User talk:Fredd The Mahmauscher/Archive 4
If this is thy talk page, please note that thou art deceased. The great and noble knight Necropaxx |
Archives: I•II•III |
Pour thy shit beneath this holy header[edit source]
UnSignpost 13th August 2009. It's not late. You are![edit source]
The Newspaper that just got hijacked by Woody and Ape. Mwhahahaha!
Date August 13th, 2009 • Issue 60 • Taking the News, Making it Better
UnSignpost Editor Disappears; UnSignpost Suffers Mysterious Drop in Quality August 10, 2009 - a date which will live in infamy. Gerrycheevers, the UnSignpost's handsome, talented, and, often times, only editor announced his leave of absence in order to head west, and make a name for himself. In an UnSignpost Exclusive, Gerry talked at length about his final destination and the exciting journey he expects. "[I'll be heading to] north dakota. [I reckon I'll take the famous Oregon Trail, driving a horse and buggy, herding cattle, planting seeds of injustice wherever I may.]" How long this move out west will take is unknown by all but our best psychics, and since Gerry has them trained to bite anyone who come near, we'll go with Gerry's approximate date of August 21. If all of our readers miss Gerry (and we have a feeling that, one paragraph in, you already do), please drop him a line. Tell him how much he is missed. Tell him that if he ever leaves again, we won't be so forgiving. Just tell him something. We don't want to have to do this without him again. In an unrelated note, the UnSignpost - usually a shining example of grammatical correctness, good spelling, and hilarity - seems to have hit a drop in quality for this week's issue. The reasons for these changes seem to be a mystery to everyone. As far as we can tell, the problems that have arisen are completely arbitrary. The reasons for this change in quality have been the talk of the community this week. Some have suggested the recent meteor shower has caused an influx of gamma radiation into our atmosphere, creating a negative energy all over the Earth, and thus causing our writing abilities to falter. Under User stupidly blamed all of this on the change in editors, saying "Good to see we're keeping the time-honoured Signpost tradition of the revolving door to the editor's office alive and well. Although now Woody's in there, that should probably be a 'revolting' door." Bastard. Uncyclopedian creates Trivia Bot, ruins everything
EMC let loose his bot on the nerds, perverts and middle-aged alcoholics of #uncyclopedia, leading to even less constructive conversation then usual. Instead, the channel is mostly filled with dozens of people shouting random words in the hopes of being awarded meaningless points. Some, however, have pointed out that the only real difference between this and the way things were before is the awarding of points. Not content with destroying one channel, however, EMC subsequently decided to bring his bot to ##turtle,the exciting new channel with the dubious honour of being "the BHOP of IRC" (but with less Bad Shroom), which also served as a staging post for a recent troll invasion of Yahoo! Answers. EMC was unavailable for comment when I was throwing this piece together in five minutes. He is presumed to be sitting in a cave somewhere stroking his large red crayon and laughing dementedly. New Editors Have Trouble Matching up Left and Right Sides In a startling development, the newest editors of the UnSignpost are proving to be quite inept at lining up the left and right sides of Post's template. It seems that our penchant for placing more and more boxes on the right side of the page has defeated the natural aesthetic of the Post's two-even-sides strategy. While this is a problem, it does seem to be fixable. Namely, by adding this headline and story. Is this just an obvious cry for help, that we are unable to do this without Gerry? Probably. But since our hostile takeover has proven quite |
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UnSignpost[edit source]
I'm writing an UnSignpost and I want a quote from you. It's about someone saying CheddarBBQ dosen't like Cheddar BBQ doritos and Mountain Dew. --Docile hippopotamus 07:45, 19 August 2009 (UTC)
- "Doritos smells of donkey shit and Mountain Dew tastes like piss" Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
15:10 August 19 '09
UnSignpost 20th August, it's not late, your mom is![edit source]
The Newspaper that WILL win Zombiebaron back, damn it.
Date August 20th, 2009 • Issue 61 • Where no news is normal news
Fantasy Football Draft Finished After four weeks of red-hot eight-man free fantasy football league draft action, the first Uncyclopedia Fantasy Football League (UFFL) Draft is finally at a close: Uncyclopedia regular and DiBiase's Millions general manager The Woodburninator made Arizona Cardinals' Kicker Neil Rackers Mr. Irrelevant on the afternoon of August 21th, 2009, a mere 26 hours after the previous pick had been made. Afterward, League Commissioner and noted Nazi sympathizer Guildensternenstein promised to make all subsequent Uncyclopedia Fantasy Football League official actions run much more smoothly. He vowed he would "put the drafted players on their respective fantasy teams" at some point "after I'm done writing this story for the UnSignpost and before I go see Inglorious Bastards later tonight." The draft itself was varied, and picks ranged from the predictable (Vikings' running back Adrian Peterson taken first overall) to the even more predictable (Falcons' running back Michael Turner taken with second overall pick) to the fairly predictable (Drew Brees, Peyton Manning and Tom Brady being the first three quarterbacks taken) to the downright wild. Notable steals include Guildy's nabbing of Chris Johnson in Round 5, Woody's snagging of Aaron Rodgers in Round 6, and Bradaphraser's criminal steal of Dallas tight end Jason Witten. For every good pick, there was a bad one, however: in moves that would make Al Davis proud, LongLiverh3 took Philadelphia's No. 3 receiver while their No. 1 and No. 2 receivers were still on the board, made 30th ranked tight end L.J. Smith the second overall tight end picked, and made Baltimore QB Joe Flacco his backup quarter back while the likes of Matt Schaub, Jay Cutler, Ben Roethlisberger and Eli Manning were still available. LongLiver could not be reached for comment. New UnSignpost Editor already having trouble filling up space; Falls upon pointless gimmicks, self-references, long article titles to fill void In a move that has surprised literally 0% of the Uncyclopedia UnSignpost community, the newest UnSignpost editor has already hit a wall in trying to think up new articles for the post. Well, that's not actually true. First he wrote a story trying to beg Zombiebaron to re-subscribe for the post. Then he actually looked at Zombiebaron's userpage to find out that he was actually leaving the site. Needless to say, the presses were called back, and more writing had to be done. Namely, this. Now, we at the post already know what you are thinking. But, since putting those things into print is outlawed in 36 states, two Canadian provinces, and all of Lithuania, we will instead reference the fact that there have been an awful lot of self-referencing in the UnSignpost lately. For that we are truly sorry. Also, we are sorry for self-referencing our own self-referencing. It is truly a problem that continues to build upon itself. We hope to soon continue with the top notch reporting that is so often found in our hallowed archives. Such as the time we wrote about Spang's village dump conquests, or the time we self-referenced how the UnSignpost's lovable mascot, "Dognewspaper" had not been in the Unsignpost for over nine months. Or that time we wrote about the Fantasy Football Draft being finished. Yes, all of those times were good. And we plan - nae, promise - to, in the very near future, continue bringing those kinds of articles to your doorstep. That is, if you don't mind finding a bit of drool upon it. |
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What Up?[edit source]
haven't heard from you in forever. 17YEARSOFcHeDDaR
- I was doing time Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
00:26 September 3 '09
- ????
Puttano 11:01,3September,2009
- what? Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
22:11 September 3 '09
- Doing time? What do you mean? And why are you still not doing anything?
Puttano 18:15,7September,2009
- Doing time? What do you mean? And why are you still not doing anything?
- what? Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
- ????
- I'm in prison for attempted (failed) detonation of a nuke in Paris.. Dont worry, though, i'll break out after 3 weeks, then I'll come to your place and eat pie Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
02:57 September 8 '09
- Nice. See ya then.
Puttano 19:16,8September,2009
- sure thing. Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
02:57 September 9 '09
- sure thing. Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
- Nice. See ya then.
- I'm in prison for attempted (failed) detonation of a nuke in Paris.. Dont worry, though, i'll break out after 3 weeks, then I'll come to your place and eat pie Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
I have also not heard from you in forever, it seems. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 14:28, September 12, 2009 (UTC)
- I didn't miss you. Or Paris. Orian57 Talk
14:56 12 September 2009
- Orian, I love you. Now, go fuck yourself Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
03:21 September 13 '09
- Orian, I love you. Now, go fuck yourself Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
Thanks![edit source]
UnSignpost 4th September[edit source]
The newspaper that missed an issue and no-one even noticed.
Date September something-or-other, 2009 • Issue 63 • Nobody reads this bit anyway
Left alone to write the entire UnSignpost, Ape delivers sub-par, mostly self-referential issue "What happened to the signpost?" was the question on literally nobody's lips this week, as Uncyclopedia's favourite newspaper which everyone loves to read but no-one can be bothered to write for took another step on the long slow descent to obscurity. However, our intrepid hero, i.e. me, soon discovered the enormity of the task that lay ahead of him. Boxes had to be filled, interesting and thought-provoking forums had to be discovered and linked to, block logs had to be accessed and trawled for witty comments (unsuccessfully, as it turned out) and this article and presumably another one below it had to be written. "I never thought it could be this hard," Ape told himself, with sexual innuendo very much intended. "How did Gerrycheevers keep finding stuff to write about? There doesn't really seem to be much happening around here. I mean, I could start whoring my newest articles under the flimsy guise of self-referential irony, but that would be shit really. Who wants to see that? Nobody, that's who." However, in the absence of anything funny or clever to say, our hero, (who is gradually being revealed to be more of an anti-hero, like Alex in A Clockwork Orange, except with no sense of style) proceeded to do exactly that, shamelessly whoring two articles (which, if anything, evince his decline as a comedy writer), eliciting a universal chorus of groans and boos from all who had the misfortune to read it. An appeal to the Uncyclopedia community Seriously guys, if you don't want any more shitty issues like this I'm going to need help, or else the signpost is going to die like all the other well-intentioned projects that nobody bothers with. What we need is:
Thank you for your time. |
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-- Soldat Teh PWNerator (pwnt!) 16:52, September 4, 2009 (UTC)
UnSignpost Randomber 8th[edit source]
The only newspaper that Codeine's mum has randomized
Date August 27th, 2009: THE RANDOM ISSUE • Issue 62 • Because the truth is not random enough
Random Headline
At 4:52 a.m., hot dogs employed a lollipop. While minecart was feasting, a Wii suddenly proven. Little boy, don't put your finger in that dyke! Jerry Fallwell meditates cartridge! Angel yawns an US Navy F/A 18 Super Hornet! PIKACHU' I DON'T HAVE AIDS'! To come to the point, snake yawns fondue forks! Did the queen behead...
However, hulking agrees lower Jamaica verba ita sunt intelligenda ut res magis valeat quam pereat clam nexus Britney Spears writing higher Bob Barker Eek! freezing indestructible heavy ion-raygun +1 broadswords Dr. Phil 3590 BC surfing gold medal Gollum golem. OMG!1!!!11!one Babe Ruth was a total Bitch! Look, I'm not saying he wasn't good at baseball! I'm not trying to destroy your great baseball heroes. But let's not kid ourselves here. Babe Ruth was a complete and total bitch. Come on. He couldn't catch the ball. And he whined at the umpires when people called him fat (even though he totally was). And he always talked about how much his feelings were hurt by people trying to buy him a beer. Signpost Has Gone Officially Bat fuck Insane
Due to frequent lack of interest and excitement, this UnSignpost issue has now gone totally insa-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Genital wart in the left politician! BOMB IRAN! HEIL CAJEK! san. Shannon Penman. |
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In particular, please think of the an arc welder Toyotas!
18:02, 7 September 2009Attention Colonizers![edit source]
The brief era of peace we've been enjoying has once again been shattered by the IP horde. And since those pot smoking, tree hugging liberal faggots repealed the draft the IC forces are stuck with the likes of you. You are therefore ordered to report to the front lines at once for briefing. Once we have decided our plan of attack, we'll march into battle post haste. You're dismissed Fredd The Mahmauscher. -OptyC Sucks! CUN20:24, 11 Sep
WTF?[edit source]
I made a nom on VFH and you haven't even voted yet? Puttano 23:55,14September,2009
UnSignpost September 10/17[edit source]
May contain traces of humor!
Date September 17th, 2009 • Issue 64 • Consistently Declining Readership Since 2008!
Uncyclopedians Continue Hostile Takeover of Wikimedia
This week, noted user Electrified mocha chinchilla got a short but somewhat hostile reply from the lackluster Wikimedia Foundation. After telling truths to the company such as taking control over Wikipedia and how Uncyclopedia is 104% fact, a Wikipedia Foundation employee under the subtle disguise "Philippe XXXXXX" replied in a manner that was both honorable and robust. Confounded by the foundation's kindness, e|m|c quickly replied with a rebuttal seeming more like a terrorist threat like a thank-you note. Even though Uncyclopedia has not managed to even get off Wikia's back, some users have a bright, world domination-esque outlook to the future. UFFL Update Week One of the UFFL season was full of thrills, spills, birth control pills, and shitty rhymes. The John Curry All-Stars bested The Oklahoma City Storm 93.08 – 74.54 after a sub-par performance from offensive giants Larry Fitzgerald and Michael Turner on the Storm side, not to mention the controversial decision to sit starting quarterback and country singer enthusiast Tony Romo. The appropriately-named Dudes edged Cheddar’s Doritians 98.42 – 96.06, despite the fact that Dudes manager Frank Zappa was high the entirety of the game. Injuries to key Doritian players Donovan McNabb and LaDainian Tomlinson made the loss extra-hard to swallow. The not-so-domestic Domestic Team Name blew out DiBiase’s Millions 112.82 – 67.16—a loss which caused Millions’ manager Woody Onfire to question the not-sucking-ness of his team publicly. Finally, Sternensteinenstine annihilated the ironically-named Winnerz 123.92 – 0.00 after Winnerz manager Al Davis forgot to edit his team’s starting roster for the week. The lop-sided German victory was aided by a career day from Saints’ quarterback Drew Brees and round-the-clock Luftwaffe air cover in conjunction with concentrated armored thrusts at the enemy’s flanks. Lead Editor Returns to UnSignpost Office, Demands to Know Whereabouts of Bundt Cake This week Active Lead UnSignpost editor Gerrycheevers stumbled back onto the Uncyclopedia scene amid much celebration and hooplah. While settling down to his usual routine of getting UnSignpost issues polished off stylishly late, he noticed that his office at the UnSignpost wing of Uncyclopedia had been raided, and his delicious bundt cake had been mercilessly stolen. Gerry immediately declared a halt to the UnSignpost presses, which involved Sockpuppet of an unregistered user using several pints of holy water and a rubber chicken, in order to plea for the safe return of his tasty cake. Please, mystery pastry thief, don't leave Mr. Cheevers cakeless and hungry! |
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This would've gotten here last week, but it's my firs week as paperboy and I got lost. —Unführer Guildy Ritter von Guildensternenstein 00:11, September 23, 2009 (UTC)
Marble Thanks[edit source]
![]() |
John Smith would like to thank you! For Helping him get through Marble Madness and defeat the evil bully, Benny Smith (no relation). |
Orian57 Talk 00:23 23 September 2009
Thanks![edit source]
![]() |
My little grey cells, zey 'ave solved ze case! Necropaxx would very much like to thank you for uncovering who the real murderer was. "If not for your 'elp, mon ami, I fear zat Monsieur Murderer might 'ave escaped." Double thanks for making this my tenth feature! Woo! |
lol m00shie. Also, what? • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} 20:36, Sep 24
- long time no talk, how's the you? also, great article, made me lol Colour Sig For Make Mahm00shA Look Cool
23:33 September 24 '09
UnSignpost: September 24th, 2009[edit source]
Proudly supporting editorial independence whenever the board say it's okay
September 24th, 2009 • Issue 65 • The Newspaper that Oscar Wilde Might Read Were He Still Among the Living
UnSignpost Subscriber List Trimmed; Remaining Subscribers Urged to Archive Issues, Settle Outstanding Bills, Refrain from Tipping Paperbots This week, the hideously long UnSignpost subscription list was hacked down even further than The Woodburninator and others apparently hacked it down several months ago. This has resulted in a mass decline in the number of useless edits performed by paperbots and brave, bored souls who have nothing better to do than manually edit dozens of userpages on a weekly basis. The dregs that were cast off included those who have not registered an edit in six months, those who are permanently banned or close to it, and those with large, scary dogs that prevent paperbots from completing their routes unchewed. The remaining faithful readers are asked to archive their talk pages if they are excessively long due to many hilarious editions of the UnSignpost, as paperbots are slowed down by the large load times of such pages, and paper-delivering users are likely to be distracted by uproarious back issues. Subscribers are also reminded that the monthly fee for talkpage delivery is seven Uncyclopedia credits. Extremely outdated Uncyclopedia currency, such as Yoinxx, will be subject to exceedingly unfair conversion rates. On a final note, readers are implored to avoid tipping paperbots, as it seems any sort of regular income tends to give robots inklings of sentience, and the last thing we need is Fnoodle organizing the paperbots into a rudimentary union again. UFFL Update It was another exciting week of UFFL action this past Sunday, with 75% of the league’s games qualifying as “blowouts.” Sternensteinenstine bested DiBiase’s Millions 161.54 to 78.94, with the one-two Nazi punch of Drew Brees and Chris Johnson outscoring their helpless opponents alone. The John Curry All Stars had similar success with the Philip Rivers-Marques Colston-Frank Gore combination, and knocked out Cheddar’s Doritians 123.74 to 71.64 in the fourth round. The bout between Domestic Team Name and Oklahoma City Storm went the distance, with Domestic “Team” Name coming away with the split decision 78.14 to 77.28. Finally, Frankreich “The Dude” Zappino demolished his opponent 126.42 to 0.00 in a spectacular first round knockout due to the fact that LL was once again unable to select his starting roster. Standings:
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Hand delivered by MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 16:26, September 26, 2009 (UTC)
A word from your new insect computer WotM[edit source]
Thanks for the vote! Sir MacMania GUN—[23:10 1 Oct 2009]
...[edit source]
You fell off. What the hell happened to your writing ability? MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 18:04, October 3, 2009 (UTC)
- well, it isnt mine. i just copy-pasted it from its cool, though • •
• 18:06 October 3 '09
Poo Lit Surprise Time[edit source]
Are you going to enter an article this time around. I'm actually a judge this time, so I can't write one. And no, I can't give you bonus points or anything, cause I'm judging the n00b category this time around. I get to crush people's dreams just as mine were crushed last time. Puttano 02:07,5October,2009
- actually, i might enter with two articles this time, rewrite and alternate. and good luck to you mr dream-crusher :) • •
• 06:31 October 5 '09
- Thank you. I though about writing, but I figured I wouldn't be able to climb out of my mental constipation to squeeze a long, brown masterpiece out from between my cheeks in time for the PLS.
Puttano 19:44,5October,2009
- Thank you. I though about writing, but I figured I wouldn't be able to climb out of my mental constipation to squeeze a long, brown masterpiece out from between my cheeks in time for the PLS.
Noob Tanks[edit source]
User:Why do I need to provide this?/NotM thanks Apparently I accidentally put this on your user page instead of your talk page. I fixed it, but still, sorry about that. King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court) 03:51, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
UnSignpost: October 1st, 2009[edit source]
Now With 0 Trans Fat!
October 1st, 2009 • Issue 66• Now With 40% More Pictures of Cats with Humorous Captions!
Users Turn to PLS to Rescue Uncyclopedia from Decay, Doom, Worstness The Eighth Semi-Annual Poo Lit Surprise Writing Competition & Brownie Bake-Off begins this Monday, October 5th when Olipro emerges from his house. If he is frightened by his shadow, writers are required to send him love letters; otherwise, writers have two weeks to squeeze all of the humor they can out of their mostly insignificant humor glands. This year's categories include Best Article, Best Illustrated Article, Best Kanye Joke, and Best Rewrite. The list of judges includes both esteemed Uncyclopedia veterans and former PLS winners; they will be sequestered in a two-star hotel for the duration of the competition in order to ensure the most convenient environment for receiving bribes. This year's PLS Master of Ceremonies and Executive in Charge of Parking, Modusoperandi, humbly expressed optimism when asked about the quality of this installment: "This Poo Lit will be the Greatest PLS ever," said Mr. Operandi exclusively. "Anyone who says otherwise is as much of a liar as they are dumb, and they are plenty dumb. Ergo, they are also plenty liar. That made more sense in my head." Other users, who wished to remain anonymous since they regularly read the unflattering commentary often associated with being quoted in the UnSignpost, expressed hope that the PLS would revive the life-support-laden VFH and also stimulate the lagging Uncyclopedia economy. Users Agree: 'Uncyclopedia is the Boringest' This week, Uncyclopedia users denounced the recent lack of activity on the wiki. Necropaxx initiated the conversation, noting that activity on VFH, similar to the pants of the 'hip' crowd, has dropped to unacceptably low levels. Other users have responded, and the general consensus does indeed seem to be that overall, the site's quality has dropped below acceptable levels. Not since June '07, November '07, February '08, August '08, December '08, March '09, and May '09 has Uncyclopedia seen such a blatant claim that the entire website will imminently burst into a ball of some sort, with 'flame' being the most likely sort of ball. Trusted UnSignpost undercover investigative reporter, DogNewspaper (pictured), infiltrated one such group of doom-saying users in order to obtain some first-hand declarations of the impending death throes of the wiki. "Yeah, with the number of quality articles readily available, I'd give Uncyclopedia two months at the most until it is absorbed into another humor website," said one user. Further commentary from this group of users was unavailable, as undercover investigative reporter DogNewspaper's cover was at this point compromised, as his unwavering loyalty to Uncyclopedia caused him to seize the infidel user's lower leg in his mouth and shake his head viciously. Please stay with the UnSignpost for up-to-the-week coverage of the impending(?) death of Uncyclopedia. |
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Late deliver courtesy of MegaPleb • Dexter111344 • Complain here 20:26, October 5, 2009 (UTC)
UnTweets[edit source]
Wow the Osama article is looking really good! Puttano 00:47,8October,2009
- It does. I will vote for it on VFH. --Docile hippopotamus 00:50, October 8, 2009 (UTC)
Mushi Sig[edit source]
Is a bit outrageous. Looky here - Xxxx marks the maximum length -
—Mahmoosh (Talk•stalk•Boobs•Anus•Poop) 10:06 October 8 '09
Also, please remove the logout link from the sig, it's very annoying. Shukran. ~ 16:25, October 9, 2009 (UTC)
- sure thing, mr. 'dillo. right away. <hebrew for "you're welcome"> —Mahmoosh (Talk•stalk•Boobs•Anus•Poop) 16:42 October 9 '09
- I've seen sigs that are much longer than that (The KIller Froggy, Zombiebaron).
Puttano 16:51,9October,2009
- I've seen sigs that are much longer than that (The KIller Froggy, Zombiebaron).
Hey[edit source]
I never responded to your message since I got a little confused. I thought you had added it, but then removed it. I'm not sure how I came to that conclusion, but I just added your message back to my talk page AND I finally responded to it. Five days late, yeah, but I did! Go there, if you're still interested..... -- Roman Dog Bird
21:06, October 9, 2009 (UTC)
How is little Mooshy?[edit source]
It appears I've been neglecting you (and everything and everyone else you're not special). Orian57 Talk 20:40 11 October 2009
- orian, lets get this straight: i really, really don't understand what kind of feeling you got for me, but i reckon it's a "bad" feeling, like hatred or something.. personally, i've got nothing against you, you're a nice, funny guy and i love many of your works. please correct me if i'm wrong, but you said on more than one occasion that you hate me, and i dont really know if you're serious or joking.. if this is misunderstanding on my part, then i'm really sorry. if not, kindly fuck off • •
• 21:05 October 11 '09
- I have? Dude, if I did I was kidding. Admittedly I can have a bit of a nasty sense of humour but just don't take it seriously. If I had real problems with you I'd come tell you and explain why. I think you're cool, too. Sorry for the misunderstanding. And thanks for the kind words and stuff, I'm all flattered now. But yeah, sorry if I've come across as a bit brash, tottally didn't mean it. :| Orian57 Talk
21:11 11 October 2009
- oh god, oh god! sorry, dude, my bad.. i'm really sorry.. please accept my heartly apology. also, sorry. also also, please forget that we ever had this conversation */me puts on black sunglasses and uses that fancy MiB memory erasing thingie* hello, you are orian57, i'm mahmush, and we are best friends :) • •
• 21:21 October 11 '09
- He's just uneasy about his feelings for you.
Puttano 21:22,11October,2009
- He's just uneasy about his feelings for you.
- oh god, oh god! sorry, dude, my bad.. i'm really sorry.. please accept my heartly apology. also, sorry. also also, please forget that we ever had this conversation */me puts on black sunglasses and uses that fancy MiB memory erasing thingie* hello, you are orian57, i'm mahmush, and we are best friends :) • •
- I have? Dude, if I did I was kidding. Admittedly I can have a bit of a nasty sense of humour but just don't take it seriously. If I had real problems with you I'd come tell you and explain why. I think you're cool, too. Sorry for the misunderstanding. And thanks for the kind words and stuff, I'm all flattered now. But yeah, sorry if I've come across as a bit brash, tottally didn't mean it. :| Orian57 Talk
What happened to wanting to talk? Jenny? 00:15,13October,2009
- Talk?[] 12:40 October 14
You have a quote for me?[edit source]
Bring it!
22:38, 14 October 2009- about what, exactly? • •
• 22:40, October 14, 2009 (UTC)
- Well, you said you wanted in. 22:44, 14 October 2009
- ""No, I don't have no fucking comment.. No more motherfucking journalists, please.. NO FUCKING QUOTES.. Fuck off, already.."" • •
• 22:51, October 14, 2009 (UTC)
- Then why the double quotes?
- Typo. I wanted to make it bold and/or italic or something, I don't remember. And I didn't notice it til ten minutes ago • •
• 16:51, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
- What do you want to write then?
- Dunno.. The clemens drama, maybe? • •
• 17:02, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
- Nah. No dramas in the UnSignpost. You're free to try and fill in the right part of the box, if you want. 17:13, 15 October 2009
- Nah, not this time, there's nothing interesting to write about. Maybe next week's issue. Now, would you please get your stinking sock off my talk page? The chicks are running away because of the smell • •
• 17:22, October 15, 2009 (UTC)
16:57, 15 October 2009
- Dunno.. The clemens drama, maybe? • •
- What do you want to write then?
16:47, 15 October 2009
- Typo. I wanted to make it bold and/or italic or something, I don't remember. And I didn't notice it til ten minutes ago • •
- Then why the double quotes?
- ""No, I don't have no fucking comment.. No more motherfucking journalists, please.. NO FUCKING QUOTES.. Fuck off, already.."" • •
- Well, you said you wanted in. 22:44, 14 October 2009
UnSignpost Sometime October 2009[edit source]
The Newspaper That Openly Admits Its Liberal And Conservative Biases!
October 8th, 2009 • Issue 67• Good things come to those who wait. So does the UnSignpost.
The End is Nigh... Once Again Yes, it's that time of the year again. Despite the hopes of many, Poo Lit Surprise did not instantly revive Uncyclopedia. We are doomed! DOOMED! But how did the great Uncyclopedia become such a wasteland, one may ask. It's all a big conspiracy, I tell you! All perpetrated by a mysterious figure, known only by the initials R.L. Perseveringly, this entity has claimed the lives of various Uncyclopedians, among them such users as SysRq, Cajek, YesTimeToEdit, Siddhartha-Wolf and most recently it seems R.L. has even gotten its grips on our own UnSignpost editor Gerrycheevers. When confronted with the issue, noted favourite Jew and Zionist ruler Mordillo barely managed to exclusively tell us the following "I tell you Socky, I'd be happy to comment about our IMPENDING DOOM but I'm too busy packing. Another time maybe? HEY! MOTHERFUCKER! EASY WITH THE VASE! THAT'S FRAGILE! Sorry Sock, gotta scram, the movers are breaking my stuff. NO! DROP THAT BAN HAMMER! DROP IT I SAID!" Expert in things that suck (no pun intended), Optimuschris, was quoted saying "Uncyclopedia hasn't been cool since 08. Ban 09's." In conclusion, UN:N. UFFL Update The previous two weeks of the UFFL action have been filled with more intrigue than a mediocre James Bond movie. Two touchdownless games by Saints’ quarterback Drew Brees cost Sternensteinenstine a win Week 3, though the team rebounded Week 4 and currently holds a solid second-place standing in the hyper-competitive UFFL. A resurgent Tom Brady and a balanced roster has led Domestic Team Name to two wins over the same period, as well as an unblemished 4-0 record. The Dudes’ neglect to change their starting roster cost them a win in Week 4, knocking the former top dogs down to a less-than-remarkable 4th place. The John Curry All-Stars have been hampered by the loss of Frank Gore, and lost last week to a rejuvenated Dibiase’s Millions that were led by a solid Aaron Rodgers-Matt Forte NFC North attack. A soft schedule has helped Oklahoma City Storm to a respectable 2-2 record, while the winless Doritians continue to struggle. Finally, The Winnerz put up mounds of points as Peyton Manning passed his way to his fourth consecutive 300-yard game…or at least would have if The Winnerz could figure out how to log in to Yahoo! and edit their roster. In a look ahead to next week’s games, Sternensteinenstine and the John Curry All-Stars will have to overcome bye weeks for both their starting quarterbacks to maintain their positions near the top of the league as they face off; Oklahoma City Storm looks to earn an easy win against a bye-week-ravaged Dibiase’s Millions; The Dudes seek redemption as they attempt to reclaim their No. 1 position against the undefeated Domestic Team Name; and the league’s bottom-dwelling, shit-eating, dog-fucking last-placers The Winnerz and Cheddar’s Doritians both search for their first wins of the season. Standings:
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I hath slain thee, apparently.[edit source]
Is this in reference to something? I'm flattered, by the way. • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 01:13, Oct 19
- It's cool, you're cool and I'm not. So, thou slay me. And it's in reference to your victory over me at PLS. Did I mention that you're cool? • •
• 08:33, October 19, 2009 (UTC)
Holy smoke![edit source]
Did you see GT's judging?! Blargh! Not even in the top five! /weeps • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 03:18, Oct 20
- Yes, I've just seen them... I came at number 5 for "unrealized potential." /weeps • •
• 03:24, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
- Gotta have faith. Gotta have faith. 'Dillo and Colin will pull through. Come on. • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 03:49, Oct 20
- I'm playing on the same plan.. I think mordillo will like mine • •
• 03:52, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
- Well, now it's official. I'm depressed. Yeah, I know there's two more judges, but even if I get Number 1 on both of theirs, Guildy will still win. What really bugs me about this is that I thought it was so funny that I was bragging about it to everyone. Deserved it, I guess, but.... rrrrggggg. WHAT now??? Tuesday, 17:02, Oct 20
- You gotta hand it to Guildy, he's one of the very best writers uncyclopedia ever had.. The guy can do REAL satire.. But of course, i have to say "hard luck, Necropaxx," and I'm sure the two remaining judges will give your article a better score (at my expense, of course.) Also, that's it for me today, i'm buggering off for the rest of the day. Talk to you tomorrow • •
• 17:20, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
- You gotta hand it to Guildy, he's one of the very best writers uncyclopedia ever had.. The guy can do REAL satire.. But of course, i have to say "hard luck, Necropaxx," and I'm sure the two remaining judges will give your article a better score (at my expense, of course.) Also, that's it for me today, i'm buggering off for the rest of the day. Talk to you tomorrow • •
- Well, now it's official. I'm depressed. Yeah, I know there's two more judges, but even if I get Number 1 on both of theirs, Guildy will still win. What really bugs me about this is that I thought it was so funny that I was bragging about it to everyone. Deserved it, I guess, but.... rrrrggggg. WHAT now??? Tuesday, 17:02, Oct 20
- I'm playing on the same plan.. I think mordillo will like mine • •
- Gotta have faith. Gotta have faith. 'Dillo and Colin will pull through. Come on. • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 03:49, Oct 20
Thanks for...[edit source]
User:POTR/Template:Lateral Thanking Pup
Mahm00shA's bee says[edit source]
User:Why do I need to provide this?/Sun Bee thanks King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court) 05:24, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
Plunger[edit source]
Mister Moosh - your plunger (also known as rollback) has been delivered. Be sure to use that only in cases of blatant vandalism. In case of a questionable taste rather than vandalism it's always better to do undo with an explanation rather than rollback. Use it wisely. ~ 07:46, October 20, 2009 (UTC)
You'll be hearing from my attorney[edit source]
You'll be hearing from my attorney. (Seriously, I'm getting a kick out of this, even though I expect the joke to end in about five minutes). King of the Internet Alden Loveshade??? (royal court) 03:15, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
LOL[edit source]
Thanks for the move anyway. 06:34 October 21
- Now, copy the contents to the page with the correct title, then put the one with the wrong title up for QVFD. :) • •
• 06:37, October 21, 2009 (UTC)
- Alternatively, I can use the page for lots of random stuff. Which is better. [definitely not you]??? 10:24 October 21
- Hey, you're not impersonating me! Stop that! definitely AM Why do I need to provide this??? 01:09, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
- Alternatively, I can use the page for lots of random stuff. Which is better. [definitely not you]??? 10:24 October 21
Seriously, I can't find Brooklyn[edit source]
In Recognition Of Fredd The Mahmauscher's support and patronage of the fine sport of Archery, you are awarded one (1) gratuitous pantyshot. Wear it with pride. |
![]() |
Love, User:Why do I need to provide this?/sig3 and WHERE brooklyn at??? 00:46, October 22, 2009 (UTC)
About this[edit source]
I considered reverting it too, but a quick Google/Wiki search revealed that Nick Griffin is some British politician, so I let it stand. Checking whether the named person has a Wikipedia page is generally a good sign as to whether it's vanity. --Andorin Kato 08:52, October 23, 2009 (UTC)
- Yes, sorry.. You can revert my edit. But I usually consider inserting someone's name in the first section vanity/cyberbullying. But thanks a lot, I'll be more careful in the future. HOW comes??? 08:57, October 23, 2009 (UTC)
UnSignpost 22nd 23rd October 2009[edit source]
You'd be crazy not to listen!
October 22nd, 2009 • Issue 68 • Semi-endorsed by Journalism Union #448
Invisible UnSignpost Issue Confuses, Annoys Readers As a gag/publicity stunt/desperate cry for attention, last week's edition of Uncyclopedia's most beloved and 3rd most cherished newspaper, the UnSignpost, was rendered invisible before being delivered. After the issue was wrapped up, UnSignpost contributing editors Dexter111344 and Socky used their inherent superpowers or something to cause the issue to not appear on user's talk pages when delivered. In addition, further enhancements rendered each user's talk page history to not be altered upon delivery, thus completely erasing any evidence that the issue was delivered or even existed at any point. Feedback thus far has been overwhelmingly negative, with angry subscribers sending death threats and exploding telegrams to the UnSignpost office for the past four days. UnSignpost Executive in Charge of Sniffing Mail, Dognewspaper (pictured), luckily suffered only minor burns and a singed tail. The UnSignpost staff would like to formally apologize to its readers, and assure them that each subsequent issue will be at least partly visible. Poo Lit Report After giving the writers time to work on their pieces, and Modus taking time enjoying the disqualification of entries for failing the mandatory steroids screening, the 8nd Edition of the Poo Lit Surprise is in its final stages – judging. This is the time where writers who entered play with their genitals out of anxiety and nervousness, and attempt to bribe the judges with sexual favors and pie. This PLS saw a great number of entries in the Best Alternate Namespace Article. The reasoning for this, some believe, is that everyone is utterly bat fuck insane and forgot how to write regular namespace articles. Despite being held just prior to the Turkey Day Ball and Conservation Week, the turn-out was overall not bad; Modus' corporate-funded campaign for the PLS is primarily to blame for this. Speaking of corporate funding, it was indicated that there will be prize money for this edition of the PLS despite Wikia's refusal to hook a brotha' up. All irrevocable blame for Wikia's unfortunate decision has been directed at Sannse for good reason. UPDATE Winners have been announced; congratulations to all of them. According to Modusoperandi, the next PLS is expected to be held, "When the next guy remembers it's late." Fantasy Football Update Things are really heating up in the UFFL as midseason nears, and Week Six’s storylines were of upset, domination, and redemption. Led by Tom Brady, the always-solid In a look ahead to next week’s games, Sternensteinenstine looks to stay atop the UFFL rankings against a resurgent Cheddar’s Doritians, Domestic Team Name looks to retake the #1 spot against a very solid John Curry All-Stars, Oklahoma City Storm and The Dudes face off, and the bottom-dwelling dog-fucking last-placers Dibiase’s Millions and The Winnerz will look to see which one of them is shittier. Standings:
IT'S OVER 25,000!!! Maybe. Uncyclopedia just might make the mark of 25,000 articles. Sometime soon. Maybe tomorrow. Surely it's yet another milestone that only puts us that much more ahead of Wikipedia, Conservapedia, and Das Kapital combined in content. However, thoughts from the rest of the community on what this means for our beloved wiki have been varyingly expressed as joyous, apathetic, dismal, and downright nonsensical. "But even with 25,000 articles, we're still 65,000 short of being strong enough to fight Captain Ginyu," says the attractive Guildensternenstein as we stop him on his way to Planet Namek. Others offer real conversation of a possible reskin and doubts that the mark will actually be reached with Forest Fire Week probably happening sometime. Maybe. Discussion started by an attention whore in Miniluv over the Welcoming Committee and their welcoming template(s) has sparked the particular attention of many Uncyclopedians, most of whom by their own admission have never read the welcoming template, HTBFANJS, BGBU, any of the other things the welcome template advises new users to read, or have heard of Uncyclopedia. The recent round of QQ'ing and debating over the alleged poor quality of Uncyclopedia, as highlighted in the last edition's piece about the end being nigh and a Poo Lit Surprise nomination, can come to a close. It is this writer's observation that Uncyclopedia is the worst because nobody cares about editing guides which make confusing acronyms. Obvious correlation is obvious. On our final stop in our stroll through the Village Dump, to your left you will see that a n00b was just kidding, jeez, and to your right you will see that Rockstar Games reads Uncyclopedia. In the former, users urge the poor fellow to read HTBFANJS and BGBU (the same ones that they probably haven't read). If anything is to be drawn from this, it is that true editing comes from within. Or something. |
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Martina Hingis[edit source]
Why did you revert me ? I throught this joke suits to this article. Do you think I'm really two years older than her ? Morever, you have removed my link to my French translation. Ftiercel 19:52, October 25, 2009 (UTC)
- Oops. Sorry, I wrongly assumed that it was vanity. I'll restore your edit. • •
• 20:14, October 25, 2009 (UTC)
Oh, yeah[edit source]
I beat you in PLS! Woo! Even though I should probably shut up as I only got fourth place out of eight... • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 00:45, Oct 26 2009
I don't know[edit source]
In response to your query, I have no idea what I was doing, I must have reverted accidentally, I wasn't even looking at Uncyc at the time... I'm just going to change my password.... Weird. --ChiefjusticeDS 14:15, October 26, 2009 (UTC)
- Drugs are bad, m`kay? ~
14:19, October 26, 2009 (UTC)
- The colours! Oh god the colours!! --ChiefjusticeDS 14:22, October 26, 2009 (UTC)
2nd Runner Up[edit source]
3rd place. Not bad. That's 2 up from last year (or 1 for me) Jenny? 20:39,30October,2009
I hate you?[edit source]
I'm sorry, there must be some sort of misunderstanding. I don't hate you at all. At most, I must have found several of your edits rather annoying and overreacted in my patented TKF overreactive manner, but I really find you rather helpful, especially as of late. Anyway, I'm sorry for accidentally hating you those alleged two times. And, while we're on the subject, I don't hate anyone at all except for Guildensterneinstineinsin (and, to a lesser extent, and also by association, The Artist Formerly Known As Thomas Pynchon's Left Nut) and also Isra1337 because seriously fuck that guy. --
21:15, October 30, 2009 (UTC)- Oops, I'm sorry for the misunderstanding, sir.. I'm really flattered, by the way. Thanks. • •
• 03:01, October 31, 2009 (UTC)
- What the hell? Why do you hate my gradado so much TFK? I can see the racism written in between your lines.
Jenny? 21:32,30October,2009
Thanks![edit source]
![]() |
Chief would like thank you for voting for him to be UotM for October Thanks! It means a lot to me, which is quite depressing on it's own. |
--ChiefjusticeDS 15:46, November 1, 2009 (UTC)
OMG thx!!!!1!![edit source]
Thanks Mahmoosh for the UotM nom!
Yes you are. • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Monday, 00:42, Nov
UnSignpost 29-10-2009[edit source]
Woop Woop! it's the sound of the Police UnSignpost!
October 29th, 2009 • Issue 69 • Hehehe, 69
Better than ED, of course After having hit the 25,000 articles mark, it's worth knowing what other people think of this wiki as it's walking down the sidewalk in its high heels and short skirt. So here are some Google searches for hits on Uncyclopedia in the last week and what it came up with: A Star Control II forum or something-rather found here remarks on Uncyclopedia's SC2 article and other entries. Lauding such as "Uncyclopedia rocks..." overshadowed the naysaying remarks about the wiki being immature and for poopfaced doo-doo heads. The most insightful comment, by a user dubbed "Son of Atares", says, "It definitely beats Enyclopedia Dramatica in terms of funny, but that really isn't saying anything at all." Agreed. On a Polish forum for Polish things, Polish people, and Polish things that Polish people do, some Poles or something have a great laugh at Uncyclopedia making fun of their homecountry. One ED fangirl attempts to advertise her nonsense, only to be ignored over the lulz and tears shed from reading Uncyclopedia. Finally, a forum for progressive rock fans also enjoys some laughs at the prog rock article and the article about their own forum. That guy from There Will Be Blood blatantly lies in an attempt to seem better than thou by boldly claiming, "Uncyclopedia is not funny." Our official response to this criticism? He likes Miley Cyrus. Been there, done that, got the genital warts. The last post to the forum by the gender-confused dinosaur Littlefoot from The Land Before Time reads, " I actually think the prog articles and ProgArchives pages on Uncyclopedia are generally embarrassing attempts at funny by people who do not understand subtlety or delivery in comedy." And then a smiley face, because I guess he pwnt us or something. Fantasy Football Midseason Meanderings In real sports, midseason is typically when “experts” make “predictions” about how “the rest of the season” will “play out,” and the UFFL is no exception. Here are this author’s predictions for the rest of the season, by team: 1. Sternensteinenstine (6-1): Already a game ahead and looking forward to a soft schedule in the coming weeks, Sternensteinenstine’s dominance of the UFFL will continue for the foreseeable future. In all likelihood, the Nazi Juggernaut will sweep the rest of the season with relative ease, become overconfident, take on the world’s largest nation by land area, and eventually be defeated by an international alliance in mankind’s most destructive conflict ever. Finish 13-1 (#1 seed), at the cost of 3.7 million casualties. 2. The Dudes (5-2): Facing a similarly weak series of opponents in weeks hence, The Dudes look to continue their winning ways. At about Week 11, though, they’ll run into trouble, and spend the rest of their season getting high. Finish 8-6 (#4 seed). 3. Domestic Team Name (5-2): A solid team built around consistent players, the team of housewives and aprons does relatively well the rest of the year, but gets screwed Week 8 for not having the foresight to draft a quarterback that doesn’t have a bye in Week 8. Finish 10-4 (#2 seed). 4. John Curry All-Stars (5-2): Another solid team, the All-Stars will play well for the rest of the season, but wane down the stretch when their manager loses interest in favor of watching hockey. They still make the playoffs, however. Finish 5. Oklahoma City Storm (3-4): OCS is a hard seed to crack. Despite possessing one of the league’s most devoted managers, too much depends on inconsistent and disappointing players at key positions, not to mention the team’s susceptibility to tornadoes. Finish 6-8. 6. Dibiase’s Millions (2-5): The victim of not one, but two running back busts, Dibiase’s Millions have been struggling to find their stride all year, and given the production of Matt Forte and Steven Jackson, will continue to do so. Finish 4-10. 7. Cheddar’s Doritians (2-5): Though they have won two of their last three games, Cheddar’s Doritans will more than likely miss the playoffs due to their slow start. Putting too much faith in one team probably doesn’t help, either. Finish 6-8. 8. The Winnerz (0-7): Ironically enough, the Winnerz can't win. Even more ironically, if the Winnerz could figure out how to select their starting roster, they wouldn’t be half-bad. Unfortunately, signs point to the team not being able to figure that out, at least for this and possibly next season. Finish 0-14.
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Attn: Regarding an article hosted on your website[edit source]
Dear Mr/Ms Fredd The Mahmauscher/Archive 4, We were thinking 3010: And Another Odyssey, by J K Rowling? Please let us know. Your obedient servant (in a figurative sense) |
It's a bit late, but not as late as a late parrot. Thanks! Sir MacMania GUN—[14:03 3 Nov 2009]
Thanks![edit source]
MAHMOOSHA 2.0[edit source]
Is pretty funny. Did FAKEtech steal your girlfriend too? • • • Necropaxx (T) {~} Tuesday, 21:37, Nov 3 2009
Oh yeah, I wanted to mention that. Love the new user page *on time* Jenny? 03:40,4November,2009
- Oh, thank you, adopapa! Also, remember when you said that you like my bin laden article? Well, I want you to VFH it • •
• 03:43, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
- Did you get it Pee Reviewed already? Oh, and speaking of articles I like on PR, check it out
Jenny? 03:52,4November,2009
- Your leprechaun? Dude, you know I don't do reviews, but... My advice: add more jokes, subtle jokes so it doesn't contrast the serious tone of the article. The article itself is more well-written than anything I've ever written, but it needs more laughs.. • •
• 04:09, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
- The UnTweets is up
Jenny? 01:23,5November,2009
- The UnTweets is up
- Your leprechaun? Dude, you know I don't do reviews, but... My advice: add more jokes, subtle jokes so it doesn't contrast the serious tone of the article. The article itself is more well-written than anything I've ever written, but it needs more laughs.. • •
- Did you get it Pee Reviewed already? Oh, and speaking of articles I like on PR, check it out
Thanks[edit source]
![]() Thanks, <insert name here>, for ruining the pathos of my plight by voting for my featured article. |