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Ridiculously useless Spamistan
Coat of Arms
Motto: "No Spam, No Life!"
Anthem: "Spamming in Glory"
AreaApproximately the same size as your screen
EstablishedA spammer called Jabberwock came
Major exportsArabicSpam.png
Major importsMailboxes

Spamistan is a tiny country whose area is approximately the area of your screen. It is full of Spam messages on dark green boards.

ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
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ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
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ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
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ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
Spam Spam ArabicSpam.png
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
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ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
ArabicSpam.png This is Spamistan where spamming is encouraged.
Spam this article with this template.
pens Aenean imperdiet aliquam lacus. Fusce semper nulla eu ipsum. Aenean rhoncus enim eget ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec vel erat eget risus dignissim luctus. Pellentesque mi erat, porttitor a, venenatis sit amet, bibendum eget, magna. Duis sollicitudin ligula. Proin dictum felis. Vestibulum porttitor laoreet neque. In augue. In at nisi eu neque rutrum rhoncus. Nam dapibus, enim non ullamcorper interdum, purus felis cursus massa, et pharetra sapien neque et purus. Sed bibendum elit id enim. Ut interdum, lacus ac interdum consequat, justo eros adipiscing sapien, eget elementum odio nibh sit amet mauris. Sed condimentum pede quis tortor. Aenean eu quam. Nunc auctor, arcu sed porttitor ullamcorper, justo elit adipiscing eros, vel tincidunt risus elit eget est. Aenean eget neque at massa rhoncus tempor. Phasellus adipisci, mauris a rhoncus dictum, massa nunc suscipit sapien, non aliquet tortor arcu nec mi. In malesuada sollicitudin odio. Duis quis nisi. Proin semper tincidunt velit. Vestibulum ornare est ac arcu. Aenean euismod. Praesent felis elit, ornare vel, molestie sed, suscipit nec, ipsum. Praesent consectetuer dictum mi. Curabitur ut velit ac felis imperdiet luctus. Maecenas malesuada, lacus vel vestibulum bibendum, felis metus euismod sem, in venenatis enim lorem non mauris. Praesent gravida dui quis nisl. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse laoreet lorem sed risus.