Noob (☝)

O hai thr (☺)
“In Soviet Russia, abyss gazes into YOU!”
I lurked Uncyclopedia for about a year before I actually got an account. I like (Q)VFDing. I'm new to Wiki formatting. I am of indefinite gender and age, which is cool. Uh...I have an annoying username.
Update: I think I'm back. -
(All my stuff will get its own pages when I get more stuff. Like awards, for example. *bats eyelashes*)
Stuff I Done Did (✍)(!!!1 = FEATURED! [someday, anyhow])
Stuff I May Do/Am Doing ( )(☐ = not started, ☑ = current project, ☒ = aborted/HALP)
If you want to help out with a project, let me know! If it's on here, I probably have an idea for where I want to go with it...probably being the operative word. |
If you can't see the symbols on my userpage: too bad, I'm a little too lazy for images. You could upload all my symbols as images for me, but that's not really anything but a nice waste of time. And no, I'm not removing them/replacing them. In case you didn't notice, I have a Unicode fetish.
Also: I go on self-editing sprees a lot that are probably really, really annoying to anyone who watches Recent Changes. This is my apology.