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Topics of interest[edit | edit source]

Extracted from a conversation discussed earlier: . ()

More are also summarised in their own navigation boxes:

Confirmed (Solar System): Sun | Mercury | Venus | Earth (The Moon) | Mars | Jupiter | Saturn (Moons) | Uranus | Neptune
Confirmed (Extrasolar): Arrakis | Darwin IV | Discworld | Krypton | Milky Way | Planet of the Apes | Planet Google | Planet Hollywood | Pizza Planet | Skaylia | Destopius | Techneta | Roseanne
Dwarf planets: Pluto | 2003 UB313 | Jay Leno's Chin | Xanax
Unconfirmed: Garnox | Mantoobia | Unicron
Denied by CIA and IAU: Neopia | Melmac | YourAnus | Planet Acne | Flat Earth
In a galaxy far, far away: Alderaan | Coruscant | Tatooine | Kamino | Endor | Naboo | Bespin | Death Star
Members of the Federation: Vulcan (Ni’Var) | Kronos (Qo’noS)
Invisible Planets:

Pages of interest[edit | edit source]

Text of interest[edit | edit source]

  • 我有一輛新車,我想開著.
这个用户是一个笨蛋. 他可能不知道这写的什么.


  • 共产党批准。解放军和共产党觉得这个文章好的。
  • 傳統華人社會習慣稱之為「漢語」,中國以外尚有各種稱呼,本文一律以漢族慣稱「漢語」來表示。國際環境時,也會常用中文。其他稱呼僅限特定人群使用,請參見相關條目。

Categories of interest[edit | edit source]

Files of interest[edit | edit source]

Things that I am particularly interested in, hosted on the Uncyclopedia wiki:

Things that I would intend to copy back from Wikipedia (or are hosted on Commons), but I am not sure how to transfer the meta-data (not the file itself) yet:

Serious Zone: The following section contains no jokes. Don't expect any laughs... unless you laugh at disclaimers. We don't judge.

NSFL!!!!! If you are easily disgusted or shocked (or are in any kind of sensitive space), please DO NOT keep reading this article!!!!! Seriously.

  • These links in particular come from wikipedia:MediaWiki:Bad image list, where I seek out image subjects that avoid taboo topics such as *human reproduction/procreation*, but instead target other sensitive matters such as communication/s, objects, infrastructure, or animals. They were only intended to be used here for the sake of humour (which might give a slight shock when a reader happens to find blood or gore on a page, but such precautions cannot really be fully considered for this wiki, especially for the less cautious visitor that might view a page including these images.)

End of Serious Zone: Prepare for jokes in bad taste. You have been warned.