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Weebils the Wonderful LOVES Uncyclopedia, so he wastes a lot of time writing cutting-edge, pulse-pounding, sexually arousing articles that no one reads, including (ta-da!):
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Foolitzer Prize Winner September 2007 |
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Foolitzer Prize Winner May 2012 |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Canada's new phunny munny This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Junior designer makes her own prom dress This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Police investigate "bizarre incidents" at Walmart This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Unnews Articles[edit | edit source]
Weebils the Wonderful has contributed the following contributions to Unnews, many of which have been lead articles and some of which have been featured articles, so there!
- Noah: "Change your ways or drown!" - LEAD 1[1]
- Rosie rips pope and Pooh [2]
- Bush: "Hang 'em high!" [3]
- Mushrooms among brainiest vegetables [4]
- Tony Blair embraces nudism - FEATURED STORY [5]
- True origin of Reed Richards revealed [6]
- Romanian skull suggests link between gay men and Neanderthals [7]
- Michael Jackson undergoes plastic surgery--AGAIN! - FEATURED STORY [8]
- Another Iraqi car commits suicide [9]
- Dakota Fanning sacrificed in new film [10]
- Muslim cabbies fined for refusing fares - FEATURED STORY [11]
- Lindsay Lohan dries out in rehab - LEAD 2 [12]
- Redneck Reader goes visual - FEATURED STORY [13]
- Christian theme park to open in Little Rock - LEAD 1 [14]
- Playboy launches Braille issue - LEAD 2 [15]
- T-shirt jokes not so funny anymore [16]
- Oregon stiffens graduation requirements - FEATURED STORY [17]
- Ted Kennedy consults Kopechne - LEAD 1 [18]
- Pelosi: "Electing me was a stark blunder" [19]
- MSNBC launches "Nude News" - LEAD 1 [20]
- The big top becomes big business [21]
- Hangover cure suppressed [22]
- Educating America, one cereal box at a time [23]
- Dakota Fanning wins posthumous Oscar [24]
- Sarah Michelle Gellar attempts suicide [25]
- Condom use campaign a bust? - LEAD 2 [26]
- Mr. T wins prestigious Foolitzer Prize [27]
- Miranda rights expanded - LEAD 1 [28]
- Iraqi autos avenge their dead [29]
- Ashley Judd adopts Lucy Fowler's lifestyle [30]
- Utnapishtim celebrates 2706th birthday - LEAD 2 [[31]
- Giger gay bar opens in Castro District [32]
- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue secedes from Union - FEATURED STORY [33]
- Bowling alley changes bowl fans - LEAD 2 over[34]
- Fashion: does it defeminize women?
- Bellagio unveils "Toon Erotica" exhibit [35]
- Bush questions Pelosi's manhood - FEATURED STORY [36]
- Psychologist: Moses had Alzheimer's [37]
- Jane Fonda seeks new husband - FEATURED STORY [38]
- Jane Fonda incorporates herself [39]
- Borat creator lists "Most Powerful Americans" [40]
- Discovery of Fred Flintstone's diary sheds light on ancient Bedrock [41]
- Stars fear Oscar may be cursed [42]
- U. S. Department of Health and Human Services institutes homophobia code [43]
- Brandy charged with "driving while black" - LEAD 1 [44]
- Ted Turner publicity stunt was "performance art" - FEATURED STORY [45]
- Clinton eulogizes stepfather [46]
- Pelosi bill would have Bush cracking the books - LEAD 1 [47]
- Obama considers name change - LEAD 2 [48]
- Chewbaca arrested! [49]
- Cartoon Network launches "Obscene Bugger Farce" - LEAD 1 [50]
- Celebrities: "Testicles a great stress reliever" [51]
- San Francisco outlaws spanking between consenting adults [52]
- "Wired" police officer electrocuted [53]
- Burger King introduces new Bun Burgers - LEAD 1 [54]
- Spaghetti Westerns attempt comeback [55]
- Lady Bird biography "unkind" - LEAD 2 [56]
- NASA trip to Uranus called off [57]
- U. S. surprised by Putin [58]
- Pentagon revives nose art [59]
- Wonder Woman not so wonderful [60]
- Whedon to "homosexualize" Marvel Comics - LEAD 2 [61]
- Accused astronaut wined and dined [62]
- Ancient chimps invented hammer - LEAD 2 [63]
- Celebrities return to first loves [64]
- Rosie O'Donnell enters rehab - FEATURED STORY [65]
- Weezil Greeting Cards: Holidays are such a joke! [66]
- Army launches new recruiting ad campaign - FEATURED STORY [67]
- Dope on a Rope called "promising" - LEAD 1 [68]
- NASA goes psychedelic [69]
- Britney Spears experiences "miracle cure" - LEAD 1 [70]
- Alan Colmes decries ratings - LEAD 1 [71]
- Britney bald after "miracle cure" [72]
- Plans to build another Mt. Everest postponed - LEAD 2 [73]
- Workplaces drug workers - FEATURED STORY [74]
- Car drives through mural at art center [75]
- Clint Eastwood announces bid for presidency - LEAD 2 [76]
- Beowluf's barrow discovered [77]
- Children's book publishers release censorship guidelines [78]
- New Hellmouth opens in Guatemala City - LEAD 2 [79]
- Al Sharpton arrested as runaway slave - LEAD 2 [80]
- U. S. military training accelerated - LEAD 1 [81]
- Canine couriers clean up - FEATURED STORY [82]
- Mom loses custody of obese son; "Porky" removed from parents' home [83]
- Sportscaster sidelined for sexist rmarks - LEAD 2 [84]
- Prince Charles wants to ban McDonald's [85]
- Doors still slamming after all these years [86]
- Wounded Marine wants gay ban lifted [87]
- Sex offenders may receive "special" license plates - FEATURED STORY [88]
- Angelina Jolie adopts Thialand [89]
- Nigeria does its best to keep Africa "the dark continent" - LEAD 2 [90]
- Hospital delivers meals to indigent shut-ins
- Jeep recalls Cherokees from freed slaves [91]
- APA creates new phobias [92]
- NAACP president resigns, citing racism [93]
- Family beats up principal over boy's grades [94]
- Condoleezza Rice names fictitious state as human rights violator - LEAD 2 [95]
- Gangbankers snap up bulletproof raincoat [96]
- High school distributes marijuana to its students - LEAD 2 [97]
- Thomas Jefferson impeached [98]
- FDA expands peanut butter recall [99]
- Zombies to produce own movie - LEAD 1 [100]
- Sarah Michelle Gellar reincarnated as comic book character - LEAD 2 [101]
- Pet food recall alarms pet owners [102]
- Confederate flag initiates Civil War of words [103]
- Dutch author finds lost manuscript while tidying up [104]
- Museum displays four-legged animals [105]
- Police stink! - FEATURED STORY [106]
- Las Vegas casinos institute free circumcisions - LEAD 2 [107]
- Oz residents charged in death of Wizard [108]
- Bart Simpson arrested for indecent exposure [109]
- Barely There Prom Dresses popular new trend - FEATURED STORY [110]
- American Idol finalists so bad they make audience cry [111]
- Harlequin seeks "real men" - FEATURED STORY [112]
- Play-Doh penis perturbs parents - LEAD 2 [113]
- Tinted semen called "colorful" [114]
- Saturn's wearher puts Earth's meteorological conditions to shame - LEAD 2 [115]
- Miss America homeless again - LEAD 2 [116]
- Global warming to end some species (maybe) [117]
- Scientists invent new fossils [118] - FEATURED STORY
- Women urged to name their sex toys [119]- LEAD 2
- Science allows invisible voyeyrs [120] - LEAD 1
- New fashion models strut their stuff on Paris runways[121] - FEATURED STORY
- New emoticons keyboards help users put on a happy face [122] - FEATURED STORY
- Lawrence Land to celebrate author's "literature of lewdness [123] LEAD 2
- Lego offers sex education kit - FEATURED STORY[124]
- Sun serendades solar system [125]
- Blue angel kills South Carolina pilot [126]
- Global warming to transform men into women [127]
- Witches okay for national cemetery memorials; holy cows may be next - LEAD 2[128]
- Senator Harry Reid's apotheosis [129]
- Human semen a form of ectoplasm - LEAD 1 and (later) FEATURED STORY [130]
- Uvula's true purpose discovered - LEAD 2 and FEATURED STORY [131]
- Noah's ark to sail again - FEATURED STORY [132]
- If elected, John McCain would build a wing onto the White House to house his pets - LEAD 1 and LEAD 2 [133]
- Zombie Dolls for little boils and ghouls who have it all - LEAD 2 [134]
- Celebrity Beer test-marketed in St. Louis - LEAD 2 and (later) FEATURED STORY [135]
- Celebrity Sex Dolls sell well - FEATURED STORY [136]
- New food pyramid proven fraudulent - LEAD 2 [137]
- Disney adds porn to televised children's fare - LEAD 1[138]
- Snow penises outlawed - LEAD 2 [139]
- KFC introduces Chix on Stix [140]
- Statuary Hall updates collection - FEATURE STORY [141]
- Court refuses to allow dad to name son "Dick" [142]
- Grammy winners' songs used to teach grammar [143]
- Instructional "sex ed" museum to open in Sin City
- Zombies to produce "Girls Gone Wild" series - FEATURED STORY [145]
- Hollywood experiments with "mindless movies" - LEAD 2 [146]
- Supreme Court justice redesigns robe [147]
- Paris Hilton takes up finger painting - LEAD 1 [148]
- Ex-fire chief doesn't like being butt of successor's "joke" [149]
- Coca-Cola recycles its "beverage base" [150]
- Travelers boycott Hilton [151]
- Yoda wins "Ugliest Dog Contest" - FEATURED STORY [152]
- New York restaurants cut fat ahead of schedule [153]
- Activist treed by "fund-raising" deed: naked may be the better disguise, after all - FEATURED STORY [154]
- Global warming an act of God, not man, religious leaders say - LEAD 1 [155]
- Jessica Alba lusts after naked men - LEAD 1 [156]\
- Tintin accused of racism - LEAD 2 [157]
- Bush deploys clone army to Iraq - LEAD 2 [158]
- Nuke lab makes top-secret info available to janitorial staff - LEAD 2 [159]
- Entertainment media open luxury rehab center for "falling stars" "falling_stars"
- Celebrities brew up a storm (but is it a tempest in a teacup? - FEATURED STORY [160]
- Disney bans smoking [161]
- Necrophilia okay in Wisconsin - FEATURED STORY [162]
- Could-be jurors stand up courts - LEAD 2 [163]
- Yahoo! caught making up news [164]
- NASA photographs galaxies having sex [165]
- President Bush a robot! - FEATURED STORY [166]
- "Survivor" producer may offer miners (or families) TV series "Survivor"_producer_may_offer_miners_(or_families)_TV_series
- Toy company boss commits suicide [167]
- Giant jellyfish donated to Mexico [168]
- Hubble telescope views Nowak trial - FEATURED STORY [169]
- Michelle Trachtenberg proves she's an ass" - LEAD 1 [170]
- Craig: "I did not have sex with that man!" - LEAD 1 [171]
- Japanese men battle "unsightly bulge" - LEAD 1, LEAD 2, and FEATURED STORY [172]
- Mythical beast discovered as road kill - LEAD 1 [173]
- Shark scared to death by New Yorkers" [174]
- Life After Buffy: The Musical [175]
- Risque sand castle contest entry disqualified - FEATURED STORY [176]
- Craig calls it quits on calling it quits - LEAD 2 [177]
- Babel politics (or is that "babble politics"?) [178]
- TV Guide publishes annual [179]
- Sausage company admits advertising boner [180]
- Silverstone bares soul, sort of - FEATURED STORY [181]
- God responds to lawsuit - FEATURED STORY [182]
- Swastika handbag recalled - FEATURED STORY [183]
- Scientists discover Lucas' Farce - FEATURED STORY' [184]
- Deep-voiced women have fewer kids, study says - FEATURED STORY [185]
- Ahmadinejad pleads, "Send us your homosexuals" - FEATURED STORY [186]
- China bans sex - FEATURED STORY [187]
- NFL sidelines cheerleaders - FEATURED STORY [188]
- China goes braless [189]
- Scientists "discover" new fossils [190]
- Owen Wilson's first post-suicide appearance - LEAD 2 [191]
- Crandon police remove "Protect" from logo - FEATURED STORY [192]
- Misfortune cookies: a new twist on a populat traditional "dessert" [193]
- Russians beg officials to bury Lenin - LEAD 2 [194]
- Schwarzengger endorses gay lifestyle - FEATURED STORY [195]
- Parents denounce new Happy Meals toys - FEATURED STORY [196]
- Dentist includes breast massage in his practice [197]
- Actress portrays her own buttocks - LEAD 2 [198]
- Hillary Clinton's dental care based on England's do-it-yourself approach [199]
- Ellen Degenerate shows her softer side, sort of - LEAD 1 [200]
- Military to deploy gaydar [201]
- Bighorn sheep collared [202]
- Selma Hayek: "My breasts are God's gift to men" - FEATURED STORY [203]
- Being "blonde" may be catching - FEATURED STORY [204]
- Wife asks court to declare her husband dead [205]
- Obama recommends dog meat [206]
- Obama auditions as comedian [207]
- Obama pots (most) proprietary schools off limits to veterans [208]
- Obama to turn trip to Afghanistan into bestseller [209]
- Michelle Obama: The First Lady of Fashion [210]
- Anna Pauin: confused about her sexuality [211]
- Obama nominates caveman to head up austerity program [212]
- Oprah's OWN not exactly a cash cow [213]
- Sex pervert Maurice Sendak dies [214]
- Obama evolves sexually as well as politically [215]
- Canada's new phunny munny [216]
- Mother wins semi-permanent custdy of obese boy [217]
- Obama mobbed at Clooney's gay gala [218]
- Blacks back Obama; say it's okay for him to be gay [219]
- Gov. Jerry Brown pleads poverty [220]
- Junior designer makes her own prom dress [221]
- Prison official defend execution of wrong man [222]
- Man buys Kmart just to get rid of its "shoddy" merchandise [223]
- California woman recovers from severe burns [224]
- Police investigate "bizarre incidents" at Walmart [225]
- University of Tex Ass promotes new academic program [226]
- Edwards fraud trial: judge prohibits jurors from having sex with defendant [227]
- Elvis' tomb up for grabs! [228]
- Obama refers to Poles as "Nazis" [229]
- Aged couple's secret of a happy marriage: transvstism? [230]
- Army seeks more male enlistees [231]
- Obama issues gay mandate to entertainment media [232]
- Atheist converts after Jesus visits her in the shower [233]
- Mom's reckless driving endangers tot [234]
- Michelle Obama's debut as a comedienne falls flat [235]
- Clinton apologizes to Obama (sort of) [236]
- Lohan's career survives car crash [237]
- Obama: should he be committed? [238]
- Japan "trashes America," Palin says [239]
- Arboretum's nude statue: some accept, others reject [240]
- Axelrod: Obama living on a different planet" [241]
- Obama plays the race card (and the gender card and the gay card) [242]
- Obama "too busy" to help fellow Democrats [243]
- Postal Service to be replaced by Pony Express [244]
- Women: The Superior Sex [245]
- Lawless Lucy Lawless arrested for being lawless [246]
- Miss USA: the "real deal" or a "fraud"? [247]
- Squid sexually assaults South Korean diner [248]
- Diane Keaton: "Hollywood is incestuous" [249]
- Disneyland: Still "The Happiest Place on Earth [250]
- Michigan man accumulates 29 degrees--and still can't land a job! [251]
- Obama's autobiography exposed as "blatant lies" [252]
- Plaintiff must prove she's "too sexy to work"""" [253]
- Las Vegas: it's OK for police to cop a feel [254]
- Breastauraunts share their secrets of success [255]
- McDonald's food could be a public health hazard [256]
- A&E TV takes a bite out of crime [257]
- Supreme Court rules Congress free to stick it to the American people [258]
- Jada Pinkett Smith shows some pink (sort of) [259]
- CNN, Fox charge each other with historical revisionism [260]
- Student claims sex ed "too educational' [261]
- Obama plans to enslave white Americans [262]
- Anderson Cooper criticized for being gay [263]
- Sun to celebrate Fourth of July [264]
- Tom Cruise proposes to Anderson Cooper [265]
- Robber says he has too much time on his hands [266]
- Victoria Azarenka bares breasts to avoid forfeiture at Wimbledon [267]
- New Guinea tribesmen nuts about "fellatio fish" [268]
- Obama worked campaign staffer to death [269]
- Mississippi abortionists licensed to kill [270]
- Paterno legacy secure for now [271]
- Obama calls Gallup poll "racist" and "homophobic" [272]
- For dissatisfied offender, twice arrested may prove the charm [273]
- Celebrities lament Colorado movie theater shootings [274]
- Fred Willard, forced out at PBS, may return [275]
- Kaitlyn Leeb's third boob makes her feel like a "freak" [276]
- Obama tells Americans, "Stop the leaks--or else!" [277]
- Chewbacca's sacrifice helps Han Solo meet expenses [278]
- Michelle Obama struts her stuff (at taxpayer expense) [279]
- Olympian volleyball players also "play" off court [280]
- Scientist studies afterlife [281]
- Now sane, Jared Lee Loughner expected to plead guilty [282]
- Navy initiates recruitment drive [283]
- Romney calls for feminization of Boy Scouts [284]
- Ann Curry: Matt Lauer has a foot fetish [285]
- Avid coin collector disappointed to find dime is worth only 10 cents [286]
- Obama to combat nation's drought [287]
- Obama admits to belief in Martians [288]
- Julian Assange stalemates U. K. [289]
- John Lennon's killer seeks parole [290]
- Celebrities' scents: the good, the bad, and the smelly [291]
- Princess Anne to unveil gigantic nude statue that is "better than Brailee' [292]
- Reese Witherspoon may have Alzheimers' - FEATURED STORY and HEADLINER! [293]
- Blogger may be "angling" to replace NBA's "anorxic" cheerleader, Kelsey_William - HEADLINER! [294]
- Sandy Hook Elementary School condemned [295]
- Department of Defense orders more sexual assault training - FEATURED STORY and HEADLINER! [296]
- Bra brouhaha over official's decree - HEADLINER!FEATURED STORY and HEADLINER! [297]
- Obama ducks more IRS fallout - FEATURED STORY and HEADLINER! [298]
- President and First Lady reportedly separating - FEATURED STORY and HEADLINER! [299]
- Arias defies death! - FEATURED STORY and HEADLINER! [300]
- Goldie Hawn: still the "golden girl" - FEATURED STORY and HEADLINER! [301]
- Bob Dole: GOP is "out of step and out of touch" [302]
- Obama critics compare U. S. to Titanic [303]
- Illinois judge resigns in disgrace [304]
- Greta Van Susteren clears the air [305]
- Israeli soldiers moon Facebook [306]
- Taco Bell employee adds "secret ingredient" to menu [307]
- Jennifer Love Hewitt to wed "unintended intended" [308]
- NSFW (or Anywhere Else): Hillary Clinton photograped nude [309]
- Michelle Obama's topless portrait not "artsy fartsy" [310]
- Soldier violates Pentagon's new Approvel Reading List prohibitions [311]
- Obama to news media: "we're coming for you!" [312]
- Latest IRS outrage: agency showers employees with parties--at taxpayer expense [313]
- Hillary Clinton allegedly operated whorehouse [314]
- Chinese woman delivers "human turd" [315]
- Bill Clinton: Obama a "wuss' [316]
- Jamie Lee Curtis: Activia is animal friendly [317]
- Pound for Pound, Bullying Beats Civility Anytime [318]
-- WATCH THIS SPACE; there are lots more to come!
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Foolitzer Prize Winner September 2007 |
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Foolitzer Prize Winner May 2012 |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Canada's new phunny munny This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Junior designer makes her own prom dress This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Police investigate "bizarre incidents" at Walmart This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
Uncyclopedia Articles[edit | edit source]
Weebils the Wonderful has also contributed these Uncyclopedia articles:
- Electro [319]
- Inhumans [320]
- Innovations in Taxidermy [321]
- Khajuraho [322]
- Grand Ol’ Party [323]
- Pansies [324]
- Ed Sullivan [325]
- Epic of Gilgamesh [326]
- Kree [327]
- Hieronymus Bosch [328]
- Animal Crackers [329]
- Mary Jo Kopechne [330]
- My Little Penis [331]
- Wonderbra [332]
- Company Mascots [333]
- Subways of the World [334]
- Hallmark Greeting Card [335]
- Baphomet [336]
- Women of the World [337]
- Charles Fort [338]
- Testicles [339]
- How To Revise A Essay [340]
- Uvula [341]
- Pan’s Labyrinth [342]
- Shithouse [343]
- Green Berets [344]
- Erotica [345]
- Amanda Bearse [346]
- How To Write A Essay [[347]
- How To Spot a Transsexual [348]
- Cuckoldry [349]
- Internal Revenue Service [350]
- Nude Shower Scenes [351]
- The Hero with 1000 Faces [352]
- Graduation [353]
- Attack of the Killer Boobs [354]]
- Max Headroom [355]
- International Academy of Design and Technology [356]
- Pornographers for the Extermination of Terrestrial Animals [357]
- Columbo [358]
- Shemales [359]
- How To Draw Female Breasts [360]
- How to create fantastic fantasy chaacters and make a million-gazillion dollars [361]
- TV Guide [*TV Guide [362]
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Foolitzer Prize Winner September 2007 |
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Foolitzer Prize Winner May 2012 |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Canada's new phunny munny This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Junior designer makes her own prom dress This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |
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Featured Article: UnNews:Police investigate "bizarre incidents" at Walmart This person wrote an article which became one of the Featured Articles on Uncyclopedia. Ain't they clever?! |