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Who The Hell Is Tunic?[edit | edit source]

Born in West Bumbafuck in the year 2006, I was an immediate disappointment to my mother, as she wanted a girl. My trend of being a disappointment has continued throughout the years and I refuse to apologize.

I do basically nothing of value, and am currently trying to build towards becoming a cog in the machine of capitalism. I'm planning on starting a business after highschool.

What's Tunic Doing Besides Uncyclopedia?[edit | edit source]

Games I'm Playing:[edit | edit source]

  • Assassins Creed II
  • Overwatch 2
  • Pikmin 4

Shows I'm watching:[edit | edit source]

  • One Piece (Currently in Punk Hazard)
  • How I Met Your Mother

Books I'm Reading:[edit | edit source]

  • Books are for nerds, which is why I'm reading Berserk

Music I'm Listening To:[edit | edit source]

  • Counting Crows
  • Five Iron Frenzy
  • Less Than Jake
  • The Mighty Mighty Bosstones
  • Rancid
  • Mad Caddies
  • Cake

Misc:[edit | edit source]

  • Vex Robotics
  • School
  • D&D
  • Hosting the weekly trivia night on the discord server my buddy runs (No, I did not just steal the format of jeopardy, you ask too many questions)

What Is Tunic Doing On Uncyclopedia?[edit | edit source]

I've adopted the Pikmin article (And it got featured! We did it, boys!), it is now my baby. Voting on features because barely anyone else does. Trying (unsuccessfully) to win last to edit wins.

After a long hiatus, I am back and more problematic than ever!

Userboxes![edit | edit source]

This user is a native speaker of English.
This user suffers from ADH--SQUIRREL!
Earth image.png
This user is a world citizen
…and belongs to the human race, the only
real race on Earth!
Earth image.png
This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
1year, 10months and 26days.
This user would be a professional procrastinator, but they can't be bothered.
Coffee sm.jpg
This user needs a steady supply of Caffeine. So hand it over . . . NOW.
(List of users who NEED caffeine)
Coffee sm.jpg
This user is
Over 9000.
United States
This user is American
…and unabashedly proud of it!
(List of American Uncyclopedians)
United States
This user thinks that the plural of userbox is userboxes. They are completely wrong.

Xbox2.jpg This user is addicted to video games. PlayStation Logos.jpg

This user
is a level 13 Wizard

. They see the fnords

This user redefines lazy!

-With all due disrespect, Tunic.Talk Contribs