That time I was nearly raped by a yak during my sojourn in Canada, only to have my testicles molested by a teleporting testicle molester

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It looked kinda like this, only fucking psycho.

Dude, that fucking thing was huge. Like, WTF?

So there I was[edit | edit source]

camping in the fucking woods, doing my Solid Snake thing with the Arctic shit and the huskies, right? Like, lumberjack badass shit.

and this fucking yak[edit | edit source]

bursts out of the trees, musk all over the place, and instead of going for the dogs, he makes a yakline straight for me.

but then this glowing electronic orb[edit | edit source]

It was a weird day.

showed up out of nowhere, and I guess it spooked the yak, thank fuckin' Christ. But then this creepy dude walked out of it. He was wearing an eye patch, a scruffy beard, a rainbow sweater vest, crotchless jeans and a rubber penis on his head. No shit, that's how he was dressed.

and then he grabbed[edit | edit source]

my nuts! WTF? He gave 'em a good grip and swirled them around in a David Bowie-esque spiral motion while I just stood there like a goddamn deer in headlights. Say, did I tell you my deer story? Eh, fuck it, I'll save it for another time.

A few moments later this testicle molester let go of my balls, jumped back in his pussy-ass orb and disappeared. I felt so violated.

No, seriously, that guy molested my testicles.

See also[edit | edit source]