Goodhello to Doubleplusuntruecollectfulbooks |
Miniluv UnDayPage
Newspeak, Oceaniawise speak, oldspeak remade fullwise. Party make newspeak, remake newspeak, remake newspeak. Party use newspeak in Times, recs, papers, etc. Party req members use newspeak, speak newspeak, write newspeak, think newspeak. BB doubleplusreq members use newspeak. Party uncare proles. Proles speak oldspeak, duckspeak to newspeakers. Newspeakfuluse is ex of goodthink. Member use newspeak oft with party and BB. Newspeakfulaim keep goodthink and undo crimethinks. Newspeak use make plentfuler goodthinkers and unmake plentfuler crimethinkers. Newspeak unspeak crimethink. Crimethinkfulwrds unis newspeak or is malrep. Newspeak is speak pos unplentfulwrds (est. 400 wrds or unplenter) Miniluv Ungood Daypic
BB watch you always.
Newspeak Minitrue Dayword
Mindwise, stupid is strong. Minitrue oldspeak newsreel
Ongoing: Eurovision Song Contest • Russian Invasion • Israel-Hamas conflict • United States presidential election aftermath • NBA and NHL seasons • Athletes doing the "Trump Dance" • Bill Belichick going insane
Saved by Ingsoc and BB from Emmanuel Goldstein.