Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik
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Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik were a couple of nerdy faggots, just like their inspirations and idols Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold (the Columbine killers). Instead of attempting a school shooting like most copycats of the Columbine massacre, these two decided to stab their friend Cassie Jo Stoddart to death, citing partial inspiration from the shitty slasher film "Scream". They recorded an entire tape detailing their plan which is available on youtube.
“He's popular, he has sex with a lot of beautiful women because he's handsome, he's a winner, he's rich and he's smart. I love him!”
“He loves minorities, homosexuals, Indigenous Americans, the physically/mentally disabled, basically every minority, and--because of his compassion and love for them--he would defend them with his life if necessary.”
“Thank god they got rid of that bitch, she almost found out i was cheating on her.”
History[edit | edit source]
On September 22nd, 2006, Brian Draper and Torey Adamcik forgot to take their Prozac and engaged in final fap sessions while listening to their favorite rock band "Pink Floyd" shut the lights off of all reality, got out of their car (started the day off h4rdc0rE). They arrived at Whispering Cliffs Drive, hit the "start button," selected characters, and decided to start their killing spree inspired by their equally retarded idols Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold. and Billy and Stu from the shitty Hollywood film "Scream (1996)". They fapped over this for a month buying knives, making movies and writing stories declaring their plans while Scream played in the background, and even practicing their killing spree on cats. However, they phailed hard and were caught only 5 days after murdering Cassie. When they were caught They told police they went to see a movie (in reality they killed cassie then went to a gay pub to have buttsecks), later Brian pussied out and confessed to police about everything.
Loadout[edit | edit source]
The Scream killers assembled an impressive arsenal- well, impressive for the minimum wage budget of 45$ they were running on. These are the evil tactical weaponry:
- Dagger knife
- Hunting Knife
- 3 other knives that were gonna be used as props.
Scapegoats[edit | edit source]
Afterward, EVERYONE who loved to censor society felt the need to blame Scream as the cause of the killing. Others tried to blame the Victim, by bringing up the fact that she friendzoned Brian and Torey. Others have said that the two fags killed cassie to help their Friend Matt Beckham get out of his relationship with her.
Of course, it was later known that Torey Adamcik was a complete and total sociopath who would have grown up to be a serial killer or the guy in special forces who goes insane in the field killing Iraqis, and has to be put down by his fellow soldiers. Or that his lover, Brian Draper, was a closet homosexual who let Torey fuck him in the ass and face and followed him with his plot, with Torey manipulating Brian's emo-ness and submissive nature.
Civil suit by Stoddart family[edit | edit source]
In 2010, the Stoddart family whined and filed a civil lawsuit against the Pocatello School District, they lost and went to facebook to bitch about it.
Controversy[edit | edit source]
Some argue that Brian and Torey were lovers and that Brian just fell mugu to Torey's plan. Despite Torey clearly being Brian's dom-daddy, Torey parents keep claiming that Torey is innocent even starting a petition to free him which was signed by only 27 people (LOL).