User:Orian57/articles and stuff
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Becuase everyone needs to know how to build the perfect sandcastle! You can't make it through school otherwise.
Articles[edit | edit source]
№ | Date of First Draft | Article | Reviewed By | Score | Notes | Pee | Taken Advice? |
1 | 10 March 2008 | Soap Operas |
Heerenveen | 20 | A re-write, the Maths equation wasn't mine it was Luck's. I count this as my re-write for Conservation Week. |
Here | Not Yet |
2 | 01 April 2008 | The Descent | Heerenveen | 32.5 | Part of UnFilm | Here | Yes |
3 | 07 May 2008 | UnNews:Wikipedia Re-Labelled “Pornopedia” By Conservatives | SysRq | 37.5 | Another (first one was deleted) UnNews, I saw the original story on Conservapedia and couldn't resist. This news story |
Here | Yes |
4 | 10 May 2008 | Gay marriage | Heerenveen | 33.8 | This was a compleate re-write | Here | Not yet |
5 | 18 June 2008 | ![]() #3 of July 08 |
Yettie U.U. |
40.35 38.8 |
An Orian original that may actually be good. |
Here Here |
Yes yes |
6 | 11 July 2008 | We Are Your Best Friend | Heerenveen Gladstone |
26.8 37.8 |
An Orian Original, Taken from my searing hatred of Amazon "We Recomend For You" e-mails. This needs some serious re-writing! | Here Here |
Yup. basically |
7 | 1 August 2008 | ![]() |
BlueYonder | 30.4 | Best thing I ever wrote this quickly if not ever. |
Here | Done |
8 | 2 August 2008 | UnNews:Sheep on rooftop threatens to jump! | Gladstone | 35 | 2 articles in as many days! Christ! | Here | doing |
9 | 25 August 2008 | UnTunes:I Kissed a Girl (And I Threw Up) (QFA) |
N/A | N/A | A song, |
N/A | N/A |
10 | 08 September 2008 | ![]() #1 of September 08 #7 Article of 2008 |
Gerrycheevers | 36.2 | I just don't know how to describe this without employing the experssion "Similar to Insomnia yet compleatly different". |
Here | done |
11 | 07 October 2008 | Why?:Did I Decide to Audition for Big Brother? | BlueYonder | 27.5 | Another Why? I seem to like them. This was featured on the Why? front page August 29th 09 - sometime, which is nice. I don't think there was a vote so it's not really that important | Here | Kinda |
12 | 14 October 2008 | ![]() |
Nachlader | 38.5 | With RT and RAHB on pictures 2 and 4 respectivley. |
Here | Not much to change. |
13 | 02 February 2009 | ![]() |
Here | yup |
14 | 12 April 2009 | ![]() |
Under user | 33.8 | Not based on my life at all. No really, I don't drink. |
Here | yup |
15 | 02 May 2009 | ![]() #1 of May 09 |
Tribbuca222 Gerrycheevers |
34.5 41.2 |
Currently my favourite thing I've written. Nominated by Gerry, |
Here Here |
none to take. Yup. |
Collab | 08 May 2009 | UnBooks:Diary of a Monkey Lover (QFA) | Nachlader | 36.5 | The first collaborative effort that I've actually finished, with Tags. |
Here | Will do |
16 | 11 May 2009 | ![]() |
Tagstit | 29 | I'm uncertain about this. It might be excelent or really bad. We'll see. Sonje did the first picture. low score but it's whats said in the review that counts, plus I've had loads of positive feedback. |
Here | I'll say yes. |
17 | 18 May 2009 | ![]() |
Saberwolf116 | 37.5 | Joshy returns. Think this does need some help before VFH but I'm pretty confident I'm onto something good. Again Sonje on the first picture |
Here | Done |
18 | 18 May 2009 | UnNews:Clip-on Ties Bring Safety to Schools | Under user | 35 | First UnNews I've done in ages! doubt it's VFH but we'll see. Undergone a title change, FYI. | Here | yes. I think. |
19 | 28 May 2009 | ![]() |
Nameable Saberwolf116 Cajek |
31.25 37 40.3 |
For Der Unwehr. Definitly need this peed though, I know it could be better. Got some good suggestions from pee! (2nd review) overall I kinda disagree, there is some stuff there I need to look at though. (3rd review) Ok so acording to Cajek, this is the best thing I've written. I'm not conviced personally but what do I matter? |
Here Here Here |
Yup. umm yes |
20 | 04 June 2009 | UnPoetia:Sonnet About Not Having a Muse | N/A | N/A | I've decided to dedicate the month of June to doing things out of my style, and while this is first-person-narrative it's also a poem, which is different. I did the picture myself. | N/A | N/A |
21 | 15 June 2009 | ![]() |
Gerrycheevers | 36.5 | Compleatly re-wrote this (will count for points in Der Unwehr!) |
Here | Yup! |
22 | 16 June 2009 | ![]() |
N/A | N/A | Something different again. Never finished a script before and already got some promising feedback. Sonje on the first picture! Sonje loved her picture so much she |
N/A | |
23 | 22 June 2009 | Left 4 Dead |
Saberwolf116 | 32.5 | Rewritten for Der Unwehr! Encyclopedic again. |
Here | will do. |
24 | 23 June 2009 | ![]() |
Iwillkillyou333 | 40 | Rewritten becuase what was there offended me greatly. Also Der Unwehr. Also Joshy's third article, would love to see this featured at some point. |
Here | yes. |
25 | 28 June 2009 | ![]() |
ChiefjusticeDS | 45 | Done in record time, I'm pretty impressed with it actually. |
Here | yup |
26 | 30 June 2009 | UnNews:Conservapedia is better than Wikipedia, Christian Announces | Heerenveen | 33.8 | I like this. Conservapedia is where I get all my best UnNews ideas. | Here | yup |
27 | 05 July 2009 | ![]() #1 of July 09 |
ChiefjusticeDS | 45 | I'm pretty confident this is great. Pee review confirms greatness, highest score ever. Also this is actually the first UnBook I've finished. |
Here | Yeah. |
28 | 31 July 2009 | UnNews:Monsters of the World Now Immune To Christians | ChiefjusticeDS | 34 | (Der Unwehr) This is ok, I believe, not great but none of my UnNewses are. | Here | will |
Collab | 04 August 2009 | UnBooks:Daddy's New Wife - Philip | ChiefjusticeDS | 41 | Collab with Nameable! He had this kicking around so I helped out. | Here | will |
29 | 09 September 2009 | ![]() |
FlameThrougher | 33.5 | (Der Unwehr) Probably crap but at least I've written something. |
Here | N/A |
30 | 18 October 2009 | UnRadio:Tricia Bellerose on Pirate FM |
ChiefjusticeDS | 41 | I wrote this in four hours before the PLS deadline closed I can't imagine it winning but I can always go back and clean it up later. Poo Lit Runner up! (3rd Place)! Self nommed, |
Here | Doing |
31 | 16 March 2010 | UnNews:Footballer has sex with wife | PuppyOnTheRadio | 29.5 | Confident this is rubbish, my UnNewses never fail to be. Still good to be back after a long hiatus. | Here | Doing. |
32 | 12 December 2010 | Captain Nimblestone | ChiefjusticeDS | 35 | I'm liking this. A good way to make my return (for the umteenth time this year, I have a good feeling about this return though!). | Here | Doing |
Namespaces I have features in.[edit | edit source]
Holiday Funnies[edit | edit source]
- Trick or Treat Street (Halloween 08)
- (still in progress) 12 Days of Cristmas (Christmas 08)
- (Still in Progress -.-)You Are Alone In The Dark (Halloween 09)
In Progress[edit | edit source]
- UnBooks:My Little Brother: Pokemon -- Here
- UnBooks:My Quest -- Here
- UnBooks:The Dirty Mermaid -- Here
- UnNews:Fox Helps Pregnant Woman on Plane -- Here
Stuff I Wanna Do[edit | edit source]
- (Der Unwehr) Toy
- (Der Unwehr) Stomach
- (Der Unwehr) F7
- (Der Unwehr) Rw Spare change -- starts off with and interesting tilt on things. Perhaps also go into Conspiracy theorist cults and such (parodying loose change).
- (Der Unwehr) Rw Twitter -- Already has a good start (excelent format) but I think I could do something funnier with it.
- (Der Unwehr) Rw Homosexual Agenda -- again good start just needs a bit of tweeking.
- (Der Unwehr) Rw monopoly -- Here
- (Der Unwehr) Rw Call from Grandma
- Dementia
- Cruise -- write an article about cruises.
- Health and Safety Violations On Uncyclopedia
No Why?s
No UnScripts
- UnBooks:Your Heart Smells of Pee and Other Love Related Nonsense -- childhood romances
- UnBooks:Multi-tasking For Men
- UnBooks:Where Were You When the Tentacle Rape of the Universe Started?
- UnBooks:Honey... What's All This Paperwork?
My Favorites![edit | edit source]
Below is a collection of my favorite non-mine articles that everyone should read (No particular order).
- UnTweets:George Peterson
- The Dog Dies at the End
- UnBooks:Tarquin Middleton: My Battle with Depression.
- UnBooks:My New Life as a T-Rex
- UnBooks:A Day In The Life Of A Redirect
- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
- UnTunes:All You Motherfuckers Are Gonna Pay
- Cardboard box
- UnScripts:Average Cop
- UnMovie Review: The Dark Knight
- The fact that you don't want a poodle
- Hydrogen
- UnBooks:Uncyclopedia Brown and Wikipedia Brown solve the mystery of the missing smugglers and their hidden cave or something
- UnTunes:Still Hurting