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Right Arrow.png
Thank you, good sir, for realizing the importance of right arrow!

You have been singled by Doovad, yes indeed, DOOVAD, as deserving of thanks!

May your arrows always point in the "right" direction (punny!) and may you carry these lessons with you forever!

Thanks for the vote.

Fuckyeah2.gif Aaawww...
Administrator/Praise has been diagnosed with cancer.
cheek cancer. Yeah. Incurable.
Basic Chandelier.jpg Ta muchly!

Under User would like to present you with a chandelier by way of thanks
for voting for his hat-trick highlight article, HowTo:Fuck Off.
It isn't tasteful or stylish, is in no way understated (unless you happen to live in a palace) and so forth, but it has a long chain, sturdy hand holds, and swings well, and will be an invaluable aid to fucking off stylishly in future. Place it carefully!