Worst 100 Video Games of All Time
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What happens when a venuzelan is on pot. This will be the only thing that he hears when he dies. anyway, WHY THE HELL would you play this raw, uncondensed faggotry??????
Here are the Worst 100 Video Games of All Time, in human history. This list contains Games that do not exist, Blatant nonsense, and opinionated fact. Watch at your own risk.
100-91[edit | edit source]
- 100. Castlevania Lords of Shadow
- The worst Castlevania ever, due to the fact that it's technically Gods of War where you play as God and slay all evil, eventually running an epic conflict against the magic wielding zombie "Satan." And the fags who created it said IT IS A DIFFERENT SERIES.
- 99. Contra hard corps uprising
- The legendary contra has forever ruined. FOREVER.
- 98. DO THE WTC
- Play as you, Jew, Osama bin Laden, George Dubya Bush or Jaws, and do the WTC with your 1337 skills for teh lulz! The final weapon is the NUKE!
- 97. Operation V.I.D.E.O.G.A.M.E.
- The idea that Cartoon network creates a game about adult pwning kids had failed so miserably that it caused a mass outcry to kill Craig mc. Crapper and Ted turner because their cartoons stopped being funny for the 90000th time.
- 96. World of warcraft
- Despite acclaimed by many as the best MMORPG ever, in truth it is a mind controlling program to cut down the reproduction rate of mankind, produced by Blizzard, or the malevolent source of faggotry himself.
- 95. Gaia Online
- Forged by the deepest level of faggotry, weeaboos and Furries themselves, they squirmed into this pile of Japanese faggotry and fat. Even the Japanese anons ridicule this pile of weeaboo-nazi fuckfest of an "online game."
- 94. Hitler: Legend of Lulz
- Play as the furher and create teh lulz by pwning teh jews and chinks and commit lollercaust!!!! However, watch out for the allies anti-lulz vigilantes!
- 93. Plants vs. Zombies war
- After EA bought popcap, we knew the apocalypse had come.
- 92. Rule 34: Powerpuff Girls Edition
- 91. Castlevania: Simon's Quest
- Oh dear. Not only is this game crap, you just fell asleep while grinding hearts by killing the same 4 monsters just for a holy water. Right at the start of the game.
90-81[edit | edit source]
- 90. H Story
- of the weirdest things to fap to you fap to a anthromorphic robot with a name called "Curly Brace". Your penis should be cut off as a sacrifice to pixel.
- 89. 初音ミク and Future Stars Project Mirai
- Anyone playing this game is a 40 year old basement dwelling weeaboo, or a 16 year old hippopotamus.
- 88. Dr. Kawashima's brain washing
- This game requires you to stare onto the screen and it will hypnotize you to sacrifice a 3 year old child for him to rape. alas, it's legal in Japan. Then you wake up like there's nothing happened.
- The creator has been pwnt by Islam 1337 hax0rs for some reason.
- 86. Wikipedia MMORPG
- Boring basement dwelling at it's finest.
- 85. Minecraft
- A shitty
sandbox gamevirgin graveyard where lonely men die alone. Examples of fags who play are basement dwellers, weeaboos, and bronies.
- 84. Runescape
- Another pitiful graveyard where lonely men go to die.
- 83. The benevolent god, our savior
- You can't fucking lose in this game. NEVER.
- 82. DeviantART
- MMORPG where people share their art, Talent and Prose. Also the main export is Beautiful masterpieces and Elegant poetry.
- 81. Castlevania 64
- Konami wanted to create something that its fans wouldn't buy. They did a bit too well.
80-71[edit | edit source]
- 80. I wanna be the guy
- Masochism at it's finest.
- 79. Satan's ultimate warrior
- Play as a Satanist and Liberate all those who are brainwashed by thy greatest dictator and eventually pwn the dictator himself in the name of the dark one!
- 78. Catfight
- This says it all for itself.
- 77. My Little Pony:Friendship is magic:The game
- Friendship and magic at it's best, it is so manly that even Feminists won't touch it. only 40 year old basement dwellers and neckbeards, as well as hardcore Bronies.
- 76. The conquest for judgement
- Religion-based 3D fighting game for the Wii. It has caused Buddhists, Jews, Muslims, Christians, Mayans, pagans, and Satanists team up to kill Hideo Kojima for making this.
- 75. The Powerpuff girls : him-and-seek
- pure faggotry at it's finest. Cartoon Network should never make games since this point. Never.
- 74. Twilight the game
- Despite twitards love everything twilight, they can't help nauseating upon seeing the game played for even one second. Even Castlevania judgement had never saw such faggotry.
- 73. Ecoterrorist
- Jihad under the name of Mother Nature! Burn buildings, sink whaling boats, assassinate logging company CEOs and steal animal from inhumane zoos in this green jihad for mother nature! You eventually have to make a greenhouse device that turns the world into a sea of trees!
- 72. Seizure: the game
- 71. Furaffinity
- Like DeviantART, but with more Furries and lulz.
70-61[edit | edit source]
- 70. Zork (uncyclopedia version)
- In fact, all Uncyclopedia text adventures sucked. THEY ALL SUCK. Don't create one.
- 69. Jihad
- Kill all infidels in the name of Allah! starting from a Christmas cracker in a us family, to a mass attack on the twin towers! ALLAH ACKBAR!!!!!!!!
- 68. Pokemon Gen X
- The 10th generation of pokemon. Nobody cares.
- 67. Dildo wars
- A Fighting game where you fight with dildos! From a carrot to a mecha dildo that can shoot laser semen, you name it! Join the sex toy fun now!
- 66. Independence day
- that's why movies shouldn't have games.
- 65. Civilization peace
- No wars. You just sit there, and make friends with other nations. Where's the fun of that?
- 64. Pokemon furry
- If there's a fetish, pokemon always take it first. including furries.
- 63. Fan-made My little pony game
- Now with horsecock for you to clop with.
- 62. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
- 400 minutes into the game, and you're screwed.
- 61. Daikatana
- Romero wants to make you his bitch. NO SERIOUSLY. DON'T
60-51[edit | edit source]
- 60. Syobon action
“Syobon Action hates you. You’ll find this out the hard way: every jump, platform, mushroom, pipe... even the cloud in the background is out there to kill you. In time, you will hate Syobon Action.”
This says it all. Not to mention that you will probably go insane while playing this.
- 59. Nature: the game
- Play as an low tier animal and raise yourself up the ranks. Just make sure that there's no respawn in this game, if you got eaten, you might as well as dead.
- 58. Amerika's klan
- Play as the KKK and your goal is to exterminate all niggers from America, then parcitipate against a final battle against the lord of all niggers, Barack Obama. HEIL TEH KLAN!
- Gauranteed to crash your operating system, no matter it's a windows, mac or linux. WHERE IS YOUR BACKUP NOW????????
- 56. Okami
- Fit for furfags and weeaboos of all ages.
- 54. Drug dealers from the Dark ghettos
- Play as a drug dealer and sell marijuana, syringes from street toilets, and cocaine. just don't let the cops spoil the fun.
- 53. Math: the game
- Highly educational role-playing game with maths that you, a basement dweller won't suceed in defeating. Overall a basement dweller's worst nightmare.
- 52. trick virtual girl
- Once you thought you had found a sexy teen, it turns out that it is......A GUY!!!! YOU HAVE FELL INTO A TRAP!
- 51. Super Smash Bros. Tourneyfag version
50-41[edit | edit source]
- 50. Resident evil:Legacy of 34
- Umbrella decided that everybody might as well as have a mass orgy so they invented a virus where people turn into sex-hungry zombies. Orgy ensues.
- 49. Meme warriors: Revenge of the power 5
- In case if you don't know what the power 5 means, you better not.
- 48. The impossible quiz
- an insult to human intelligence.
- 47. Call of duty:The text adventure
- Call of duty, now in text adventure version!
- 46. Gurochan
- Guro hentai game. cut a girl's body and reveal the Sexually appealing intestines! then you can hook it out as long as she is alive!
- 45. Pong: The next gen
- Now in 3D graphics!
- 44. Extreme gullotine WII
- Gullotine them all within 20 minutes! The highest value target is Barack Obama!
- 43. Semen shooters wii
- Let's see who can shoot the semen into the hole! Purchase viagra to make your penis bigger, Lubricants to make you shoot more longer-ranged semen, and Bonus appearances of Mike Tyson and Jesus!
- 42. Bible: the game
- Play as God, Jesus, Moses, John, Paul and more in this epic quest of violence, gore and Malevolence, all for the name of thy great dictator!
- 41. UncycBot
- All he says is nonsense. All he bleches is a blatant pile of lies. that is all.
40-31[edit | edit source]
- 40. OS crasher ultimate
- Now with Guaranteed BSOD.
- 39. Your mom
- For some reason she doesen't do anything.
- 38. Echoes
- All it does is playing that annoying mosquito sound.
- It doesen't listen your commands. When you call this game to go left, it drops you onto a pit. All it does is to troll you to death, and that's it's job.
- 36. Atari's world next gen
- ET the game, pac-man atari, pong, jet set willy and more, now in 3D graphics!
- 35. Justin bieber's tour 2013
- No seriously. you know how justin bieber looks like now? he looks like a fag.
- 34. Communist China Online
- Online game where you destroy the evil reign of the chinese communists! The final boss is Chairman Mao! Reported to be illegal in china, and anybody who played this game in china were tortured to death in a torture chamber.
- 32. Uncyclopedia: the game
- Meh, you can't become a sysop. just quit it. Also, you die out of boredom while admins destroy all your articles.
- 31. Super kim
30-21[edit | edit source]
- 30. Rise of the robots
- Once thought to be super 1337, It turns out to be an angalamation of putridness, faggotry, and Disastrous gameplay. First, You can only control 1 cyborg, and that cyborg can only kick. Why they can't just give him some laser already? Secondly, you can't fucking even run past the FIRST guy you meet due to your "Cyborg"'s gayness.
- 29. I wanna see you suffer
- 28. Final fantasy 20
- Predicted to release at 2020, and it single handley brought the videogame industry to it's demise. thankfully it hasn't happened YET.
- 27. Pokemon online simulator
- 26. My little pony: Order of celestia
- Another blatant castlevania ripoff, crafted by the hands of faggotry, or lauren faust.
- 27. Ju-On: The grudge
- You will lose your ability to sleep. forever.
- 26. Superman 64
- Marvel, quit making videogames about your shitty heroes.
- 25. Bat Fuck Insane: the game
- Basically this game is full of laser beam eyes, seizures, dancing Goatses, dancing milk, SHOOP DA WOOP, I'M FLAPPIN MY ARMAS!!!!!! AND UR MOM IS SOOOO GHEY!!!!!!!!! Then a clown hypnotizes you at the end and you become just like trippin' on shrooms.
- 24. Club penguin
- if you are 18 year old or above, you should never play this game unless you are a pedo.
- 23. Sonic 2006
- 2006 is acclaimed by many rabid sonic fantards as the disaster of the franchise. This is the only thing they say that was right.
- 22. Bubsy 3D
- Ran over the poor thing like a roadkill ran over by a truck.
- 21. Pokemon Diamond and Jade
- Bootleg games at it's finest. It's crappiness supresses those nostalgiafags that are ruining the franchise, and it fats and instructs anyone who play it for it's sheer faggotry.
20-11[edit | edit source]
- 20. Black Box
- There's a small box for you to walk around. that's it.
- 19. Disaster Movie: the game
- As of movie based games are not crappy enough, It's the most disatrous plagarism "movie" made into a shitty game. Truly an ultimate combo for sheer horror.
- 18. Charlie's angels
- This is so terrible that Your mom shat bricks upon seeing it. Thieves called "Monument pirates" stole the statue of liberty within 5 seconds, Boneless Mollusc ninjas wearing swimsuits fighting other swimsuit people, and the worst "Jumping" animation that is concieved into mankind, All melted into this pile of movie-game faggotry. Nobody can stand this game for more than 5 seconds straight, and those who survived the impact died of laughter.
- 17. R34 Paheal: The grand orgy
- It's the grand orgy of the century, and All your childhood dreams, ponies, pokemon, powerpuff girls, curly brace, transformers, battletoads, Imaginary friends, Kim, Belmonts, alucard, dracula, Mario, zelda, link, luigi, weegee, hitler, Jill Valentine, and more had joined this fuckfest of the century. Lulz and hilarity ensues.
- 16. Godslayer: Rage of athetism
- Religion has sinned mankind since the start of man, and the master of athetists will slay all religion, salvage all infidels, and break free of the world from the grips of thy greatest dictator! plus bonus burka sex scenes!
- 15. Black screen
- There's a black screen. other than that you can just die already.
- 14. Table Hero
- Just like guitar hero, but with table and stick.
- 13. Call Of Duty: Black Ops
- If you are playing this game, just die already. And you read it right.
- 12. Out of jimmies head: the game
- not only it is the most unfunny title that has shown in the face of cartoon network, This game idea is outright terrible and Ted turner will be pwnt by a mass public outcry. Then, players will start to question the exsistence of the game itself, as it has spiraled to the depths of vahalla.
- 11. Faggotry: the game
- This game is quite good, aside of ponies having buttsex with each other, wolves fellating each other in a 69, Ken fingering Barbie, Naruto and sasuke Yaoi, Cave story porn, Castlevania porn, Men dressed as unicorns, hitler shooting laser beam eyes, Anthromorphic horses raping jews, Black people raping Pokemon.... you name it, it's here.
10-1[edit | edit source]
- 10. Red Ring of Death
- One Xbox game that it's fanboys will never want to play.
- 9. Atari Pac-Man
- Despite pac-man is an excellent title, Atari has sucessfully turned it into a masterpiece of faggotry. Anyone who played this game should wash their eyes and ears with industrial nuclear soap.

Not only that it is a huge piece of win, it even rocked the sale charts.
- 8. Custer's Revenge
- Naked 8-bit Hentai game made by atari. Anyone who bought it turned into a puddle of semen.
- 7. Ipad pokemon yellow
- Scam of the century. Caused public outcry in pokemon fandom.
- 6. Blue screen of death
- Not only this game is the bane of windows fanboys, it's not a matter of if this game plays, it's when. once this game plays, this will be the last thing your windows did, because yo' pc will haff it' ass kicked.
- 5. Internet
- Not only playing this game will make you even more lifeless than a Zombie playing world of warcraft, it is impossible to defeat, since the final boss cannot be defeated by you.
- 4. Life
- Life is like a game, but you have only 1 life, no super powers and no continues.
- 3. Football Manager 2010 by EA
- You won't go to the world cup. Never. Not even me, possibly due to boredom. Also, is the same game as 5 years before.

ET has stunned many players with it's revoloutionary graphics.
- 2. ET: The extra terrestrial
- This is the win of the 20th century. Not only it has hit the roof of sales for a game that has produced within 4 months, it has revolutionized the gaming industry, and forever sealed a curse that movie-based video games become top winning sellers. this all of course, was sacrasm.
- 1. CrazyBus
- 0. Your Mom Simulator 2069
- Penises everywhere, nuff said.