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Forum:Last person to edit wins absolutely nothing!

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Forums: Index > BHOP > Last person to edit wins/Archive24
Note: This topic has been unedited for 392 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

The last person to edit was Alula!

The kitten piccata

Archive 1 Archive 2 Archive 3 Archive 4 Archive 5 Archive 6 Archive 7 Archive 8 Archive 9 Archive 10 Archive 11 Archive 12 Archive 13 Archive 14 Archive 15 Archive 16 Archive 17 Archive 18 Archive 19 Archive 20 Archive 21 Archive 22 Archive 23 Archive 24


3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944 5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999837 2978049951 0597317328 1609631859 5024459455 3469083026 4252230825 3344685035 2619311881 7101000313 7838752886 5875332083 8142061717 7669147303 5982534904 2875546873 1159562863 8823537875 9375195778 1857780532 1712268066 1300192787 6611195909 2164201989 3809525720 1065485863 2788659361 5338182796 8230301952 0353018529 6899577362 2599413891 2497217752 8347913151 5574857242 4541506959 5082953311 6861727855 8890750983 8175463746 4939319255 0604009277 0167113900 9848824012 8583616035 6370766010 4710181942 9555961989 4676783744 9448255379 7747268471 0404753464 6208046684 2590694912 9331367702 8989152104 7521620569 6602405803 8150193511 2533824300 3558764024 7496473263 9141992726 0426992279 6782354781 6360093417 2164121992 4586315030 2861829745 5570674983 8505494588 5869269956 9092721079 7509302955 3211653449 8720275596 0236480665 4991198818 3479775356 6369807426 5425278625 5181841757 4672890977 7727938000 8164706001 6145249192 1732172147 7235014144 1973568548 1613611573 5255213347 5741849468 4385233239 0739414333 4547762416 8625189835 6948556209 9219222184 2725502542 5688767179 0494601653 4668049886 2723279178 6085784383 8279679766 8145410095 3883786360 9506800642 2512520511 7392984896 0841284886 2694560424 1965285022 2106611863 0674427862 2039194945 0471237137 8696095636 4371917287 4677646575 7396241389 0865832645 9958133904 7802759009 9465764078 9512694683 9835259570 9825822620 5224894077 2671947826 8482601476 9909026401 3639443745 5305068203 4962524517 4939965143 1429809190 6592509372 2169646151 5709858387 4105978859 5977297549 8930161753 9284681382 6868386894 2774155991 8559252459 5395943104 9972524680 8459872736 4469584865 3836736222 6260991246 0805124388 4390451244 1365497627 8079771569 1435997700 1296160894 4169486855 5848406353 4220722258 2848864815 8456028506 0168427394 5226746767 8895252138 5225499546 6672782398 6456596116 3548862305 7745649803 5593634568 1743241125 1507606947 9451096596 0940252288 7971089314 5669136867 2287489405 6010150330 8617928680 9208747609 1782493858 9009714909 6759852613 6554978189 3129784821 6829989487 2265880485 7564014270 4775551323 7964145152 3746234364 5428584447 9526586782 1051141354 7357395231 1342716610 2135969536 2314429524 8493718711 0145765403 5902799344 0374200731 0578539062 1983874478 0847848968 3321445713 8687519435 0643021845 3191048481 0053706146 8067491927 8191197939 9520614196 6342875444 0643745123 7181921799 9839101591 9561814675 1426912397 4894090718 6494231961 5679452080 9514655022 5231603881 9301420937 6213785595 6638937787 0830390697 9207734672 2182562599 6615014215 0306803844 7734549202 6054146659 2520149744 2850732518 6660021324 3408819071 0486331734 6496514539 0579626856 1005508106 6587969981 6357473638 4052571459 1028970641 4011097120 6280439039 7595156771 5770042033 7869936007 2305587631 7635942187 3125147120 5329281918 2618612586 7321579198 4148488291 6447060957 5270695722 0917567116 7229109816 9091528017 3506712748 5832228718 3520935396 5725121083 5791513698 8209144421 0067510334 6711031412 6711136990 8658516398 3150197016 5151168517 1437657618 3515565088 4909989859 9823873455 2833163550 7647918535 8932261854 8963213293 3089857064 2046752590 7091548141 6549859461 6371802709 8199430992 4488957571 2828905923 2332609729 9712084433 5732654893 8239119325 9746366730 5836041428 1388303203 8249037589 8524374417 0291327656 1809377344 4030707469 2112019130 2033038019 7621101100 4492932151 6084244485 9637669838 9522868478 3123552658 2131449576 8572624334 4189303968 6426243410 7732269780 2807318915 4411010446 8232527162 0105265227 2111660396 6655730925 4711055785 3763466820 6531098965 2691862056 4769312570 5863566201 8558100729 3606598764 8611791045 3348850346 1136576867 5324944166 8039626579 7877185560 8455296541 2665408530 6143444318 5867697514 5661406800 7002378776 5913440171 2749470420 5622305389 9456131407 1127000407 8547332699 3908145466 4645880797 2708266830 6343285878 5698305235 8089330657 5740679545 7163775254 2021149557 6158140025 0126228594 1302164715 5097925923 0990796547 3761255176 5675135751 7829666454 7791745011 2996148903 0463994713 2962107340 4375189573 5961458901 9389713111 7904297828 5647503203 1986915140 2870808599 0480109412 1472213179 4764777262 2414254854 5403321571 8530614228 8137585043 0633217518 2979866223 7172159160 7716692547 4873898665 4949450114 6540628433 6639379003 9769265672 1463853067 3609657120 9180763832 7166416274 8888007869 2560290228 4721040317 2118608204 1900042296 6171196377 9213375751 1495950156 6049631862 9472654736 4252308177 0367515906 7350235072 8354056704 0386743513 6222247715 8915049530 9844489333 0963408780 7693259939 7805419341 4473774418 4263129860 8099888687 4132604721 5695162396 5864573021 6315981931 9516735381 2974167729 4786724229 2465436680 0980676928 2382806899 6400482435 4037014163 1496589794 0924323789 6907069779 4223625082 2168895738 3798623001 5937764716 5122893578 6015881617 5578297352 3344604281 5126272037 3431465319 7777416031 9906655418 7639792933 4419521541 3418994854 4473456738 3162499341 9131814809 2777710386 3877343177 2075456545 3220777092 1201905166 0962804909 2636019759 8828161332 3166636528 6193266863 3606273567 6303544776 2803504507 7723554710 5859548702 7908143562 4014517180 6246436267 9456127531 8134078330 3362542327 8394497538 2437205835 3114771199 2606381334 6776879695 9703098339 1307710987 0408591337 4641442822 7726346594 7047458784 7787201927 7152807317 6790770715 7213444730 6057007334 9243693113 8350493163 1284042512 1925651798 0694113528 0131470130 4781643788 5185290928 5452011658 3934196562 1349143415 9562586586 5570552690 4965209858 0338507224 2648293972 8584783163 0577775606 8887644624 8246857926 0395352773 4803048029 0058760758 2510474709 1643961362 6760449256 2742042083 2085661190 6254543372 1315359584 5068772460 2901618766 7952406163 4252257719 5429162991 9306455377 9914037340 4328752628 8896399587 9475729174 6426357455 2540790914 5135711136 9410911939 3251910760 2082520261 8798531887 7058429725 9167781314 9699009019 2116971737 2784768472 6860849003 3770242429 1651300500 5168323364 3503895170 2989392233 4517220138 1280696501 1784408745 1960121228 5993716231 3017114448 4640903890 6449544400 6198690754 8516026327 5052983491 8740786680 8818338510 2283345085 0486082503 9302133219 7155184306 3545500766 8282949304 1377655279 3975175461 3953984683 3936383047 4611996653 8581538420 5685338621 8672523340 2830871123 2827892125 0771262946 3229563989 8989358211 6745627010 2183564622 0134967151 8819097303 8119800497 3407239610 3685406643 1939509790 1906996395 5245300545 0580685501 9567302292 1913933918 5680344903 9820595510 0226353536 1920419947 4553859381 0234395544 9597783779 0237421617 2711172364 3435439478 2218185286 2408514006 6604433258 8856986705 4315470696 5747458550 3323233421 0730154594 0516553790 6866273337 9958511562 5784322988 2737231989 8757141595 7811196358 3300594087 3068121602 8764962867 4460477464 9159950549 7374256269 0104903778 1986835938 1465741268 0492564879 8556145372 3478673303 9046883834 3634655379 4986419270 5638729317 4872332083 7601123029 9113679386 2708943879 9362016295 1541337142 4892830722 0126901475 4668476535 7616477379 4675200490 7571555278 1965362132 3926406160 1363581559 0742202020 3187277605 2772190055 6148425551 8792530343 5139844253 2234157623 3610642506 3904975008 6562710953 5919465897 5141310348 2276930624 7435363256 9160781547 8181152843 6679570611 0861533150 4452127473 9245449454 2368288606 1340841486 3776700961 2071512491 4043027253 8607648236 3414334623 5189757664 5216413767 9690314950 1910857598 4423919862 9164219399 4907236234 6468441173 9403265918 4044378051 3338945257 4239950829 6591228508 5558215725 0310712570 1266830240 2929525220 1187267675 6220415420 5161841634 8475651699 9811614101 0029960783 8690929160 3028840026 9104140792 8862150784 2451670908 7000699282 1206604183 7180653556 7252532567 5328612910 4248776182 5829765157 9598470356 2226293486 0034158722 9805349896 5022629174 8788202734 2092222453 3985626476 6914905562 8425039127 5771028402 7998066365 8254889264 8802545661 0172967026 6407655904 2909945681 5065265305 3718294127 0336931378 5178609040 7086671149 6558343434 7693385781 7113864558 7367812301 4587687126 6034891390 9562009939 3610310291 6161528813 8437909904 2317473363 9480457593 1493140529 7634757481 1935670911 0137751721 0080315590 2485309066 9203767192 2033229094 3346768514 2214477379 3937517034 4366199104 0337511173 5471918550 4644902636 5512816228 8244625759 1633303910 7225383742 1821408835 0865739177 1509682887 4782656995 9957449066 1758344137 5223970968 3408005355 9849175417 3818839994 4697486762 6551658276 5848358845 3142775687 9002909517 0283529716 3445621296 4043523117 6006651012 4120065975 5851276178 5838292041 9748442360 8007193045 7618932349 2292796501 9875187212 7267507981 2554709589 0455635792 1221033346 6974992356 3025494780 2490114195 2123828153 0911407907 3860251522 7429958180 7247162591 6685451333 1239480494 7079119153 2673430282 4418604142 6363954800 0448002670 4962482017 9289647669 7583183271 3142517029 6923488962 7668440323 2609275249 6035799646 9256504936 8183609003 2380929345 9588970695 3653494060 3402166544 3755890045 6328822505 4525564056 4482465151 8754711962 1844396582 5337543885 6909411303 1509526179 3780029741 2076651479 3942590298 9695946995 5657612186 5619673378 6236256125 2163208628 6922210327 4889218654 3648022967 8070576561 5144632046 9279068212 0738837781 4233562823 6089632080 6822246801 2248261177 1858963814 0918390367 3672220888 3215137556 0037279839 4004152970 0287830766 7094447456 0134556417 2543709069 7939612257 1429894671 5435784687 8861444581 2314593571 9849225284 7160504922 1242470141 2147805734 5510500801 9086996033 0276347870 8108175450 1193071412 2339086639 3833952942 5786905076 4310063835 1983438934 1596131854 3475464955 6978103829 3097164651 4384070070 7360411237 3599843452 2516105070 2705623526 6012764848 3084076118 3013052793 2054274628 6540360367 4532865105 7065874882 2569815793 6789766974 2205750596 8344086973 5020141020 6723585020 0724522563 2651341055 9240190274 2162484391 4035998953 5394590944 0704691209 1409387001 2645600162 3742880210 9276457931 0657922955 2498872758 4610126483 6999892256 9596881592 0560010165 5256375679

Alula.gifAlula.gif 13:22, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

Give me one π! --78MEOW🐱 | CLICK HERE TO GET A FREE SMALL CAT🐈! 08:11, 19 January 2024 (UTC)

Taxworm's Party Trick

At a party last week on Uncyclopedia Island, Taxworm revealed an insanely amazing trick. Taxworm demonstrated the ability to spin some pear on one finger.

According to Taxworm, the name of the trick is the Spinning pear.

Hattie Yee Morrison, who witnessed the technique, had this to say with dizzy saucer eyes:

"I can't believe that pear was spinning! I was mesmerized." --+-=÷x Sapplerx x÷=-+ (talk) 13:46, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

How now?

The brown cow's crown goes down with a frown because they drowned in a gown, which is a noun. How now? Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 14:18, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

I sow Alula.gifAlula.gif 14:38, 17 January 2024 (UTC)
Did you sow below in the grove? Were there gnomes that know how you grow and show your throws? Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 14:41, 17 January 2024 (UTC)
No Alula.gifAlula.gif 15:50, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

Flying Taxworm

A UFO was spotted on Uncyclopedia plains today. "Is it a bird?" "Is it a plane?" "No, it's Taxworm!"

These could have been the words that onlookers might have said.

Most people could probably tell that the object was just a flying Taxworm. --+-=÷x Sapplerx x÷=-+ (talk) 19:00, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

Hey wait, that's me! --Taxworm 20:35, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

Karate Puma

There is a karate training center that opened Exclusively for the Puma species --Chicken4War / talk to me 20:42, 17 January 2024 (UTC)

All about the remarkable guillotine

What do you guys think about the remarkable guillotine? Aren't they so clumsy and mirthful? I really like the picture of this guillotine shown near the top of the forum. Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 14:32, 18 January 2024 (UTC)

This message was generated using UnAI

One day, while i matured, i encountered a Taxworm on the cat. Curious as i was, i deliberated a operating system to show to Taxworm. Of course, Bad Motherfucker had to come in and see that, and subsequently started to ruminate Taxworm. This lead me to bless both of them. Alula.gifAlula.gif 17:40, 18 January 2024 (UTC)

UnAI is scary. Just as long as they dont make it be able to think like we do, and don't allow it to reprogram itself, im ok with it. L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 08:24, 19 January 2024 (UTC)
Don't worry, our funding was cut short last year, so we can't continue developing it. Alula.gifAlula.gif 10:46, 19 January 2024 (UTC)
Can't we just sell this 483112-dollar earlobe I found to help fund the AI? Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 18:37, 19 January 2024 (UTC)
No we can't Alula.gifAlula.gif 20:43, 19 January 2024 (UTC)
Your right, you can't. Because I'd stop you. L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 09:07, 20 January 2024 (UTC)

== *crunch crunch* ==Dinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gifDinodance.gif

Chicken ramen egg pocket.jpg --Chicken4War / talk to me 14:20, 20 January 2024 (UTC)

Holy shit it's spaghetti Alula.gifAlula.gif 10:42, 25 January 2024 (UTC)

Tunic talks about shit

Ska Music

Y'know, I really like ska music, and with how diverse it is as a genre and even how diverse it can be within the sound of a single band, it baffles me that I've never met a single person in real life who likes it, only a few even know what it is. SO! To those who read this random blurb on a last-to-edit page, go listen to some ska. Five Iron Frenzy, Suicide Machines, and OC Supertones are a few of my favorites.

– Preceding unsigned comment added by Tunic (talk • contribs)

The above was posted by Tunic -- Simsilikesims(♀UN) Talk here. 04:23, 26 January 2024 (UTC)

The above was posted by Simsilikesims --Chicken4War / talk to me 12:17, 26 January 2024 (UTC)
The above was posted by Chicken4War Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 14:21, 26 January 2024 (UTC)
The below was posted by Alula
Hello! Alula.gifAlula.gif 17:54, 26 January 2024 (UTC)

Mage Wars

Mage Wars is a pretty cool board game where you play as a mage and try to murder your friend who is also a mage. There are many mages to pick from, like warlock, necromancer, and priestess. You can make your own decks of cards to use in the game, though "deck" is a rather inaccurate descriptor. In mage wars, you have all your cards in a binder and have access to all of them at once instead of having a hand. This makes the game hella strategic and fun to play. Though as with any "strategic" game, it comes with the curse of being LONG. Highly recommend, would play again. --Tunic (talk) 13:57, 29 January 2024 (UTC)

Neon Genesis Evangelion

My best friend recently forced me to watch all of Evangelion and the movie. It was... an experience. Evangelion left me so utterly stunned that I just stared at the ceiling for an hour in total silence. It's beautiful, and heartbreaking, and relatable, and confusing. It's a show that has left a lasting impression on me, but not in a way that I can quite place. It's almost like I know something that I probably wasn't meant to, like I've bore witness to something I will never quite be able to fully understand. Going to school, talking with people, even just going to sleep, everything feels a little different. I cannot recommend this show (and the movie that serves as its conclusion) enough, it's a hauntingly beautiful masterpiece that deserves 100 times the amount of praise it receives. Tunic (talk) 17:53, 29 January 2024 (UTC)

I never watched this thing but ok. L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 18:38, 29 January 2024 (UTC)
Well, you should. It's really good. Tunic (talk) 14:53, 31 January 2024 (UTC)

Do not open this chapter! Anyone who opens it will be banned for 1 hour!

Have you been fooled? --78MEOW🐱 | CLICK HERE TO GET A FREE SMALL CAT🐈! 06:06, 27 January 2024 (UTC)

MUHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! CHEAT!! You do know that not everyone is on mobile, and dont have the ability to "unfild" a chapter L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 17:34, 29 January 2024 (UTC)

Jimi Hendrix

Jimi Hendrix Jhecircle.png Bad Motherfucker GET FUCKED! Jhecircle.png 01:10, 28 January 2024 (UTC)


Hello, Last person to edit wins, and thanks for joining Uncyclopedia! Before editing further, please take a gander at our Beginner's Guide. If you want to find out more about Uncyclopedia or need more help with something, check out the following pages:

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Beware! The evil eye is upon thee!

Hello, Last person to edit wins, and welcome to Uncyclopedia! Unfortunately, we've noticed that your contributions - not to put too fine a point on it - have been crap. Basically, we think you're a spammer/vandal/10-year-old. But don't despair! We have ways to make you talk.. ahem. I mean, there are ways to get you out of this mess.

If you read anything at all, make it the above four links. If you want to find out more about Uncyclopedia or need more help with something, try these:

Good luck and I'm sorry you got off to such a bad start. I hope you enjoy editing here and being an Uncyclopedian! Please sign your name on talk pages using four tildes (~~~~) or use the "sign" button (OOjs UI icon signature-ltr.svg) above the edit box. This will automatically produce your name and the date.

If you need help or think this template has been placed unfairly, please ask me or an admin on their talk page, rather than going bat-fuck-insane. Alternatively you can ask at the Dump, or add the following: {{help}} to this page along with a message and someone will come along and help you if they can. Again, welcome!  Alula.gifAlula.gif 16:22, 29 January 2024 (UTC)

What happened while I was gone?

The entire Gallium article
Ga-TableImage.svg Al


Zinc ← Gallium → Germanium
Physical Properties
Atomic symbol:  Ga
Atomic number:  31
Melting point:  Room temperature + 1
Boiling point:  Room temperature + 1000
Isotopes:  At least 70Ga
Electronegativity:  Do you think I know?

Gallium is a radioactive bluish-grey element with atomic number 31 and an extremely low melting point. Put a fire next to it and its scared ass will melt into a liquid. People regard gallium to be the metal with the lowest melting point above room temperature. Overall, gallium is just a knockoff of mercury.


A picture depicting crystals of gallium

Gallium was one of those elements who were predicted by a guy named Dmitri Mendeleev. Hence, it's part of the cool-kids club, alongside germanium, scandium, and yattayattium. Gallium is named after the country of Gaul because Gaul was a boiling mess during those times. Recent claims have come to light concerning the truth of this statement. Some claim that the discoverer, Paul Emile Lecoq de Boisbaudran, in fact named it after his birthplace just to honour all of the great things coming out of it. These were quickly debunked and it has since been rigorously proved that it was named after how horrible of a place France is. I can't believe they made an entire band to honour the country.

Physical properties

Gallium has an atomic mass of 69.723. This should be obvious because its most stable isotope is 70Ga. Oh, have you heard about how gallium has an extremely low melting point? In fact, if you put gallium and mercury in your hands, you would die of mercury poisoning, but you wouldn't know which hand was infected. Isn't that cool? The reason you can't do this with caesium or rubidium is because caesium is a pale golden colour whereas rubidium is used in fireworks.

Chemical properties

The basic metals; gallium is one of the most commonly-considered basic metals in the whole group.

Gallium is a basic metal like aluminium and possibly polonium. It especially shares characteristics with its group, the boron group. The elements in the zinc group, including the aforementioned mercury, are sometimes also considered to be basic metals. Like all elements in the boron group, gallium has a +3 oxidation state. This means you must shoot 3 oxygen molecules at it in order for it to become reactive. If it were -3, you would have to take away 3 oxygen molecules. This means that when you name compounds with gallium and a nonmetal, it's just gallium <element>ide. This conveys no information of how much of that element exists within the compound. All it conveys is that this is not a covalent bond.

This son of a bitch created an entire atomic war!

The Great Atomic War

Being radioactive, by the time 21 minutes have passed, half of your gallium would have turned into germanium through β decay. This is a dark reference to when France became a part of Germany during WWII. The name WWII is a reference to when the French say "Oui." That is a reference to the French uniting against the king and queen and participating in La Revolution. One of those people was Antoine Lavoisier. He was a famous chemist...oh wait. Let's get back on topic. Gallium beta- decays into germanium. Now what? Well, then the allied forces of americium, moscovium, and britaine all invade germanium and split it into 3 sections; one for americium and britaine, one for moscovium, and one for gallium and francium. These eventually get merged until we have east and west germanium. They are separated by a large sheet of foil known as the Berlinium Wall. However, it's not made out of berlinium, rather, it's made out of aluminium. Eventually, after moscovium β+ decays into nihonium, the Berlinium Wall is broken and the two sides of the germanium atom finally fuse into full germanium. It proceeds to create the Europium Union with francium, europium, strontium, lutetium, hafnium, rhenium, britaine, fellow german elements hassium, meitnerium, and darmstadtium, and most importantly, gallium. Britaine soon voted to brexit their way out of the Union, whereas scandium, yttrium, ytterbium, terbium, erbium, and holmium joined in 2023 due to Finnium's concerns over ruthenium's invasion of ukrainium.

See also

1H Hydrogen 2He Helium
3Li Lithium 4Be Beryllium 5B Boron 6C Carbon 7N Nitrogen 8O Oxygen 9F Fluorine 10Ne Neon
11Na Sodium 12 Mg Magnesium 13Al Aluminum 14 Si Silicon 15 P Phosphorus 16 S Sulfur 17Cl Chlorine 18Ar Argent
19 K Potassium 20 Ca Calcium 21Sc Scandinavium 22Ti Titanium 23 V Vanadium 24Cr Chromium 25 Mn Manganese 26Fe Iron 27 Co Cobalt 28Ni Nickel 29 Cu Copper 30 Zn Zinc 31 Ga Gallium 32 Ge Germanium 33 As Arsenic 34 Se Selenium 35 Br Bromine 36Kr Krypton
37 Rb Rubidium 38 Sr Strontium 39 Y Yttrium 40 Zr Zirconium 41 Nb Niobium 42 Mo Molybdenum 43 Tc Technetium 44 Ru Ruthenium 45 Rh Rhodium 46 Pd Palladium 47Ag Silver 48 Cd Cadmium 49In Indium 50Sn Tin 51 Sb Antimony 52Te Tedium 53 I Iodine 54Xe Xenon
55 Cs Caesium 56 Ba Barium 57-71 La-Lu Lanthanides 72 Hf Hafnium 73 Ta Tantalum 74 W Tungsten 75 Re Rhenium 76 Os Osmium 77 Ir Iridium 78Pt Platinum 79Au Gold 80Hg Mercury 81 Tl Thallium 82Pb Lead 83Bi Bismuth 84Po Polonium 85 At Astatine 86Rn Radon
87 Fr Francium 88 Ra Radium 89-103 Ac-Lr Actinides 104 Rf Rutherfordium 105 Db Dubnium 106 Sg Seaborgium 107 Bh Bohrium 108 Hs Hassium 109 Mt Meitnerium 110 Ds Darmstadtium 111 Uuu Unununium 112 Cn Copernicium 113 Nh Nihonium 114 Fl Flerovium 115 Mc Moscovium 116 Lv Livermorium 117 Ts Tennessine 118 Og Oganesson
119Un Uncyclopedium 120 Ub Unobtanium 121 Aeo Awesomnium 122Fa Fartium 123St Stalinium 124Ob Obamium 125Sl Stalloneium 126 Ad Adamantium 127 Vb Vibranium -1SuStupidium 1/5Bm Brucium 1/2*Ch Cheesium 3/4Pl Plotonium 4.5Op Opium Hu Homoerectium
57 La Lanthanum 58 Ce Cerium 59Pr Praseodymium 60 Nd Neodymium 61 Pm Pentium 62 Sm Samarium 63 Eu Europium 64 Gd Gadolinium 65 Tb Terbium 66 Dy Dysprosium 67 Ho Holmium 68 Er Erbium 69 Tm Thulium 70 Yb Ytterbium 71 Lu Lutetium
89 Ac Actinium 90 Th Thorium 91 Pa Protactinium 92U Uranium 93 Np Neptunium 94Pu Plutonium 95 Am Americium 96 Cm Curium 97 Bk Berkelium 98 Cf Californium 99 Es Einsteinium 100 Fm Fermium 101 Md Mendelevium 102 No Nobelium 103 Lr Lawrencium
Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 15:02, 31 January 2024 (UTC)
Fuck you just spoiled the ending for me Alula.gifAlula.gif 16:35, 31 January 2024 (UTC)
Nice article. Liked the russium invasion of uranium. Almost a parody of the real world, love it. L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 08:18, 1 February 2024 (UTC)
Kinda sad it ended on a cliffhanger though. Would like to see how that ended Alula.gifAlula.gif 20:46, 1 February 2024 (UTC)

hot nickel ball on a pussy

im entering Willy on Wheels, The Fuerdai Vandal. (Babbling ~ Recent ramblings) 00:47, 2 February 2024 (UTC)

oh shit Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 14:13, 2 February 2024 (UTC)
GW-med.jpg Oᑭöᔑᔑᙀᙏ OPOSSUMSIG.gif(talk) 03:36, 8 February 2024 (UTC)

Randomness thread

Pick the random image and description on the top of this page and put it down here. I'll start:

The sock Alula.gifAlula.gif 15:29, 2 February 2024 (UTC)
The sesame seed oil Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 15:57, 2 February 2024 (UTC)
The bamboo --Chicken4War / talk to me 01:19, 4 February 2024 (UTC)
--78MEOW🐱 | CLICK HERE TO GET A FREE SMALL CAT🐈! 01:55, 4 February 2024 (UTC)
omg miku --Chicken4War / talk to me 02:04, 4 February 2024 (UTC)
omg miku Alula.gifAlula.gif 17:37, 5 February 2024 (UTC)
The skull L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 00:19, 5 February 2024 (UTC)
The ad Alula.gifAlula.gif 17:36, 5 February 2024 (UTC)
H Oᑭöᔑᔑᙀᙏ OPOSSUMSIG.gif(talk) 22:14, 5 February 2024 (UTC)
That's not an image Alula.gifAlula.gif 21:42, 6 February 2024 (UTC)

new section

Extended content


Pichu pichu...

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What do you think of my custom welcome message? Yes, I got bored of using the default one. Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 19:37, 7 February 2024 (UTC)

Dead forum???

???????????????? Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 00:30, 14 February 2024 (UTC)

Holy crap why is everything getting put inside of my collapsable Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 00:32, 14 February 2024 (UTC)
Sorry, it's fixed now Alula.gifAlula.gif 19:30, 14 February 2024 (UTC)
Yoylecake! Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 20:44, 14 February 2024 (UTC)
Yea, unfortunetly its not dead anymore. Thanks a lot Brown9622 L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 09:29, 15 February 2024 (UTC)
Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 14:15, 15 February 2024 (UTC)
🥺 Alula.gifAlula.gif 14:43, 15 February 2024 (UTC)
Emoji-drool.gif Oᑭöᔑᔑᙀᙏ OPOSSUMSIG.gif(vandalize my talk page) 20:58, 15 February 2024 (UTC)
You are losing your fucking mind opossum. Also nice image for my children's book about dick kittens. L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 20:58, 17 February 2024 (UTC)
As if I hadn't already lost my mind, but thanks lionmaster Oᑭöᔑᔑᙀᙏ OPOSSUMSIG.gif(vandalize my talk page) 18:13, 21 February 2024 (UTC)
I think i also might be losing my mind Alula.gifAlula.gif 19:25, 21 February 2024 (UTC)

Alive forum!!!

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Alula.gifAlula.gif 19:23, 18 February 2024 (UTC)

Nope, now its dead again L10nM4st3r ROAR at me! / What my paws scratched 21:42, 18 February 2024 (UTC)
Not for long! Alula.gifAlula.gif 23:13, 18 February 2024 (UTC) was for long. Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 14:12, 20 February 2024 (UTC)
Does that mean i won? Alula.gifAlula.gif 00:53, 21 February 2024 (UTC)
Nope Oᑭöᔑᔑᙀᙏ OPOSSUMSIG.gif(vandalize my talk page) 17:20, 21 February 2024 (UTC)
WHAT!!!! Brown9622, the 9622nd version of brown more links (talk) (articles) (contribs) · 17:46, 21 February 2024 (UTC)
HOW!!!! Oᑭöᔑᔑᙀᙏ OPOSSUMSIG.gif(vandalize my talk page) 00:25, 22 February 2024 (UTC)
WHY!!!! Alula.gifAlula.gif 01:38, 22 February 2024 (UTC)