinese revolutionary cannons, and a knife plus 30 grenades. | |
Halftrack | Vehicle | At the beginning of the war, Uncyclopedians didn't have the money to purchase the latest tanks and vehicles, so they made some of their own to a simple standard. Using parts considered scrap metal by other countries, they developed these Halftracks, faster and weaker then the tanks they faced. These are currently being sold off, as Uncyclopedia now has an adequate amount of tanks. | 5,000 | 1 76mm cannon | |
Grue | Soldier | Members of the Grue Army were part of the war from the very beginning, but they have only recently come out in large numbers. Near-invincibility and the ability to eat anything really help, but they're very vulnerable to light cannons, though they can also change into humans to survive the light. | 10,000 | None. They just eat their enemies. | |
USSR Chernobyl | Capital Ship (with mall, zoo and three-ring circus) | The USSR Chernobyl was named after a little known scientist who exploded, creating a new element in his basement from nuclear fuel. It's a prototype pinched from Wikipedia (they don't have the resouces to build another), and was given its present name. | 1 | 12 lasers, 15 torpedo launchers, 1 big massive pwner, 7 fighter wings, 11 heat seeking misiles on each craft in fighter wings |
Wikipedian Assets[edit | edit source]
These are the vehicles, planes, and ships that make up the Wikipedian military. Like us, their Atmospheric fighters will be labeled as such.
Name | Usage | Description | Amount Remaining | Weapons | Picture |
Wikipedia Death Star | Superweapon | The biggest and most powerful superweapon ever made, it can destroy an entire star system planet by planet using its uberlaser. There is only 1 in existence, currently a lifeless derelict, and rumors of Wikipedia making a whole fleet of Death Stars are false. | 1 | Over 9000 laser turrets, plus an uberlaser that can destroy a planet in 1 hit. | |
Scharnhorst-Class Battlecruiser | Capital Ship | Geared less towards anti-fighter and more towards anti-ship, the Scharnhorst is the Wikipedian counterpart of the Sophia, though in a one-on-one fight it can decimate the Uncyclopedian Battlecruiser. | 500,000 | 12 16in guns in 4 3-gun turrets, plus 5 20mm cannon and 4 .50 cal machine guns. | |
A-10 Thunderbolt II | Atmospheric Assault Fighter | The A-10 is a heavy fighter designed solely for the purpose of killing troops, ships, and armored vehicles. It is slower then most, but can seriously wreck most Uncyclopedian ground forces. | 250,000 | 1 20mm vulcan cannon, 4 1000lb bombs, and 6 heat-seeking missiles. | |
A-4 Skyhawk | Atmospheric Attack Fighter | The A-4 is an elderly but widely used attack fighter, capable of being modified to carry a variety of guns, bombs, and missiles. These can do most anything. | 5,000,000 | In its standard configuration, it carries 2 20mm cannon, 2 500lb bombs, and 6 heat-seeking missiles. | |
JAC Lightweight Attack Vehicle | Vehicle | The JAC(Nicknamed Jack by the Uncyclopedian military) is a standard, cheaply made ground vehicle. It carries 2 people and blows up easily. | 1,000,000 | 1 .50 cal machine gun. | |
Wikia-Class Battlecruiser | Capital Ship | The Wikia Class is a newer warship for the Wikipedian navy, made by their allies. It is far superior to our Sophia-Class ships in every regard except anti-aircraft, where it is still more powerful then the Scharnhorst. | 1,000 | 9 18in guns in 3 3-gun turrets, 10 20mm cannon, and 20 .50 cal machine guns. | |
M1 Abrams | Tank | The Abrams is a near-invincible foe. Very few of these have been destroyed, and their 102mm cannon is a match even for our warships. | 50,000 | 1 102mm cannon on the turret, 2 .30 cal machine guns. | |
B-25 Mitchell | Atmospheric Medium Bomber | The B-25 is a far outdated design, though it has good up close defenses, it can easily be taken down by a heat-seeking missile. | 100,000 | 1 .50 cal on each side, 1 at rear, 4 in fairings to the sides of the cockpit. | |
F-35 Lightning II | Air Superiority Fighter | F-35s are the backbone of the Wikipedian air force. Judging by our tests with captured F-35s, the type can not only destroy most fighters with a single missile, but it can hover as well. | 500,000 | 1 minigun and 12 Sidewinder missiles. | |
F-22 Raptor | Air Superiority Fighter | This is the latest innovation from the Wikipedians. It is superior to the F-35 in all aspects except weaponry, but it cannot hover. | 100,000 | 1 minigun and 6 Sidewinder missiles. | |
F/A-18 Hornet | Atmospheric Fighter-Bomber | The Hornet has been capable of doing almost everything for the Wikipedians ever since this war started. However, it isn't the best at doing each thing it can do. | 1,000,000 | 1 minigun and 6 heat-seeking missiles. | |
M12 Explorer | Vehicle | Essentially a better armored Ford Explorer, and superior to the JAC in defensive capabilities. It can still be pwned by tanks, though. | 500,000 | 1 .50 cal machine gun. | |
Wikipedian | Soldier | The majority of Wikipedians are these. Comparable to a weaker clone trooper, they are more heavily armed. | 5,000,000,000 | 1 M16, 1 M40 Sniper Rifle, 1 Colt 1911 Pistol, and 6 frag grenades. | |
Chromehound | Soldier Killer | This blatant ripoff of the Uncyclopedian Battlemech is more heavily armed and armored, but is slower and fires less rounds per minute. | 100,000 | 6 30mm cannon in arms, 2 rocket launchers above cockpit. | |
B-50 Superfortress | Atmospheric Heavy Bomber | Slow but deadly, the B-50 is an adaptation of the old B-29 with greater defensive capabilities and a higher speed. At least 2 engines must be disabled to slow it down, and even then, it won't die without a fight. | 500,000 | 6 .50 cal machine guns in 3 2-gun turrets, plus 4 .50 cal machine guns in a rear mount. | |
Zeppelin | Airship | The Wikipedian zeppelins are filled with Helium, preventing them from burning easily. Their pods are spaced around the airship, giving it fire from almost all directions. | 100,000 | 3 pods, each carrying 2 .30 cal machine guns. | |
Fat Builders and Losers Union | Team Fortress Two team | Group of people who are composed of a Spy, Sniper, Engineer, Soldier, Spy, Demoman, Heavy, Medic, and Scout. Spy is French man who doesn't surrender, Engineer, Soldier, and Scout are thin Americans (it's still a suprise), Sniper is Australian, Demoman is one-eyed, drunk, black Scotsman, Heavy is Woman and Communist, and Medic is German. | 1 | Scattergun, Force-A-Nature, Shortstop, Rocket Launcher, Direct Hit, Black Box, Rocket Jumper, Flamethrower, Backburner, Degreaser, Grenade Launcher, Minigun, Natascha, Iron Curtain, Shotgun, Frontier Justice, Syringe Gun, Blutsauger, Sniper Rifle, Huntsman, Sydney Sleeper, Revolver, Ambassador, Big Kill, L'Étranger, Pistol, Lugermorph, Bonk! Atomic Punch, Crit-a-Cola, Mad Milk, Shotgun, Buff Banner, Gunboats, Battalion's Backup, Flare Gun, Stickybomb Launcher, Chargin' Targe, Scottish Resistance, Sticky Jumper, Sandvich, Dalokohs Bar, Wrangler, Medi Gun, Kritzkrieg, Submachine Gun, Jarate, Razorback, Darwin's Danger Shield, Electro Sapper, alotmore guns. | |
Testicus-Class Destroyer | Capital Ship | These Wikipedian ships bridge the gap between large battlecruisers and small amphibious vehicles. Though they may look weak, they have torpedo launchers below the waterline, so watch out. | 500,000 | 1 75mm gun, 4 ICBMs, 2 20mm vulcan cannon, 2 torpedo launchers | |
Rebel Star Cruiser | Juggernaut | In a weird twist of fate, Rebel Star Cruisers have been supplied to the Wikipedian forces. Though being as tough as a Soviet Star Cruiser, these are less heavily armed. | 1,000 | 8 heavy lasers in 4 2-gun turrets, 3 beam cannons, 5 miniguns, and 10 auto-turrets. | |
Excelsior Class | Capital Ship | Delivered by Memory Alpha, the Excelsior Class is slower, but tougher and more heavily armed then our Constitution Class. Cabable of easily besting our ships in a one-on-one fight, we're luicky that Wikipedia has less of them then we do Constitution Class ships. | 50,000 | 2 heavy phaser arrays at the front, 1 twin phaser array at the back, 2 photon torpedo launchers(1 at front and 1 at back). | |
P-26 Peashooter | Atmospheric Light Fighter | Far inferior to anything we have, the Peashooter was a commonly used craft during The Powershot Insurrection. Though it was mowed down in the face of more superior fighters, these are still the main fighter used by the Shark Bite Corperation. | 10,000 | 2 .30 cal machine guns. | |
P-12 | Atmospheric Light Fighter | The P-12 was the Shark Bite design that the P-26 Peashooter replaced. While slower, it could travel farther and carry heavier guns and bombs. Performance-wise, it was more maneuverable then the Peashooter. A limited amount are still used by Shark Bite Corperation forces. | 1,000 | 1 .50 cal and 1 .30 cal machine gun, plus 1 500lb bomb. | |
TIE Clawship | Interception Fighter | The TIE Clawship is essentially an advanced TIE Interceptor. More maneuverable but less heavily armed then the Interceptor, the Clawship is also slower. However, it has a much tougher hull and shields, making it far superior to our TIE Interceptors, about equal to the X-83. | 50,000 | 4 laser cannons. | |
TIE Lancet | Bomber | The TIE Lancet combines parts from an Imperial Shuttle and 2 TIE Bombers to create a powerful new bomber. Capable of not only carrying bombs, but also heavy anti-fighter weapons, the Lancet is a powerful, but rarely-seen foe. | 10,000 | 1 miniature Death Star laser, and 2 laser turrets. | |
ARC-170 | Space Superiority Fighter | The ARC-170 is to space what the F-35 is to air: The ultimate superiority fighter. Though inferior to the X-Wing in armament and toughness, the ARC-170 has one thing that the X-Wing lacks: a rear laser turret. | 50,000 | 2 laser cannons, 1 rear laser turret, and an infinite number of proton torpedoes. | |
F-302 | Interception Fighter | The F-302 is used by Wikipedia, given to it by the Stargate Wiki. A relatively | 100,000 | 2 railguns, and 6 Sidewinder missiles. | |
Prometheus-Class | Capital Ship | A relatively well armed and shielded ship, the Prometheus Class can carry fighters, and can take them out as well with its railguns. They aren't as effective against other capital ships, though. | 1,000 | 24 railguns, and 9 nuclear missile launchers. | |
Daedalus-Class | Capital Ship | The Daedalus Class is a more advanced, but smaller version of the Prometheus Class. More capable of destroying enemies then its larger predecessor, the Daedalus also has better capital ship armament then its bigger brother. The current model also has a cloaking device. | 1,000 | 4 Asgard plasma beam weapons, 32 railguns, and 16 nuclear missile launchers. | |
MiG-105 | Heavy Fighter | The MiG-105 was originally a defunct Soviet project designed to intercept Space Shuttles. Now it's in use as a heavy fighter, using surplus Russian machine guns with fragmenting ammo. Its age is its biggest problem, as it's inferior to its Uncyclopedian counterparts. | 10,000 | 4 .30 cal machine guns. | |
TIE Scimitar | Strike Bomber | Instead of using the standard TIE Bomber, Wikipedia modified the design as a strike bomber. Capable of only carrying missiles, the cockpit can act as an escape pod when jettisoned from the rest of the craft. | 5,000 | 2 laser cannons, and an infinite number of missiles. | |
TIE Phantom | Stealth Fighter | Wikipedia's counterpart of the Loki, the TIE Phantom is a Stealth fighter invisible to sensors. Though more heavily armed and maneuverable then the Loki, it is structurally weaker, allowing the Uncyclopedian craft to easily dominate it in a one-on-one fight. | 1,000 | 5 laser cannons. | |
F-301 | Light Fighter | A shoddily constructed fighter made of a Death Glider and U.S. aircraft parts, capable of carrying 2 weak missiles. Not that effective. | 10,000 | 2 heat-seeking missiles. | |
Predator Class | Scout Fighter | Superior to the TIE Fighter, the Predator has a harder to hit shape, shields, and 4 laser cannons instead of 2. Its design is superior to the majority of our fighters. | 50,000 | 4 laser cannons. | |
Nebula-Class Star Cruiser | Capital Ship | Though a cruiser in size, this warship has enough firepower to take out a Rebel Star Cruiser, and can take a beating before going down. | 1,000 | 80 heavy laser cannons in 40 2-gun turrets, 40 laser cannon turrets, 20 ion cannon turrets, and 8 missile turrets. | |
Victory-Class Star Destroyer | Capital Ship | Though smaller then the standard Star Destroyer, the Victory Class shares the same basic shape and design as its larger relatives. Its armament is similar but lacks the missile launchers of the Nebula Class, and the ship itself is much larger, though it has 2 shield generators to defend itself from asteroids and the like. | 5,000 | 80 laser cannons in 20 4-gun turrets, 80 heavy laser cannons in 40 2-gun turrets, and 20 ion cannons. | |
TIE Heavy Bomber | Heavy Bomber | The largest and most powerful of all bombers Wikipedia has, the TIE Heavy Bomber carries 4 weapon pods. THe two upper ones are for missiles, while the two lower ones are for bombs. The rate at which it can launch its bombs and missiles is enormous, but its lacking of guns means that it requires fighter escort to its target. | 10,000 | An infinite number of missiles and bombs. Missiles are fired from the top pods, while bombs are dropped from the bottom pods. | |
X-15 | Light Fighter | A former US military project, the X-15 is now a high-speed light fighter in use by Wikipedia. Though lightly armed and armored, it can obtain enormous speeds, allowing it to show up, attack and scout out the enemy, then fly away at high speed before anyone can do anything. | 5,000 | 2 .30 cal machine guns. | |
EDian Fighter | Assault Fighter | The most common EDian craft, these are commonly loaded with flamethrowers, due to EDians' love of flaming, and bombs, seeing as they enjoy dropping "bombs" full of goatse on Uncyclopedia bases they don't like. | 100,000 | 4 flamethrowers and 40 2lb antipersonnel bombs. | |
CED Phoenix | Interception Fighter | Stolen from the Freespace Wiki, the Phoenix is a powerful and proven design. With 2 "pontoons" flanking the cockpit, high speed, and good guns, the Phoenix is a tough nut to crack. However, its shield is weak, allowing you to quickly blow its hull up. | 1,000 | 4 heavy lasers and 20 heat-seeking missiles. | |
Magnum-AHT | Medium Bomber | Another stolen Freespace Wiki prototype, the Magnum is a capable light bomber, with speed slightly lower then the Pyro, but a larger ordinance bank. It carries a combination of missiles and bombs, allowing it to engage different-sized targets. | 1,000 | 2 plasma cannons, 30 heat-seeking missiles, and 5 antimatter bombs. | |
Reagan Raygun | Armored Car with Mounted Weapons | A very strong weapon, on a strong car, makes a very costly superweapon. | 1 | 1 super-strong raygun. | |
Pyro-GL | Space Superiority Fighter | Capable of hovering, the Pyro-GL is the production version of the captured Pyro-GX Freespace Wiki pre-production models. It has a different tail and shape, but is very similar overall. Carrying a load of swarm missiles unique to the design, it's a relatively hard enemy. | 1,000 | 4 laser cannons, and 40 swarm missiles fired 5 at a time in 8 bursts. | |
Black Pyro | Stealth Fighter | A more direct descendent of the Pyro-GX, the Black Pyro retains a smoothed version of the GX's design. Slightly faster and weaker then the GL, the Black Pyro also carries the same amount of fragmentation missiles, though they can be fired at twice the normal speed as well as the normal burst. It also cannot be seen on sensors. | 1,000 | 4 laser cannons, and 40 swarm missiles fired either 10 at a time in 4 bursts, or 5 at a time in 8 bursts. | |
T-72 | Tank | Proof that Wikipedians are more communist then we are. | 100,000 | 1 120mm cannon, and 2 7.62mm machine guns. | |
FVM-024 | All-terrain Vehicle | A vehicle that can go anywhere, and has a strong cannon. | 1,000 | 1 Pissfire cannon | |
Broadside-Class Star Cruiser | Capital Ship | Focusing less on guns and more on missiles, the Broadside Class was capable of decimating enemy capital ships with missile strikes before they could get in turbolaser range. It is easily taken out however, as its hull thickness was greatly reduced to allow the massive amount of missile launchers to be fitted. | 5,000 | 2 turbolasers and 40 missile launchers. | |
Whoop-Ass Bomb Thrower | Troop | These guys are annoying to kill. They normally have a 55 gallon drum of Whoop-Ass that they use to fill their bombs with, and a hazmat suit to prevent the Whoop-Ass from whooping their ass. | 1,000 | 5 50 gallon Whoop-Ass bombs. | |
Tankette | Vehicle | A tankette, is, for better lack of term, a small tank. This current model has a .30 cal machine gun in a top turret, can go 20mph, and has a retractable roof. However, one shot from a real tank will disintegrate it. | 50,000 | 1 .30 cal machine gun. | |
M30 Fireblast | Spaceship | The M30 Fireblast is an attack ship. It uses a strong fire blast and is engulfed by a fireball. | 5,000 | 1 blast cannon | |
M27 Tankcat | Tank | The M27 Tankcat was specially designed to take out Uncyclopedian heavy tanks and aircraft. It was also designed to tick off some of the female officers who think that dogs are superior. With a thick hide and dual eye beam weapponry, this is one tough nut to crack. | 5,000 | 2 eye beams. | |
B-2 Spirit | Atmospheric Bomber | Annoying as hell to Uncyclopedian fighters considering its stealth capabilities, the B-2's bombs are the last thing many an Uncyclopedian soldier has seen before being banned/smited. Older-style anti-aircraft guns and modern fighters that can keep up with it have the best chance of killing it. | 100 | 32 nukes |
The Un-Wiki War | |
Grey is Uncyclopedia, Black is Wikipedia. As you can see, we're doing pretty well so far. | |
War began: 2001 | |
War finished: Still going on. | |
Place: The internet. | |
Result: {{{result}}} | |
Impacts of War: Loss of several prominent Uncyclopedian users, pages huffed, Wikipedians banned | |
Fighting parties of War | |
Royal Dictatorship of Cafalump, Intergalactic Guild, ![]() ![]() Wikifur, the Homestar Runner Wiki, Darthipedia, the Freespace Wiki, Memory Beta, Battlestar Wiki, ![]() URED TF2 team, ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() Encyclopedia Dramatica(formerly), Liberapedia, ![]() FBLU TF2 team, ![]() ![]() ![]() the Stargate Wiki, Illogicopedia Remnant, Encyclopedia Dramatica Remnant |
Un-Wiki War |
Invasion of Uncyclopedia - Battle of Nintendorulez - Battle of Euroipods - The Battle of AAAAAAAA! - The battle of N00B - The battle of Oscar Wilde - The battle of Captain Obvious - The battle of Kitten Huffing - The battle of Grue - The battle of Your Mom - The battle of Russian Reversal - The Powershot Insurrection - The Nuclear Incident - The battle of Ridgeway Pass - Battle of Subspace - Battle of Darfur(recent) - Earthquake Battle of Kyoto(recent) (These are all known by different names by the Wikipedians, but they are named things like Combat Syrge G/5/083/221 and other incredibly boring stuff like that. Seriously, you don't want to go into this.) |
Timeline:[edit | edit source]
2001[edit | edit source]
Sept. 11: 9/11 occurs. Though originally blamed on radical Islamic terrorists, it was really perpetrated by Wikipedia.
Sept. 15: Uncyclopedians discover Wikipedian cover-up and attempt to tell everyone about it.
Sept. 16: Wikipedia threatens to do terrible things to Uncyclopedia should they reveal the information about 9/11. Uncyclopedia ignores it.
Sept. 20: Invasion of Uncyclopedia begins. Outer defenses of the site are leveled, replaced with Wikipedian outposts.
Oct. 15: Uncyclopedians deliver powerful counterattack. All but 1 Wikipedian outpost is destroyed, and many huffed pages are recreated. The war rages back and forth with minor skirmishes for several months.
2002[edit | edit source]
Mar. 16: Major Chip Hazard is promoted to commander of the South American and African Uncyclopedia forces, but resigns shortly afterward.
Mar. 17: Wikipedia receives the FBLU (Fat Builders and Losers Union) team from Team Fortress 2, while Uncyclopedians receive the URED (Un-Reasonable Exploration and Discussion) team. This is good, because the URED team constantly pwn the FBLU team. Except at bowling. And driving.
Aug. 21: Wikipedia unveils the Death Star, their new weapon that can take out Uncyclopedia in a single blow.
Sept. 20: On the anniversary of the Invasion of Uncyclopedia, A small Uncyclopedian task force, composed mainly of the Spy, Medic, Scout, Soldier, Heavy, Demoman and Engineer from Team Fortress 2, while Sniper gives covering fire, destroy the reactor for the Wikipedian Death Star, putting it out of action for over 2 years.
Nov. 10: Wikipedians vandalize several pages. They are banned, but use sock puppets and dynamic IP addresses to become a thorn in Uncyclopedia's side for the whole war.
2003[edit | edit source]
Jan. 5: The Battle of Nintendorulez and the Battle of Euroipods. Commander Jules Nintendorulez attempted to defect to Wikipedia with his task force. Nintendorulez had been getting fed up with his superiors' commands, and decided to defect. Fortunately, his task force didn't go along with it, and they permabanned him from Uncyclopedia. However, he would still gain notoriety as someone who attempted to bring down the Euroipod Factory, though he was caught before any serious damage was done.
Jun. 16: The Battle of AAAAAAAA!. Wikipedian vandals put a B in the article, then when it was semiprotected, they modified it using a template edit to put the letter B back in. Fortunately, the page became fully protected and vandalism on it stopped. Some vandals are stabbed by the TF2 Spy.
Oct. 16: The battle of N00b. Wikipedians storm the beach of Orgasm Island, only to be driven off by the defenders. L33t speak becomes banned for Wikipedians, as it contributed greatly to their downfall.
2004[edit | edit source]
Mar. 9: The Battle of Oscar Wilde. Wikipedians stormed up to Oscar Wilde's house and attempted to take him hostage, but the battle that resulted was an Uncyclopedian victory, after they took over the airbase that the Wikipedians were conducting airstrikes on Wilde's house from. The capture also yielded many Wikipedian F-35 Lightning II advanced fighters. The bad thing is that Oscar Wilde was shot in the leg and 100 Uncyclopedians sacrificed themselves for victory.
Jul. 17: The Battle of Captain Obvious. Wikipedians vandalize the Captain Obvious page, replacing it with "This page was just vandalized by Wikipedia, which is better then Uncyclopedia. Captain Obvious". The revert war continued for several days, until the page was semiprotected. The Wikipedians then attempted to vandalize the templates, but an Uncyclopedian airstrike nuked the house they were vandalizing from and killed them.
Nov. 19: Chuck Norris returns to Uncyclopedia during a minor skirmish and roundhouse kicks all the Wikipedians there to death. However, the Wikipedian Death Star is brought back online.
Dec. 25: The Battle of Kitten Huffing. The Soviet Galactic Battle Fleet, lead by the Non-Huffable Kitten, the Partially Huffable Kitten, and TF2's Heavy Weapon's Guy (nobody wants to argue with HIM), attack the Wikipedian Death Star, managing to kill everyone inside and leave it a lifeless wreck in space. They officially swear their allegiance to Uncyclopedia, and begin to attack Wikipedia directly.
2005[edit | edit source]
Feb. 11: High Gen. John Chronarion officially retires from his post as head of the Uncyclopedian military. He is replaced by Gen. Yitzhak Mordillo.

May 10: The Battle of Your mom. Wikipedians annihilate both your mom and the page, only to be driven back by You. You mercilessly kill the Wikipedians until they retreat.
May 30: Admiral Sophia and Vice-Admiral Cthulhu plan out an experimental test called Project Tentacle. From the notes, it was a project to impregnate female Uncyclopedians with tentacle monsters, then send the out to impregnate female Wikipedians.\
Apr. 23:The battle of Grue. See that photo.
Jul. 21: Project Tentacle shows excellent results. The female users experimented on are placed under the command of Lieutenant Michelle Yettie, who herself was also impregnated with a tentacle monster as part of the project. Any more information on this project has been destroyed.
Oct. 20: The Battle of Russian reversal. The Soviet Galactic Battle Fleet attacks a small Wikipedian outpost, only to find themselves caught in a trap. They were barely able to escape due to a timely IP's intervention. The IP gave the Uncyclopedians lots of new planes, ships, and vehicles.
Dec. 1: Captain Connor 'O Reilly manages to link the European Uncyclopedian resistance with the main forces in the US. This would allow Uncyclopedian control over the northern part of the Atlantic ocean.
2006[edit | edit source]
Jan. 2: Captain E. M. Chiller leads his group of Autoconfirmed users on a small vandalizing spree in Wikipedian territory. This proved to the Wikipedians that Uncyclopedians were capable of and could strike back.
Mar. 13: A Wikipedian spy attempts to test the defenses of Uncyclopedia by masquerading as an auditor. Fortunately, he slipped up by confusing two organizations and was captured.
Jun. 6: Wikipedian Brigadier General Anonymous Slashus attempts to use false information to confuse Outpost Aspie while preparing a massive attack. The attack failed, but not without allowing the Wikipedians to finish work on several new outposts in Uncyclopedian territory.
Aug. 17: Uncyclopedia gets a vital ally in the form of Willy O. Wheeler. His expert vandalizing skills prove vital to the Uncyclopedian forces.
Aug. 30: A Wikipedian assassin, known only as the Serial Blanker, completely kills the residents of 7 Uncyclopedian bases before he is killed. Wikipedia immediately attempts a counterattack, but only succeeds in gaining 3 of the 7 bases, the other 4 being retaken by Uncyclopedia, though using significantly less personnel.
Oct. 29: War Games exercises begin. Uncyclopedian users, lead by Major Boris Codeinov and Lt. Commander J. T. Pawn conduct mock battles using scaled-down amounts of troops and captured Wikipedian material.
Dec. 1: The Powershot Insurrection. Captain Powershot, with the backing of the Shark Bite Corperation, attempts to continually harass the BHOP restaurant chain, which had been supplying Uncyclopedian forces since the war began with food. Powershot's attempt was in vain, as he was attacked by Benson, head of the chain and was overwhelmed by Benson being better then Wikipedia and far better then Powershot. The always lovable Tompkins and Uncyclopedia's first android soldier, The Incinerator, prevented Benson from being attacked by the remains of Powershot's forces.
2007[edit | edit source]
Jan. 2: Liberapedia, the Wikia Coalition, Wookiepedia, RationalWiki, Illogicopedia, and Memory Alpha join Wikipedia. Conservapedia, Wikifur, the Homestar Runner Wiki, Darthipedia, the Freespace Wiki, and Memory Beta respond by declaring war on Wikipedia and joining the Uncyclopedian Alliance.
Apr. 18: Much needed war material is supplied to Uncyclopedian forces from their new allies, including Constitution-Class cruisers, TIE Interceptors, and GTF Hercules assault fighters. Likewise, the new Mon Calamari Star Cruisers and Excelsior-Class ships are supplied to Wikipedia. Both sides arm up over a few months.
Jul. 16: Former Illogicopedia General Nara Lyrithya Defects to Uncyclopedia.
Sept. 31: The Nuclear Incident. A captured Testicus-Class Destroyer reveals a shocking secret: Nuclear warheads built into the ship. Apparently this stripped-down ship was designed to float near the Uncyclopedian headquarters near Uncyclopedia City and explode, spreading radiation over the whole area. Fortunately, users removed the bombs, and sailed the ship into Uncylopedia City harbor, where the ship was refitted as the first Chronarion-Class Destroyer.
Nov. 24: A Wikipedian spy, Richard Holding, gives up his vandalous way and joins Uncyclopedia.
2008[edit | edit source]
Mar. 8: The Battle of Ridgeway Pass. Uncyclopedian forces hold off a Wikipedian assault on the beach. However, as a much larger party of Wikipedians attempted to wind through Ridgeway Pass, Uncyclopedian soldiers ground them to a halt and carpet bombed them. They eventually burst through in a haphazard retreat, and pillaged a small village. They were later nuked, ending the battle.
May 29: Freespace Wiki generals reveal the existence of other planets located in other star systems. The battle is drawn from Earth into space.
Jun. 11: Battlestar Wiki joins the Uncyclopedians in an assault on the Wikipedian Star Cruiser WSS Jimbo Wales, destroying it.
Aug. 19: Wikipedian Masta General Boba Cosby shows his face for the first time, leading several squadrons against several Uncyclopedian Outposts, taking them in the name of Wikipedia. Additionally, the Stargate Wiki joins the Wikipedia Dictatorship.
Oct. 31: The Battle of Subspace. The 1st Uncyclopedian Space Battlegroup, consisting of the USS Pirat, along with several wings of Loki fighters and Zeus bombers, plus 7 Orion destroyers, five U-Boats, and 3 Hades superdestroyers, square off against the 6th Wikipedian Battlegroup, consisting of 2 Rebel Star Cruisers, 10 Excelsior Class cruisers, 2 wings of F-301s, and 1 wing each of TIE Lancets, TIE Clawships, and TIE Phantoms. The destruction of one of the Hades superdestroyers tears open a wormhole, which sends the ships several million miles away. The battle ended with an inconclusive victory.
2009[edit | edit source]
Feb. 27: General Hinoa F. Arash officially goes AWOL. Lost with him are several battleplans, new prototypes, and other important information.
May 16: Several prototypes stolen from the Freespace Wiki are put into production for Wikipedia. These designs are first seen a week later, and are a match for the X-wing and Ulysses fighters that first encounter them.
June 9: The Goa Tse Clan, a terrorist group, attacks Wikipedia's articles on VFD, and attempted to assassinate Commander Otter "at Home" Hom. Anti-Wikipedia propaganda is also handed out.
August 12: Liberapedia pulled out. Wikipedia's allies pulled out a day later.
October 25: Uncyclopedia's allies pulled out. Wikipedia and Uncyclopedia continue fighting.
December 4: Goa Tse Clan started the Battle of Userpages against the Wikipedia Collaborations Project Group (WCPG). Uncyclopedia becme victorious and gains territory.
2010[edit | edit source]
March 18: Brigadier General Khalil "Killer Frog" Gaddaffhi plans for an armistice on the Un-Wiki War.
July 4: Treaty of Giratinaton signed. Un-Wiki War finished, with Wikipedia becoming a clear winner. However, there is still small fighting between Uncyclopedia and Wikia now and then.
Sept. 15: Boba Cosby breaks the armistice by vandalizing many pages before he is killed by the admins. Uncyclopedians again threaten war.
Oct. 4: Major Chip Hazard re-elected as Commander. He brings Gandalf, who uses magic attacks on Wikipedian forces.
Oct. 9: Gandalf becomes bigheaded, and tries to destroy the Wikipedia Headquarters. Gandalf dies(predictably). Londo Mollari joins Uncyclopedian Forces. This causes intergalactic upset, and all the Narns join the Fascist Wikipedians.
Oct. 26: Able to spare some outdated war material, Grue Army General Meganew Maximus starts the Merc Squadron War Surplus Store, selling war material to other wikis planning to start their own rebellions, as well as to Uncyclopedians wanting private armies. The Goa Tse Clan merged with the UnLeaks Liberation Authority, its ally in the war, and started planning for the Great Uncyclopedia Article Construction Project.
Nov. 10: The Wikia Coalition begins to fall into disarray, as new wikis attempt to prey on the weakness of the Wikipedians and start their own rebellions. The majority succumb to internal fighting, but a few survive.
Nov. 12: Battle of Wikia. Much of the Wikia Coalition is taken by Uncyclopedian forces but 23% of Wikia remains Wikipedian.
Nov. 23: The remnants of the Wikia Coalition's forces are finally destroyed. In its place lies a multitude of fragmented rebel states. Most of these grow into larger wikis of their own via the accumulation of other wikis, and form a minor truce as the Wikian Confederacy.
Dec. 25: Christmas truce. Presents for everyone.
Dec. 27: Rebellious Wikipedian forces are cowardly and form a truce. This doesn't mean we don't hate them. We may even break it and kill them all.
Dec. 30: Thanks to most of Illogicopedia switching sides and allying with Uncyclopedia, ED finally goes bust.
2011[edit | edit source]
Feb. 24: In honor of the destruction of the Wikia Coalition the year prior, Anonymous chooses to join the fight on the side of Uncyclopedia. The Church of Scientology, knowing that Wikipedia would be a horrible ally due to its attacks earlier in the war, stays out of the fight.
Mar. 31: The Anti-Wikia Alliance makes its way into the picture on the side of Uncyclopedia. Wikipedia and its allies are now severely outnumbered, but the war still rages on.
Apr. 1: After several years of fighting and internal fighting, Encyclopedia Dramatica's forces rebelled against General Sherrod DeGrippo. In response, she pressed the red button (that triggers a self-nuclear attack) and Encyclopedia Dramatica was self-bombed by means of MAD between the forces and the general. The death toll was 89 million people, including civilians. Only 5,670 people survived, including the general, and started a new one to replace Encyclopedia Dramatica, called Oh Internet.
Apr. 2: Wikipedian forces salvaged parts of Encyclopedia Dramatica and found 5,000 survivors of the self-assured destruction (SAD). These survivors rebuilt Encyclopedia Dramatica, albeit in Switzerland, a neutral country that serves as their army base. They later disappeared several months after the incident, only to resurface in Sweden.
Apr. 11: Wikian Senator Sansera Nseto, responsible for the assassinations of several outspoken anti-Wikia leaders, calls for an end to the conflict. Her position, however, only strengthens anti-Wikia resolve.
Apr. 13: A uprising starts in Wikipedia, vandalizing 12 artcles and killing 2333 troops. The wikipedians were fucked out because of this uprising, but they sent ninjas to kill the leader of the rebels, Chuck Norris.
Apr. 15: The Wikipedian ninjas were executed after been found by some shoppers at a market in Matkabu, the rebel capital. A battle occurs in Sudan, with Uncyclopedian loss of 50 troops, and Wikipedian loss of a entire regiment.
Apr. 19: Marshal Zombiebaron leads a division of unregistered Uncyclopedians (mostly from Illogicopedia) to attack France, and they made a successful assault. A second D-Day occurs at the French province of Brittany, and the Uncyclopedians were successful.
Apr. 21: Uncyclopedian forces launch multiple orbital bombardments and airstrikes on the remaining Shark Bite Corperation and ED forces.
Apr. 23: Japan sends Ashigaru (meaning"light footed") troops to both sides. This caused Japan spliting into 2, with the North (Iga province to Ugo province and that island in the north)controlled by Uncyclopedia, and the South (Kyoto province to Satsuma province) controlled by Wikipedia. This is good, because we have control of Tokyo.
Apr. 24-26: Uncyclopedia sends out two USAF bombers, Enola Gay and Bochscar, from America to nuke the Southern Japanese Provinces. Thousands of Wikipedian casualties result, as the Manhattan Project starts all over again, just an awful lot faster 'cause we stole all the notes from the original.
Apr. 25: The Battle of Kyoto. Wikipedian and Uncyclopedian forces both clash in the city and on the page. The Uncyclopedians won both. Note that in the battle of the city the Uncyclopedians used earthquakes and radiation from Fukushima to huff the city. Wikipedian Japanese general Ito Nobuto was captured by the Uncyclopedians when our forces went in the city.
Apr. 26: The Battle of Ueno. Uncyclopedians destroy Wikipedian divisions in the city of Ueno, wounding Wikipedian general Toyotomi Hidemune, as well as launching a nuclear missile to attack Wikipedians in Osaka.
Apr. 29: The Invasion of Noto Peninsula. Wikipedian forces under Toyotomi Hidemune attack Uncyclopedian Japanese at Noto Peninsula, but they were all wiped out. Hidemune was gunned down in the legs. 19999 Wikipedians were pwned in the battle and 150 ships were wiped out!
Apr. 30: The Battle of Karakorum. 10000 Uncyclopedians besiege the Wikipedian fortress of Karakorum Castle, which have 12000 troops. It results in 200 Uncyclopedians killed and 11986 Wikipedians killed. Wikipedians lose control of Mongolia!!!
May 1: Fighting ceases in the Middle East as moderate communists side with Uncyclopedia in exchange for vodka from our private stashes.
May 4: First Battle of the Congo. Wikipedians attack the article Republic of the Congo, replacing it with the Wikipedian version. 2 days later the Second Battle of the Congo occured, too.
May 6: Second Battle of the Congo. Wikipedians invade the article Democratic Republic of the Congo, but were counterattacked by Chuck Norris's 56th UnBattalion and Samus Aran's 290th UnBrigade. They were later driven back to the article Republic of the Congo, and were soon wiped out by Shogun Chronarion's 980th UnDivision. Internet fighting restarts, but there was still clashes in Japan.
May 9: The Battle of Communism. Wikipedia invades the article, but were driven out by Marshal Zombiebaron's 23rd UnCompany and 467th UnBrigade, codenamed "The Uncyclopedian Soviet Red Army".
May 12: The Siege of Wikipedia:Protection Policies. We stormed up the Wikipedian project page on its badass locks that are used to prevent us from attacking. We succeded, and all the locks on Wikipedia's articles (even the main page)was down.
May 15: Back in Japan the island of Shikoku was occupied by Japanese Imperial troops (Uncyclopedia's backup Japanese)after the siege of the cities of Tokushima and Komatsushima. The Siege of Osaka begun a few days later (see May 18).
May 18: UnJapanese takes down the city of Osaka with the help of rebels that hated Wikipedia. Also in west Africa poop battles are fought around Guinea and Mali.
June 1: On Children's Day Chinese Wikipedia is attacked after Adobe Flash Bomb attacks on their page "今川氏" (Imagawa Clan). Also, Uncyclopedian troops made a massive naval poop attacks on Algerian-Wikipedians in Algeria, liberating the city of Algiers.
June 3: Invasion of Wikipedia begans, delivering Wikipedian troops heavy counterattack. Their main page gate is destroyed, replaced with Uncyclopedian outposts and trenches. Also, several Wikipedian outposts in a neutral wiki called Citizendium was destroyed, which started the Liberation of Citizendium.
June 5: Citizendium liberated, Wikipedian newsletters say that their most trusting ally, MediaWiki, defects to Uncyclopedian forces.
June 22: A Chinese Uncyclopedian attacked Wikipedia articles. The articles went into a edit war after the terrorist attack.
June 29: Thinking that the conflict is lame, a number of nations, such as China, Egypt, Algeria, Libya and India went out of the war along with a few nations who didn't became a military base for the sides by signing the Uncyclo-Wikipedian Non-aggresional Pact.
July 2: Uncyclopedia, Wikipedia and the neutral nations went into war, because the wikis wanted the nations to be still in war. China bans Uncyclopedia Chinese completely, and some nations say Wikipedia a asshole.
July 3: The nations easily repel wiki attacks. Unbelievably, Uncyclopedia and Wikipedia work together for a short time.
July 4: Uncyclopedia invades Guangdong province from Taiwan. The Nationalist Chinese work with Uncyclopedia as their dream is to "Destroy the People's Republic of China". India kicks Uncyclopedia in the butt by destroying our troops in Delhi.
July 5: Beijing confrence, neutral nations went into peace and were fighting their own wars.
July 7: Oh shit! Uncyclopedians offensive in Wikipedia goes successful and meets little resistance. T-34 tanks destroy Belorussian WikiKnight battle groups in Eastern Belarus, ready to attack its capital.
2012[edit | edit source]
Jan. 2: Illogicopedia's forces captures southern Spain; We vandalized the Wikipedian article on Saddam Hussein, replacing it with our version.
Jan 20: Operation Doomsday begins. Uncyclopedian troops attack enemy garrisons in West Africa, and on the internet, our admins deleted 5 Wikipedian project pages and replaced 60 articles.
Feb. 19: Al-Qaeda leaves the war along with the Taliban because they completed all of their ordered terror attacks and thinks it's lame.
Feb. 21: The war is less fiercer and not a World War anymore, so people celebrated around the world.
2013[edit | edit source]
Jan. 5: Uncyclopedia gains independence from Wikia.