UnNews:Pope gives up Catholicism for Lent

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13 February 2013

Self-denial? Too mainstream.

VATICAN CITY -- It's the age-old rhetorical question: Is the Pope Catholic? For once the answer is a resounding 'no'.

At least not for the next six and a half weeks, as Pope Benedict XVI shocked the world today by giving up Catholicism for Lent. While it is tradition for Catholics to party for Mardi Gras and then give up their vices for the holy season of Lent, the Pope decided to shake things up by doing, ahem, vice-versa.

Speaking in front of a large crowd with an ash cross on his forehead just below his tall beer helmet mitre, Pope Benedict, now going by his birth name Joseph Ratzinger, laid out his plans to the faithful at heart:

Ratzinger then bent over away from the masses, lifted his robe up, smacked his naked buttocks and shouted, "Kiss my Ash Wednesday!" By sheer fortune, a joke that apparently worked in the original Latin.

Filling in as Substipope until Easter will be some archbishop named Dennis, who was given the keys to the Vatican, the Popemobile and the gates of Hell by Joe himself on the way out with a stern warning, "Don't scratch up my ride, dipshit."

"YOLO, homies!"

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