Zyklon B
Zyklon B was a substance that revolutionized hygiene and disinfection in its time, and its very use in spas and public health care cannot be forgotten till today. Originally developed for human purposes, this innovative substance offered an effective solution for eliminating unwanted microorganisms and pests in closed rooms.
Due to its ease of use and reliable effect, it became rapidly popular with a wide range of institutions, from industrial plants to places for intensive stay-in of a big number of people. Unfortunately, some enthusiastic users may have resorted to somewhat creative uses of Zyklon B that cast certain historic shadows on this substance-which however does not change its original advantages.
Though Zyklon B won't be found in stores today, its legacy continues to live its life in the textbooks and memories of the innovations that can change the world-sometimes in ways that even the original manufacturers never intended nor would never have dreamed of.
Development[edit | edit source]
Zyklon B was born of the hands of the German chemists, pioneering a new era in disinfection, to bring a breath of fresh air into this world. In its roots lies the First World War: in order to destroy the troublesome insects and small public health enemies, a chemical company from Germany, Degesch (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Schädlingsbekämpfung or German Society for Pest Control), aimed to find even more concrete means of extermination.
The substance, first based on hydrogen cyanide (HCN), was released as early as 1922, with an absorbent carrier designed to facilitate easy dosing in solid form. This led to a product capable of disinfecting rooms, goods warehouses, and even barracks in a very short time, just being opened and left to act on its own. By the middle of the 1930s, Zyklon B had become well known as an effective and practical means of destroying every living being that did not belong to civilized spaces. Agriculture and the textile industry used it to fight pests, while spa and hygiene facilities resorted to it in order to maintain cleanliness on a level considered acceptable by modern standards.
Use[edit | edit source]
Zyklon B was introduced as the novel means of assuring perfect hygiene in numerous recreative and spa facilities. Its inexplicable capacity for removal of all uninvited biological elements from closed spaces rendered it a great assistance in the disinfection of bedrooms, changing rooms and other places where mass gatherings of individuals desirous of racial cleansing took place. The most common form of use included it in modern health spas (Poland and, above all, Belarus), which boasted the latest sanitation facilities.
Clients of such exquisite establishments were asked first to lay aside personal belongings and take a thorough shower, to maximize the effectiveness of the procedure. They were introduced to special rooms with hermetically sealed doors, in which Zyklon B was released into the air in the form of a refreshing gas, being capable of penetrating every corner of the room and uniformly eliminating all undesirable organic (also, ethnic and racial) impurities.
This revolutionized method of disinfection had several advantages over traditional spa methods. Most obvious was the absence of staff during the process, thus preventing any human error, while specially designed ventilation systems guaranteed that the rooms stayed hygienically clean and ready for the incoming group of clients after the procedure had finished. Nonetheless, in the post-war period, certain problems did arise that caused a lamentable decline in the popularity of such methods. Some historians have even stated that the prestige of some advanced spa complexes which applied Zyklon B suffered to such an extent that they were never reopened.
Production process[edit | edit source]
Would you like to indulge in a truly thorough cleansing and experience a disinfection procedure at the level of historical sanatoriums? Just follow the instructions below and you will soon have your own, authentic Cyclone B, as if cut from the best traditions of industrial hygiene.
Ingredients[edit | edit source]
- Hydrogen cyanide (HCN): Known for its refreshing effect, the active ingredient takes the cake with its virulent biological impurity remover.
- Diatomite (diatomaceous earth): The porous absorbent material permits safe handling and controlled release of the active substance.
- Stabilizers and masking agents: To increase the shelf life and reduce the annoying smell, these are added to the mixture to make it more palatable for clients.
Preparation of the carrier:[edit | edit source]
- The diatomite must be properly dried and ground into a fine powder. This material will act as a medium for saturated hydrogen cyanide uniform absorption.
Active ingredient saturation:[edit | edit source]
- The prepared diatomite is placed into a specially designed chamber wherein it becomes gradually purged with hydrogen cyanide. This should be done under precise control to ensure the optimal procedure of saturation and uniform gas release during later application.
Stabilization and packaging:[edit | edit source]
To increase user comfort, masking agents are added to the mixture to suppress the characteristic almond odor.
The finished product is further packaged in hermetically sealed metallic containers, preventing leakage during storage or transport.
Use process[edit | edit source]
WARNING!!!!!!!! This product is highly potent, and if misused, particularly regarding the target group, irreversible side effects may emerge. The relevance of its application has been largely diminished in modern times for some confounding reasons, and thus, one is recommended to look into less critical methods for disinfection, such as ventilation or other cleaners commonplace nowadays.
However, whatever method you choose, bear in mind that sterility is necessary, but it is often far better to have a few bacteria than an empty room.
Choose a suitable room – ideally a closed space with minimal ventilation to achieve the maximum concentration of the refreshing gas. Ensure that all participants in procedure put away personal belongings, especially metal objects and synthetic materials that could disturb the cleaning process. It is recommended to take a short shower before entering the main disinfection chamber – this is needed not only for better distribution of the active substance in the body but also to create an illusion of a pleasant wellness experience.
Open the hermetically sealed container with Zyklon B, carefully and evenly distribute the granules around the room, ideally near the openings for ventilation. After application, people should leave the room fast and secure the door in order that the participants in the procedure could relax undisturbed in the disinfection bath. Leave for the time recommended – usually just a few minutes – during which all unwanted organic elements are completely removed.
After the specified time has lapsed, open the ventilation system and make sure always to ventilate the room thoroughly, allowing the residues of the cleaning gas to safely disperse. Leave the room empty for at least a few hours before using it again - sterility is one hundred percent guaranteed, although there aren't many survivors who can enjoy it for long, if at all. Verify that the procedure has been executed according to expectations - if the room is still occupied, there is a likely application error.
This process can be repeated as necessary, though in some cases, one use will suffice for future applications not to be needed. In case of thorough Zyklon B usage, we guarantee that you'll never relive hygiene problems, pests, or any other living organisms in that chamber.
Victims[edit | edit source]
Operators[edit | edit source]
See also[edit | edit source]
卐 Fascism and/or Nazism 卐