“Well, actually, he forgot Poland.”
Scandalland Catholic Republic of Poland POOland | |||||
| |||||
Motto: "You forgot Poland!" (Alternative: "How do you screw in a light bulb?") | |||||
Anthem: "Hej sokoły" (same like Yugoslavian, just faster) | |||||
![]() (World map by John Kerry, but... where the fuck is Poland?) | |||||
Capital | Wallsall or War Saw (Piła bojowa) renamed to Duckburg (Kaczogród) in 2005 | ||||
Largest city | Wąchock, Szczebrzeszyn, Swornegacie, Southampton | ||||
Official language(s) | Spanish, Chinese | ||||
Government | Plutocracy | ||||
King | Double-headed Donald Duck | ||||
Declaration of Independence | Yesterday. Probably. Maybe. Who the fuck knows? Whos the fuck cares? | ||||
Currency | Litres | ||||
Religion | islam, sect of priest Rydzyk, paganism, duckism | ||||
Major exports | Smoking, emigrants to London, parts of Ireland and of course Scotland en masse, drinking their National Currency and wines, llama love, listening to Radio Maryja |
Poland (also referred to as Pooland, Peeland, Popeland, Poorland, Spoonland,Land of Po ) is A forgotten, no longer officially socialist village located on a small island in the Baltic Sea, Poland is famous for its corridor, which was a big political issue. The Polish Corridor was the origin of corridor politics. About 99% of all people who are alive today that come from Poland now live in Ireland. I know this because some Polish bitch took my job in Super-Valu! That's it, I'm going to speak German all the time the next time I go over there. The nation of Poland has a poulation of around 22.5 due to virtually every Polish person moving to Ireland & Britain. Here, they occupy the worst parts of evry city, town or any settlement that they can find. In Ireland they usually get stabbed by Irish teenagers from warzone areas such as finglas, blanchardstown, tallaght and clondalkin. Polish people are'nt allowed into Limerick or they'll be stabbed. There are no people in poland and it is understood that the uninhabited country is populated solely by field mice and their president of course.
Relations with other countries[edit | edit source]
“PWN'T, N00b!”
“Get the feck out of our feckin' country! Dirty feckers...”
Indonesia[edit | edit source]
Poland is the Anti-Indonesia.
So we have:
Therefore, if Poland or Indonesia were ever to meet, interact, or touch in any way shape or form, all existence would be destroyed. Ironically, Indonesia has forgotten Poland.
Malta[edit | edit source]
Poland is the Adjoint-Inverse of Malta.
So we have:
As a result, Poland and Malta form hermitian bijections onto each other.
Education[edit | edit source]
Students are required to wear awesome uniforms in order to attend school throughout the nation. The colour and decorations of each student's uniform are dictated by his/her marks and achievements/failings.
Uniform colors and marks[edit | edit source]
- violet - A (Expert in Advanced Physics)
- red - B (Expert in Higher Mathematics)
- white, light grey - C (Expert in Rocket Science)
- dark grey, black - D (Expert in Medicine)
- blue - E (Expert in Linguistic Theory)
- green - F (Expert in Protonomics)
- yellow - G (Expert in N-Dimensional Chess)
- orange - U (Expert in Blanking Uncyclopedia Pages)
- pink - Z (Expert in the sexual harassment)
Decorations[edit | edit source]
- exposed chest - class president
- no trousers - student often arrives late for class
- fez - student has excelled in a certain discipline (the fez provides protection for his/her head as the climate in Poland is typically very cold)
- stuffed animal - student still wets the bed during nap time (primarily used to absorb the urine)
Students[edit | edit source]
A furious group of individuals living in special separated, boobytrapped and armed zones called akademiki (dormitories). Students, like America's students, are famous for their ability to exist without food, water, showers, or kitten huffing. They have evolved to gain energy directly from the Polish currency - wudzia, mainly in the flavours Paris Blue and Sky above Chernobyl.
The main form of income in Poland comes from students who pay for their failed exams several times. Students who don't pay on time are shot without warning, beaten on the balls, raped, and sent to Siberia. It is called the September Campaign.
Medical Care[edit | edit source]
Medical care is a very specific aspect of polish life. Doctors, nurses and other medical staff are heavily armed and they received prize for each scalp of the patient, called "skin" (skóra). The special section of polish hospitals is the hospital of Łódź, which is the greatest producer of the human skins. Generally, in Polish hospitals, a medicament called "pavulon" is officially recognized as a panaceum for all possible and impossible illnesses; including motion sickness, madness (especially voting on doubleplusungood political candidates), organ atrophy (except of brain), bone fracture and zombification. Since brain atrophy is so common in Poland, the locals ignore it.
History of Poland[edit | edit source]
You may be looking for invasion and not even know it!

The Polish are scum; that is a scientific fact. Since all people are scum anyway, that is an unimportant fact.
Jumping apparently out of nowhere (in night, so no one exactly know when it was established), Poland almost instantly began to spread legs for anyone who wants its piece. (This is how pole dancing got its name, and how the long rod that go-go bars use as a dance tool came to be known as a "pole". Lapland joined in the fun, too.) The first written mentions of Poland come exclusively from nations and other entities (especially tourists who made a wrong turn three hours before and mentally retarded children), whom raided, raped, eviscerated and fucked up whole country several times. But fun ends, when one guy with idiotic nickname Mieszko said "Enough, you fucknuts!".
First known date from Poland is 1410, when Chrobry (another idiotic nickname, but we don't give a shit) made a bet with Emo-Hitler over the two crappy swords (Excalibur and the Samurai Katana). The loser had to walk whole day with these swords in his anus. Unfortunately, Chrobry lost. From this time, all Poles have been assholes. Literally. Later, Poland joined Lithuania to found the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.
Poland did, however, save Western Europe from the barbarity of the Ottoman Empire by massacring 300,000 Turkish soldiers who were gypsying around the environs of Vienna, looking for work. So they can't be all bad? Right?
The most important moment in Poland history came in 1939, when Polish (Kazimierz the Small) and German (Otto the Idiot) leader repeated the old bet. Of course, polish poor fuck again lost his bet. (Whatever that means.)
Of course, there was some cowboy named Bogdan Chmielnicki, who overran various towns and liked to burn cities down for fun, but since he was a nut nobody paid any attention to him. They were too busy making fun of him as a "wannabe Genghis Khan".
After winning (third time) presidential election in 2017, Andrzej Lepper established first concentration camps in Poland for people, who voted for someone else.
The nation of Poland suffered a tremendous tragedy after World War III, when the Lithuanian army repatriated the Polish city of Wilno and forced the inhabitants to return to their motherland. The resulting overpopulation caused a famine of unseen proportions which claimed all of the displaced residents of Wilno. After that polish people invented the only way to bring freedom back to Wilno. This way was wudzia. They produced it a lot, then invite all Lithuanians for birthday and forced them to drink. Quickly the Wilno was back in Poland and Lithuanians back in hospitals.
Poland after the Second World War[edit | edit source]
Poland was completely flattened after all the Germans wandered across to look at Poland's new bike. The Germans were quite adamant that they should ride the bike, but Poland's mum had told Poland that this was a bike of the state and should not be rented to the capitalist Nazi German oppressors, considering how long Polands's mum worked in the tractor factory in order to buy one.
Andrzej Wieckowski, former crowned king of Poland, allied with Kenyan ambassador Amrita Naul, Hongien Kongien Queen Tara Jagtiani and Duchess of Ipswich Gill Turner to form an alliance of brick layers to build a wall to keep the bloody germans out. Despite the relative ease of the task, and the success of the West germans to keep the bloody bread queuing potato shagging communists, and their shell-suits out, the Polish succumbed to the distraction of a banana brought by Naul, and gave up on wall building, to stare at it's yellowness. Following such, the communists, each armed solely with a potato hanging from their penises, invaded poland, and forced everyone to listen to abba and wear a shell suit.
Military[edit | edit source]
The Polish military is well known for its elite hang glider, submarine, horseman-with-lance, and armoured divisions. However, the Polish ninja infantry is still relatively unknown despite their key roles in the assassinations of Adolf Hitler, JFK, Superman, Olivia Newton John Travolta and Marlon Brando (to name but a few).
However, they all proved useless when Germany and Russia killed Poland by running it over with a tank. Poland's family demanded Germany and Russia pay Poland's life insurance policy from the insurance company Western Alliance Policy Inc. They refused, and the company had no choice but to intervene violently. This led to the company's involvement in WWII. After the war, Stalin used Commie Voo-Doo to resurrect Poland from the dead, only as a communist. Poland then tried to annex the Baltic Sea, but got its ass kicked when the company demanded its money back and beat up Poland.
Poland's military is currently being trained by General Carlos Ruiz. Ruiz the biggest general to lead combat in Guatemala is training the Pole army to grow some balls and to attack Germany for making life so miserable. In the next few months Guatemala will send their army and guerilla fighters over to Poland, to whip them into shape.
Politics[edit | edit source]
In Poland, elections are banned. Instead of this, every five years polish people enjoy so-called (in)famous pig race in biggest circus in Poland. Every president (and deputy) candidate sit on genetically engineered wild pigs from most distant and dark corners of Poland. They run in circles in circus tent, drinking hectolitres of wudzia, screaming obscenites at each other, throwing shit (often their own), run into walls and generally causing big mess, until tent falls. Winner is that candidate or deputy, whom still can move after that madness.
There is something called the Sejm, aka the "Same", which is supposed to be part of the government. It gets its name from the fact that everyone wants change, so politicians promise change, but don't change anything.
Strange polish parliament is composed from many apolitical and non-political parties from over the all world, such as:
- Slutty Little Dickies: mindless drones of chubby-cheeked Aleksander "Acid" Kwaśniewski.
- Anally Weaseled Sempertines: long-dead corpse, and is really stinking.
- Puking Ovens: killed mercilessly by Kaczyński, whom assimilated their poor-ass leader.
- Outlaw and Injustice: currently ruling leftist-anarchistic-fascist party.
- Lenin Putin Russia: raging communistic bastards, infiltrated by Father Director Teddy Rydzyk.
- SelfAttack(*): self-attacked by Andrzej Lepper and sinked succesfully. But their time will come.
- Non-Political Block for Fucking Reforms: name says it all. Led by the infamously antisocial Lech Wałęsa.
- Big Jewish Zyd: Mostly there so everyone else has someone to blame when thing aren't exactly perfect.
(*) SelfAttack is only a popular, informal name of this party, while officially it was registerd as SelfOffense with abbreviation SO.
Actual winner of Poland pig race is Outlaw and Injustice and it's leader Kaczyński.
National Legends[edit | edit source]
A very old legend tells of two members of a student society. The two knights, Lassak and Simo, famous for their battles with the angry amazons of The Dean's Office in the Kingdom of Cracow Technical University (Politechnika Krakowska), survivors of the endless September Campaigns, they are believed to be still engaged in a relentless struggle for their Master's Degrees.
Other legends include that of the Infamous Giant Talking Frog of Rumia. Rumia is a small village in northern Poland, situated about halfway between Hell and some other town situated twice as far from Hell as Rumia. In Rumia, there is a small, shallow and muddy lake. The Lake is the home of Infamous Giant Talking Frog of Rumia. Once every thousand years, the Frog emerges from the lake. Once it has sat on the sands of the lake's shore, it looks to the left, it looks to the right... and then, it speaks! And do you know what it says? ............. "You can all kiss my ass!"
Economy[edit | edit source]
Currency[edit | edit source]
The national currency of Poland is the litre (litr). It is produced in denominations of 100mL, 200mL, 355mL, 500mL, 1L and 0,7L. Unlike most other countries, polish money is not minted from metal or printed on paper, but rather is distributed in the form of the transparent liquid, described below. An exchange rate of roughly 8 euros for 1 litre is typically available. Litres are produced by many privately licensed foundries which are owned and strictly controlled by the aristocracy. Counterfeiting is rampant (particularly outside the major cities and in student dormitories) in Poland since litres can be distilled from rain or illegally drawn from rivers.
The Polish government enforces a strict set of rules to restrict what can be served as money to the general public. Due to these regulations, the almost only money that is actually available to the public is wudzia (though underground cells opposed to government oppression distribute a much better transparent liquid called wudka or sometimes spiryt). The process of producing wudzia is a secret that is tightly kept by the government (the sole producer of the liquid), but international spies suggest that the liquid is distilled through the tentacles of Wawelski dragon through a process of reverse osmosis.
Lately, a new currency appeared here, thanks to threats and bribes from European Union. People of Poland drinks more and more wines, produced out of cheap grape sos and calcium. They have often very smart and very well thought names, which often sound exclusive like:
- "Wino" (Wine)
- "Etanol" (Ethanol)
- "Metanol" (Methanol)
- "Denaturat" (Denatured alcohol)
The Poles are very proud of their money. They can often be found discussing which foundries produce the best money for hours without end. Some polish people will even engage in consuming money in public.
At one point, Poland used "zloty" (slot machines) as currency. Since zloty in casinos are as big as the stones of Yap, this was inconvenient, so the currency had to be changed.
Industry[edit | edit source]
Polish toliet taps are main source of beer, yellow dye and sediment rock, major export products of Poland.
The most famous polish company is Great Wall Investment owned by ultracatholic Jerzy Urban which sell over the world plastic models of walls and speciallizes also in publishing of Bible in 1001 versions, adapting this famous comic to all ultracatholic sects in the universe. For example: Green Bible, Bible of the Laden, Bible Original ver. corrected or Bible for Animals - ver. acustic.
The Polish workingclass[edit | edit source]
Poland is also regarded as Europe's Mexico, which means that hordes of polish emigrants venture out to far corners of Europe. They work their ass off for nothing less than half of the minimum-wage, blindingly spreading their disease of wodzia, Lada Powah and more or less suspicious activities, involving their female relatives, for making some extra cash. You can easily pick out a "polish-occupied" camping-site by the abnormally amount of Lada's, empty wudzia bottles and general trash.
A popular leisure-time pursuit in Poland is the game of hide and seek. An average Pole spends 60 years of their life doing it, most of the time under the sinks of English Restaurants. One of the most popular hiding places in Poland is in the back of a truck. Most of the hiders take several months to be found, but it's very rarely the Polish seeker who does so. The British Border and Immigration Agency are somewhat more skilled in the art of seeking, but not at the art of counting. Once found, the Pole is then paid by the government to seek.
Polish workers are proud craftsmen. They pick strawberries like no one, and polish painters can do without any kind of ventilation. Polish construction-workers require no heating nor lighting. This is because our dearly beloved Polish stand-up hardworking, sodomizing and godfearing craftsmen keep themselves warm with insane amounts of wudzia. And since they also show a total ignorance for working safety, this often leads to explosions and wildfire, which in it's turn nullifies the need for light.
In the long run this keeps the flow of Polish workers steady. We both can meet new incarnations of these infamous creatures and get the opportunity to engage in explicit activities with their female relatives.
Other[edit | edit source]
Polish emigrants abroad in the USA are well known in the floor-care industry. This is generally attributed to a fortuitous event in 1979 when Jerzy Krosiński answered a classified ad looking for "men to polish floors."
The Roland Situation[edit | edit source]
To their horror, scientists discoverd in 2006 that the word "Roland", is dangerously close to the word "Poland", with just one stroke in the difference. What makes this alphabetical situation "dangerous" is that if Roland is misspelled as Poland or the other way around, the whole time-space continuum will fall apart and all matter will disintegrate. This adds further to Poland's problems following the discovery of the Indonesia Situation in 2005.
Physical attributes[edit | edit source]
The Polish typically have a lack of coordination. This is often exhibited simply by the way they walk, but is highlighted whenever they participate in physical activity.
Polish soccer players are renowned for their soccer abilities, simply because their erratic motions confuse their opponents (and unforunately often their own team mates). The result is that once a Polish player receives the ball, all others on the field immediately clear off in fear; the erratic leg-flailing of Pole with possession strikes a chord of fear into the opponents. The fear of bodily harm comes from a trick learned from the National Guatemalan team, which come onto the soccer pitch running like they are running from immigration officials, causing all white players to start crying out of confusion.
Language[edit | edit source]
The Polish language is an international oddity. As one American of polish descent says "Polish has too many fucking consonants!" It has only one phonetic unit to represent all 50 letters of their alphabet. This sound has been described by linguists as the sound made by a caribou as it is being devoured by a hungry lion in a dry bush. To date there is only one person on Earth who can properly speak the complex Polish language. In a cruel twist of irony, she is deaf and mute. She was recently the subject of a Time Magazine cover story in which she advocated switching to the Cyrillic alphabet to write Polish. Her exact quote from the article was: "what the hell... nobody can read this stuff, anyway.".
Simple examples[edit | edit source]
- W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie i Szczebrzeszyn z tego słynie.
- Żółte żaby żałośliwie żalą się żółwiowi, że żółtodzioby żuraw z Żywca zamiast żyta żaby żre.
- Stół z powyłamywanymi nogami.
- Król Karol kupił Królowej Karolinie korale koloru koralowego.
- Wyindywidualizowałem się z rozentuzjazmowanego tłumu.
- Szedł Sasza suchą szosą, suszył sobie spodnie.
- Wyrewolwerowany rewolwerowiec.
- Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.. Oh wait, that's an even worse language than Polish.
You can put in and out your eyeballs with spoon now.
National Greetings[edit | edit source]

- Ty chuju jebany. (pronounced: tea who-you yeah-bunny, meaning: Good morning.)
- Skocz mi, ty chuju. (pronounced: scotch me tea who-you, meaning: Good afternon.)
- Chuj ci w dupę (pronounced: whoy tchea v doope, meaning: You look very good)
- HWDP (for police, pronounced: hah voo de pe, meaning: to serve and protect)
- Ty stara cipo! (only to ladies, pronounced tea stara chipo meaning You look so lovely today.)
- Wypierdalaj! (pronounced: vy-peer-thala-y, meaning: Could you possibly leave this place?)
- Ty skurwysynu! (only to guys, pronouced: tea skoor-vee-seenoo, meaning: You are my best friend!)
- Pies cię jebał. (only to dogs, pronounced: peace see-e yee-bow, meaning: My dog likes you.)
- Chuj ci w zęby. (pronounced: whou tchea v zen-bee, meaning: Bon appetit!)
- Kurwa! (pronounced: koorvah, meaning: , [coma])
- Co narobiłeś, baranie. (pronounced: czo naa-robeyesh baraneeh, meaning: I appreciate what you have done.)
- Pierdolić... (pronounced: peer-doll-isch meaning: I agree with you. Really!)
- Ni chuja. (pronounced: nee whou-ya meaning: Yes I'll do what you want.)
- Przypierdolę ci. (pronounced: pshy-peer-dolle-e tshi meaning: I take care of you)`
- Czego, kurwa? (pronounced: che-goh koorvah, meaning What do you want?)
- Morda, psie. (pronounced: moardah ps-ie, meaning Could you stop talking to me?)
- Co ty kurwa pierdolisz?! (pronouced: czo tea koorvah peer-doll-isch..?!, meaning: Excuse me, what are you talking about?)
Grammar[edit | edit source]
All books about Polish grammar are banned and on Inquisition Index because of mass cases of insanity, eye-gouging and vomits on precious bookstories floors. It's saying that original language of Cthulhu (from: Cho, ciulu, meaning C'mon, unclefucker) was Polish, and R'yleh originally was written as "ryło" (phiz), but believers had problems with polish national characters.
Polish Alphabet[edit | edit source]
A Ą B C Ć D E Ę F G H I J K L Ł M N Ń O Ó P R S Ś T U V W Y Z Ż Ź Ƶ Ž Ȥ Z̄ Z͆ Z̪ Z͌ Z͛ Z̊ Z͒ Z͚ Z̾ Z͙ Ẑ Z̀ Z̼ Z̰ Z̧ Z͖
People Who Have Not Forgotten Poland[edit | edit source]

- Adolf Hitler
- Joseph Stalin
- George Bush
- Ronald McDonald
- Donald and Duck (during their fight for polish throne)
- All
People of Poland (note: they are not famous)[edit | edit source]
- Kaczyński (alias Kaczor), ruler of Poland
- Shaquille O'Neal, Polish Jedi Master
- Werner von Braun, mad scientist

- Roman Giertych, politician
- Grzegorz Rasiak, greatest soccer player
- Jerzy Dudek, other soccer player
- Andrzej Lepper, politician
- Seweryn Gancarczyk, professional retard
- Father Director Teddy Rydzyk, religious leader
- Lech Wałęsa, ex-ex-expresident
- Stefan Żeromski, writer
- Miś Uszatek, polish invention that went so wrong
- Andrew Golota, UFC fighter, who never won a fight
Polish contributions to the World[edit | edit source]
Poland's main contribution to the world is that it happens to be a big flat place right in the middle of Europe, just perfect for having wars on. Other contributions include:
- vodka
- alcohol
- Conservatroll
- Nasz Dziennik
- Radio Maryja
- John Paul 2.0
- Polish Inquisition
- The Vietnam War
- Trollee
- Polish People
- Strippers
Famous Poles[edit | edit source]
- 1.
- 2.
skip a few...
- 99.
- 100.
Interesting details[edit | edit source]
- Polish people love fractals (shows it on flag).
See also[edit | edit source]