UnNews:12 year old victim of "Religious Intolerance"

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21 February 2007

A lovely little flower yesterday.

LONDON, England (UnNews) - A 12-year-old Muslim girl has lost her High Court challenge to her school's ban on bringing her AK47 to school and "shooting it at Jews". Lawyers for the girl and her father had argued the ban was "irrational" and a breach of human rights.

The girl, referred to as X as she is protected by an anonymity order, argued,"this intolerant ban thwarts my "legitimate expectation" that I should be allowed to bring in my AK47 to school to enable me to shoot Jews."

A statement read by her lawyer stressed that "During a recent trip to Pakistan she was fully trained in the use of an AK47 and all manner of explosives and modern weaponry. I am confident that no unnecessary harm would have come to any non-Jew at the school. There is no reason for this ban other than blatant religious prejudice."

Schoolgirl Exercising her religious rights yesterday, "you want to piece of me DO YAH!"

It was also claimed that the refusal to allow her to bring an assault weapon to classes breached her right to freedom of "thought, conscience and religion" under Article 9 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

The Buckinghamshire school - also not identified - told X last September, just after she started shooting at the school's Jewish contingent (killing 5) that this was not acceptable behaviour, and she was subsequently forbidden from bringing it into the school grounds.

The school said that teachers believed the weapon, which though inaccurate is believed to be potentially highly lethal, would make communication and learning difficult in a classroom environment. It is thought X is the only pupil among the school's 1,300 demanding to brandish an AK47 threateningly and shoot it in the air at random intervals, "if you allow Western children to play conkers then why not allow me this?" she said this morning.

The girl's solicitor said after the ruling: "This is a case about religious tolerance and the freedom to kill all infidels, beneath whichever stone they hide!" Muslim firebrand Abu Hamza was surprisingly less than supportive from his jail cell: "I couldn't give a tinkers cuss any more to be honest." he said last night.

Mr Justice Silber had earlier rejected their plea for a judicial review concluding that "on weighing your human rights against the very real risk that your loaded AK47 would pose to your fellow pupils, I feel that my judgement is sound - now fuck off!".

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