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Uncyclopedia:Top 10 Articles of 2015

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James Woods feels you should read these articles. Ya feel?

These are the Top Ten Uncyclopedia Articles of 2015. (Or should I say 11 because fuckers can't vote without getting ties) Also, check out the Top 10 of 2005 and of 2006 and of 2007 and of 2008 and of 2009, and of 2010, and 2011, and 2012 and 2013 and 2014!

1. Star Wars opening crawl
2. Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones
3. HowTo:Install a ceiling fan without getting your dick stuck in it (tied)
3. Unidentified Jedi Council member (tied)
5. American cuisine (tied)
5. Before Broken Britain (tied)
5. I have a dream (tied)
9. Finland (tied)
9. Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (tied)
9. Spambot (tied)
9. This is IT! Where's the Money? (tied)