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Goldstein award.png
Pee reviewer of the month award.png
Unbooks mousepad.PNG
Playwright of the Month badge.png

Summary[edit | edit source]

UnBooks mousepad.

Licensing[edit | edit source]

Licensed under absolutely nothing. Have a fucking field day. Abuse this for your own sick pleasures. No license.png

UnBooks (most recent) UnAuthor of the Month


There is a guy. He is a seemingly ordinary guy, raising no interest and no suspicion when folks see him pass pass them by, but that is only appearance, only how he seems. He knows things, the truths of which are darker and sharper than the coldest shadows, the sorts of things that will curdle the blood and end all hope, and when he puts them to words, they... become. But he's just this guy, you know? He's Aleister in Chains. In his words, however, lies strangeness.

Vote for UnAuthor of the Month

Author of the Month is an award given to the best UnBooks author around. It is given for high quality works, good books, humor, and humour. The rules are:

  1. A nominee must have written, or done some major work on, an UnBook this or last month.
  2. People cannot nominate themselves, but they can vote for themselves.
  3. People must sign their votes, or their votes will be deleted.
  4. You only get one vote per month.
Unbooks mousepad.PNG

Rewards[edit | edit source]

  • Place on UnBooks Main Page.
  • A free UnBooks official mousemat Where valid
  • A shiny template: {{AOTM}}
  • Respect of your peers self.

Past Winners[edit | edit source]

ShandonDiZMhaille (2) • Electrified mocha chinchillaTodd LyonsModusoperandiHardwick FundlebuggyNeedABrainSannseZombiebaron (2) • MordilloSquiggleUncyclopedianTheLedBalloonThe ThinkerLjlegoJim GroovesterWinstanley1DJ IrreverentSysRqRAHB (2) • The UnIdiotNachladerCap'n BenSycamore (2) • IronLungThe Woodburninator (2) • GuildensternensteinIwillkillyou333Acrolo (2) • StarnestommyAleister (2) • Under user

Some kind of vote archive can be seen by clicking here.

Official nominations for February[edit | edit source]

Xamralco (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 4

This award is, like, Temporarily Suspended. As such it's all closed 'n' shit at the moment.
But... If you can convince some Admin that there are enough users worthy of nomination for this award then they might, like, maybe open it again and stuff. Or maybe not. Who knows.

This award recognizes superb reporting in UnNews Audio segments. The winner becomes a CUN and will get this snazzy and cumbersome template! {{EGAoEitDoM}} Wasn't that snazzy?

Emmanuel Goldstein Award of Excellence in the Distribution of Misinformation

Here's a page on HowTo:Do An UnNews Audio.

Procedure[edit | edit source]

Criteria[edit | edit source]

Participants can consider diction, the technical quality of the recording, excellence in deadpan or excellence in theatrics, excellence in background music or special effects--but the ultimate question is who did the best at making you laugh with UnNews Audio features in the month.

Eligibility for nomination[edit | edit source]

To be nominated for the Goldstein Award, a user must:

  • Be a registered member, not an IP.
  • Have recorded at least three "full" UnNews articles in his career--there is a separate award for audio narration of mainspace articles--and should have recorded at least one in the month in question. (Unless you are TheSlyFox)

You cannot nominate yourself. The nominator adds {{VoteEGA}} to the user page of the user nominated. This announces the nomination and invites the nominee, and anyone else who visits that user page, to come vote.

Nominations must be signed. Comments and explanations are welcome. Nominations will please use the level two headline format for the name of the nominee.

Nominations end one week from the end of the month.

Voting[edit | edit source]

You may vote ONCE for your favorite broadcaster. Votes must be signed; and as with nominations, comments and explanations are welcome. On the first of the next month, the winner is announced.

Past Winners[edit | edit source]

Todd Lyons (3) • BradaphraserOliproZim_ulator (4) • RangeleySeverianUnunbiliumFlyingfelineBraydieMordillo (3) • KenvalyiContestantComposure1ZombiebaronRAHB (2) • The UnIdiotLjlegoModusoperandiZana Dark (2) • SPIKE (14) • NickJonesUSADexter111344TheSlyFox

See here for details.

Official nominations for February[edit | edit source]

awards is part of

The UnScripts Project

Your personal Shakspearian folio of humor, love, woe and other silly emotions

Playwright of the Month badge.png

Dost þou haþ ƕat it takes to be Playwright of þe Monþ? Didst þou say "ne"? Þen vote on þe next one!


  • Givst þ a John Hancock at þe end of each of þour messages.
  • If þou art nominated, þou mayeþ place {{VotePWOTM}} on þine vsre page.
  • Þou havst one vote. Use it wisely.
  • Winners get þeir choice of award - þe templæt:{{PwotM|float|date}} œr þe userbœx:{{PwotM Userbox|date}}.
  • Þou canst not nœminate þourself.
  • If nœ user is selected, þen tis vp to þe creator of vnscripts tœ select æ playwright.

Prævious Winners[edit | edit source]

Jocke PiratThe Humbled MasterTHELjlego (2) • UncyclopedianUnder userThe UnIdiotCap'n BenMrN9000The ThinkerNameableOrian57MacManiaSog1970FunnybonyModusoperandiGuildensternensteinRomartusPtok-BentonicznyIwillkillyou333

Le archive

Nominations for February[edit | edit source]

This award recognizes superb recording of audio segments for mainspace articles.

Eligibility Requirements[edit | edit source]

To be nominated, you must:

  • Be a registered member.
  • Not nominate yourself. You can vote for yourself, but you can't nominate yourself.
  • Have recorded audio segments for at least three "full" mainspace articles.

Who should I nominate?[edit | edit source]

Nominate the member who has recorded audio segments for mainspace articles in a most professional manner. When a user is nominated, place the template {{VoteANOTM}} on their userpage.

Nominations and Voting Process[edit | edit source]

Nominations end one week from the end of the month. At this time you may vote ONCE for your favorite narrator. On the first of the next month, the winner will be announced.

Fabulous Prizes[edit | edit source]

Winner will receive:

  • Recognition from their peers
  • The rank of CUN
  • A really fancy template: {{ANOTM}}

Vote Or Die!![edit | edit source]

Nominate now! Only signed votes will count. Please use the level two headline format for the name of the nomination with an optional comment and mandatory signature underneath.

Past Winners[edit | edit source]

UNKNOWNFILEXylitolInsineratehymn (2) • MordilloThe Thinker (2) • ModusoperandiThe UnIdiot (2) • TheLedBalloonRAHB (2) • LjlegoZana DarkDexter111344SPIKE (5) • MacManiaMrthejazzSonjeElectrified mocha chinchilla

see here for details.

Official Nominations for February[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the official page for the official award Reviewer of the Month.

Eligibility[edit | edit source]

The Golden Party Badge; the official insignia of the Reviewer of the Month.

To qualify for the Reviewer of the Month award, you must first meet certain criteria.

  1. You must be a registered user.
  2. You must not have nominated yourself. You can vote for yourself, but not nominate yourself.
  3. You must have done at least one review within the last month.

Rules and guidelines[edit | edit source]

These are the rules and less-official guidelines for the Reviewer of the Month.

  1. IP votes carry full weight. Because many IPs submit articles for review, they benefit from good Reviewers as much as anyone else does. IPs get a full vote instead of the usual half-vote.
  2. Nominate those reviewers who have consistently given exceptional reviews. If a user happened to review multiple articles of yours but never gave any suggestions for improvement, do not nominate them. There are many other, far more deserving users out there.
  3. You can only vote once. You can cancel your vote using slashes to change your vote, but you still only get one vote to cast every month.
  4. Additionally, when a user is nominated, the nomination template {{VoteRotM}} should be added to their user page.

Reward[edit | edit source]

Tell 'em what they won, Jon!:

Past Winners[edit | edit source]

One-eyed JackCajekMrN9000Under user (2) • SysRqHeerenveenMightydandylionYesTimeToEditOrian57Hyperbole (2) • GerrycheeversSycamoreBlueYonderNachladerMnbvcxzTagstitIronLungProjectmayhem666Saberwolf116StaircaseChiefjusticeDS (2) • PuppyOnTheRadio (2) • Siddhartha-WolfGuildensternensteinWhy do I need to provide this?NecropaxxHiatus HerniaSkinfan13Black flamingo11 (2) • MatfenHELPMEJohn LydonPeregrineFalcon999LyrithyaJackOfSpadesOliphaunte (2) • Shabidoo (2) • Magic manFrostyMattsnow

There are four archives: this one, that one and that other one hey look another.

Official Nominations For July[edit | edit source]

Foolitzer Prize

This award recognizes the best writer of UnNews articles each month. Winner becomes a KUN.

Eligibility Requirements[edit | edit source]

To be nominated, you must:

  • Be a registered member.
  • Not nominate yourself. You can vote for yourself, but you can't nominate yourself.
  • Have written at least three "full" UnNews articles.

Whom should I nominate?[edit | edit source]

Nominate the member who has written UnNews articles in a most highly convincing and misinformative manner.

Nominations and Voting Process[edit | edit source]

Nominations end one week from the end of the month. At this time you may vote ONCE for your favorite journalist. On the first of the next month, the winner will be announced.

Remember to add {{VoteFPrize}} to their user page. How else can they keep up with the news?

Vote Or Die!![edit | edit source]

Nominate now! Only signed votes will count. Please use the level two headline format for the name of the nomination with an optional comment and mandatory signature underneath.

Not a nom will not be considered as a nomination from now on and will be removed from the list. Nom and vote for people you believe should get the prize and not for group hug purposes, we have talk pages for that.

Past Winners[edit | edit source]

Wild WeaselComposure1 (2) • Hawthorn PeeblesOliproCScottMordilloAyatollah GurkhmeiniArmandoTshellProcopiusDanny HimselfDavid GerardPF4Eva (2) • BraydieElectrified mocha chinchillaModusoperandiHrodulfPottsmThe ThinkerWeebils (2) • The UnIdiotTHETheLedBalloonPrettiestprettyThekillerfroggySonic80CajekMrmonkey72HyperboleB0nafideforgothispasswordDogsheadRabbiTechno (2) • Cap'n BenNot A Good Username360GerrycheeversRAHBImNotASunbeamClemens177AcroloAn Ape that Only Exists on Thursdays (2) • Zim ulator (2) • SmugglerGlobalTourniquetSPIKE (3) • Funnybony (5) • RomartusFishalishalishUsername18Kip the DipTheHumbucker (2) • Black flamingo11Aleister in Chains (2) • ChiefjusticeDSBizzeebeeverMatt lobsterLeoispotterUncle JMattsnowTritefantasticGleepTicklethekeys

See here for full details.

August[edit | edit source]

UPjcm (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 0

Weebils (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 0
  • Nom He won it a month ago but I nom him again. Incredible output, since the beginning of May, he wrote 58 good ones (probably 20 more as you are reading this), 3 of them got featured. Talk Mattsnow 06:42, July 3, 2012 (UTC)

PuppyOnTheRadio (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 3
  • Nom Wrote a couple of good ones last month, including UnNews:God and Nature in demarcation dispute Talk Mattsnow 19:39, August 3, 2012 (UTC)
  • I've never one this award, despite having written a few UnNews, including features, and helping to revive it with a competition a little while ago. So screw modesty, I'm voting Symbol for vote.svg For.. Nominally Humane! 05:13 05 Aug
  • Fuck modesty, give the dog a PurpleDickVote.svg bone. ~ BB ~ (T) Icons-flag-us.pngSun, Aug 5 '12 6:38 (UTC)
  • If he's never won this then why are we a wiki? Puppy is the journalists' journalist, the Pulitizer Prize winning author of "Why I Make News and then Report It", the man spoken of in whispers in the halls of any remaining newspapers everywhere. Foolitzer is his middle name. Aleister 16:22 8-7-'012

Funnybony (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 0
  • Nom As regular as a ticking clock. His ability to make fun of political situations is awesome. Talk Mattsnow 19:39, August 3, 2012 (UTC)
  • Spiritual Forth If God was in His Heaven Funnybony would win this every month. Why isn't the award named after him???????!!! Or at least carved with his likeness staring out at you. I dunno. Aleister 16:24 8-7-'012

Jonny appleseed (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 0
  • Nom For your consideration, this freshly-crowned NotM has been writin' a whole bunch of quality UnNewses. Talk Mattsnow 19:39, August 3, 2012 (UTC)

EpicNinjaMonkey (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 0

Electrified mocha chinchilla (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 1

MasterWangs (talk) – contribs (newdel)edit-countblock (remlist)all logsgroupscheckuser[edit | edit source]

Score: 1
  • Nom + For Because he writes UnNews that make me laugh, hasn't won this before, should be encouraged and hasn't been nominated every month since March. ~Sir Frosty (Talk to me!) Proudly bogan 10:57, August 4, 2012 (UTC)

Alrighty, people, it's the big one. The Booker Prize of Uncyclopedia, just like Writer of the Month, but for the whole year. It's the coveted Uncyclopedia Writer of the Year page!

Eligibility Requirements[edit | edit source]

To be nominated:

  • You cannot nominate yourself, but you can vote for yourself if you are feeling greedy like.
  • You must have written some articles. This goes without saying, dummy.
  • You must be alive.
  • Winners announced at the end of January. Probably.

Super prizes[edit | edit source]

  • A place in the Hallowed halls of Uncyclopedia for all time.
  • A shiny template.
  • "Respect" of your peers.
  • A smack on the head from everyone else.

Past Winners[edit | edit source]

See Voting Record for Full Details


It's, like, Uncyclopedian of the Month, but...for the whole year. Yeah. This is probably the greatest honor   one of the greatest honors an honor.

Eligibility Requirements[edit | edit source]

To be nominated:

  • You cannot nominate yourself, but you can vote for yourself.
  • Do some stuff and hope you get noticed by someone.
  • Lie, cheat, steal and sleep your way to victory.
  • Must be 3.5 years old and a naturalized citizen of earth.
  • Winner will be announced...uh...the end of January maybe? Details are sketchy at this point.

Johnny, show them what they'll win[edit | edit source]

  • Eternal fame and glory.
  • A fancy template to show off to your friends, if you have any.
  • Eternal fame and glory.

Previous winners[edit | edit source]

Alrighty, people, it's the most Radical one. The Xiest Prize of Uncyclopedia, just like Potatochopper of the Month, but for the whole year. It's the amazing Uncyclopedia Potatochopper of the Year page!

Eligibility Requirements[edit | edit source]

To be nominated:

  • You cannot nominate yourself, but you can vote for yourself, you whore.
  • You must have been a winner of the Potatochopper of the Month Award.
  • You must be alive.
  • Winners announced at the end of January, unless it's already passed, it which case how about February?
  • Winners cannot win multiple years.

Super prizes[edit | edit source]

  • A place in the Hallowed halls of Uncyclopedia for all time.
  • The ability to make your own PotY trophy (and also the WotY trophy, because we don't have one of those either).
  • Respect of your peers. (I'm sorry, but is this strictly necessary?)
  • A smack on the head from everyone else.

Past Winners[edit | edit source]

Voting Record