Terbium | |||||
| |||||
Physical Properties | |||||
Atomic symbol: | Tb | ||||
Atomic number: | 65 | ||||
Melting point: | At a very hot temperature, I guess | ||||
Boiling point: | Barnard's Star's surface | ||||
Isotopes: | Read the one below. | ||||
Electronegativity: | Would you care? | ||||
Appearance: | Similar to Gallium, or Yttrium, or Erbium, or a more stable Nihonium, or a less radioactive Samarium, or Terbium | ||||
Origin: | The same place as Yttrium, and Erbium, and also Ytterbium. | ||||
Swedishness | ⠀All of it | ||||
Terbium, also known as Sweden's 4th Favourite Element, is a lanthanide chemical element with the atomic symbol of Tb, and the 65th element of the periodic table. It is known for being born in the same place as Finnish Yttrium, and Swedish Erbium, and the Crazy Scientist's Ytterbium. Terbium is often contained in materials, which all are fancy words that end with -ite.
History[edit | edit source]
Terbium was invented like, a while ago. I mean, you would not care about any year I can place here. I can state that Terbium was founded in 1939. I could also state it was made in 200 BCE. You wouldn't care, would you? I mean, the Terbium that the inventor used would've decayed by now.[1] Terbium's actually very stab—oh right, uh, I should probably go back on topic. Sorry.
Terbium was invented by a citizen of Rutabaga[2] blessed with the generic Swedish name of "Gustaf". (Not to be confused with Gustav, Gustav, Gustavo, or Gustav).
Production[edit | edit source]
Findings[edit | edit source]
There's a big stack of Terbium in Japan and we're not going to tell you why. Oh yeah, it's also on the atmosphere of a planet six hundred seventy light-years away from Earth. Besides that, you won't find Terbium anywhere. I mean there's also the Chinese workers that work all day long to produce Terbium, Samarium, and European Opium.
Unsafety[edit | edit source]
For your safety (or unsafety), we've made a safe and reliable safety table to check on your safety if you're using Terbium, that may or not be classified with safety or not.
X | In the air? | At the core of the sun? | In a black hole? |
Are you carrying it? | Safe, for 180 years. | Both would die. | Both would die. (By Spaghetti) |
Is it near you? | Yeah, probably safe. | Not as safe. | Also not as safe. |
Are you even near it? | If no, you ARE safe. If true, read the one north. | Read the one behind me. | Read the one behind the one behind me. |
Notes[edit | edit source]
Make sure you memorize these for the test!
1H Hydrogen | 2He Helium | ||||||||||||||||
3Li Lithium | 4Be Beryllium | 5B Boron | 6C Carbon | 7N Nitrogen | 8O Oxygen | 9F Fluorine | 10Ne Neon | ||||||||||
11Na Sodium | 12 Mg Magnesium | 13Al Aluminum | 14 Si Silicon | 15 P Phosphorus | 16 S Sulfur | 17Cl Chlorine | 18Ar Argent | ||||||||||
19 K Potassium | 20 Ca Calcium | 21Sc Scandinavium | 22Ti Titanium | 23 V Vanadium | 24Cr Chromium | 25 Mn Manganese | 26Fe Iron | 27 Co Cobalt | 28Ni Nickel | 29 Cu Copper | 30 Zn Zinc | 31 Ga Gallium | 32 Ge Germanium | 33 As Arsenic | 34 Se Selenium | 35 Br Bromine | 36Kr Krypton |
37 Rb Rubidium | 38 Sr Strontium | 39 Y Yttrium | 40 Zr Zirconium | 41 Nb Niobium | 42 Mo Molybdenum | 43 Tc Technetium | 44 Ru Ruthenium | 45 Rh Rhodium | 46 Pd Palladium | 47Ag Silver | 48 Cd Cadmium | 49In Indium | 50Sn Tin | 51 Sb Antimony | 99Te Tedium | 53 I Iodine | 54Xe Xenon |
55 Cs Caesium | 56 Ba Barium | 57-71 La-Lu Lanthanides | 72 Hf Hafnium | 73 Ta Tantalum | 74 W Tungsten | 75 Re Rhenium | 76 Os Osmium | 77 Ir Iridium | 78Pt Platinum | 79Au Gold | 80Hg Mercury | 81 Tl Thallium | 82Pb Lead | 83Bi Bismuth | 84Po Polonium | 85 At Astatine | 86Rn Radon |
87 Fr Francium | 88 Ra Radium | 89-103 Ac-Lr Actinides | 104 Rf Rutherfordium | 105 Db Dubnium | 106 Sg Seaborgium | 107 Bh Bohrium | 108 Hs Hassium | 109 Mt Meitnerium | 110 Ds Darmstadtium | 111 Uuu Unununium | 112 Cn Copernicium | 113 Nh Nihonium | 114 Fl Flerovium | 115 Mc Moscovium | 116 Lv Livermorium | 117 Ts Tennessine | 118 Og Oganesson |
119Un Uncyclopedium | 120 Ub Unobtanium | 121 Aeo Awesomnium | 122Fa Fartium | 123St Stalinium | 124Ob Obamium | 125Sl Stalloneium | 126 Ad Adamantium | 127 Vb Vibranium | -1SuStupidium | 1/5Bm Brucium | 1/2*Ch Cheesium | 3/4Pl Plotonium | 4.5Op Opium | ∞Hu Homoerectium | |||
57 La Lanthanum | 58 Ce Cerium | 59Pr Praseodymium | 60 Nd Neodymium | 61 Pm Pentium | 62 Sm Samarium | 63 Eu Europium | 64 Gd Gadolinium | 65 Tb Terbium | 66 Dy Dysprosium | 67 Ho Holmium | 68 Er Erbium | 69 Tm Thulium | 70 Yb Ytterbium | 71 Lu Lutetium | |||
89 Ac Actinium | 90 Th Thorium | 91 Pa Protactinium | 92U Uranium | 93 Np Neptunium | 94Pu Plutonium | 95 Am Americium | 96 Cm Curium | 97 Bk Berkelium | 98 Cf Californium | 99 Es Einsteinium | 100 Fm Fermium | 101 Md Mendelevium | 102 No Nobelium | 103 Lr Lawrencium |
*Technically an atom of Cheesium has an atomic number of four (4), but that's only for the idiotic table.
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