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“He's actually got a Wilde quote on his page. Who is this guy?”

~ Oscar Wilde on BlueYonder

Userboxes (yes, I know they're untidy, kindly shut up about it)[edit | edit source]

This user idolises Dr. House
but since Everybody Lies, you can't be sure how much.
Help end hunger! Eat the poor!
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes.
Sexuality confusion.svg.png
This user is uncertain of their sexuality, and doesn't want to know.
Sexuality confusion.svg.png
MMORPG This user believes MMORPGs are a waste of time and/or money. Furthermore to this fact s/he demands the deletion of all MMORPGs and their players!
This user is 19 years old. Woop-ti-doo.
Dalmatian b 01.jpg
This user owns one or more dogs as they need a cover for their stick fetish.
Dalmatian b 01.jpg
This user edits Grueslayer.
Screw It.png
This user reserves the right to completely screw up their edits life by spending too much time on Uncyclopedia.
Screw It.png
Jason vorhees.jpg
This user is a serial killer, and they are standing right behind you!!
Jason vorhees.jpg
This user is constantly PEEING. They apologize for the mess.
This user is a Gamer and therefore creepy.
Exquisite-kfm home.png This user prefers to play games on a PC as anything else is too complex.
LV-3 This user considers themself an advanced gamer and so probably lost their job recently.
DIFF M This user plays Video Games on the default difficulty setting as they simply aren't good enough.
This user believes that you can never have too many text adventures on Uncyclopedia.
Windows logo - 2012 (dark blue).svg
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover.
Windows logo - 2012 (dark blue).svg
typo-G This user does not speak Typo and furthermore believes Typo to be an embarassment to language. This user desires genocide of all speakers of Typo.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This user hates you and everyone you care about.
Nuvola apps important.svg
This user doesn't care.

Update[edit | edit source]

BlueYonder has recently erased the 'history' part of his user page, as it was remarkably immature and his political views have changed somewhat since writing it; he now identifies as a slightly right-wing-leaning atheist. Whoop-ti-do.

BlueYonder is currently very proud to be a prominent editor of Grueslayer and wishes more people would get involved in it.

Articles I hast writ[edit | edit source]

UnScripts[edit | edit source]

UnNews[edit | edit source]

UnPoetia[edit | edit source]

HowTo[edit | edit source]

UnProvise[edit | edit source]

Achievements[edit | edit source]

Pee Reviewer of the Month Reviewer of the Month November 2008

UnProviser of the Month Award UnProviser of the Month August 2008