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This article documents a current event. Misinformation may change rapidly. Use frequent updates to ensure that it remains as uninformed and unhelpful as possible. |
UnNews. Slamming the wasps from the pure apple of truth.
This category has the following 48 subcategories, out of 48 total.
- Anniversaries (5 P)
- Barack Obama Sex Scandal (6 P, 2 F)
- Bush UnNews (177 P)
- FA UnNews (309 P)
- Hollywood on strike (18 P, 2 F)
- June 22nd 2021 (1 P)
- Pregnancy UnNews (14 P)
- Stephen Harper UnNews (11 P)
- UnNews by region (54 P)
- UnNews Comics (111 F)
- UnNews Religion (35 P)
- UnNews Staff users (70 P)
- UnNews Sunday Magazine (7 P)
- UnNews UnToon (9 F)
- UnNews:Alected (5 P)
- UnNewsVideo (11 P)
- Untoons (23 P)
Pages in category "UnNews"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 9,992 total.
(previous page) (next page)'
- UnNews:'09 vintage Qatar marijuana shows promise
- UnNews:'Alien bollocks' spotted on Mars
- UnNews:'All your base' declared dead
- UnNews:'Atlantis' found on ocean floor
- UnNews:'Bugger that for a joke,' says Australian soldier
- UnNews:'E.T.s visited ancient Earth' proof discovered
- UnNews:'Ethical' Metroid lines created
- UnNews:'Falling in love' to be included in UK 'Legal High' ban
- UnNews:'Final Countdown' hitmakers want to tackle fake news
- UnNews:'Gang spotter guide' for parents
- UnNews:'Grandpa Munster' Al Lewis undead at 95
- UnNews:'Happy Holidays' scrawled on Christmas tree display
- UnNews:'I Slept With My Mobile Phone'; woman, 14
- UnNews:'Kids should be allowed to smoke' says Governor Schwarzenegger
- UnNews:'Late Show' throws David Letterman in dumpster
- UnNews:'Lolita' bed for girls withdrawn
- UnNews:'Men are from Mars and women are from Venus' theory proved
- UnNews:'Niggers will steal our watermelons,' Australian government warns
- UnNews:'No opt-out' on gays for Catholic church
- UnNews:'Overwhelming high' leads to world-record drug bust
- UnNews:'Physical Cliff': the name that's sweeping the stripper industry
- UnNews:'Radicalisation risk' at six Christian private schools, says Ofsted
- UnNews:'Sexist' offices force men to wear leather thongs to work
- UnNews:'Smart Only' debating site sparks outrage by dumping 30 deemed too stupid
- UnNews:'So, are you wearing any panties today?' And other questions you CAN'T ask job applicants any more
- UnNews:'Spider-Man' Broadway show opens without a hitch; closes while on top
- UnNews:'Star Wars' creator sues lightsaber manufacturer in China
- UnNews:'Sturdy Desk' for sale
- UnNews:'Sunday Papers Podcast' Host Greg Fitzsimmons' Sex Tape Becomes Highest-Rated Film in India
- UnNews:'Tedward' remembered by Caroline Kennedy
- UnNews:'The gays have got me... I don't feel very well': Farmer's last phone call to brother after he was seduced by a gay.
- UnNews:'This Might Be Giant,' say Lincoln Police
- UnNews:'Was Gatsby really great?' asks ninth grader
- UnNews:'We're fed up with the ugly prostitutes,' say asylum seekers trying to break OUT of Britain
- UnNews:'Worlds Greatest Dad" charged with selling tot for a six pack
- UnNews:'Year After' pill approved for wider sales
- UnNews:'Zombies' have free speech rights too, US court rules
- UnNews:"30 Rock" cast member arrested for DUI, Michael Richards calls him a nigger
- UnNews:"About Town" Jan. 9th-16th., 2010
- UnNews:"Ace of Bass" mistakenly invited to emcee charity gig
- UnNews:"Administrative Error" leads to full scale invasion of Tie Rack
- UnNews:"Airbags must be filled with nails", Think! says
- UnNews:"All Narcissists Look In A Mirror Day" celebrated
- UnNews:"America is Mine" declares Bush
- UnNews:"Bird watcher" photographs ghost whilst watching a pair of Tits
- UnNews:"Breastaurants" share their secrets of success
- UnNews:"Bungee Saddam" wins 2006 Political Ad Of The Year
- UnNews:"Calls to Cornwall need to be justified", says Brown
- UnNews:"Cash for Clunkers" to end Monday, American car companies overjoyed
- UnNews:"Chemical Ali" sentenced to death; sons vow revenge, anger, denial, celibacy and all those good stuff
- UnNews:"Church" of Scientology award nominations
- UnNews:"COVID-23" said to spread throughout American airspace
- UnNews:"Crunchberries" Aren't Real Berries; Cap'n Crunch Arrested
- UnNews:"Don't worry, you'll meet somebody," says girl
- UnNews:"Donkey Kong told me to": Man robs bananas from supermarket
- UnNews:"Drunkest City" Milwaukee arrested in bar fight with Chicago
- UnNews:"Emma Roberts is not Nancy Drew," protesters say
- UnNews:"Ernest Goes to Haiti" to be released in theatres this week
- UnNews:"Explosive" new book set to kill millions
- UnNews:"Fair dinkum" for Aussie migrants
- UnNews:"Feck" deemed non-offensive
- UnNews:"Fiddy" Cent in "redneck" row
- UnNews:"Flatulent" Fumes Kill On Camping Trip
- UnNews:"Fray at Gitmo Bay" Boxing Match Declared A Huge Success
- UnNews:"Fuck" is the new TV show title style
- UnNews:"Gay" doesn't mean what Internet thinks it means
- UnNews:"Genetic" disorders shown to be the fault of the baby
- UnNews:"Googling" Could Replace 4 Years Of Med School
- UnNews:"Great white shark" is actually a red herring
- UnNews:"Green Zone" shocks the nation
- UnNews:"Ha! NERNER-NER-NERNER you didn't win" - F1 ace Alonso revels in failure of plucky Brit Hamilton
- UnNews:"Halloween 2: H2" trailer debuts on Uncyclopedia, Daeg Faerch superimposed, and more!
- UnNews:"Halloween II" Blu Ray and DVD announced; Rob Zombie retires
- UnNews:"Halloween" series to reboot after "Final Destination" victory
- UnNews:"Harry Potter" sidekick infected with Swine flu, no magical cure however
- UnNews:"Henry Stickmin Completing the Mission!" City attacked by Stickman
- UnNews:"Here comes the aeroplane" baby-feeding technique made illegal by Congress
- UnNews:"Hold your dork for Zork" competition clears up last of gamer infestation
- UnNews:"Hungry Hungry Hippos" celebrates anniversary
- UnNews:"I did not refuse to come on as sub, I just didn't want to play football", claims Tevez
- UnNews:"I have his stripey ass in a sling":Pippi Longstocking celebrates her divorce from fallen golf hero Tigger Woods
- UnNews:"I Let Falco Out Of Hell!": Billy Mays Reveals All
- UnNews:"I love democracy" declares Palpatine
- UnNews:"I love rape" declares George Bush
- UnNews:"If Glenn Beck had done it" to be released
- UnNews:"In God We Trust" removed from U.S. coins; new coins to say "Fuck God"
- UnNews:"Ipswich Ripper - The Musical" outrages the media
- UnNews:"Iraq causes headaches," says US troops
- UnNews:"ITS NOT FAIR, I'M THE BEST, NOT HIM" - F1 'ace' Alonso acedes defeat gracefully
- UnNews:"Japanophiles" incensed by Japan's anti-obesity campaign
- UnNews:"Je ne sais pas", admits Frenchman
- UnNews:"Jesus vs. Palpatine" debate rages over Internet
- UnNews:"Kirby ate my Grandma" City invaded by pink thing
- UnNews:"Lack of heat causes cold weather" Says Weatherman
- UnNews:"Lack of oxygen causes death," says Coroner.
- UnNews:"Leprechaun" remake in the works
- UnNews:"Live Earth" gigs cancelled to prevent Global Warming
- UnNews:"Lost" producers announce new exit strategy
- UnNews:"Lost" writers in talks about ending
- UnNews:"Low Food" Diet takes nation by storm
- UnNews:"Maddie story still alive" say police
- UnNews:"Man on a Ledge" Movie Influences Child
- UnNews:"Mr. Peanut" speaks in new ad campaign
- UnNews:"New Years" Resolution Voted Down
- UnNews:"Newspaper's are always right," announces Bush
- UnNews:"No Pants Day" violence rocks Atlanta
- UnNews:"No such thing as swine flu" admits Aussie PM
- UnNews:"No tag-backs," declares Libya
- UnNews:"Nobody Believes I'm Lord Lucan!"
- UnNews:"Oh Hell Nah!", says wife of Sen. Barack Obama
- UnNews:"One hu-man at a time" scheme dropped in favour of new stealth vehicle
- UnNews:"One Nation" rally offers the antidote to a tea party
- UnNews:"Pineapples of Wrath"?
- UnNews:"Plagiarists make my life living hell" says Mozart girl
- UnNews:"Posh Spice" snubbed by Chanelle "out of Big Brother"
- UnNews:"Pushing Daisies" to simulcast on all four major networks in order to block Obama ad
- UnNews:"Rat Pack" leader Frank Sinatra dead at 89
- UnNews:"Reality TV is Not a Proper News Story" Shocker
- UnNews:"Runaway General" McChrystal found and returned home
- UnNews:"Sarnia" leads at box office
- UnNews:"Saw VI" got a G-rating by the MPAA
- UnNews:"Sexter" abused, possibly raped
- UnNews:"Shooting only answer" says Education Minister
- UnNews:"So brave" Community Support Officers hide behind a tree and "take notes" as man is butchered to death
- UnNews:"Spoiled Children's Fund" forms to help rich.
- UnNews:"Star Wars" director Robert Altman dies at 81
- UnNews:"Starve the Beast", Trump says
- UnNews:"Stingray" skate skates at ray-sting arraignment
- UnNews:"Straight fairytales" anger Islington residents
- UnNews:"Submit your immortal soul to me by Friday or I'll see you in court", Heather tells Macca
- UnNews:"Suddenly French Resistance" destroys net censorship
- UnNews:"The Unexpected" hits family
- UnNews:"Think" Graffiti Artist Captured.
- UnNews:"Time stopped for a while last week" says Renowned Scientist
- UnNews:"Tin cans and string" targeted by Army think tank
- UnNews:"Titanic" sequel canceled due to Millvina Dean death, bullshit plot
- UnNews:"TruckerLimboChallenge" hashtag trending in Syracuse, NY
- UnNews:"Unbeachable" Titanic II beaches soon after leaving port
- UnNews:"Uncyclopedia is being overrun by the Brits"
- UnNews:"UnNews:Alex Ferguson explodes after Anfield defeat."
- UnNews:"US not really arrogant or stupid" says State Department official of own free will
- UnNews:"V for Vendetta" sequel begins filming in Kentucky
- UnNews:"Water Enhances Risk of Cancer", Say Health Officials
- UnNews:"We're all foreigners!": Daily Mail in outrage and demands that "we all f**k off to where we belong"
- UnNews:"We've got motherfuckin' snakes" says airport official
- UnNews:"We've turned into a nation of whiners" complains Graham
- UnNews:"Weird Al" Yankovic flubs National Anthem
- UnNews:"Weird Al" Yankovic vandalizes Wikipedia
- UnNews:"Weird Al" Yankovic's 15th album: All you DIDN'T want to know
- UnNews:"Where is the love?" asks stud stallion
- UnNews:"Wired" police officer electrocuted
- UnNews:"World a smoking cesspit," says Casey.
- UnNews:"WWJD?" leads to unfortunate end for local layabout
- UnNews:"You Are Dead" coming to cinema
- UnNews:"You Belong in a Zoo" man turns 100
- UnNews:"Your opinion matters, tell it to the hand" says UK Government
- UnNews:"Zip disk" angry at Floppy and others for faze out
- UnNews:“900 Purple Armpits and a Zesty Alligator” fervor reaches new heights
- UnNews:“Beam me up, Scotty” is possible with lasers, say scientists
- UnNews:“Facebook stole my face” student claims
- UnNews:“Kindergarten” Scissors cut down Crime
- UnNews:“Pineapple” Noriega's great-grandson pleads drugs, cash
- UnNews:1 dead, 30 injured, 5 rednecks
- UnNews:1 in 5 Americans thinks Obama is Christian?
- UnNews:1 Million Dead from Chinese Typhoon "No Biggie"
- UnNews:1,000 birds in mass suicide over Arkansas
- UnNews:1.5 billion people will be watching something
- UnNews:10 Child Stars- SO cute then, not so cute now!
- UnNews:10 facts you didn't know about George Michael
- UnNews:10-year old math prodigy just realized Santa can't eat all those cookies
- UnNews:10-year-old millionaire set to retire
- UnNews:10,000 bags “misplaced” at airports
- UnNews:100 millionth iPod sold
- UnNews:1000's affected by 'Big Dick Cream' blunder
- UnNews:100m Americans watch West Indies win cricket final
- UnNews:10th planet larger than Pluto, but smaller than Lassie
- UnNews:11-year old girl arrested for "acting like an 11-year old"
- UnNews:114514 Gays raped in Japan by Beastly Senior
- UnNews:12 year old victim of "Religious Intolerance"
- UnNews:12-year-old allegedly played doctor and gave medical advice
- UnNews:12.4 million people hit by drought
- UnNews:13 Year Old Noob Commits Suicide, Internet blamed (Again..)
- UnNews:13 year old wins spelling bee; guarantees life of virginity
- UnNews:13-year-old wins Writer of the Month, despite rules and common sense
- UnNews:13,889th suicide bomber reaches Paradise, but Allah runs out of virgins
- UnNews:14 Tesco stores forced to close in bomb scare
- UnNews:151 escape death as Aeroflot lands successfully at Heathrow
- UnNews:1600 Pennsylvania Avenue secedes from Union
- UnNews:165 today, Muhammad Ali's "greatest" quotes
- UnNews:17 Iraqi Bodies Found in Baghdad Cafe
Media in category "UnNews"
The following 19 files are in this category, out of 19 total.
- 300px-Perry white jo22.jpg 300 × 291; 30 KB
- ShitThatPissesMeOff.gif 955 × 291; 58 KB
- UnNews God responds to lawsuit.mp3 ; 2.19 MB
- UnNews Logo (White Background).jpg 152 × 132; 5 KB
- UnNews Rain falls on United Kingdom.mp3 ; 1.95 MB