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The People's Republic of Petoria
PetorianFlag.jpg Petoriancoatofarms.png
Flag Coat of Arms
Motto: "E Peterbus Unium"
Anthem: Hamsterdance
Largest cityNew Shoreham
Official language(s)-Engrish
‑ Supreme LeaderPeter Griffin
‑ First LadyLois Griffin
CurrencyFunny Money

The People's Republic of Petoria, also known simply as Petoria, is a country located in North America. Founded by Peter "The Downright Atrocious" Griffin, it was formerly known as Rhode Island when it was a U.S. state.

History[edit | edit source]

One jolly day, Peter Griffin declared his house independent from the United States, due to the violence in movies and sex on TV that plagued the screens of America. The country was originally going to be named Peterland, but this idea was canned due to a nearby gay strip club having the same name. The name Petoria was later coined to avoid a lawsuit.

Annexation of New England[edit | edit source]

After establishing Petoria, President Peter Griffin invaded his next door neighbor, Joe Swanson's house (now known as The State of Joehio), to annex his swimming pool. He incorporates the property into Petoria, adding three new citizens, Swanson, his wife, and his son. He justified this invasion under the Geneva Convention, specifically Article IV, Paragraph III, fourth word, which stated, "the". Peter later threw a party with fellow dictators including Eric Cartman, Serm Suchada, and Joseph Stalin's ghost.

Operation Desert Clam[edit | edit source]

The United States, having gotten word of Petoria's annexation of the pool, was knowing they would lose another piece of land since the Panama Canal incident. President Garrison responded swiftly to the illegal invasion, militarizing the border between Petoria and Quahog, Rhode Island, sanctioning the nation, and cutting utilities to the property. However, in a swift move on Petoria's end, Stewie was ranked up from President of Poopie to Military Leader, causing the militants to build a life-sized replica of the robot from Queen's album "News of the World," which caused U.S. forces to shit their pants and flee the state. As of that day, the dump originally known as Rhode Island was now known as Petoria.[1]

Pre WWIII[edit | edit source]

During this time,Petoria would not interact with the United States due to a possible war breaking out between the two.

Role in World War III[edit | edit source]

On April 1st, 2025, World War III had begun due to to Manny Heffley having made a peace treaty with Akita Neru, another infamous war criminal who was on the FBI's most wanted for creating a show that brainwashed young children into saying "HEIL NERU ZEIG HEIL". During the war, ISIL, A organization Manny was affiliated with, had somehow convinced Meg Griffin to join them, most likely due to her Daddy issues. During the war, Petoria also formed an alliance with Sodor as well as the UN. However, the Petorians worked on a nuclear bomb called P-T-Gryphon, which would bomb the ISIL HQ, ending the war. Nobody knows what happened to Akita Neru, but rumor has it she is working her ass off in the gulag.

External Links[edit | edit source]

Official Website of the Glorious Republic of Petoria

  1. The annexation would later cause the Patriots to move to St. Louis.