Worst 100 Animals of All-Time
These are the worst animals ever seen on earth.
100-91[edit | edit source]
- 100. Raccoon
- I really don't know how to explain this one.
- 99. Chihuahua
- Are they a cat, a dog or a mouse? Who knows?
- 98. Koala Bear
- They are really cuddly!
- 97. Praying Mantis
- Who made these?
- 96. Toad
- The cheap version of the Frog.
- 95. Liger/Tion
- A stupid combination of a Tiger and a Lion.
- 94. Poison Tree Frog
- Hard to tell what this is.
- 93. That stick creature
- Nobody knows what to call this.
- 92. Chimpanzee
- Even though their smart... It's a monkey.
- 91. Deer
- One lousy animal that can run fast and jump high.
90-81[edit | edit source]
- 90. Antelope
- Isn't this the same as 91?
- 89. Yak
- A fat Buffalo.
- 88. Reindeer
- The same as 91 and 90?
- 87. Buffalo
- A lot of yaks.
- 86. Leopard
- A spotted Cheetah.
- 85. Chameleon
- Wow! They can change colors, isn't that amazing?!
- 84. Cow
- Shits a lot and now my farm smells like a skunk.
- 83. Elephant
- It also shits and makes the whole zoo smell.
- 82. Polar Bear
- A brown bear that's white.
- 81. Seal
- The same as a Sea-Lion.
80-71[edit | edit source]
- 80. Elk
- The same as 88, 91 and 90?
- 79. Frog
- A French princess kissed it!
- 78. Hummingbird
- A bird that hums. Hmmmmmmm...
- 77. Penguin
- They waddle funny. That's about it. Apparently they don't actually live in igloos, how disappointing.p
- 76. Unibra
- May sound like a perverted fantasy, but is in fact the cross of a Zebra and a Unicorn.
- 75. Vampire Squid
- Always fighting with Werewolf Squid.
- 74. Rat
- Made the plague.
- 73. Rhino
- Always horny.
- 72. Slug
- Very slimy. Hate salt.
- 71. Sperm Whale
- A whale with the libido of an otter and the penis of a horse.
70-61[edit | edit source]
- 70. Moose
- The same as 80, 88, 91 and 90?
- 69. Blue tit
- This bird is not a hooter.
- 68. Mouse
- One came with my computer!
- 67. Blackbird
- The Beatles did this song. That's why!
- 66. Cockroach
- HARD as fuck to kill.
The author of this article does not care at all if you edit it – heck, your stuff is probably funnier than theirs. |
60-51[edit | edit source]
60. Salamander- slimy and gross
59. Leech- like the tax collecting assholes they are.
58. Australians- really a subspecies of Homo sapiens but lacks the cognitive development of the last 10,000 years. Are easily mistaken for their cousins the stone-fish; but lazier and uglier.
57. New Zealanders- Much like Australians but only ten times worse with a high pitched voice.
55. Cats- Awful entitled little devils. All I can say.
54. Reddit Users - They’re really just pigs. Also known colloquially as dickheads, fucktards, scum, etc...
53. Nick- the king of Stonefish eats rotten fungi and bottom feeds off the excrement of his brethren. His jokes about kiwis fail 100% of the time.
52. Mosquito- what is worse than a flying leech/Aussie?
51. Ostrich- fucken freaky looking things with WW1 goggles on their head. If you mate one with a Nick you get a slug.
50-41[edit | edit source]
50. Lions. Except LionMaster, he's pretty cool, I guess.
49. Coaster Enthusiasts: They act entitled and complain when a roller coaster isn’t perfect I.e. not Steel Vengeance or Lightning Rod.
48. Woolly mammoths: What's so cool about them anyway? Aside from living in the frozen north, which is "cool" by definition, and being fucking extinct? They're just elephants.
47. Earthworms. They're just what you eat when nobody likes you and everybody hates you.
46. Naked mole-rats. Middle schoolers think they're funny, but come on. What do they even have going for them, like, anything?
45. Bats, they're obviously Bat Fuck Insane.
44. Habitual McDonald's denizens. Scientists predict that in 200 years, they may be the only species of whale left.
43. Hippopotamuses. Or hippopotami, like anyone gives a fuck. People think they're cool, but if you've ever seen one, they're basically just big rocks.
42. Salmon. They fuck and then fucking die. Seriously, what were you thinking, God?
41. Psittacosaurus. Lamest. Dinosaur. EVER.
40-31[edit | edit source]
40. Cormorants. They're just weird ducks that live in the ocean.
39. Badgers. You can't think about them without being reminded of that stupid video from like, 2002 or something.
38. MUSHROOM MUSHROOM, whoops, I mean Ahh snake ah snaaaaake oooooo ooh a snaaaaaaaake
37. Ogopogo. Just a bootleg Loch Ness monster because some guys just... wanted one. Maybe to attract tourists, or, whatever, which brings us to.
36: Jersey Devil.
30-21[edit | edit source]
29. Gollum This guy is the absolute hero of Lotr. I think. I don’t know what Lotr means. He also sounds like my Aunt Judith who always has caramels of indeterminate age in her pockets.
28. The blob fish These guys are the center of the cute/ugly debate. Make your own assumptions.
27. Tree Snot Green.
26. Elephants and donkeys. we put them both together here. They're both big, stupid creatures.
25. Peanut. This is a cat who is ded but doesn’t know it. His fur is falling out and his bones are exposed to the woRld tO sEe but he is still moving around.
24. Weird Al Yankovich (Original) The head of the original Weird Al Yankovich is on display in the Hall of National Treasures. It is happy to hold conversations with all who pass. Its body has been on a murderous rampage across the world. It’s calling card is a half eaten twinky wiener sandwich.
23. Fleas and bedbugs. Bloodsucking idiots who EAT YOUR LIFEGIVING JUICE
22. Mosquitoes as ticks. Same as 23 but the make you itch like crazy. At least their babies are good fish food.