Bullet hell

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You thought that was hard? Try THIS!

A bullet hell game is a type of video game called a scrolling shooter. The basic premise of a scrolling shooter is that the player must control a vehicle, usually an abstract spaceship of some kind, or a loli, to outmaneuver enemy ships. Bullet hell refers to an instance of such a game in which an utterly bat-shit insane number of bullets are on-screen simultaneously and which the player must dodge while hoping that his bullets will, by chance or occasionally by design, hit enough of the enemy for him to get a high score.

Scrolling shooters[edit | edit source]

History[edit | edit source]

Perhaps by virtue of the simplicity of their basic design, scrolling shooters have been around since the beginning of video gaming. Indeed, Space Invaders is considered one of the earliest of such games, if not the earliest (though some cite Spacewar! as an even earlier example). Asteroids might also be considered a scrolling shooter, but this is heavily disputed.

Today, many game development systems, including Game Maker, Microsoft Visual C++, and Playboy offer some sort of scrolling shooter as a tutorial in game design. An unintended consequence of this is that a lot of scrolling shooters have appeared on different web-hosting sites, most of them created• by 12-year-olds. Several of the offending 12-year-olds have been forcefed their own bullets as punishment.

Gameplay[edit | edit source]

Depending on the platform the game is played on, the controls may vary. However, protocol is to allow the ship to be steered with the four arrow buttons (or equivalent), and to have one or more buttons used to shoot with. A few scrolling shooters don't give the player the ability to fire.

“Then don't call them scrolling shooters! Call them something else!”

~ Captain Pedantic on Scrolling Shit

Most scrolling shooters have a "learning curve" of some descripti•on. That is to say, they start out relatively easy, but rapidly become more and more challenging until the player is eventually destroyed by the onslaught of raw power before him.

Defining a Bullet Hell[edit | edit source]

Distinctions between bullet hell and other scrolling shooters[edit | edit source]

The distinguishing feature of a bullet hell is the large amount of bullets on-screen at any one time. This may seem like an elementary difference, but in fact it •defines the entire genre, and forces several other features of the bullet hell shooter to come to light.

Firstly, •in order for so many bullets to be produced, there must be either large numbers of relatively weak bad guys on the screen (which can then be shot for lots of points) or a single large enemy, called a Boss. Generally, the first option is preferred, with b•osses coming in at the end of the level, if that.

It is possible to have the bullets coming from • off-screen, but this is considered retarded.

Another difference between generic scrolling shooters and • bullet hells is that, in scrolling shooters, it is acceptable for the player's ship to be large and slow, if he has a lot of health points.• Bullet hells, on the other hand,• only ever give the player one health point, and if he is hit, it's game over.○

It is also necessary to hold down the Fire button constantl•y during a bullet hell. If it is necessary to rep•eatedly hit the Fire button to fire and holding it down do•esn't work, consider having your finger cut off and replacing it with• a bionic pr○thesis.

Examples of famous bullet hells[edit | edit source]

Sp•rk.PNG Thi•s secti•n was originally spork•ed from Wikip•dia.

Pr○bably the bes•t example• of a bullet hell○ is• the Touhou•Pr○ject series. The firs•t inst•lments○ were• releas•d in 19••6,• and th○ se•ries ○has made •ext•nsive ○use of power•ups○. A• •it w○s pr•u•ced in• Japan•, the graph○○•s •we•re ver○••olorful••y West•rn standards. The s••o○ylin○ is not• ○ov•r☼ly○ em○☼asis•○• t○ wa• af○☼• all ○•• arcade g•ame•.

Pe•rf○○••ec•t Che••○rry• Blos•som •• is•• the s•☼○nt•h○ Touho•u ga•me. It• •is u☼☼☼l among the r•ece○○☼n•t r•el•ea•sesv in h••t ○th •gli•sh and Jap•a○○e tie•s •ae ••not s••imil○ar•• in ○○ning; its ○Ja○•n☼••se• ti••tle co○•○u○l••be• ••○re○d as •B••w○it○•h☼••ng D•r○•eam.• As t•h•e on•th tu•rns •to M•ay,○ w○inte☼•○•r○ •○ha○○s• ☼la•st○e☼☼u,• M○○•○wrki to•○p○○○e•○•vntsrn•g's ○o○mi•ng. Pe☼☼rfet •Cherry Bl•ossom ••t○inue•s○ •t○○he○•☼ tr○ai•tio•○n○ of ○○t• ☼Tou○ou••○•R☼•eml•i○•••Sc•ar•le☼t••○○, b•ette☼r •k•nown a••☼☼•s •t☼••○he S••☼•☼ca○☼○r○☼☼le•t •☼D○☼evil, nd •☼••• fo•ht ☼•her•s•○•○☼☼evl t•☼s i☼n E•o••SD.

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How to play a bullet hell[edit | edit source]

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