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This User YeTiE Believes That Every Uncyc User Is Awesome And That Everyone Should Remember That! I LOVE <insert name here>!
While you continue to look at this page I humbly suggest you may want to try looking at articles that you may consider slightly more humours, such as this, this, or even this. However it is completely up to you as to whether you chose to read these pages or continue to read this page. You know yourself best in the world, and are absolutely capable of deciding what you should do.

YesTimeToPretty-ify: The Pretty-Ness Oath
If you wish you may chose to part-take in the following oath, please feel no pressure to do so, though. The following oath may offend people and include references to death and being a transvestite, as well as being sporked from somewhere, if you feel this will offend you, you may chose not to read it, although, of course, you can chose whatever you like! I solemnly swear - I solemnly swear - to keep this page super duper pretty - to keep this page super duper pretty - even in the face of DEATH and what not - erm, even in the face of DEATH and what not - and even if the enemy will split my kneecaps and pull my guts out - and erm, even if the enemy will...split my kneecaps and pull my guts out - I will keep it pretty! - I will keep it pretty! - Even if they rape my lungs and split my penis, I will wear tights and mini-skirt and I will keep this page pretty - Um, er...yeah.

-A fusion of two lovingly and breachingly copyrightingly Monty Phyton plagiarised bits.

Member of the Order

Stuff I've Created:

25. 23/50 Why?:Keep Trying
24. 31/50 UnNews: French wimple stitchers announce strike
23. (vfh) 35.6/50 23.5/50 Pull Over
22. (vfh) 39/50 33/50 [quasi-featured] Why?: I'm In Court, Mum (Why? Featured)
21. That time I was nearly raped by a rabbit during my sojourn in Scotland
20. Forum: Uncyclopedia US TV Drama - Episode #2
19. (vfh) Forum: Uncyclopedia US TV Drama - Episode #1
18. 39/50 Ninjastar.png UnBooks: A Day In The Life Of A Redirect
17. Various UnProvises (With Various People)
16. UnProvise (With Orian57)
15. Game:Main Page
14. (vfh) 44/50 This Page Is On Fire
13. Typing
12. Apology
11. 26/50 A Tale Of Two Cities
10. Preaching
9 . This Page Was Written By A N00b
8 . (vfh) 25/50 39/50 36/50 Wikipedia Main Page
7 . 29/50 HowTo: Really Piss Admins Off
6 . UnNews: Savage Butter Knife Murderer Strikes Again (listen)
5 . UnNews: Polygamous cults "grant women life-long great hair"
4 . 35/50 38/50 Ninjastar.png UnNews: Apocalypse-Expecting Cult Come Out Of Cave (listen) (semi unnews featured)
3 . UnNews: UK Government Announces Revocation of Independence for USA
2 . 25/50 Game: The Blue Screen Of Death (in Korean language)
1 . (vfh) 41/50 Game: Infinite Loop The Game (in Korean language)

Never Finished:

1 . Game: The Random Game Stage: [Huffed]
2 . HowTo: Fake Your Death On The Internet Stage: [Will Never Be Finished](With )

Templates Created:

The Unparalleled Wit Of Yettie:

Bible fiction.jpg

Hi, sign your name at the bottom please without a time stamp. Thanks! And please feel free to sign again if you have a new sig!
  1.   Le Cejak <~>
  2. JordonOng 07:46, June 4, 2011 (UTC)
  3. Brigadier Sir Mordillo Icons-flag-il.png GUN UotY WotM FP UotM AotM MI3 AnotM VFH +S
  4. P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs)
  5. Sir Ljlego, GUN VFH FIYC WotM SG WHotM PWotM AotM EGAEDM ANotM + (Talk)
  6. SirU.U.Esq. VFH | GUN | Natter | Uh oh | Pee
  7. ~Minitrue Sir SysRq! Talk! Sex! =/ GUNWotMRotMAotMVFHSKPEEINGHPBFF 
  8. Sir DJ ~ Irreverent OZ! Noobaward.jpg Wotm.jpg Unbooks mousepad.PNG GUN.png
  9. VGD >=3
  10. Spacer.gifSpacer.gifPremierTomMayfairChe.png RedPhone.png Unsoc.png Hammer and sickle.png
  11. Offtheair.gifStat talk
  12. The Improver talkcontribs
  13. Tkotse
  14. Proxima Centauri
  15. - © 
  16. Flutter (TalkGamesFun PagesAwardsHelp)
  17. OptyC Sucks! Icons-flag-us.png CUN
  18. MrN MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg
  19. MNM5150Talk Dirty To Me Failings
  20. Mightydandylion Icons-flag-us.png (talk) Fk
  21. Darthmat RIP.gif (talk to me)
  22. Have Fun! MuCal. Orian57|Chat|Chuckle|PEE List|Awarded|UnBlog|Icons-flag-gb.pngOrian57.gif
  23. Necropaxx (T) {~}
  24. Danr
  25. ~ Fnoodle (talk) (my creator)
  26. The HRH MuCal. Tayor Lz4.jpgMUN (Praise!) (CMC!)
  27. Smallbeer.pngSpillin DylanSmallbeer.pngTALKSmallbeer.pngEDITSSmallbeer2.png
  28. RAHB
  29. ―― Sir Heerenveen, KUN [UotM RotM VFH FFS SK CM NS OME™] (talk),
  30. ~ ★ БурекСП ★★ талк ★★ контриб ★
  31. // Xyr.png Berry; speak to me //
  32. Mgr. TuoDecaps (talk) Contribs
  33. ~ Mgr. ManEatingBadger
  34. ~Formerly Annoying Crap
  35. --Aljolson.jpg Hi, hey! I'M A MOTERFUCKING NIGGER BITCH LOVER Aljolson.jpg
  36. THEDUDEBOT Armed and Ready Say The Word
  37. This is Walt Disney's DJ Jasper's signature. ProfileTalkASA
  38. ¿Qua? es mi página de discusión, es lo que mi contribuiría
  39. Unarchist.jpgFounding Member Baseball16User:Baseball16User talk:Baseball16Special:Contributions/Baseball16
  40. Sir Mhaille Icons-flag-gb.png (talk to me)
  41. --Lt. High Gen. Grue The Few The Proud, The Marines
  43. JeNkIn (lol cheese)
  44. Sir General Minister G5 FIYC UPotM [Y] #21 F@H KUN
  45. ~FAG! +chatline "if it ain't broke, break it" (CUN·VFH)
  46. BonSig.png (Bonner) (Talk)
  47. IL7Soulhunterwhat does talk mean? Never mind...
  48. The Woodburninator (woodtalk) (woodstalk)
  49. ~ Readmesoon
  50. Altair-the EagleIcons-flag-in.pngDeadMenTellNoTalesDLRLanyardPin2006.jpg (talk to me)
  51. Sir Severian Severian1.jpg CUN.png (Sprich mit mir!) Kraut.png
  52. Mr. Monkey Sockmonkey.gif Pant-hoot here.
  53. User-Gladstone-icon.gif Rt Hon W E Gladstone MP GOM | Converse | Icons-flag-gb.png Yorks Rose.jpg
  54. Sire Methamphetamine! Bi flag.svg.png
  55. JudgeZarbi Icons-flag-gb.png TALK
  56. Style Oranssiviiva.jpg Guide
  57. BlueYonder GalaxyIcon.jpg - CONTACT
  58. Colin Explode fire.gifALL YOUR BASEExplode fire.gifHeaney! Casa Bey Superfly Portfolio
  59. |c|o|d|e|i|n|e|
  60. Trar (talk|contribs|grueslayer) Mchammer.gif
  61. Marshal Uncyclopedian! Talk to me!
  62. --iseditor.user Comments/Criticism
  63. ~ [Citation Needed is here. Let's talk.]
  64. Necropaxx (T) {~}
  65. ~ [Citation Needed is here. Let's talk.]
  66. Mnbvcxz
  67. Sockpuppet of an unregistered user
  68. --Pleb- Sawblade5 [citation needed] ( yell | FAQ | I did this )
  69. Sign mine too! I thought I was the first one to create a guestbook... :( ZhelielCow.jpg » Zheliel Talk Contribs Cow »
  70. -Da man360
  71. Teh Thunderboi - Join Everquest! ( TalkpageSignContributions )
  72. hey people,ummm...this is my yeah...Willamdiffo
  73. --Pleb SYNDROME CUN medicate (butt poop!!!!)
  74. Pineapple. Too pineapple... Killer_3.14
  75. Paizuri MUN (Talk Contribs Poll!)
  76. --Some Idiot Image002.png 09:08, July 14, 2010 (UTC)
  77. Leutnant Herr Thatdamnedfollowspot
  78. Sir SockySexy girls.jpg Mermaid with dolphin.jpg Tired Marilyn Monroe.jpg (talk) (stalk)Magnemite.gif Icons-flag-be.png GUN SotM UotM PMotM UotYPotM WotM
  79. --HM (T)
  80. User:Aleister in Chains

 User talk:Aleister in Chains

  1. Aaadddaaammm
  2.  Happytimes are here! Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk)  
  3. MacManiasig.png MacManiasig-cheerios.png MacManiasig-holmes.png MacManiasig-starwars.png MacManiasig-firefly.png MacManiasig-pixar.png MacManiasig-oregon.png MacManiasig-lesmiz.png MacManiasig-doctor.png HalLogo.png Portal16px.png UncycLensFlare16px.pngDalek16px.png ChekhovSig.pngJapanSig.png Sir MacMania GUN
  4. Nominally Humane! some time
  5. ~ Pointy.png (talk) (stalk)
  6.  Avast Matey!!! Happytimes are here!* Happytimes.gif (talk) (stalk) Π   ~ Xkey280.jpg ~ 
  7. -- The Zombiebaron
  8. Cat the Colourful (Feed Me!!!)Leave me alone... Sleeping Cat.png
  9. Myg.png Myg2.png
  10. Poiz,Teh zork master!!!
  11. --     Vote here for Maniac of the Month. Or not. Red and green are awsome colours, eh? Go Crazy Canada Awards ~ Contribs ~ Gallery ~ Piglet
  12. User:DJ Mixerr/sig DJ Mixerr
  13. SaintJayJay Icons-flag-gb.png
  14. --Care for a lick? Lollipop Care for a lick? - CONTRIBS - WRITINGS - SHOP - Now adopting!
  15. --Wanna see a magic trick?
  16. Jackofspades.png (talk)
  17. --Is it getting chilly in here? Yeah, you get awards now when you mock Lyrithya Frosty dah snowguy contribs GUN PLEB If I do good If I do bad

<See Other Inferior Guestbooks>
This user has written 6 articles because they like to keep busy while shirking real life responsibilities.
This user is a n00b.
This user promotes the radical idea of having sense.
This user is a Mac User.
Eat up.
(List of Mac-Using Uncyclopedians)
United Kingdom
This user is a total UKer
and prefers to use pavements to sidewalks.
(British Uncyclopedians)
This user is a native speaker of Correct English.
This user is a native speaker of Random Humour.
Nuvola apps important.svg
Be advised: Approach with caution and a sense of humor.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This User recognises the awesomeness of Butters!
You are not Thinkerer.JPG
This user is NOT Thinkerer
As such, they are not entitled to any of the royalties that being Thinkerer entails, nor can they claim a level of awesomeness equal to, or any higher than, Thinkerer.
You are not Thinkerer.JPG

- YTTE SmileyLaugh.png <insert name here> Is The Best! Read!