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Today's featured article
The Polar bear (Ursus vegetarius) is native to the Arctic, and is the largest and friendliest land mammal in Canada. Like its close cuddly relative the cuddly Panda, it is classified in the order carnivora even though it is strictly herbivorous. Due to its popularity in the Coca-Cola commercials it is projected to surpass the panda in cuteness and cuddliness by the year 2012. If you see a Polar Bear, you should totally approach it and give it a friendly hug, because their fur is so snuggly and soft. They have a wholly undeserved reputation as ferocious predators, when in fact they couldn't be more cuddly, and can be easily beaten in a fight - for more information, see HowTo:Beat a Polar Bear in a Fight. Polar Bears are your friends. Whatever those pesky penguins tell you. (Full article...)
Did you know...
- that Some crazy guy is still trying to figure this out?
- that Bacon Bacon Bacon?
- that I love you?
- that I actually hate you?
- that Uncyclopedia is not funny, but is really Bacon Bacon Bacon Bacon?
- that too many unfunny Bacon gags can
Bacon Bacon Bacon cause SEHS?
In the news
" least panda meat doesn't give you autism!" ‑RFK Jr.
On this day...
March 25 Give Some crazy guy awards Day/Shameless Vanity Day:
Goggles will be useless at the malls, for they do nothing.
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