DANGER!! Viewing or reading this page can be deadly ... or worse. 21,387 users are currently castrated, paralyzed, infected with Herpes, and/or disfigured for daring to see this page. If you just got here and are feeling dizzy due to losing a pint of blood from the stump where your arm used to be, please stumble away and call for help, then lay down in the gutter and pass out.
This user is Commander in Chief of the Army Of banjo2E.
This user is a Registered User and they can upload images and move pages, whoopdie freakin doo. |
This user joined Uncyclopedia on May 24, 2007.
This user is better than BENSON, and is an Anti-BENSON-ite! Muahahaha! |
This user considers him/herself an expert gamer and so begs borrows or steals just enough money to pay for their electricity.
Eeek ahk sque'ek uhk kkkk'k squeek! |
This user only speaks Pikachu enough to seduce native Pikachu speakers. |
This *bleep* user likes to *bleep* the use of *bleep* *bleep* profanity *bleep* |
This user believes that you can never have too many text adventures
on Uncyclopedia. |
This user is a spelling Nazi. Beware their grammarsteeq. |
This user uses Windows because they can't get enough of your lover. |
This user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies.
Panic! This user knows Vogon poetry and will not hesitate to recite it. |
 password |
 password |
This user's IQ is over 142. |
This user likes to use contradictory userboxes. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE BETTER THAN YOU! |
You like me! You really like me! This user appreciates your praise. |
This user can also be found elsewhere on the internet. |
This user is right-handed. In Latin, they would be Dexter. |
This user cannot follow any orders!!
Hello, and welcome to me.
I am currently working on articles:
Roll.EXE Finished, it's in main Uncyclopedia. Man, it's been 6 months + since I started it! Geez, I suck.
HowTo:Win Her Majesty's Royal Flying Rat's Ass
Instant Water
The Great Ninjapiratezombierobot War I'm done with this one.
Shock troops (I've adopted this page, as it seems like it could be very good in the future. But Dawn takes priority.)
Bambi (Adopted page, and saved it)
Uncyclopedia:Sign your posts or DIE! Done done done.
The Page Without Wiki Formatting Completified.
Shoop Da Whoop (Aw man, I hate vandals. This could make them happy though, but at the same time insult them. YEY!)
Phonetics - Aw man, this is sucha a good idea.
UnNews:Great Maple Tree Dies - Uncyclopedian UnNews version of the recent Maple Story disaster. Moved to mainspace.
Story Time
In addition, I have made the following templates:
Template:Megaman Disapproves
Template:Contradictory Userboxes
Template:Starcraft - YEY.
Uh...houston? We have a problem...
I totally made this image, and it replaces the Uncyclopedia logo on MS Paint. Oh yeah. I rule.
Something I'm likely to use. Here to prevent orphanage.
UnNews:Communists officially own Eastern hemisphere Done.