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This type of metal is very American.

Francium is a heavy metal band from France, which was founded by xylophonist Charles de Gaulle in 1993. The members are Martin de Fey (trumpets), Gaspard Tremble (jugs (instrument)), Carole Blaise (yodeling), Angelique-Toinette Fosse Blanchet (unknown), and former president Emmanuel Macron (catering). The group stumbled across the metal after being shoved out of a failed concert in a British style pub in the outskirts of Lyon with their previous band, Bread and Circuses. It gave them the idea to name the band "Francium", after the country they were soon exiled from after failing to impress sitting French president Pepé Le Pew after insulting his coquet.

Discography[edit | edit source]

The Blue, the White, and the Red[edit | edit source]

The first song they released was The Blue, the White, and the Red. It was a massive success in Europe, but in the rest of the world, it didn't do so well. "If it didn't do so well outside of Europe, then why are they associated with Canada now?", you may be asking. Well...

Québec[edit | edit source]

Their first album, Québec, was a massive success in not just Europe, but in Québec as well! Most of the world was starting to associate Francium with Canada, rather than France. Québec didn't feature The Blue, the White, and the Red, but featured other songs like New Countries and La Musique Française; literally "The French Music".

Francium (element)[edit | edit source]

Francium itself is the most concentrated form of French in existence, which can be found littered throughout the French countryside, and occasional parts of Morocco and Tunisia in the holiday seasons. After thorough study from the international community, it has become a generally accepted fact that Francium is one of the most toxic metals known to man, often critical of one's taste in music, cuisine, and general understanding of history. A particularly notable property of Francium is its violent reaction upon contact with water, which is due to the fact that the metal is French.

1H Hydrogen 2He Helium
3Li Lithium 4Be Beryllium 5B Boron 6C Carbon 7N Nitrogen 8O Oxygen 9F Fluorine 10Ne Neon
11Na Sodium 12 Mg Magnesium 13Al Aluminum 14 Si Silicon 15 P Phosphorus 16 S Sulfur 17Cl Chlorine 18Ar Argent
19 K Potassium 20 Ca Calcium 21Sc Scandinavium 22Ti Titanium 23 V Vanadium 24Cr Chromium 25 Mn Manganese 26Fe Iron 27 Co Cobalt 28Ni Nickel 29 Cu Copper 30 Zn Zinc 31 Ga Gallium 32 Ge Germanium 33 As Arsenic 34 Se Selenium 35 Br Bromine 36Kr Krypton
37 Rb Rubidium 38 Sr Strontium 39 Y Yttrium 40 Zr Zirconium 41 Nb Niobium 42 Mo Molybdenum 43 Tc Technetium 44 Ru Ruthenium 45 Rh Rhodium 46 Pd Palladium 47Ag Silver 48 Cd Cadmium 49In Indium 50Sn Tin 51 Sb Antimony 52Te Tedium 53 I Iodine 54Xe Xenon
55 Cs Caesium 56 Ba Barium 57-71 La-Lu Lanthanides 72 Hf Hafnium 73 Ta Tantalum 74 W Tungsten 75 Re Rhenium 76 Os Osmium 77 Ir Iridium 78Pt Platinum 79Au Gold 80Hg Mercury 81 Tl Thallium 82Pb Lead 83Bi Bismuth 84Po Polonium 85 At Astatine 86Rn Radon
87 Fr Francium 88 Ra Radium 89-103 Ac-Lr Actinides 104 Rf Rutherfordium 105 Db Dubnium 106 Sg Seaborgium 107 Bh Bohrium 108 Hs Hassium 109 Mt Meitnerium 110 Ds Darmstadtium 111 Uuu Unununium 112 Cn Copernicium 113 Nh Nihonium 114 Fl Flerovium 115 Mc Moscovium 116 Lv Livermorium 117 Ts Tennessine 118 Og Oganesson
119Un Uncyclopedium 120 Ub Unobtanium 121 Aeo Awesomnium 122Fa Fartium 123St Stalinium 124Ob Obamium 125Sl Stalloneium 126 Ad Adamantium 127 Vb Vibranium -1SuStupidium 1/5Bm Brucium 1/2*Ch Cheesium 3/4Pl Plotonium 4.5Op Opium Hu Homoerectium
57 La Lanthanum 58 Ce Cerium 59Pr Praseodymium 60 Nd Neodymium 61 Pm Pentium 62 Sm Samarium 63 Eu Europium 64 Gd Gadolinium 65 Tb Terbium 66 Dy Dysprosium 67 Ho Holmium 68 Er Erbium 69 Tm Thulium 70 Yb Ytterbium 71 Lu Lutetium
89 Ac Actinium 90 Th Thorium 91 Pa Protactinium 92U Uranium 93 Np Neptunium 94Pu Plutonium 95 Am Americium 96 Cm Curium 97 Bk Berkelium 98 Cf Californium 99 Es Einsteinium 100 Fm Fermium 101 Md Mendelevium 102 No Nobelium 103 Lr Lawrencium