Uncyclopedia:Requested articles/old

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This list is made by people. For a list made by the machines, see Special:Wantedpages. See here for a local copy of the list of articles all encyclopedias should have. The ones we don't have show up as red on the first link. For a list of articles by template, see incomplete article series.

Important: Before starting any article, please read the policies and guidelines located at BGBU and HTBFANJS so your article doesn't end up here, here or here. If you will not be able to bring an article to finished quality within a short time, please do not click on the red link on this page, but instead start a draft in your userspace ([[User:My Username/article name]]). After you have finished, please go to Pee Review, and give yourself this nice award.

Do not remove any link from this page without checking the following:

  • If the link is blue, you should remove it if the article is obviously of good quality. If the article needs a rewrite, please note that next to the entry and move the entry here.
  • If the link is red, you should remove it if the request is obviously stupid/offensive or if the page is protected from creation.

See the talk page for more information.

If you need to provide lengthy background material for a request, see Uncyclopedia:Requested Articles/More info (this system is under construction), and place next to your request a (More Info) link to the corresponding subpage.

For a list of dubious request ideas which may be pursued if someone has interest in the specific topic, see here.

For a list of former requests which need a rewrite and/or expansion, see Uncyclopedia:Requested Articles/watchlist.

WARNING! Pretty Pretty Pretty Please put all requests into alphabetical order. It will make things easier for all of us.

Top 50 Wanted Articles[edit source]

See also: Special:WantedPages and User:Skinfan13/Upsilon Sigma Sigma/Collaboration

Please check for protected titles before trying to create any of these articles. (This page does not exist is protected for a reason.) This list is transcluded from Special:WantedPages and successful requests from this section will disappear after a day. If you create an article from this list, and award yourself {{reqaward}}, please leave a message on the talk page so it can be recorded. Thank you.

This page does not exist‏‎ (2,804 links), Greater than‏‎ (168 links), Template talk:Maladies‏‎ (159 links), Help:Getting started‏‎ (108 links), Template:IP-talk‏‎ (106 links), Template:Indefinite article‏‎ (106 links), Template:Menu icon‏‎ (106 links), Help:Show preview‏‎ (106 links), Iridium‏‎ (100 links), Berkelium‏‎ (99 links), Dysprosium‏‎ (99 links), Thulium‏‎ (99 links), Bohrium‏‎ (98 links), Cadmium‏‎ (98 links), Curium‏‎ (98 links), Erbium‏‎ (98 links), Fermium‏‎ (98 links), Gadolinium‏‎ (98 links), Holmium‏‎ (98 links), Lutetium‏‎ (98 links), Molybdenum‏‎ (98 links), Seaborgium‏‎ (98 links), Alan Moore‏‎ (97 links), Astatine‏‎ (97 links), Barium‏‎ (97 links), Darmstadtium‏‎ (97 links), Dubnium‏‎ (97 links), Hafnium‏‎ (97 links), Hassium‏‎ (97 links), Meitnerium‏‎ (97 links), Mendelevium‏‎ (97 links), Niobium‏‎ (97 links), Osmium‏‎ (97 links), Palladium‏‎ (97 links), Rhenium‏‎ (97 links), Rubidium‏‎ (97 links), Selenium‏‎ (97 links), Strontium‏‎ (97 links), Tantalum‏‎ (97 links), Technetium‏‎ (97 links), Thallium‏‎ (97 links), Zirconium‏‎ (97 links), Adamantium‏‎ (96 links), Flerovium‏‎ (96 links), Template talk:Template browser‏‎ (90 links), Tunisia‏‎ (87 links), Template:PB‏‎ (83 links), This page (honestly) really does not exist and if you dare to click on this link you will be sent into a black hole of endless nothingness where you will be tempted to edit pages that do not exist which will only get in you in even more trouble.‏‎ (80 links), Cerulean‏‎ (79 links) and Infinite Crisis‏‎ (76 links)

By category[edit source]

Busine$$[edit source]

Companies[edit source]

United States (National)[edit source]

United States (Regional)[edit source]

United Kingdom[edit source]

Occupations[edit source]

Entertainment[edit source]

Comic books[edit source]

DC Comics[edit source]

Marvel Comics[edit source]

Others[edit source]

Computer and Video games[edit source]

Unless otherwise qualified, "Sega" refers to Sega Mega Drive/Genesis.

(More Info)

Arcade[edit source]

Before putting a request here, please check Wikipedia or other sources to verify that the game has been released in arcades. Do not put requests for fictitious games here without an extremely good reason (e.g., the humor involves an unusual arcade cabinet design); in such a case you must provide an explanation here.

Cheating and anti-cheating[edit source]

All requests previously made in this section have been fulfilled. To give you an idea of what belongs here, the articles requested were GameShark and PunkBuster.

Emulation[edit source]

Game companies[edit source]

Game systems[edit source]

Music Games[edit source]

For relevant context, see the former DDR article. Check Wikipedia for basic information; don't make stuff up out of nowhere. Don't forget to review Uncyclopedia's humor standards, too. (More Info)

Other games and concepts[edit source]

This section is for independently-developed games, ROM hacks, games notable for extremely negative reception, and for video-game topics difficult to classify otherwise. ("Independently developed" includes dōjin soft and similar forms of freeware and shareware.)

People in the video-game industry[edit source]

Note: This section is for real programmers/designers. Please do not make requests for fictional characters. Please alphabetize by surname.

Music[edit source]

See also: UnTunes

Musicians[edit source]

Toys[edit source]

Geography[edit source]

Countries[edit source]

See also: List of countries

Cities and towns[edit source]

New York City[edit source]

Chicago[edit source]

San Francisco[edit source]

Institutions[edit source]

See also: wikipedia:List of fictional schools

Planets[edit source]

Other places nobody cares about[edit source]

Government and Politics[edit source]

Government agencies[edit source]

State agencies:

Organizations[edit source]

Political parties[edit source]

Politicians[edit source]

Ward Boss-era:


History[edit source]

I redirected it here, given the ridiculous overreactions to the event, plus it kinda fits the description. Feel free to make a real article out of it, though. —Paizuri MUN Talkpage My Contributions 21:37, 1 January 2010 (UTC)

Historical Periods and Events[edit source]

American Old West[edit source]



Disasters[edit source]

Military history[edit source]

Battles & Wars[edit source]

People[edit source]

Military Units[edit source]

Weapons[edit source]

Conspiracy Theories, Hoaxes and the Paranormal[edit source]

Mass Media[edit source]

Literature[edit source]

Authors[edit source]

Books[edit source]

Fictional characters[edit source]

Films[edit source]

Action films[edit source]

Animated films[edit source]

Classic films[edit source]

Comedy films[edit source]

Drama films[edit source]

"Foreign" films[edit source]

Horror films[edit source]

Main article: Horror film

Mafia movies[edit source]

Post-apocalyptic movies[edit source]

Sci-fi[edit source]

Western films[edit source]

Spaghetti Westerns

War movies[edit source]

Straight-to-video[edit source]

People in Films[edit source]

Radio[edit source]


Modern Programs:

Old-time Programs:

Television[edit source]

Anime[edit source]

Main articles: Anime and Laws of Anime Physics

Cartoons[edit source]

See also: User:MrCleveland/List of Hanna-Barbera characters

TV Shows[edit source]

(un wp g cms | 1911 co wolfram yt)

Television Channels/Networks[edit source]

Commercials[edit source]

Internet[edit source]

Memes[edit source]

Websites[edit source]

Wiki[edit source]

People and others who weren't so lucky[edit source]

Biographies of Ridiculous Persons[edit source]

Please note this section is for obviously fictional biographies. See A. Wyatt Mann, Pants Anderson, etc.

Celebrities[edit source]

Actors[edit source]

Criminals[edit source]

Organized Crime Figures Conflated with Cartoon Characters[edit source]

Al Capone, seen here dancing the Charleston on a flagpole.


Five Families-era:


Forgotten people[edit source]

Relative Unknowns with Funny Stories[edit source]

Religion[edit source]

Gods[edit source]

Religious figures[edit source]

Science and technology[edit source]

Biology[edit source]

Living creatures[edit source]



Chemistry[edit source]

Computers and Internet[edit source]

Distributed computing[edit source]

Hacking and security[edit source]

Hardware[edit source]

Networking[edit source]

This section is about the normal operation of computer networks. For network vulnerabilities, see Hacking and security (above).

Robotics[edit source]

Software development[edit source]

Systems administration and tech support[edit source]

Mathematics[edit source]

Medicine[edit source]



Treatment methods and devices:

Physics[edit source]

Transportation[edit source]

Sports[edit source]

Athletes[edit source]



Teams[edit source]


Wrestling[edit source]

See also: Wrestlecrap.com, Weird World of Wrestling and Xavier Doom's Slayground

WWF/WWE[edit source]

WCW[edit source]

ECW[edit source]

Mexican luchadore El Santo.

International[edit source]

Miscellaneous[edit source]

Food[edit source]

Philosophy[edit source]

Sexuality[edit source]

Uncyclopedia-related[edit source]


Classic articles, in-jokes and other nonsense[edit source]

Flying Spaghetti Monsterism[edit source]

Major League Bloodbath[edit source]

Disneyland Empire[edit source]

Please remember that, in following the series, the traditional Disney characters are (for propaganda purposes) based on "real-life" characters and thus separate people (e.g. Mickey Mouse the Great vs. Mickey Mouse). For a complete listing, please see List of missing Disneyland articles.

UnProjects-related[edit source]

HowTo[edit source]

Main article: HowTo

UnBooks[edit source]

Main article: UnBooks

UnNews[edit source]

Main articles: UnNews and UnNews Other Headlines
See also: Fark.com

Unquotable...[edit source]

Please note: It might be nice if you checked our handy Manual of Tackiness and Help Page for useful style hints before starting a new quotes page. Also, be sure to add new pages to Unquotable:Main Page, so that, like, someone else won't have to do it for you.

UnReviews[edit source]

Main article: UnReviews
Before starting one of these pages, please consult UnReviews:Beginner's Guide for style tips, example UnReviews, and instructions.

WhatIf?[edit source]

Main article: What if?

Why?[edit source]

Main article: Why?