User talk:InMooseWeTrust

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DogNewspaper.jpg UnSignpost Home Delivery
The Newspaper With Love In Every Paragraph!

Archives[edit source]

  1. 9 June 2009 to 7 June 2010

Philadelphie[edit source]

Hi / Salut Do you intend to write a real article about Philadelphia on Désencyclopédie or will it stay as a stub? Because it's kinda weak at this point. WiiKend 10:25, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

I plan on adding little by little as I go along. I wrote one featured article on Uncyclopedia (Boris Yeltsin) and I'd like to write something on Désencyclopédie. InMooseWeTrust 11:41, November 23, 2010 (UTC)
no problem. I put the "At work" template on your article then and you can remove it when it's done. WiiKend 11:42, November 23, 2010 (UTC)

Template[edit source]

Please try and stick to one navigational template per page, for the simple reason it looks very untidy and is unnecessary to have 3 at the bottom of page especially as they often replicate links that appear in the others. Also please don't turn redirects into two line articles, only replace redirects if you have a full length article to go in their place. Thanks. --ChiefjusticeWii 14:05, November 24, 2010 (UTC)

The Big Crunch[edit source]

Thank you very much for the vote. Because of Dark Matter you have nothing to fear. Cheers!

--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 14:28, Aug 11

Unobtanium[edit source]

Much thanks for your vote from Shabidoo and Funnybony. Cheers!--Funnybony Icons-flag-th.png Agnideva-small.jpg AGT-logo-small.jpg 14:34, Aug 14

Olympian Thanks[edit source]

Greetings[edit source]

I have gone through my records and it appears as though you may have voted for me for some award, supported one or more of my articles on VFH, or supported one or more of my images on VFP, in the past year or so. If this is not the case, then please ignore this message. Otherwise, thank you for your support. May you have a long and fruitful life, and have many parasites. 1234 ~ 16px-Pointy.png 18:57, 6 January 2012

UnBooks:My Tedious Day[edit source]

A user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Then, another user read my article, went to VFH, and voted. Next, a different read my article, went to VFH, and voted. By now, the article was featured.

Thank you for voting for UnBooks:My Tedious Day on VFH! --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 02:08, January 13, 2012 (UTC)

Kolkata[edit source]

Are you there? I think "Calcutta" is a more usual spelling for an English-language wiki. Keep me informed of your progress; if it makes mainspace, I'll include it in our new India template. Spıke ¬ 14:04 8-Jun-12

I'm Bengali and I will only use proper spellings for the Bengal region. You can also look at my article on Bangladesh. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 14:42, June 9, 2012 (UTC)

Very nice. Gallows humor but breezy. My home is New Hampshire. Spıke ¬ 14:59 9-Jun-12

I live in southeastern Pennsylvania and I contributed to the article on Philadelphia a decent amount. Right now I'm a student at Penn State. I should write an article on that... InMooseWeTrust (talk) 15:16, June 9, 2012 (UTC)

Template:India[edit source]

With regrets, I reverted your edit. There is surely atheism and Islam in India, as there are surely petrol stations, but none of the above belongs in a navigational template on India. However, the largest work of my edit was to alphabetize the entries, a change that should be preserved. Spıke ¬ 18:13 10-Jan-13

PS--Thanks for reapplying your edit to preserve the alphabetization. But if someone follows the links to Christianity, Islam, or Allah, they are not going to learn anything new about India; this is why I say the links don't belong there. The function of the nav-template is not to accurately describe India but to recommend relevant other articles. Spıke ¬ 18:17 10-Jan-13

What SPIKE said. The sectional templates are used to topics related to broader topic. If we an article titled Islam in India or Indian people who didn't fuck your mom in the kitchen last night a link those pages would make sense. However, the article on Islam isn't related to India. --Mn-z 18:24, January 10, 2013 (UTC)

We continue this debate at Template talk:India. Spıke ¬ 18:31 10-Jan-13

Hello InMooseWeTrust, and thank you for putting the India template all around (which gives SPIKE more time to watch and/or participate in hockey. I was concerned it would look bad on Tantra, but it seems fine. I saw a massive wild moose once, nothing like the zoo variety. Aleister 12:05 11-1-'13
Do you two guys watch all India-related articles? If so, I'd gladly like to contribute. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 12:14, January 11, 2013 (UTC)
Then glad to see you working there. The nav templates as far as I understand, have become somewhat an odd mix. The category function to me is more crucial but this is something we can discuss. --Laurels.gifRomArtus*Imperator ITRA (Orate) ® 14:23, January 11, 2013 (UTC)
Do we have UnProjects like WikiProjects? That would make organizing and coordinating certain topics a lot easier. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 16:33, January 11, 2013 (UTC)
We have UnProjects, but many of those are abandoned. We also have Portals, but those too are also abandoned to my knowledge. --Mn-z 18:53, January 11, 2013 (UTC)
The nav templates are generally set up to navigate articles. Big and ugly templates for the sake of big and ugly templates is an old joke that might have been funny back in 2006. While legitimate navigation templates are encouraged, use of big-colored-box templates is discouraged. --Mn-z 19:23, January 11, 2013 (UTC)
I have sorta maintained Portal:Pregnancy but I have been gone over a year since my recent return. --Mn-z 19:10, January 11, 2013 (UTC)

Turban[edit source]

I've rewritten this article to get it away from the dominant theme of turbans made of used toilet paper. Are you able to contribute a paragraph on India in the by-nation section? Spıke ¬ 02:40 22-May-13

Yes, but the problem is, I need the right kind of inspiration. I can be funny but only in short bursts and in the right situations. That's why I haven't had a featured article since Boris Yeltsin.InMooseWeTrust (talk) 05:29, May 22, 2013 (UTC)
Unnumbered head

There is no rush. However, I've undone your edits; as neither of us know when we are going to add to this, it might as well look complete for now rather than have empty sections set aside for future writing. Attempts to include many individual countries would mostly encourage anonymous writers to add something stupid about theirs. The unnumbered head doesn't show up in the Table of Contents, which is good, because many readers will not find their country there. The Table of Contents could show this detail of the article's structure, but it really doesn't matter. See you whenever! Spıke ¬ 09:57 22-May-13

I actually like adding empty sections for that reason. People will probably add stupid stuff, but sometimes that stupid stuff will lead you to a good idea that turns out to be funny. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 12:30, May 22, 2013 (UTC)

Piccard[edit source]

Nice edits on piccard. You practally wrote the thing. IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 08:07 29 May 2013

I didn't. I moved it from some guy's userpage (User:AmericanBastard) and rewrote a few sections. I'd say it's about 1/3 mine and the rest his. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 10:13, 29 May 2013 (UTC)
Could you take a look at my article UnNews:Bale kills Bale in Bale with bale; gets bail as it just needs one final push for VFH. IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 10:26 29 May 2013

Howdy[edit source]

And welcome to the new site!  ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngThu, May 30 '13 1:51 (UTC)

Thank you. I've just been editing/cleaning up old articles that need fixing. I'm not sure how much time I will have this summer but I'll do my best. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 21:46, 31 May 2013 (UTC)

Hey[edit source]

Could you give me a quick biopic for UnSignpost? IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 21:28 31 May 2013

Sorry, I have no idea what you're talking about. What's a biopic? And I've never used UnSignpost. I just added that template and IDK if it does something that it's supposed to. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 21:47, 31 May 2013 (UTC)
Dosen't matter, I cant be bothered anymore... IFYMB! Talk to me baby! 22:17 31 May 2013
It's the Biopic, In Their Own Words. I.e., "words one says about one's self." Cogito, ergo sum. We publish it in the UnSignpost. :D  ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngTue, Jun 11 '13 23:44 (UTC)

Week-old news two weeks late: The UnSignpost![edit source]

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Tue, Jun 11 '13 2:31 (UTC)

Nomoshkar[edit source]

I reviewed the article you submitted on Pee Review. Hope it is helpful. Cheers. --Tumb13weed (talk) 20:13, 12 June 2013 (UTC)

UnSignpost is back[edit source]

And enjoy the news! Anton (talk) 18:33, 6 July 2013 (UTC)

The UnSignpost: a brilliant new format but less news[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper that won't leave you the same way they did!

Anton (talk) 13:53, 8 August 2013 (UTC)

QVFD[edit source]

I addressed your concerns which seemed pretty weird, but also, please in the future follow the format that I used in that edit to correct the way those entries were put on the page. Thanks. -RAHB 01:23, 20 November 2013 (UTC)

QVFD[edit source]

Ohai. Relevant. Just so you know, there's a new QVFD gadget (mouse over the thing next to the watch-icon; it's in the menu; you'll see it.) I'm only telling you because I wrote it, and it's a pile of poo, and I'm very proud. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngTue, Nov 26 '13 20:40 (UTC)

QVFD[edit source]

The article you nominated on QVFD, written by Kip, was not empty! It was almost empty but that's a big difference because all of the articles that belong to the BUTT POOP!!!! series are almost empty. But I hope you won't encounter the whole series at the same time, it will be a shock. Anyway, I put it on VFD. How come you speak Russian and I haven't yet met you? Anton (talk) 17:47, 11 March 2014 (UTC)

I don't speak Russian very well. Still learning. I'm maybe at level A1 or A2, if that. I'm B2/C1 in French if you want to talk to me in that language. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 18:12, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
Cool! That was in French. No, I am joking. Bonne chance avec le russe! You'll need it! Anton (talk) 18:17, 11 March 2014 (UTC)
Oui, c'est beaucoup plus difficile que le français. InMooseWeTrust (talk) 22:14, 12 March 2014 (UTC)
La grammaire - oui, mais pas la phonétique! Anton (talk) 13:44, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
La phonétique, vraiment ? Les accents, ils sont partout en russe, pas toujours sur la même syllabe comme en français, donc c'est plus difficile à apprendre, n'est-ce pas ? Et la prononciation, je crois que c'est plus irrégulière aussi...mais n'oubliez pas que je connais pas le russe, donc en réalité je n'en sais rien. – Llwy-ar-lawr (talkcontribslogs) 20:07, 13 Mar 2014Uncyclopedia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! UncyclopediaUncyclopediaIllogicopediai:fr:LogimalpediePaudurapedyjaFrithchiclipeidUncapaediaAbsurdopediaScotypedia
Peut-être... C'est juste difficile de prononcer une seule lettre de quatre façons différentes. Anton (talk) 21:08, 13 March 2014 (UTC)
Oui mais y a des règles. – Llwy-ar-lawr (talkcontribslogs) 22:08, 13 Mar 2014Uncyclopedia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! UncyclopediaUncyclopediaIllogicopediai:fr:LogimalpediePaudurapedyjaFrithchiclipeidUncapaediaAbsurdopediaScotypedia
Des règles, des règles, toujours avec des règles ! Ici, ce n'est pas le Wikipedia, il y a les humains ici, pas seulement des règles ! Snarglefoop (talk) 21:53, 12 April 2014 (UTC)

--Argylesocks (talk) 08:17, 14 March 2014 (UTC)

Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Star Trek (2nd)[edit source]

Wrote a review. Hope something in it is of some use. Snarglefoop (talk) 21:47, 12 April 2014 (UTC)

UnSignpost: yet another new format but still less news[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Periodical That Is Too Sexy For Its Shirt, Among Other Things

– Llwy-ar-lawr (talkcontribslogs) 04:23, 5 May 2014Uncyclopedia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. Discover, share and add your knowledge! UncyclopediaUncyclopediaIllogicopediai:fr:LogimalpediePaudurapedyjaFrithchiclipeidUncapaediaAbsurdopediaScotypedia

It's back! - The UnSignpost[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper the Whole Family Must Enjoy!

~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 09:05, 25 July 2014 (UTC)

Two weeks in a row? A new record! It's the UnSignpost[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Free Newspaper Only Two People Started Out Editing, But Now They Want Nothing To Do With!

~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 23:35, 1 August 2014 (UTC)

Does this look infected to you? It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

The UnSignpost
Telling You Stuff You Already Knew, But With Different Words!

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 8 '14 12:19 (UTC)

More {{Boner}}s than a ragged Playgirl: It's the UnSignpost![edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper 4 out of 5 Dentists Agree On!

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 15 '14 20:07 (UTC)

We gave The UnSignpost an enema, so now it's regular![edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Free Newspaper Only Two People Started Out Editing, But Now They Want Nothing To Do With!

 ~ Capt. Sock Monkey ~ (berate) Beeverpedia.png ~ Fri, Aug 22 '14 2:11 (UTC)


The UnSignpost
Smiting the nail of news with the plastic hammer of truth

SLENDERMAN talk (Currently following you) 02:55, 7 September 2014 (UTC)

Unsignpost delivery attempt numbr hideous implosion[edit source]

The UnSignpost

Brace Yourselves, The UnSignpost is Coming![edit source]

The UnSignpost
Smiting the nail of news with the plastic hammer of truth

The USP is coming for you! (and your little dog too)[edit source]

The UnSignpost
The Newspaper With No Ambitions, Goals, Hopes or Dreams!

Excuse me, sir, do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, the USP?[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Now Delivered Trendily Late!

dicks lol: It's UnSignpost time![edit source]

The UnSignpost
Telling You Stuff You Already Knew, But With Different Words!

The UnSignpost is back, baby! (And also a little bit of front)[edit source]

The UnSignpost
83.54% more reliable than The Daily Mail

Vote, Vote, Vote[edit source]

It's that time of the year again! We're going to be showing off our Top Ten Articles of 2014 soon but so far, very few people have voted. It's all up to you to decide what's the best of the best! Go to Forum:Top 10 Articles of 2014 and vote now! --Talk to me! Sir Xam Ralco the Mediocre 02:21, 30 January 2015 (UTC)

UnSignpost Home Delivery for May 1st, 2021[edit source]

The UnSignpost
Now With 0 Trans Fat!

It's beginning to look a lot like…[edit source]

Seasons Greetings!

It's that special time of year. A wonderful time for friends and family to rejoice in gaiety. Not you! You usually spend all of your hard-earned money on gifts for them, and now you just want to hibernate until your finances recuperate. Well, here at Uncyclopedia, entering our newest competition won't cost you a penny Sign Up Today! (pretty please) ~Formerly Annoying Crap 13:22, 13 December 2021