Republic of Perú Republic of Lima and Other Unknown Territories Perú | |||||
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Motto: "Disculpa, No Hay" | |||||
Anthem: Pollada´s sorrow, El especial del Humor opening song, El pio pio | |||||
![]() | |||||
Capital | Limes | ||||
Largest city | For beer | ||||
Demonym | Mexican | ||||
Official language(s) | Spanish, Spanglish, Ah Yungayish, Conchatumarish and Japanese (briefly in the 1990s) | ||||
Government | Inca, Patriarcal | ||||
National Hero(es) | Jaime Bayly, Seleccion de Futbol, Ceviche, Super Cholo | ||||
Currency | The Luca (AKA Lucrecia or Solano) | ||||
Religion | Potatoism, Adoration of the Sun, surf, football and Alan García |
“Worry you must not, lend you I will.”
“Tócame que soy realidad”
“Yo soy el chucha acá”
“Oe, si pes, es que manyas, que puta si pes, ¿manyas? Y puta, esa webada salió y, chucha, si pes.”
Perú is a cheerful, peace-loving nation located in a jolly barrio that was formerly part of Ibero-America. It has never had any conflicts with any of its neighbors, Colombia, Ecuador, and the magical twin brothers, Chile and Bolivia; and surely not with gigantic Brazil.
Toponym[edit | edit source]
Perú was named by the Incas of Guajira Peninsula in Colombia, who were governed by the Chinchas. They were Chincha Alta and Chincha Baja (High and Low Chincha), sort of the predecessors of Laurel and Hardy.
Later, when invaders drew their swords and politely asked the Chinchas where they could find gold and silver, the Chinchas wisely said there wasn't any in Colombia but there was an awful lot of it several miles south, in a place called Piru, which was by a river called Viru. The Chinchas didn't know any Piru or Viru; they just made that nonsense up to get the greedy invaders to invade something else.
Years later, the city of Piru was identified as Macchu Picchu. The River Viru must have been the Ucayali, probably. The whole Incan Empire was seen to be this one land of Perú that the invaders sought so desperately. And the basis for Peruvian commerce was established: Eagerness to provide detailed information to the stranger, coupled with complete disregard for whether the information is true.
History[edit | edit source]
In the beginning[edit | edit source]
In the beginning, fire was discovered by Matchsticci Viracocha ("Fósforo" Viracocha in the ancient Peruvian language), after whom the Sun was named.
Bigots say Macchu Picchu was built by aliens because they don't think Native Americans could ever build such a monumental, luxurious city. This is how all these silly theories on the Incas being descendants from space aliens began. If this were true, it would be the Protoss.
The Incas started their (kinda short-lived) rule in a territory filled with anything one could wish for: gold, silver, bronze, adamantium, platinum, steel, molybdenum, and lots and lots of other metals, and seriously weird animals (though they mistook Pikachus and named them Vizcachas). From this wealthy condition, the successors of Pacha Cutie-Pie (Tupac One Inca, Tupac Two Inca, Tupac Two Million Inti, and Juaña Capac) gradually took over all Perú and expanded their rule from Southwest Colombia to Central Chile and from the Pacific Ocean to the borders of the Great Chaco--until something evil arrived.
Sliced and diced[edit | edit source]
When Huayna Capac was writing his Will, he decided the Inca Empire was so large and wealthy it should be divided between his two sons Atahualpa and Huáscar. The Northern half, with its capital in Quito, was left for Atahualpa, and the Southern half, with its capital in Macchu-Picchu, was left for Huáscar. However, soon after Huayna Capac's death, greedy Atahualpa killed his own brother and his nephews and took everything for himself.
The High Priest of Viracocha announced that this treachery would bring a terrible curse on the Incas and Perú. Indeed, just a few years later, while the ancient Peruvians were squabbling over the exact boundary, huge Galleons appeared from over the horizon, carrying rape, murder, slavery, new diseases, and finally, Catholicism.
After mere centuries of occupation, Spain was defeated by Toledo Skywalker. Then, setting the fashion that many future Peruvian leaders would follow when things get hot, he just ran off to Europe. Peruvians got a chance to replace the Spaniards' murder, tyranny, and strife with stuff they could call their own.
Pisco War[edit | edit source]
The Pisco War was not about sour cocktails. It is also called the Pacific War, but it wasn't peaceful either. Rather, two brother countries fought just over the tips that Dad left them. Chile won that war only because Bolivia (Perú's initial ally) went crying to Mom. Perú brought a tank (the Flavio Maestri model),[1] and also a little boat that defeated most of the cabros, as Chileans are known. But ultimately, the bloody Chileans defeated the little boat and kept it since they had nothing else to be proud of. If you want to see this war trophy and you travel to Peruvian...sorry, it's now in Chile--you can still hear the sailors chant: "¡Porompompom! ¡Porompompom! ¡El que no salta es un chileno maricón! ¡Porompompom! ¡Porompompom!"[2]
Recent years[edit | edit source]
Perú is the only country where a woman can get elected to Congress just by flashing her butt with her ballot number painted on it. Peruvian presidents have not just manipulated the constitution, they have asked it out, slipped it a roofie,[3] and raped it. The latest Peruvian presidents have been:
1) Alberto Fujimori (called "The Last Samurai," mostly by himself). He became famous with his slogan Yuca Pa' Tí. "Yuca for you." Yuca would be the tasty cassava root, of which there was never a shortage anywhere in Perú. But voters did not realize that the root would wind up shoved up their asses. Fujimori quickly routed the Sendero Luminoso terrorists, much as your new security guard catches a burglar on his first night at work (which turns out to be the brother he paid to play the role). Fujimori finished cleaning up the country--to prepare for its sale to his cronies. A shiny new constitution provided for a single presidential term. Plus a brand new legislature that voted that the single presidential term obviously didn't apply to the President. (This law was called Authentic Interpretation.) When "personal consultant" Vladimir Montesinos put his treachery on videotape, Fujimori resigned--by sending a fax--and moved to Japan, not because he is from Japan, but because of the difficulty of extradition.
2) But difficult doesn't mean impossible, and Fuji was succeeded by the caretaker president Paniagua, whose name (bread-and-water) is actually more apt for Fuji, now rotting in a small jail in the sierra for 25 31 years.[4] However, lest you think justice prevails in Perú--
“Soy un cholo gitano que va trotando por el mundo ("I am a gypsy highlander jogging around the world")”
3) Toledo Skywalker XXVII de Karp (self-proclaimed last surviving Inca of the empire and first Peruvian indigenous president). Famous for having children outside marriage, marrying a Belgian red-headed trans-sexual, making his shaman (witch doctor) the ambassador to Nicaragua, and placing his numerous family in strategic positions (like 69).
4) Alan García, a man who doesn’t know that 2+2 is 4. García was President once before; the government took over everything and sucked so much value out that he had to create a new currency worth 1000 of the old one. And then do it again, so 2+2 was indeed not 4; 4 billion was 4.[5] He fled to live in Paris, then came back to say I'm sorry--and Peruvians elected him again. That Peruvians forget the political betrayals of the 1980s is not surprising, as they often forget those of the last week.
5) Ollanta Humala He vaulted to power on the inspiring slogan, "My name is not Fujimori." On the unstated corollary--that he is also not Hugo Chávez--the jury is still out.
6) Pedro Pablo Kuczynski is more a "lame huevos" (suck dicks), everyone knows that this guy is in favor of the expansionist United States (cause he is actualy north american). Famous for being kicked from presidence.
7) Martín Vizcarra the presidential version of McLovin. He was also kicked by the Congress, because they didn't liked his glasses.
8) Manuel Merino No.
9) Francisco Sagasti (the current president) refer to Colonel Sandders.
Modern Perú[edit | edit source]
The national territory[edit | edit source]
As the map (left) shows, the Viceroyalty of Perú used to comprise all of Spanish South America. That ancient land relates to the modern-day Republic of Perú (right) in about the same way as that party-size pizza you ordered relates to what you will have left over, once the neighbors find out you are having a pollada (a block party with free food) and come to visit.
The territorial extent of Perú is a touchy issue with Peruvians, although they will tell you that size does not matter. The border on all sides has been the subject of squabbles and wars, and is currently set by a treaty arbitrated by Guarantor Nations: Narnia, Atlantis, Vulcan, and The Shire. The border remains fluid, as neighboring countries admire Perú in all things, except perhaps prowess at war. Arica is an example of a fine Peruvian city you can visit by vacationing in Chile.
President Fujimori angered his constituents when he transferred a symbolic one-square-kilometer stretch of jungle to Ecuador.[6] Lugging a cast-iron tub to the disputed territory, and taking a bath for the cameras, formalized the deal and promised a new era of cross-border commerce in plumbing fixtures. Fuji also gave Bolivia 403 acres in Ilo with frontage on the Pacific Ocean. What a guy. "Boliviamar" is now one of Perú's more picturesque vacant lots. Bolivia still wants a sovereign corridor to the ocean. (Hint: Don't lose the next war.) And Ecuador, for some reason, still wants a corridor to the Amazon. Perú has the only corridor it wants--direct flights to Miami and L.A.
The border with Bolivia runs across Lake Titicaca, the world's highest navigable lake. "But we got the titi, and they got the caca."
The language barrier[edit | edit source]
“Oh Ricky, you're so fine, you're so fine you blow my mind”
The immigration form you fill out before your plane lands is the first hint you are going where enthusiasm about English runs way ahead of ability. The form reminds you that sneaking in a laptop will be viewed "smuggly." (In fact, you can declare it, but failure to take it out when you leave--or having it get stolen--requires you to pay customs officials its full price, as determined by them. You can negotiate...but your plane is getting ready to leave.) The spotty command of English is again evident in the shopping centers of Lima: You will hear pop music never played back home because the lyrics are too stupid. But they don't know that. Perú is a Top-40 Jukebox from Hell.
The Maginot Line on this language barrier is the Peruvian dialect of Spanish. As Eskimos have dozens of words for snow, Peruvians have a variety of choices when talking about getting drunk and defecating. Peruvian Spanish includes several national obscenities that sound just like ordinary words in non-Peruvian Spanish. This lets Peruvians amuse themselves by tripping up tourists.
The money[edit | edit source]

The currency is the nuevo sol (new sun), invented in García's first presidency. That would be 1 billion old suns, the currency when García came onto the scene. Surprising no one more than himself, it held pretty steady at about 3 to the dollar through his entire curtain call in the Presidency. However, no one trusts this to last, and anything as big as a refrigerator or requiring time payments is priced in dollars. The "tributary unit" for government fines is expressed in the local money; it's just constantly adjusted to be some number of dollars. Likewise the going rate for a hooker.
To exchange dollars, just go to San Isidro and look for a man holding up a calculator. (A government official denied that Perú was in recession; he saw calculator vendors on every corner.)
Ten nuevos soles is written S/.10--You can think of that as a percent sign, where someone stole the circles and left a rock in place of one of them.
Cuisine[edit | edit source]
“El ají pica dos veces”

Perú is a place where bologna and saltines are thought of as foreign delicacies. The national dish is ceviche, and if yours arrives cold, do not send it back; the only problem is your expectation. Peruvian cuisine features a variety of sauces, which are essentially different flavors of mayonnaise, to dip stuff in. Some sauces are thickened by crumbling up Ritz crackers in them.
If your order comes with what looks like a tomato or carrot garnish, discreetly lift it off and set it aside, or you will be sorry late tomorrow.
And chicha morada is a thing that, like sausages and legislation, you may enjoy but don't want to watch being made. In fact, you might want to learn how your batch was made before you enjoy it at all.
Peruvians are fiercely proud to drink Inca Kola, instead of Coke and Pepsi, those tokens of North American beverage imperialism. They are blissfully unaware that the business was sold to Coca-Cola in 1999 (though bottling in Perú has returned to Peruvian hands).
The myth that Perú is part of Brazil[edit | edit source]
Perú is small, but in fact it is more than just a region of gigantic Brazil. In Brazil they speak Portuguese, and they have Ronaldiños and Peles. Peruvians speak Spanish (ignoring Portuguese-like persons named "Leao" or "Mariño") and have Chumpitazes and Nenes (which are arguably as good).
Both nations have happy jungles (from cocaine and marijuana production), happy coasts (from consumption of the same), and short, whimsical names for things. However, while Brazil has won the World Cup 5 times, Perú has gotten to go to the World Cup about 5 times. While Brazil only has wild parties and other hidden secrets as its international attraction, Perú has old buildings, old cities, old customs, and other old (and usually stupid) things that tourists somehow pay to see. Finally, Brazilians don't drink as much as Peruvians do. Brazilians love the idea that they have a Peruvian at their backs.
Regions[edit | edit source]
Perú has lots of big, long, thick, bushy trees in the jungle, and very deep craters in the mountains.
Cities[edit | edit source]
People live in boxes of orange bricks or in mud houses. Their diet consists mainly of corn, llama cheese, potatoes, Cheetos,Inka cola, and cuy (guinea pig), which may be deep-fried, roasted, or sauteed.
Lima[edit | edit source]
Lima is the capital and ONLY city of Perú. Lima is a city filled with garbage, with polladas (crowded neighborhood parties), good cheap cocaine, and labor strikes over anything. widely known as the birth place of nobel prize winner of sience Jorge Gonzales.
Arequipa[edit | edit source]
This large city in the Southwest is also called "the White City." This can mean only two things: Gringos and guano. Both have accumulated on the main plaza and most of the churches. The only thing Arequipeños love more than spicy food, and of course themselves, is arguing into the night with anyone over anything.
Cuzco[edit | edit source]
If you are a tourist and want to tell all your friends at home you have been to Perú, or show them slides of your trip, you had better visit El Cuzco because that is what they all think Perú is. If you showed them a slide of, say Polvos Azules, they might ask if your plane was forced to land in Mexico City instead.
Chiclayo[edit | edit source]
Chiclayans live in pyramids made of clay and straw. These "recyclable" houses have to be rebuilt following every year with a strong El Niño weather pattern. In these years, Chiclayo becomes known as "Perú's island paradise" because intermittent lakes in the desert flood the Panamerican Highway in both directions. The residents are friendly, but they have to be, because there is so often no way out.
Trujillo[edit | edit source]
Trujillo is called the "Spring City"--even though its weather is wintry--and Perú's Second City (conveniently ignoring Arequipa) because it wants to be another Lima. But it remains Lima's younger sister. (Who is the mother? Don't be stupid!) Trujillo has a lot of good places, like Huanchaco, a nearby beach where fishermen surf. Their principal catch is some of the many white chicks on the beach.
Cochabamba[edit | edit source]
Cochabamba is not in Perú. It is in Bolivia. But Coche-bomba (car-bomb) has been in several places in Perú. This is why friendly Mr. Serenazgo will be searching the trunk of your car when you enter the supermarket parking lot.
Chincha is a place like a couple of blocks away from Ica, where is Ica? I dont really know, widely known as a civilised place filled with smart people and a lot of money in the middle of nowhere, thanks to chinchan people's ability to have a lot of children there is a childrens only private hospital but no other place to go if you catch the clap, the roads are wide and routinely mantained by the dictator Vizcarra, the local police department really enjoy watching local street races in combis whille they stare because they can't do anything.
La Planicie
''I'm a VIP and I deserve to live arround people just like myself, rich and divorced''
-Local resident
This is it, the place where the 1% the 1% of peruvians live, separated form the ''diversity'' of the main city, because of the importance of people living there, and racism, this place is closed to the normal poor Peruvian, only rich and blonde people with fake american accents live here, everyone has a huge mansion and a olympic size swimming pool, people in here are not welcoming to other races or poor people (aka the rest 99% of the country), the only poor people you will see here are maids or the gate keeper, the tradicional food of this place is really small food in huge plates and a lot of blue cheese, there are no restaurants or other fun places in here because everyone has a personal chef or they have a porscha 911 to drive to other wealthy places to eat.
Eastern regions[edit | edit source]
Peruvians who live away from the coast speak in God-awful dialects. This might be caused by consuming monkey, turtle, alligator, or by drinking chicha.
The Andes[edit | edit source]
White people call the Andes "the mountains," delicate white people call them "the highlands," and Peruvians call it the sierra. Picturesque, steep slopes rise above villages and the national highways. Except twice a month, when one of them becomes a gentle slope covering villages and the national highways. The townspeople gather at the site of these huaycos to talk about them, vehicle traffic backs up beyond sight and no one knows why, and everyone waits three days for the steam-shovels to come up from Lima. Happily, these disruptions do not affect the economic statistics of the region, this is where all of the potatos with different colours are planted, no they are not rotten form the inside, they are a diferent breed of potato that gives you a massive penis size.
Jungle[edit | edit source]
The jungle beyond the Andes is the enigmatic selva. The typical occupation is waiting for lunch to fall out of trees. The selváticos bring the same high level of energy to their employment. If a city-dweller calls you a selvático even though you don't live in the selva, relax; it is merely an insult.
Outside[edit | edit source]
You can find Peruvians not just in Perú but in "enclaves" in every other country. Expatriate Peruvians keep busy by touting the benefits of living in Perú, as though there were no reason for them to have left; keeping current on Peruvian news, and voting both in Perú and in their adopted countries.
Peruvians living in the United States reminisce about Perú while behind the wheel. They like to pretend they are back in a place where there are no lanes marked on the pavement, and where shaking your hand out your window before you cut someone off is the mark of a gentleman.
Peru[edit | edit source]
Not the city, idiot!
See also[edit | edit source]
Footnotes[edit | edit source]
- ↑ This is an inside joke, as "The Tank" is this soccer player's nickname.
- ↑ The historic chant is still in use as the rousing call-to-battle of the Peruvian Navy: "Jump out now or you are a Chilean faggot!"
- ↑ This is a high-tech Mickey Finn.
- ↑ Stay tuned! The criminal charges keep being filed!
- ↑ The arithmetic is correct, as the second devaluation was 1 million to one. Together, 1000 million (1 billion to South Americans) to 1.
- ↑ Readers in the USA would have to imagine an North American president selling out his country to curry favor with foreign--Oh, I see I'm touching a nerve.