User talk:Leverage/archivejan-march2013
Nom for Writer of the Year[edit source]
Figured you deserve it most, considering you did so much in so little time.
And it was all very funny. Good luck! 16:52, 11 January 2013 (UTC)
Not too different from you or me. It's nice to get a pat on the back from Joel on the Satellite of Love. -Dr. Forrester (talk) 01:54, 25 September 2016 (UTC)
Congrats on first feature of the new year![edit source]
You deserve it. Really.--
20:29, 11 January 2013 (UTC)- Yeah. Haha.-- 20:50, 11 January 2013 (UTC)
UnNews:Man confirms time[edit source]
As the newly appointed News Czar, I have some kind of contractually obligated responsibility to give you some kind of lecture on how this doesn't fit the some kind of objective standard model of an UnNews story. Here we go:
“ | This doesn't fit the some kind of objective standard model of an UnNews story. | ” |
Now, taking off my news hat and putting on my Dip thong: OH MY GOD, that was fucking hilarious!!! – 12:03, Jan. 13, 2013
Doing Well[edit source]
Hi Leverage, I thought I would leave this message here in case you are not checking the other site. Thanks for the name check on the Uncyclopedian of the Year page. Glad I was able to encourage you to stay on Uncyclopedia and produce some really good work. --RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 15:06, 13 January 2013 (UTC)
- You're very welcome! There's a few nice chaps around here that make all the difference, and you're one of them. I am gonna hang out mostly here I think, but I'll keep an eye on the wikia site, just in case their unnews is better than ours! Leverage (talk) 16:08, 13 January 2013 (UTC)
- It is better, in that my "Man marries rice" article is there (I've got to learn how to move images, BB tried teaching me, like teaching an onion how to be a carrot). Your porn article is very good, as porn and as an interesting twist (yech). I'd like to see it featured, yet it could be made funnier considering the site. Couldn't get aroused by this, it is Hilary Clinton. Yech. I don't know how you could write porn about her, but great writers must control their vomit response. Thanks for the link (oh, I added a link to it, see if you like it). Aleister no time like the present
- You're very welcome! There's a few nice chaps around here that make all the difference, and you're one of them. I am gonna hang out mostly here I think, but I'll keep an eye on the wikia site, just in case their unnews is better than ours! Leverage (talk) 16:08, 13 January 2013 (UTC)
- I made a vague reference to your photo travails when I had a bitch at mnbvcxz on one of his article's talk pages today. Are you looking for some way to avoid uploading everything to both sites? That would be cool. As for the hilary-porn, i am open to ideas. I didn't really know how to make it satirical beyond really clunky jokes "I am going to split you in two like [insert political reference]" etc. And funny how? Kind of shambolic sex, ridiculous? I don't know. It's a hard one. --Leverage (talk) 18:43, 15 January 2013 (UTC)
Leverage[edit source]
I was wondering if you could go vote on I want a cookie? You see, it has been the first nomination of all the nominations on the new site and is pretty old considering the nomination age. Thanks. Sorry for the whoring. And also, I see you read my new UnNews. I fixed the first two parts to make more sense. What did you think? --
00:10, 16 January 2013 (UTC) And the PANIC! at the Disco nom too. Even older and is in the decision making stage.-- 00:11, 16 January 2013 (UTC)OK, I'll have a look at it when I get back from work. --Leverage (talk) 07:16, 16 January 2013 (UTC)
- :D-- 21:11, 16 January 2013 (UTC)
Clever angle and writing on the Hawking page just now. If I still had thumbs I'd point them up, but I quit using them. Aleister a few minutes after racing Lance Armstrong eight times around Oprah
Unsignpost - 20130119042144 gibberish asdf[edit source]
In Pure Russian Fashion, The Newspaper That Reads YOU!!
Jan 19th, 2012 • Issue 182 • Because if the rumors don't spread at the salon, we must spread them in the news.
The Return of Not Jedis, but rather Old Users No, we do not mean users with ages soaring into the atmosphere. Well, I hope so. Because 80 year old users would be weird, just saying. However, users who had currently quit the Wikia back up to years ago have now returned, and maybe all will return. Why did they leave? Protest mainly, or traveling the world. The world is big, however, so that could explain things. Some sysops have returned, including MoneySign, Tom mayfair, MadMax, etc. On the hand of the those who aren't admins, TheSlyFox sneaked back into the site, ColinAYB has returned, and even Acmed2 has returned after his rage quit in September of 2012. So basically, what is to be said for here is, well... Uncyclopedia attracts quality writers that write from the heart, which Wikia wouldn't allow. Everybody, here's a life lesson: Down with Wikia! Argument on swastikas is fading Recently, I have raised a master debate on HGA's (who desires to be called HGA instead of his actual username, so don't call him
So hopefully, Kip's influence off my original forum will die down and stop influencing others. Like Joey's instinct to respond, as seen here: Joey Number's sig. However, DO NOT confuse these mock threads with this response seen here, as Socky has a very good point. Go vote now!
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What do you think of my UnNews?[edit source]
Do you enjoy reading them?--
20:49, 20 January 2013 (UTC)- Hey, they are really different from mine, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think we need as many writers as poss, esp as mngvbxz is writing lots on the other page and ALEISTER is writing their first and posting here late if ever. I just read the unsignpost. what did aimsplode do exactly? Leverage (talk) 20:55, 20 January 2013 (UTC)
- I put up a vote on whether or not we should ask Aimsplode to remove the swastika from is signature and he got into a statement that he thought Hitler wasn't that bad and such. Then TKF and Socky and Aimsplode got into an argument. Aimsplode left a long and very questionable comment and TKF infinitely banned him. Look at the forum if you can find it, which I can't.-- 22:26, 20 January 2013 (UTC)
- Hmm, I found it. I didn't think his final comments were as offensive as his basic argument. As for UnNews, I put on in there about Django, you should have a crack at that. Tarantino is always blamed for inspiring violence right? You could take another aspect of the movie and make out he is being blamed for that: "Tarantino denies inspiring plantation owner murderer" was the one I put, but you could also do something like, "Tarantino denies inspiring verbosity in teenagers" (bearing in mind how wordy Django and his other movies have been) or "Tarantino denies inspiring slave/mandingo owners". The mandingo line could be funny. It's the weirdest part of the movie. There's no evidence that mandingos existed in the US, but it's presented as if it was widely known and normal. --Leverage (talk) 12:34, 21 January 2013 (UTC)
- I'll look sometime soon.-- 13:59, 21 January 2013 (UTC)
- I just made a new one. What do you think? :P-- 16:13, 21 January 2013 (UTC)
- It's very loopy, but I like those ones from time to time. The ones I write tend to be little twists on the news stories, I think it's cool if other people do more scattergun stuff. Do you speak another language apart from English? Leverage (talk) 19:18, 21 January 2013 (UTC)
- Spanish. English is my first language. I'm 14 BTW.-- 21:13, 21 January 2013 (UTC)
- It's very loopy, but I like those ones from time to time. The ones I write tend to be little twists on the news stories, I think it's cool if other people do more scattergun stuff. Do you speak another language apart from English? Leverage (talk) 19:18, 21 January 2013 (UTC)
- I know. I didn't take it as criticism, I'm just 14 and I rush. I have ADHD and OCD and really like things done. ha-- 21:39, 21 January 2013 (UTC)
Heenan[edit source]
I am guessing this isn't you Leverage but I now see that credit on your Tescos horse meat story on the Wikia Uncyclopedia. I had read your story here first and had thought you had uploaded it at the Wikia Uncyclopedia. I hadn't checked the history. I will block that user who ever he is and remove your story off UnNews. Thanks. --RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 20:28, 22 January 2013 (UTC)
You know what, I clicked on the link and had a look at the picture, which I'd seen on fb. I didn't even read the text! Anyway, thanks for doing it, this is all really unseemly and ridiculous. We are not the Onion, no one's making money, what's the point of all the copying? Leverage (talk) 21:13, 22 January 2013 (UTC)
- Peace has broken out...I am told the bot has been deleted. See here: . --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 21:19, 22 January 2013 (UTC)
- As an add on the story on Wikia Unc. It wasn't yours after all. I thought the kid Heenan73 had done a reverse paste job. Anyway, I have a large slice of humble pie to eat tonight on that particular foul up. --
RomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 21:52, 22 January 2013 (UTC)
- As an add on the story on Wikia Unc. It wasn't yours after all. I thought the kid Heenan73 had done a reverse paste job. Anyway, I have a large slice of humble pie to eat tonight on that particular foul up. --
Obama Lip Sync page[edit source]
Nice work. I may have edit conflicted you putting categories in. This kind of twist is what makes you a purrrrfect writer!!! Aleister 20:32 23-1-'13
Unsignpost - 20130124050125 gibberish asdf[edit source]
Your #1 source for Cajek ban jokes!
January 24th, 2013 • Issue 183 • Better sign it.
The spam finds its way Nobody could have expected the return of the spam. I'm just kidding. Everyone knew it was going to happen. Recently, Ly has made it so editing is more open to those who aren't "users" and with that, came the inevitable spam. Probably the first major bit of spam came from a user who was putting a troll face in 400px on many pages (including category pages). I alerted Lyrithya on IRC and she blocked the user with a time of infinite. I had already put the user on Ban Patrol. Yes, Ban Patrol. We need to kick it into gear now. Like it once was. We want more of it. So please, get your spam spray ready, the Ban Patrol ready to penetrate, and your anti-spam mind in motion. That is an order! The Cold War Update
Well, ladies and gentlemen... It has begun. For those of you who don't know, (you should all know, it has been a few weeks) the great internet humor wiki known across the world as Uncyclopedia has officially split, since January 5th to be precise. While there are those who remain loyal to the original (now completely Wikia-owned) Uncyc, others have left and formulated a site of their own, "Free Uncyclopedia," if you will. Every Saturday, starting this week, I will give an update at Uncyc Cold War on the current situation, sharing details with the populaces of both sites on any updates pertaining to the current split. Post on that page's talk page if you wish to give your input as a Wikia Uncycer or a Free Uncycer. Some of you may wish to know how this started... It all goes back a very long time ago, when a man named Chronarion sold the original Uncyclopedia ( to Wikia for beer and hookers, the company originally created by Jimbo Wales as a hub of wikis for various specific subjects. Over the years, Wikia did many things to Uncyclopedia, including domain name updates, restrictions on hardline levels of satire, and most notable of all, the censoring of all unclad racks on the entire site. The final spark was (according to Frosty, one of the Free Uncyc leaders (Sannse we're ratting you out), a heavy demand over adding a North America-only suicide prevention hotline to the suicide page. Regardless of the circumstances, members were tired of Wikia, and as such left the site to formulate their own variant. Frosty would then go on a rage to revert all booby pictures and give us nudes once again. ![]() If you touch the red zones in just the right way... it will cause an explosion. A primary difficulty for years was the fact that there was no original domain name that a new Uncyclopedia could be built on. was in Wikia's hands, after all. Incapable of simply leaving, a domain name ([]) was eventually found, and the move was made by the majority of writers and the like. The inevitable struggle between these two wikis will prove to be most interesting to watch as it plays out. Until next week, keep on trucking! UnVoyage - journey around the world without leaving your seat, the ultimate travel experience for lazy people!
Uncyclopedian Yrtneg has created a new project - UnVoyage. It's a parody of Wikivoyage. It's a fake travel guide with pages like "Space", "Hell", and etc. Now of course, we're all going to forget about it before six months, but who cares. Go ahead and add some pages! Bitch. Right now there's nothing but who cares. Uncyclopedian Carlb suggested making pages like "Titanic" and "the moon". The main page is at UnVoyage and it's pretty fucked up. Go check it out!
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Foolitzer[edit source]
I will nominate you fro Feb. You're really good.--
17:06, 26 January 2013 (UTC)- He's already won it! ~ Sat, Jan 26 '13 23:36 (UTC)
- He can't win twice?! 23:59, 26 January 2013 (UTC)
Adobe Flash[edit source]
In case your computer is unable to visit Wikipedia for whatever reason, I thought I'd pop in and annoy you with an explanation of "Flash content". TL;DR: Flash is awesome! Yay Adobe! ~ Sat, Jan 26 '13 23:36 (UTC)
- I just googled what tl;dr means, which I think defeats the object of that acronym. I am very happy to have flash here! New media player looks pretty, etc. My objection was that it made the main news page concertina. I am a big believer in the average net user clicking once on an unknown link, but probably not twice. that's why i hated the wikia warning. Now I see the unnews page works ok, but news stories, (like my UnNews:Tarantino denies Django makes viewers act like Southern gents still clam up. Is it not possible to have flash playing as default unless switched off? Leverage (talk) 09:34, 27 January 2013 (UTC)
- Try {{Flash2}} out and let me know what you think. I wrote it for Hotadmin (actually, I wrote it for the whole site to use), but he hasn't gotten back to me on whether or not he liked it. ~ Tue, Jan 29 '13 1:59 (UTC)
I am not quite sure what I do with this! Where do I paste it? I thought it was a vector thing, but it looks more manual. In the meantime I will say: i have just gone incognito and the pages look MUCH better now. The fact that the pages show and the users have to click on whether to enable the flash or not is a huge improvement! I think the ideal would be that they have to opt out of using flash (i.e. everything loads and they must disable it if they want to) but this is a million times better than how it was when I was complaining. good work! Leverage (talk) 07:36, 29 January 2013 (UTC)
- I think I'm going to set that particular flash player as enabled-by-default, but leave everything else disabled-by-default. Flash is still a security risk, even if we only allow the embedding of flash objects that are hosted by us. Anybody with upload privileges could upload a .swf with an exploit payload, which could be catastrophic in any number of ways. ~ Wed, Jan 30 '13 1:51 (UTC)
- Sounds good. I always suggest stuff from a user's point of view, but have fuck all idea about programming. You guys are doing good work. I know you guys talk about the existing bugs, but i think in terms of the new things you have introduced, it's been really positive. Leverage (talk) 07:48, 30 January 2013 (UTC)
- Letting you know about {{UnNews Audio}}. For the future, it should be all you need for UnNews audio embedding. ~ Thu, Jan 31 '13 2:32 (UTC)
Barack and Hillary[edit source]
A perfect follow-up! You must have sold your soul to the devil or someone. Nice work. And yes, someone can win more than one Foolitzer, although if we gave it to the best every month Funnybony would have about a hundred of them now, with Leverage gaining on the inside. Aleister 12:02 28-1-'13
- Thank you kindly, it rather wrote itself, it was just a case of inserting filth. As for the Foolitzer, I am a little bit blasé about the awards side of things. There are so few active writers on the site, it's faint praise... and VfH now is being abused by whoring (maybe this was the case before, but there were a few guard-dogs, and a slightly greater weight of numbers to stop it happening so easily). Anyway, it means that awards and features are a bit of a non-prize for me. Leverage (talk) 12:23, 28 January 2013 (UTC)
- VFH has always had its whores, and I've sold my privates a few times (although only for pages I felt were featureable, I can't recall ever asking anyone to read one of mine on VFH that I didn't think wasn't). There were always a few users who I enjoyed getting their votes, because they were selective. Chief, Romartus, Spike, and TKF are/were all good judges of quality writing, and their vote really means something. Aleister 12:42 28-1-'13
- Thank you kindly, it rather wrote itself, it was just a case of inserting filth. As for the Foolitzer, I am a little bit blasé about the awards side of things. There are so few active writers on the site, it's faint praise... and VfH now is being abused by whoring (maybe this was the case before, but there were a few guard-dogs, and a slightly greater weight of numbers to stop it happening so easily). Anyway, it means that awards and features are a bit of a non-prize for me. Leverage (talk) 12:23, 28 January 2013 (UTC)
- Crap, I didn't get to vote for you. I forget these awards exist. – 13:06, Jan. 28, 2013
- I think Eric just nommed, or was going to nom. I think writer of the month, noobie of the month, uncyclopedian of the month are more than enough. I AM up for writer of the year though, and would love to come second.Leverage some point between the above and below messages.
- A good lover should always come second. Aleister
- I think Eric just nommed, or was going to nom. I think writer of the month, noobie of the month, uncyclopedian of the month are more than enough. I AM up for writer of the year though, and would love to come second.Leverage some point between the above and below messages.
And now you've made another masterpiece with your space monkey page. Nice. I was one of the people who watched that guy jump, watched it for about two hours. He almost passed out and the control people on earth had to keep waking him up and have him go through his checklist. It was like snuff porn for awhile, to see if he'd move again. Then he jumped, and all was well. Aleister 21:27 28-1-'13
Purple Spleen[edit source]

Purple Spleen
For heroic work in cleaning up the Uncyclopedia one article at a time.
For your slave-like devotion to UnNews which has helped make the world a funnier place. --EMC [TALK] 21:07 Jan 29 2013
Unsignpost - 20130131002159 gibberish asdf[edit source]
Smiting the nail of news with the plastic hammer of truth
January 31st, 2013 • Issue 184 • We're delivering it to your door anyways!
First month of the Real Uncyclopedia, a sexy & successful one January is over, and to sum things up; the Real Uncyclopedia is doing well. Along with the move, we had multiple features, new users, successful donations, the opping of Bizzeebeever, the new ability to check users, the return of TheLedBalloon and Dawg, etc., a new Uncyclo-project called UnVoyage, new gadgets, name changes, a new poopsmith, more boobies, and even edits from a V6 IP address! Last but not least, the USP is getting done. With contributions from ZB! ![]() ...and here's Slender dancing in celebration! So thank you all and we hope to see more joy in the months, years, decades, centuries, and even galactic light-years to come! Social media Recently, a new addition has been made to Uncyclopedia's Social Media Team. None other than the one, the only, the fabulous Sir Peasewhizz! Sir Peasewhizz has already updated the only Twitter you should care about, found here. He has also been made part of the staff for the official Uncyclopedia Facebook, found here. And if you're not following these precious and incredible feeds, then shame! Make time!!!!!...please? Thank you. Thank you.
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UnNews:Bush blames Barney for Iraq war decision[edit source]
Wow, that was a good one! I think it has a chance of cracking through VFH. Want me to nominate it? Mattsnow 18:06, 2 February 2013 (UTC)
Voting is low[edit source]
On VFH. Do you think you could go through some more and vote? :D--Sir Peasewhizz de New York 19:21, 2 February 2013 (UTC)
Post-Super Bowl News[edit source]
Thanks for updating the stories on the main page. I thought to myself last night, "I bet Leverage will take care of it." I come in first thing in the morning, and, sure enough. – 16:34, Feb. 4, 2013
How VFH Works[edit source]
VFH is kinda like getting in line at a grocery store. We had run out of features in line and had to take some from the ranks. Your article will be featured, you just need to wait for the date.
Usually we maintain a certain amount of backlog to ensure we don't end up in the predicament we did earlier today where we ran out of featured articles and had to grab one that had been on there a while and shove it into the light.
We need your help (and the help of all your friends) to increase voting (both pro and con) and nominations to VFH. To maintain one featured article a day we must have at least two to four nominated articles per day and a completed successful vote no less than daily, hopefully with 7-10 excellent articles rising to the top every week to keep the queue full of delicious front page material.
Congratulations on your feature. 2013.02.05.07:21
- Hey, I saw how you put it in the queue, which is why I deleted the message I left. I was initially confused cos I knew I'd got 11 votes, and then my watchlist said it had been featured... but it wasn't there. I'll take a look later at the vfh pages I haven't voted on yet. Leverage (talk) 07:34, 5 February 2013 (UTC)
Unsignpost - 20130207013217 gibberish asdf[edit source]
The Newspaper the Whole Family Must Enjoy!
February 6th, 2013 • Issue 185 • There is news in this thing.
GLORY! GLORY! WINNNERS! WINNERS! WIINNERRRRS!! YAYYYYY! Aye! Yes, it is true. January is now over. So we're into to February 2013, where the second month of the new site is bound to be kickin'! Am I right or am I right? Well, here's some news that you can get excited for. With the conclusion of January 2013, we have the 2012 Year Award winners implanted into the sexy body of Uncyclopedia History and boy do we have some happy users out there! After a close competition in each category, (which wasn't rigged at all!) behold the users whom gained more "jazzy-ness" from the conclusion of the voting! First off, the Writer of the Year is none other than the killer... the froggy... TKF! TKF won Writer of the Year 2012 with 8 for votes and a baby-slapping 15.5 features tallied for the year twenty-twelve. Coming in second place was Funnybony with 5 votes and 14 features in 2012! Xamralco came in third with 3 votes for and most of his 2012 features being Top features of the month! Second off we have Uncyclopedian of the Year. The winners of UOTY 2012 is a tie between the recently opped in January '13 and quite picture-n-tech master; Bizzeebeever. Who did he tied with? Oh, just the newly opped in September of 2012; the young Australian divinity Frosty! Both had 9 for votes! Coming in 3rd place was Romartus, an admin who chose to stay with the old site, who received a pretty good 6 votes for. Good competition boys! Third off is Potatochopper of the Year (AKA Radical-X of the Year). Who is this winner? Going for the double crown after winning the Uncyclopedian of the Year along with Frosty, is Bizzeebeever! Great pictures man! Great pictures! Not only did he win by an impression-pushing 8 votes in his favor, but he was so good he scared away competition! He was the only nominee and obviously nobody else was nominated because everyone knows that BB would crush his competition. We're not kidding... May the fourth be Gobshite of Ultimate in 2012. Being the only two gobshites nominated, the two tied and were written down in Now we have the month awards for January 2013. Categories are: n00b of the Moment, Uncyclopedian of the Month, Useless Gobshite of the Month, and the Foolitzer Prize for January 2013! What? You're wondering why Writer of the Month wasn't mentioned? Well, um... nobody nommed anyone worthy and actually there was only like 3 votes. And the most someone got was one vote for. So make something happen for February's Writer of the Month this time around! GO! GO! GO! Y, who received 5 for votes won the NOTM for January of 2013. There was a tie for Uncyclopedian of the Month, the MoveCabal and Sir Peasewhizz both mustered up the minimum 5 for votes to hold co-ownership of the January 2013 Uncyclopedian of the Month award-title-thing. For the Useless Gobshite of the Month, Zombiebaron won with 6 for votes, being the only nominee. With 3 for votes, Bill Melater won the January 2013 Foolitzer Prize! Also being a single nominee in a category. Well, congratulations to all winners of something, something! Keep on being aggressive, because a few categories have been already entered by users in a February 2013 campaign! And for the Year Awards, see you again in January 2014 and right here with the winners in February 2014. And also, voting records can be found right here and over here. Cold War Update 2
Well, I didn't update this Sunday, but that's my fault. Anyways... After a serious level of contention on VFS, a conclusion was reached, one that I personally feel was poorly made. Instead of allowing Wikia Uncyc to "reap what they sow," as the old proverb goes, ChiefjusticeDS felt he simply had to intervene. As such, he eliminated Aimsplode's nomination and permabanned him from the site. Admittedly, I was in favor of aim becoming an admin, but not for the reasons everyone thinks. I'm of the opinion that you should suffer the full rewards or consequences of your choices. With the populace having voted for Aimsplode, despite Chief's attempt to eliminate his nomination twice before his permanent termination of it, it's only fair that the Wikia site gets a Nazi as an admin. That's what they want, so that's what they'll get. It's like vandalism: Sure, you can vandalize Uncyclopedia all you want, but you'll suffer the consequences of that. In that case, a ban. As someone who considers himself to have a more traditional view of things, I fully believe that ChiefjusticeDS had no reason to stick his nose in the business of the userspace. Were Aimsplode to have proven himself to be a good admin, he would've stayed. Were he to have been of poor quality, his employment would be terminated. Point is, either way, they would've got what they asked for. Speaking of Aimsplode, he's been doing a good job of terminating all proof of his existence elsewhere on the internet. From Habbo to Deviantart, and even I can haz cheezburger, he has tried to terminate his existence from the web. Perhaps there is more to this pseudo-Nazi then any of us know... Another update, another day. Keep checking back on your daily USP for the next update on the Uncyc Cold War. Cheers!
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UnNews and features[edit source]
H'o. I figure if lots of people vote to feature a page, especially with good comments and lots of praise, then even if I don't like it I'll vote yes. I realize that my worldview and sense of humor is like everyone elses, person-specific. Jeez, in America lots of people seemed to like Mitt Romney and that little creep he was running with, and I will never understand why but give them their moronhood anyway. Look how many people like force-fed-on-society rap music. So that's just me, I figure if lots of people here like something then lots of the readers will like it too. I didn't even know the dog had died 11:56 10-2-'13
- Fair enough, and I feel bad if I made you read about Bush against your will.
- I am just tired of people self-nomming and whoring, or self-promoting shit pages, or getting obsessed with awards. My (also very personal) view about a page is that people should come here to read and to laugh, to write when they have funny stuff to say, and take part in the community if they want to. Loads of people do it the other way around: they love the chat and the forums, write little and promote it, and read other people's work adversarily, which I think is a pity. If I read something on the Daily Mash, I either laugh or I don't, here I sometimes click history first to see if it's an author I like or not, and I want to get away from that habit as much as poss.
- I hope the sun is shining in Maryland! Leverage (talk) 12:02, 10 February 2013 (UTC)
- lol, I just looked at the page again and saw the original press release at the bottom, had missed that before. hahahaahahahaha. Have you ever seen Bush's signature? It's a scribble. I was in Maryland twice, Baltimore has so many baseball fields when seen from a planes window it made me realize that Babe Ruth had lived there. Al
- That's why I like you having a flexible identity. It's open for everyone to create their own version. It's like the ending of Caché (Hidden), a weird French movie which made me watch the interview with the director on the DVD, something I never do. But that was his thrust, there is no legitimate narrative in reality, everything is what we impose upon it, including the backstories of Uncyclopedia writers.
- Talking of recommendations, did you look at the slynx? Leverage (talk) 12:17, 10 February 2013 (UTC)
- lol, I just looked at the page again and saw the original press release at the bottom, had missed that before. hahahaahahahaha. Have you ever seen Bush's signature? It's a scribble. I was in Maryland twice, Baltimore has so many baseball fields when seen from a planes window it made me realize that Babe Ruth had lived there. Al
- I hope the sun is shining in Maryland! Leverage (talk) 12:02, 10 February 2013 (UTC)
Award from UN:REQ[edit source]
This user created John Travolta, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome! |
This user created Jonathan Ross, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome! |
This user created BladeRunnerway Bride, an article originally requested on Uncyclopedia:Requested articles. You're welcome! |
Bladerunnerway Bride[edit source]
I laughed and laughed and laughed, and I've only read up to the part where you start the other versions, and will finish it later. This is one of the best pages I've ever read here (by here, uncyclopedia, and not just here, this exact place in interspace). You have to like and know both movies of course, but for those who do, perfect (well, except a few parts that could use some tightening, can I do minor tweeks? Thanks if you say yes, No Thanks if you say no thanks). Thanks! Aleister 13:35 13-2-'13
- That's very sweet of you to say. Can I make a confession? I haven't seen either movie! Anyway, you are of course allowed to tinker. Leverage (talk) 13:42, 13 February 2013 (UTC)
- Thanks. And, ah, that explains nothing. Six words of advice: See both movies and then you can do some perfect edits and a masterpiece will become even more of a masterpiece. Are you serious though? You just wrote that from summaries of movies? Hard to believe. If you are being serious, we are in for a treat when you see them with a notepad in your hand. Aleister are you serious? Nah, that was a joke, I've been punked. Where's the camera?
- That's very sweet of you to say. Can I make a confession? I haven't seen either movie! Anyway, you are of course allowed to tinker. Leverage (talk) 13:42, 13 February 2013 (UTC)
It is the day of USP love, Valentine’s Day[edit source]
Good things come to those who wait. So does the UnSignpost.
February 14th, 2013 • Issue 186 • Happy Valentine's Day, motherfucker.
Returning users and Grammar Nazis Recently, we have seen the return of many passionate members of the community, which have seen the return of Uncyc daylight upon arrival. Was that a run-on sentence? Idk... anywaaaays. So the point is, Ljlego has returned recently, and so has Dawg. I bring these two in particular because Ljlego and Dawg have revealed over the IRC hints that they wish to stay here, on the new site. Ljlego was looking to get an Uncyclopedia cloak, while Dawg just plain out said he was interested in staying. To sum it up, yay more returnees! Go Jesus! Oh yeah, and you can join the Proofreading Service. This is basically the Grammar nazi equivalent to the Poopsmith Lounge... only less dead and slightly more squeamish. The old site wants us... sexually?! Lol, no. Just kidding. But hasn't it come to most people's minds that maybe, possibly the Wikia's members are curious to what is going on in here (Bitches, alcohol, and partying) and might come sneak by? Well, first off Chief banned BB on the Wikia and set up a spam account here. BB found out that Chief was the account owner of the vandalizing account and banned both of them. Though Lyrithya unbanned Chief. W.O.W. Gay. Keep your eyes open, boys. Or not, it's not like they mean harm. What do you take me for? Pulixer? lol no. Great Hall of Shame Updating of '13 Okay, so most of you ungrateful bastards won't update your Hall of Shame entrees yourself. Well, did you even see that forum link? It even said "SIGN HERE FUCKERS". Yeah, that's right. Please, go update your Hall of Shame entrees and/or help me update those who don't update their HOS entrees. Man, that was pretty awkwardly worded. However, still. This task isn't easy. Much help is needed. USE THE EFFIN' FORCE, I KNOW THERE'S JEDIS WITHIN OUR RANKS!! BUT SERIOUSLY.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 01:32, 14 February 2013 (UTC)
Vote! :D[edit source]
Hey, some articles on VFH could use a run through of votes. Examples) Ancient Aliens, Alcoholol, Boston Red Sox, Twister (game), James Cook, Pet rock, The New Jersey Hoax. Basically I'm saying a lot of articles haven't had a vote from you yet..--
16:40, 16 February 2013 (UTC)Crikey! It’s a rare, wild UnSignpost![edit source]
Smiting the nail of news with the plastic hammer of truth
February 21st, 2013 • Issue 187 • Burn.
Cold War Update 3: Drama!
Well, this one's a bit late, but still important. Illogicopedia has considered moving their hosting over to the Free Uncyc servers, netting a nifty anti-Wikia deal. As well, a series of "hate bans" occurred recently, involving ChiefjusticeDS banning people on the Wikia site, and a sockpuppet of his being banned on this site. More info will be available when I find out. Cheers! Robot invasion
It has come to the attention of this fine news source that Uncyclopedia is being overrun by robots, displacing tens of writers on a daily basis. After we realized they might be useful (in spite of lacking a sense of humour and soul), we captured and trained a couple of them to deliver the UnSignpost for us. To appease these ravenous automatons, we were forced to switch to categories from our archaic signup list. You may have noticed a new template on your page, which should be placed on the page you wish to have your UnSignpost delivered, where it will be dropped at the bottom (as always). Please refrain from petting the robots, as they may bite (we're working on that with them). One of these 'bots (as we call them) was easier to train and has assisted us in huffing literally hundreds of old (pre-2011) User: and User_talk: pages for anonymous IPs. They're now working deep in the bowels of the site removing crap categories and fixing broken stuff. The one attached to Dawg has the painfully unfunny name of DawgBot, and the one attached to Sir Peasewhizz is suspiciously not a bot at all. He's the... the... OH GOD NO. HE'S THE SLENDERMAN. AHHHHH!!! DEATH TO BRONIES IS AT HAND? OR IS IT THE DEATH OF THE INTERNET??? Well, I was cracking codes in wingdings this day and I found the message at the right when I typed "MY LITTLE PONY: FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC" In ALL CAPS in wingdings. This magnificent message, according to our codecrackers, might mean that the death of the Internet is caused by bronies. This message starts with a bomb and a Jew star, in which the bomb represents October 10, 2010 while the Jew star represents the money-makers of Hasbro. Then it is followed by a sadface, a palm, 2 snowflakes, another sadface, and a finger pointing left. This might mean that 2010 is the winter and sorrow of all franchises, caused by cooperate corruption and...bronies. Both can be read as: "In the day of the bomb, all franchises will be corrupted". The third sentence is pointed flag, flag, skull, Jew star and computer, which might represent the death and conquest of the internet. The fourth sentence is a finger pointing right, a sun, a finger pointing left, a skull, a thumbs down finger, a water drip, a palm, and a pointed flag. This possibly represents that a dawn of death will rise, all the straight men will fight, and finally the dawn of death will make them bleed. The fifth sentence is palm, water drip, bomb, two fingers, one finger, palm and thumbs up. This might represent that we are currently on a countdown to demise. HOW TERRIBLE IS THAT?????? Fortunately, there is good news. The good news is that the same might be used against the bronies, and if this happens it might read as: The bomb had set by the Jews and franchises are corrupted. But now, we will conquer over the terror. they might fight the dawn but they will bleed. The bronies are on the countdown to demise. This is a two sided prophecy. nevertheless, The war against faggotry will eventually prevail. Aleister snags the Hall of Shame lead with 67 features! As of February 19th of 2013, Aleister (formerly Aleister in Chains) leads the Hall of Shame with 67 features. Which article robbed Soggy's and Aleister's tie at 66 features? None other than probably the most boring material to work with, but it happened; UnBooks Biography:The guy who invented soap! Go read it! And also, you must go read the rest Aleister's features. Or else. You can access them here. Remember, we're watching!
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 00:34, 21 February 2013 (UTC)
Friends with Benefits[edit source]
Hey, I put a self work on VFH and I was wondering if you could check it out. 5 votes for and 1 vote against so far.--
16:45, 24 February 2013 (UTC)Surprise, Motherfucker, USP[edit source]
Now Delivered Trendily Late!
February 28th, 2013 • Issue 188 • When life gives you lemons, sue for damages.
We Here At The UnSignpost™ bear a strong commitment to accuracy—in fact, the UnSignpost is required by law to print at least one truthful statement per issue in order to retain our status as a tax-exempt organic fish-cannery.[1] We believe that our track record speaks for itself: in our nearly 45 months of existence, the USP has printed only 243 retractions, a full 20% of which were not ordered by a court. It was with some consternation, therefore, that we discovered a massive error in our reporting. In recent weeks, former USP editor and general mensch ChiefjusticeDS was repeatedly identified by the UnSignpost as being a "putrid puddle of poodle puke", and also as having been "perm-banned" for vandalizing the new Uncyclopedia with sockpuppet accounts. While the first statement remains an object of controversy, the second one could not be further from the truth. ChiefjusticeDS is one of the least-likely vandals in the history of Uncyclopedia; furthermore, our research indicates that he is not actually aware of the new Uncyclopedia, and while his lawyers apparently are, he is currently blithely executing his sysop duties on the old site, much as a mother elephant seal mournfully attends the corpse of her crushed pup. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize profusely for any inconveniences this erroneous reporting has caused anyone. While we have traced the original mistake to confusion on the part of our correspondents (who are possessed of more eagerness than brains), the final blame must lie at the feet of our fact-checking department; we intend to take them thoroughly to task for their laziness and inattention, just as soon as we figure out how to fire people who don't exist. On a related note, we would like to issue the following corrections and clarifications:
Upcoming PLS So, even if it has felt like a long past couple of weeks, bring your spirits up! We can help, because there is the PLS coming up soon. So yeah, I know this is short. But it's longer than you. HA! HA! HA! No, but seriously. Consider doing the Poo Lit Surprise or ELSE. Ask Zombiebaron
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 03:49, 28 February 2013 (UTC)
Yo[edit source]
Pretty nice UnNews about the rape t shirt except that I feel the strongest urge to change it to a T-shirt all through the piece. Mind if I do? -- Style Guide 17:10, 7 March 2013 (UTC)
- Ah hah. Well, I changed it now anyway, but I think if it's a case of correcting someone's grammar or punctuation - unless it's very contentious - there's no need to ask permission. In the future, just go for it, with my blessing. I even hyphenated "T-shirt" because I imagine that pedants would get upset about a capital T just floating in the middle of a sentence like that. Leverage (talk) 19:57, 7 March 2013 (UTC)
And also...[edit source]
...why don't you join us at making more meaningful serials for the reading public? Starting point is here. Unless you knew about it but don't like the idea, of course. -- Style Guide 19:38, 7 March 2013 (UTC)
I thought I heard the Imperial March. USP time, everybody![edit source]
The Periodical That Is Too Sexy For Its Shirt, Among Other Things
March 7th, 2013 • Issue 189 • You may now start the sad music.
TKF has taken his leave ![]() This is the great TKF.
If you haven't heard the sad, sad news; TKF (formerly Thekillerfroggy) has announced his departure from Uncyclopedia as an Uncyclopedian, Admin, Bureaucrat, Legend, and Hero in the afternoon of March 2nd. With it, his reason; not enough writers who enjoy it for the fun and enjoy others work as well as he doesn't want to write anymore nor does he need to. He feels this has taken him from a shitty high-school writer to something he had gained confidence in. Of course, he wishes us good luck and knows we'll boom with excellence in the future. He would like to thank MadMax, Zombiebaron, The Thinker, Ljlego, So So, Dr. Skullthumper, Mhaille, The Woodburninator, TheLedBalloon, Cajek, Procopius, Mordillo, One Eyed Jack, Heerenveen, Bonner, Hyperbole, THEDUDEMAN, and Modusoperandi. He states Uncyclopedia and his own writing wouldn't have existed if it weren't for these users. He also has to admit his respect for Lyrithya, Frosty, Bizzeebeever, and Xamralco for leading the new guard. He wishes for Leverage to continue writing because he's good at it. He states "Humbucker, we barely knew ye." He left this for Sir Peasewhizz:
He also states he will NEVER FINISH 18TH CENTURY BIIIIIIIIITCH! But Frosty thinks he will return, as he states (and believes) "Once an Uncyclopedian, always Uncyclopedian". February 2013 Award Winners... also, YOU'RE DICKS! As a wise man once said, (yesterday) "Whatintheworldofgaysex?! It's already March?" To answer that question, well, yes. You see, FEBRUARY 2013 HAS DIED. So... I guess we shall show you all the award winners of the month of February this year. We only had two categories with ![]() Want a plate? It is a trophy, made out of pure plate. You can eat cookies on it. The noob of February 2013 was none other than Hoof Hearted. With a score of 5 obtained, this user has passed the ultimate liftout course and went on to claiming this sexy title. Still up there, ready to take March by the balls, is ProfessorScience. Hoof Hearted, however, has left ProfessorScience a strong against vote stating that the humor ProfessorScience gives out was hard to find funny. Sorry, but THAT WAS MEAN. I mean, such n00Bz voted against more than once in this month's Noob of the Moment contest. And guess who was the UOTM? DUH! None other than MadMax, whom we all knew would win. However, we boggled and offended that this guy only won once before claiming this month's UOTM title. Wow. Not cool, bros. But hey, does his 2007 Uncyclopedian of the Year title override this? Well, fuck, now I'm trying to figure that out. Thanks for putting my head into a crisis-like state. I love you for this.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 20:35, 7 March 2013 (UTC)
Opinions?[edit source]
Can you give me your opinions on Gunpowder, Reasonable doubt, and Puppy? 19:47 3.12.13
- Or.... no? 20:31 3.13.13
Can I have some salad with my UnSignpost?[edit source]
Now Delivered Trendily Late!
March 14th, 2013 • Issue 190 • It's a "sa-lad".
Salad. SALAD I like salad, you like salad, we all like salad.
Yes, salad. It has come to my attention that Uncyclopedians are simply not consuming enough of it. Ladies and gentlemen, we here at the Unsignpost implore of you, we beg you, to eat more salad. Why should you eat more salad? Well you only need to look at the facts to find the answer:
But clearly, this is not all that salad is capable of. Clearly a great cosmic injustice is being done by not mentioning salad's tremendous influence on the Russian space program, 80% of whose members consume salad on a regular basis, some more than once a day. But that's not all. Several tremendously influential figures in scientific history, including Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, and Billy Mays, have admitted to having consumed salad at least once in their lifetime, sometimes even while doing important scientific things! Sexy sweet Mary, it's true! In fact, most major celebrities (the attractive ones, you know) are regular salad masticators. Lady Gaga, for example, may be best known for wearing a meat suit, but she is also well-known for eating salad. If by "well-known", you mean "she does it and nobody makes much of a fuss." Same goes for the salad eating. Salad is known to have cured countless diseases, voted tremendously in favor of liberal politics, saved at least three dolphin from inconveniently placed tar deposits, fixed a plethora of flat tires on the side of United States interstate highways, eliminated the existence of internet memes, punched Adolf Hitler in the face, gone toe-to-toe with John Wayne in a cage match, and given a lustrous sheen to the coats of some of the world's prettiest felines. In conclusion, salad is a super kool dood, and you should all totally eat him. With dressing if you prefer. Or with croutons, tomatoes, cabbage, olives, pickles, black pepper, onions, imitation crab meat, bacon bits, hard-boiled egg slices, ham, salt, vinegar, jalapenos, bell peppers, sweet peppers, pickle relish, anaheim peppers, bhut jolokia peppers, serrano peppers, crumbled cheese, raisins, avocado, apple slices, blueberries, cottage cheese, shrimp, basil, melon slices, meatballs, turkey gravy, chicken gravy, beef gravy, bacon grease, grease gravy, gravy grease, Bavarian cream, chocolate ice cream, M&Ms, a t-bone steak, bicycle spokes, flapjacks, fried eel, a pair of half-torn tennis shoes, matches, poisonous jellyfish, mushrooms, pimento, a piston engine, a choir boy, whale bones, grocery store food samples, grocery store samples stolen out of the freezer section, grocery store employees, psychedelic pop records, dinosaur fossils, ancient manuscripts, sweet potatoes, Iranian snails, Ukrainian birds, Welsh humans, beets, Saturday morning cartoons, elves, cayenne pepper, salt, mangoes, studio musicians, grapes, whiskey, grated cheese, sliced cheese, a cow, Hormel chili, the tiny oval tomatoes that always roll off the plate or launch away when you try to fork them, potatoes, all of Uncyclopedia, a British nanny, or lettuce. But nothing else.
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 11:42, 14 March 2013 (UTC)
you...[edit source]
...are just getting better and better. great francis page. are you going to join the happy monkey contest or not???? come on, it will be fantastic, as it has been. that's a contest near to my heart because of how it started (a long story i should write up, having to do with me and happy monkey and cookies). francis would want you to. did i say it was a great page yet? i'm working on a francis unnews somewhere else entitle "poor people occupy st. peter's square, and will link your page to it when it's here. e.e. aleister 18:44 18-3-'13
- God bless you sir for your kind words. Go on then, I shall sign up for the monkey thang, but I will be back in the mother country, so god knows if I will be available to write anything, or whether I will be too busy sucking Earl Grey from a hooker's bib. Ps. This very funny: Leverage (talk) 21:44, 18 March 2013 (UTC)
Happy Monkey Topic[edit source]
Your topic for the contest is My life is as thick as gravity . You have 36 hours to write the article (until Friday 03.00 UTC/Thursday 9pm EST). If you want to make it unbook, unreview etc. you can very slightly alter the title. Remember the judging is on creativity and originality more than anything else. Have fun. In the mean time Happy Monkey is leaving various surprises all over your house. --ShabiDOO 14:52, 20 March 2013 (UTC)People like the UnSignpost because it’s hot! It has the best graphics and everything. Marcus, USP! Step yo’ game up![edit source]
The Newspaper 4 out of 5 Dentists Agree On!
March 21st, 2013 • Issue 191 • Marcus. USP. Step yo' game up!
If you haven't heard, the "lovely" and "beautiful" Jew / Bringing back the Old School FA Yes, we're doing it. We're doing it. We're doing it, if you know what we mean. And not only is it great that we're bringing it back since the 99th issue of the UnSignpost (8 issues from 100th anniversary of the section departure), but it makes it extra special that it's Why?:Your cat died making it on the big screen for its return! This, we swear, was not an incident of Sir Peasewhizz[1] taking advantage of his abilities during the construction of the USP this week. And we're totally not promoting propaganda. Sillies. One of the ten (to make your chances of guessing correctly less) following articles will be the Old School FA of the Week in next week's issue, can you guess it? Probably not, but we'll let you take a crack at it anyway: Commercial, A Man Getting Hit in the Crotch 800 Times, Sideboob, Kwanzaa, Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Riddle, Fox News, Red Lobster, Stratego, or Snow angels. You have a 1/10 chance to get this correct. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Peace <3.
If you haven't already heard (which you probably have), RAHB started a vote to give bureaucrat rights to MadMax, the awesome admin. In a 14–0 vote, Dawg gave him the rights on the 16th. Now, this obviously raised the age old question - what is MadMax's use of this user right?
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SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 02:26, 21 March 2013 (UTC)