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Charlie Sheen is not very jolly about my potrayal of him.
A list of my own original, and not so original, works. Each article is in it's own respective category and placed in chronological order from when it was mainspaced. If you're reading an UnNews article and it seems to be part of some storyline or contains reoccuring characters, you may have stumbled into an area which we call... The Kipperverse.
Articles[edit | edit source]
Mainspace: The Hall of Shame.
- A Peter Griffin Christmas
- Encyclopedia Dramatica (Website) - A spoof of ED, originally written in my userpace for fun, but mainspaced due to popularity. (Woah, Déjà vu)
- Betty White Facts
- It Was A Great Blumpkin, Charlie Brown
- Skeptic's Annotated Santa - Featured! (December 21, 2010) & Re-Featured! (December 23, 2014); tied for the #2 spot in the top 3 articles of December 2010 and dead last in the honorable mentions of the Top 10 Articles of 2010!
- Chanupocalypse - Featured! (December 10, 2012: 8th feature on the Second Night of Hanukkah)
- Auld Lang Syne - Featured! (December 31, 2012: International Gangnam Style Day); #1 article of December 2012
- Neo-Luddite Dynamite - Featured! (November 16, 2015)
- A Charlie Brown Christmas - Featured! (December 28, 2016: The Fourth Day of Christmas); co-written by Abacab
HowTo[edit | edit source]
- HowTo:Survive A Premature Burial - Featured! (March 27, 2010), Featured HowTo (March 13, 2010)
UnBooks[edit | edit source]
Poetry[edit | edit source]
- UnPoetia:Antiphallus - Dedicated to EugeneKay's penis
Why?[edit | edit source]
Music and Song Parodies[edit | edit source]
Eat your pancreas out, Weird Al.
- UnTunes:Imagine No Taxes - sung by Leverage Featured! (September 14, 2014)
- UnTunes:Replay
Christmas Carols[edit | edit source]
- UnTunes:GloriAAA! - sung by Simsilikesims
- UnTunes:It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year - Quasi-Featured (1 December 2012)
- UnTunes:Claydel
- UnTunes:My Cat Got Run Over By Stephen Hawking
- UnNews:Hark! The Herald Angus Sings - Featured! (September 25, 2013)
- UnTunes:Fisher Bells
- UnTunes:So Sick (of Christmas songs)
Not UnTunes[edit | edit source]
Faux News[edit | edit source]
2007[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Justin Timberlake sues Britney Spears for making sexy out of style
- UnNews:Jimbo Wales doesn't believe in Santa Claus
- UnNews:Time magazine names Person of the Year for 2007
2008[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Virgin Shark gives birth to Aquatic Messiah - Quasi-Featured on February 13, 2008, my 1st year Uncycloversary.
- UnNews:Barack Obama accused of being too left-handed
2009[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Obama wins a big freaking medal
- UnNews:Charlie Sheen arrested for assaulting the fat kid from Two and a Half Men
- UnNews:Polls show most Americans believe media misdirects them
- UnNews:Dick Clark's Ball Drops
2010[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Grammar fascists demand you pronounce it "Twenty-Ten" - Audio by Zim ulator
- UnNews:Andrew Jackson rises from grave; criticizes government
- UnNews:Conan O'Brien killed by California storms
- UnNews:John Edwards: "I am Conan O'Brien's brother"
- UnNews:Man throws taco at restaurant manager, gets death penalty
- UnNews:Tweets in Space
- UnNews:Famous bus-riding cat run over; Stephen Hawking suspect - A spin-off that got its own spin-off. Audio by Zim ulator
- UnNews:Bill O'Reilly compares Chicago to Haiti
- UnNews:New Orleans Saints win Super Bowl; Obama no longer seems special
- UnNews:Snow shuts down US government, Freemasons disgruntled
- UnNews:Canada fucks up Olympic opening ceremony, a collaboration with Kingkitty
- UnNews:Chicago River turns green from pollution
- UnNews:William Hung comes out of the closet
- UnNews:Insert Headline Here
- UnNews:Obama to America: "April Fools!" - Featured! (April 5, 2010)
- UnNews:That chocolate Easter egg was terrible - Credit goes to Dr. Skullthumper for the twist ending.
- UnNews:ACORN dies; believed to have resurrected - Audio by SPIKE
- UnNews:Wikimedia celebrates 1 billion vandalisms
- UnNews:UnNews sues Wikinews for plagiarism
- UnNews:Obama likes pie
- UnNews:Carrie Underwood gets married; Bo Bice gets laid
- UnNews:President pardons Fergie
- UnNews:Maria speaks to us - Featured! (January 1, 2011: The Eighth Day of Christmas)
2011[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Joe Biden stepped in dog shit - Featured! (July 30, 2013)
- UnNews:U.S. national debt reaches $14 trillion
- UnNews:Pope calls out Stephen Hawking
- UnNews:Pope says 'The Big Bang Theory' is a good show
- UnNews:My testicle might have partially detached - Audio by Dexter111344
- UnNews:Rand Paul calls for defunding Israel in the name of Aqua Buddha
- UnNews:Black Eyed Peas to do Super Bowl Halftime Show
- UnNews:Civil war hits Wisconsin - Featured! (March 23, 2011)
- UnNews:Rapture proves Kirk Cameron right, Stephen Hawking wrong
- UnNews:Grinch calls Whovillians 'invented people' - Featured! (December 25, 2011: Christmas Day)
- UnNews:Testicle molester on the loose
2012[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Conan O'Brien wins Republican nomination
- UnNews:Dick Clark dies; testicles live on
- UnNews:President Obama in favor of gay marriage
- UnNews:Elizabeth Warren destroys the universe
- UnNews:Neil Armstrong appears on geek sitcom
- UnNews:Ron Paul dabbles in new hobby
- UnNews:Black Friday projected to be more violent than Israel-Gaza conflict
- UnNews:President pardons Furbies
- UnNews:Salvation Army and Chick-fil-A team up for "Feed the Hungry; Screw the Gays" campaign
- UnNews:'Happy Holidays' scrawled on Christmas tree display
- UnNews:Obama forgets sister's holiday
- UnNews:Adam Sandler's guitar smashed
- UnNews:Feliz Navidad 2012
- UnNews:Hark! The Herald Angus Sings - My shitty singing was Featured! (September 25, 2013)
- UnNews:Todd Akin on Christmas
- UnNews:Redneck defends Second Amendment, some of Kwanzaa
2013[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Uncyclopedia moves to UPN - Featured! (January 11, 2013); 7th best article of 2013!
- UnNews:ACLU silent on gun control debate
- UnNews:Lupe Fiasco interrupted at Inaugural Party
- UnNews:57th Presidential Inauguration sponsored by Just for Men
- UnNews:Charlie Brown arrested
- UnNews:CBS nervous over potential Super Bowl Nippocalypse
- UnNews:Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip to air series finale
- UnNews:First drone target on American soil "golden irony"
- UnNews:Pope gives up Catholicism for Lent
- UnNews:Ne-Yo turns off the radio
- UnNews:Google acknowledges Copernicus' birthday
- UnNews:Uncyclopedia huffs Britney Spears' grocery list
- UnNews:Seth MacFarlane awarded honorary membership to the KKK
- UnNews:Nebraska repeals all gun control
- UnNews:Planned Parenthood offers handjob services for men
- UnNews:Pope Benedict declares 2013 a leap year - Ooh, spin-off!
- UnNews:Daylight Savings Time falls back ten days
- UnNews:Naked Pope thought to be spotted, actually testicle molester
- UnNews:Church gives up hunt for Naked Pope
- UnNews:Matt Smith arrested
- UnNews:President pardons furries - Featured! (November 26, 2015: Thanksgivin')
2014[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Fred Phelps anal raped by demons
- UnNews:Jimbo Wales' head explodes
- UnNews:Bat Boy a victim of testicle molester
2015[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:God changes profile picture in response to tragedy
- UnNews:President pardons Derpy
- UnNews:Sitcom nerd gets laid, ruins Catholicism
- UnNews:Disney merges Star Wars and Christmas - Featured! (April 14, 2017, Good Friday); Tied for THE best article of 2017!!!!
- UnNews:Charlie Sheen throws holiday gift party
2016[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Thanksgiving is cancelled
- UnNews:President pardons 'President pardons' series
- UnNews:Santa Claus' body found floating in the ocean
- UnNews:Santa still dead
- UnNews:The Anticlaus has arrived
- UnNews:Get to know your holly, more-or-less jolly candidates
- UnNews:Red-nosed reindeer shot by redneck
- UnNews:Frosty melts in Canadian bathhouse
- UnNews:Christmas Campaign heats up
- UnNews:Was George R.R. Martin behind holiday character deaths?
- UnNews:Naked Pope Saves Christmas
2017[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Time travelers protest Trump's inauguration
- UnNews:Women's March protesters victims of pussy grabber
- UnNews:Trump nominates new Dr. Who - Featured! (May 24, 2017)
- UnNews:Langoliers victims of testicle molester
- UnNews:European Union turns Donald Trump into a walrus - Featured! (January 28, 2018); collaborative effort with Wageslav, supergeeky1, Zombiebaron and MyOwnBadSelf; Tied for THE best article of 2018!!!!
- UnNews:S.C.R.O.T.U.M. reveals itself to the public
- UnNews:Walrus bones the new whale bones
- UnNews:European Union turns Sean Spicer into an Eggman
- UnNews:BBC spites Trump, makes Doctor Who a woman
- UnNews:CGI Peter Cushing to play Dr. Who
2018[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:President unpardons Fergie
- UnNews:New documentary challenges Simpsons aliens - Featured! (November 27, 2018); Tied for 10th best article of 2018!!!
- UnNews:Solipsist suicide bomber "not true solipsist" says solipsist community
- UnNews:Republicans spite liberals with festive stimulus package
- UnNews:Santa Claus now "probably about a four" on the Kinsey scale
- UnNews:Frosty the Snowman canonized as divine being
2019[edit | edit source]
2020[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Heaven under coronavirus quarantine - Featured! (April 29, 2020); 10th best article of 2020!
- UnNews:Libertarian celebrities sing "Imagine No Taxes"
- UnNews:The Big Bang Theory pulled for being nerd blackface
- UnNews:Trump attacks derpy pony
- UnNews:CDC recommends eating boogers to curb coronavirus - Featured! (October 19, 2020)
- UnNews:Anti-maskers ignore Halloween - Featured! (December 22, 2020); Tied for 7th best article of 2020!
- UnNews:Mystery of the Dollar Tree shit smears
- UnNews:Thanksgiving is hella cancelled - Featured! (December 9, 2020)
- UnNews:Sia attacked over derpy pony
- UnNews:Glee responsible for 2020
2022[edit | edit source]
2024[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Lousy Smarch weather in the forecast
- UnNews:Astronomers change the name of Betelgeuse so they'll stop summoning an asshole ghost
- UnNews:Obama encourages dead people: "Don't boo, vote!"
2025[edit | edit source]
Columns and Editorials[edit | edit source]
- UnNews:Good grief! No valentines for me
- UnNews:Jimbo Wales is, in my opinion, an elitist asshat
- UnNews:Stand Up to Stand Up to Cancer - Featured! (September 22, 2010)
- UnNews:Indeed, Quvenzhané Wallis is a cunt Featured! (September 3, 2013)
- UnNews:Was George R.R. Martin behind holiday character deaths?
Meta non-articles[edit | edit source]
- Broken Redirect, with the help of Strange but untrue and AE.
- Double Redirect, with the help of AE.
- You are now logged out
In-Joke and Article Parodies[edit | edit source]
Go eat shit fuckers.
- The word parakeet written exactly two hundred and forty-two times - See here
- You Are Gay - expanded upon by ChiefjusticeDS through rewrite. Holy shit, it was Featured! (August 7, 2014)
- An article that contains nothing but my potato chip situation
- UnNews:Insert Headline Here
- Mr kringle is FAT
- UnTunes:GloriAAA!
- Jacob Marley
- UnTunes:My Cat Got Run Over By Stephen Hawking
- Family Guy is Butt Poop
- UnNews:Fred Phelps anal raped by demons
- Mr-ex777 giving Mr-ex777 buttsex
- Suddenly, ACLU lawyers
Fisher Price[edit | edit source]
Euroipods[edit | edit source]
Dan Kwon[edit | edit source]
I'm sensing a pattern here.
A wizard did it[edit | edit source]
My sojourn[edit | edit source]
- That time I was nearly raped by a reindeer during my sojourn at the North Pole
- That time a bunch of youths made fun of my bald head during my sojourn to Bethel
- That time Stephen Hawking ran over my cat during my sojourn in Oxford
- That time I didn't appreciate your attitude towards my potato chip situation during my sojourn in Panera
- That episode I was raped by a panda during my sojourn in the Springfield Zoo
- That time I was nearly raped by a yak during my sojourn in Canada, only to have my testicles molested by a teleporting testicle molester
Miscellaneous[edit | edit source]
I don't consider these canonical, though they deserve listing.
- AAAAAAAAA! Image Gallery
- Babel:Redlink
- Template:Candy Cane
- Template:Buttsecks
- Template:Gelt
- Template:Family Guy
- Template:Jelly Baby
- Template:Critic
- Template:Ron Paul Approved
- Template:Conway Approved
- Planned Parenthood - I made the Euroipods parody joke on IRC.
- UnNews:Yang "a coronavirus carrier," says Trump - an idea that I suggested but never got around to writing myself
- Uncyclopedia:VFH/Filial Piety (∞) - The nomination that finally got it featured. Hand to God, I had no idea it was an in-joke.