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Levonia written in Levonese as (國月) or (ナヂ㐅 ネンヺレ) is a country off the coast of Japan. Founded in 2018, it is constantly attacked by the mainland for no fucking reason whatsoever. “I don’t know bro, just cuz” says Japan. Their native language is Levonese, a Semitic-Japonic language, written right to left, using Kanji with Hebraic readings and Kana. Their anthem is Gigantic OTN by Giga-P for some reason, probably because it’s an absolute fucking banger!

Royalty[edit | edit source]

The country is ruled by Queen Houou Tsedef, an 18yr memelord. She is a madam and currently lives with 14 Vietnamese guys her age.

National meme of Levonia.
The island. As you can see, there are no houses, so they just wander, there’s absolutely no fucking privacy. It’s not like they’re poor or anything, they are the richest Asian country, they just don’t feel like building anything.
Levonian flag 2018-present featuring a hyaena under the safety of the moonlight.

Culture[edit | edit source]

They cannot eat pork, or crab, the only other Japonic culture that is known not to eat pork is the Ainu. Mostly the rabbis are circumcised, while the main population mostly isn’t. At night, citizens howl at the moon.

History[edit | edit source]

None, really. Although the Queen did ban The Lion King recently.

The zodiac[edit | edit source]

Symbolism[edit | edit source]