UnNews:Brits get their ass kicked

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Sunday, July 14, 2024

Imagine that the person pictured here is an English gentleman.

After the United States have been struck with shocking news that former president Trump got shoot (but not killed); the English have recieved big news that has shaked their country. And that's because England just got their ass kicked at their own game, football- no, not that football, I mean actual football. We're speaking about the finale of this year's UEFA European Football Championship, which the English were very sure they were going to win- but didn't.

Meanwhile, the rest of Europe rejoices that England didn't get to win the match; specially years after the whole brexit incident. This view is best explained by an anonymous footbal hooligan, who comments:

What's more insulting to the English people is that they lost to none other than Spain, the same people famous for having a nap for eight hour straight -or, as they call it, a siesta-, and their "Let Someone Else Do It" philosophy. In honor of the new winners, the rest of the article will be written in Spanish language:

¡Chupadme la polla putos ingleses! ¡La selección española os ha pateado el culo en vuestro propio juego! ¡Que os jodan a vosotros y a vuestro puto rey asmático! ¡Viva España, cojones! ¡Olé! 🇪🇸🇪🇸🇪🇸

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