User:Ayatollah Gurkhmeini

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Foolitzer Prize Award Foolitzer Prize Winner September 2006
You can help by paying for their Ritalin, or finding them a kitten to play with.
This user is a native speaker of English.
This user is a native speaker of Recondite English.
This user speaks Spanglish at a near-native level.
This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of Español.
This user is able to contribute with a basic level of Elvish.
This user has a sizeable amount of schmaltz and chutzpah.
This user does not speak Esperanto and believes it to be an embarrassment to language. Furthermore, this user desires the genocide of all Esperanto speakers.
Yah meeht nawt beh abble tew undersvand zis usehr behkuz zey zpeek Sarcasm whif und estreemleh theuck akzent.
Knight Commander of the Order
This user is Mormon and believes all articles will be featured, but there will be 3 levels of VFH. They have a book that could change your life.
This user is hereby nominated an HONORARY JEW, and is entitled to all honors and persecutions as such.
United States
This user is American
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
United States
This user is secretly training to be a Leprechaun

, and believes themselves to be Irish

451px-Wii Wiimotea.png
This user is a Nintendo fan.
451px-Wii Wiimotea.png
424px-Gondor flag2.svg.png This user is a Dúnadan
...and is Isildur's heir, not Isildur himself.
(List of Uncyclopedian Dúnedain)
This user wants to live a Beatnik lifestyle and transcend hipsterism.
Uncyclopedia-paint.png This user's primary source of artwork is MS Paint.
This user is a boy and is made of trucks, trains, and airplanes.
This user has already read all of Oscar Wilde's works. Twice. And has his picture over their bed.
This user plays guitar, because it attracts more groupies, and gets more solos than the bass.
UnNews Logo Potato.png This user is a reporter for UnNews because they couldn't get a job at a real newspaper.
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
This user is against sexuality; probably because it is not a pervert like you.

I must be praised for my piety.

Ayatollah Gurkhmeini (1946-2956) was a Wookiee Chieftain that fought in the Battle of Kashyyyk during the Clone Wars. the youngest child of Han Solo and Leia Organa Solo. an Iranian-American Jedi, h4x0r, and, most of all, Uncyclopedia contributor. He marrried Jaina Solo, the EU's biggest hottie, in 29 ABY, and subsequently impregnated her with a metric buttload of hot Jedi kids. He resurrected Yoda in 32 ABY and is currently working on an album with acclaimed producer Slub Gamorkiyan.

Who am I?[edit | edit source]

Who in Outer Darkness knows? I'm too busy dodging bullets fired by Lilburn W. Boggs and his lackies to discuss these matters of profound importance. I am however, Mormon, which means I am:

  • Extremely happy;
  • Can use the word "eternal" in normal conversation;
  • Think I can solve everything by referring you to missionaries;
  • A born optimist who thinks the humor is the world's manner of achieving enlightenment. Good humor that is.

Furthermore, according to Mordillo, it would seem that I might be the Latter-Day Lowlander, leading his pikemen and woad raiders soon to a theatre near you! Like Braveheart, but without the Catholic fanaticism and anti-Semitism!

This is how I see the world. Not wrong, only different.

My Articles[edit | edit source]

You can view the ones I started or wrote most of here.

My Propaganda[edit | edit source]

Uncyclopedians Anonymous: My anti-Wiki.

My insanely biased propaganda (for which I have recently received the FOOLITZER PRIZE) is displayed here.

Facts[edit | edit source]

I am a student in Utah, land of the Mormons. A mere lad to most, I have been able to pwn all my enemies and become an Uncyclopedia Contributor. My fav. sub. are hist. and Eng., dude!

I enjoy writing articles on history and geography, and just love to put in infoboxes on crap. Infoboxes are fun, and make it like kinda real.

Awards[edit | edit source]

See them here.

Sports[edit | edit source]

Gurkhmeini does not play sports, although he does run and may try out for track next year. Also, as a Salt Lake supporter, I may murder anyone who supports Chivas USA or Colorado.

Model UN[edit | edit source]

OMFG! 1tz t3h b34713z!!!!111!1!!1

I greatly enjoy participating in the Model United Nations program. I currently represent Germany on UNESCO and SOCHUM throughout the state of Utah. Yes, I am a nurd.

Music[edit | edit source]

I play violin and guitar. However, due to my use of this website, I am not very good. I like to listen to Mozart, The Beatles, Death Cab for Cutie, Bright Eyes, Cream, The Ramones, and other crazy crap.